The Road Development Agency (RDA) has with immediate effect terminated the pedicle road contract that was signed between RDA and Fratelli Locci on August,5, 2011, at a tender sum of K313 Billion.
Speaking at a media briefing this morning, RDA Acting Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bernard Chiwala, disclosed that the contract was terminated after a review of the procurement processes in awarding the contract showed that the procurement procedures were flouted.
Mr Chiwala said RDA has since taken steps to ensure that a new contractor is appointed with minimum delay and works on the pedicle road are expeditiously carried out as planned.
He said on August 14th this year, RDA formed an integrity committee meant to foster integrity and honesty in procuring contracts, encourage transparency, and promote proficiency.
Mr Chiwala said the committee will continue to investigate and analyze the procurement processes undertaken in several other contracts to ensure transparency in public contract procurement and management.
This is good. By end of 2013 we will all appreciate what the PF govt is doing. Remember, this is what happened when Mwanawasa was elected president. We all called him cabbage, but he died T-Bone!
The introducation of Just Institutions that protects flourshing lifestyles FOR ALL is the way forward for Zambia and Africa…we cannot continue to be the laughing stock of the rest of the world due to corruption behaviours that they (rest of the world) are happy to engage in with our ‘selfish leaders’ and then still go back to there rich worlds and write bullllshit concerning our way of life…THIS MOVE BY GOVT IS EXCELLENT! Africa going forward will have to start with us first…thats what South Asia did…
make sure the road is done.ba pf.
The more logical thing to do in my opinion is to let the contractor finish the job as scheduled versus spending precious time re-advertising, negotiating, and issuing new tenders for the road. If there is proof of any wrong doing, prosecute those that were directly involved and, blacklist the contractor from undetaking future road construction projects.
Boss, its like entering into contract with a minor; you cannot say that a minor consented to this or that; the fact is the issue is a non starter at law. Problem in Zambia is we want to “negotiate for everything”; sometimes corrupt people have to be dealt with in such a way so that when they lose, others can see for themselves. Highest cost of construction in the region with the most mediocre quality of output; how do you reconcile the two? Now RDA is working!!
@Kibinda: Interesting allegory though I don`t quite follow who is the minor in this case? and how relevant this allegory is with respect to the point I make – GRZ is losing out more by cancelling this contract rather than keeping it. On the costs being higher in Zambia, our being land-locked and reliance on imports probably explains this… On the quality, we would need to see the specifications on each road contract to see if its truly value for money… We may have bugeted for less and got less quality as well…
Make sure all the contracts that were given with question marks are checked and ensure transparency!! I really love Governement.You are really making us proud…we are now even seeing wat we cud not see during the MMD time.
Great! We need honest companies that will build excellent roads. Ba PF kindly investigate the procurement of the Luanshya turn off road as you go to Ndola from Kapiri. Zambia spent a lot of money on resurfacing that road. But only 3 years later the road is full of potholes…I think that is a result of corruption. Ask some questions there we need answers.
Which contractor is working on Pendela road in Garden Compound? This road has not yet been worked on but has been partly Tarmaced about 200 Meters. This is the roaound that Joins Kasangula to Katima Mulilo road before being connected to the Garden Mwasauka Market.
Well done Bernard.
This is good to ensure that the incoming or even the current Govt. does things correctly. Please investigate the Mbala-Kasaba bay road contract as well. The Road was given to a villager contractor(I think). It is un imaginable that a contractor awarded that tender could constract a road that two cars cannot pass each other. One has to stop and let the other oner pass before proceeding. And we say we are comitted to promoting tourism.
Good PF, but you should also not steal like the MMD did. Be transparent so that all Zambians benefit. Ignore the people born to be bitter and to hate. Just concentrate on delivering and all the 2016 is yours…amen.
Yes give these contracts to people who supported your campaigns.
They will also Give to friends contracts. wait. GBM will soon form a raod construction company with Alex Chikwanda and they will take over all road construction jobs, remeber the issue of State House Renovations. Renovated what?????? Zambia still being milked to the bone.
Having Benard leading the team such evils will not prevail.
I hope RDA has done its homework on this issue as termination of any contract has its own obligations.The Contractor might sue for damages for premature termination of a duly awarded contract.It is further hoped that RDA will prove that the contract was awarded due to corruption.
God forbid if the only reason the contract has been terminated is because RB’s son has a commission on it.By the way, how much money has already been released to the contractor?
@4, Member of ……: I think it is more important and urgent at this time for the government to send a strong and unequivocal message to all that corruption does not pay. Even though the country will experience some delay in the completion of that road, the action by the RDA (government) to cancel the Fratelli Locci contract is the best, in the circumstances.
@Mungoma: Thank you for your valuable contribution. I agree with you when you say a strong message needs to be sent and that is why I suggested the prosecution of the offenders and blacklisting from future road construction projects. Where I disagree with you is on the rationalisation of the delay. Instead of paying the contractor who is already on site to finish the road in the stipulated timeframes which is cheaper, you prefer: 1) GRZ withdraws the contactor and lose whatever monies were paid for him to move on site 2) GRZ spends another one to two years re-advertising, negotiating and awarding the road tender, which attracts more sitting allowances for tender committee sitting on the same road 3) GRZ pays higher rates on account of inflation 4) GRZ pay the new contractor to move on site
5) In the mean the country`s road users spend close to five years in total to use the so-called new road…. What will the travelling public and transporter use inbetween? Also, how do you justify all these costs as less important compared to making a point that corruption does not pay???
Well done Mr Chiwala.Fellow Zambians let us support this initiative.Praise the Lord at last we have the right man.The President has appointed the right man to lead the team.Benard is a man who fears the Lord.He has left marks where ever he had worked.
To Benard i salute you Sir.Well done and may the Lord richly bless you.
i hope that the government is not acting on impulse and hatred for Mr Banda because Zambians might suffer instead. Fratelli should have finished the Pedical road and they would have refrained from awarding them further contracts. Now the construction will be delayed.
Let the contract be given to someone serious, it has taken long just to do a portion of 28kms.
Such a useless biggoted minister dressed in a suit. He can dress appropriately, inspecting dust road he could have been in jeans or something simple. Looking so fulish.
Infact the contract must ve bn terminated earlier….the contractor for past 1yr has only managed to gravel 11km. it wud ve taken them 10 yrs to finish constructing that road……let serious contractors takeup pedical road
Yaba, and these guys have really been at work.
Well done,check also the roads awraded to SABLE takataka,mo in the eastern province!!!
This is a welcome move by RDA, however you ve delayed for too long.Its because of such criminality that has prompted the President to be involved in road contracts;something somewhere must be wrong wiyh RDA!
What happens to the people who approved the tender? Do they go scot free?
The contractor Loccis in court over this issue!
When irregularities are discovered in the procurement process; matters should be swiftly referred to the ACC…let’s see some bodies behind bars!
So that means if Maiko Sirtar becomes the president of Zambia, all his children should not partner with investors or other companies. Period.
Guys dont you think we are using corruption to be corrupt ourselves? I think some chaps wanted the same contract awarded to a specific contractor who was not awarded and they have opted to use the name corruption to direct the same contractor who they think should have goten it. Its ecomical to cancel a contract like that because other costs like advertsing sitting allowance of the selecting commitee and probaly legal penaty
for cancelling a contract.
My sentiments exactly. The beneficiaries of the whole process will change.
Iwe lonero, bushe uli wakwisa? Are you from an asteroid or do you belong to any of the 10 planets? From being a diplomat to partnering with road contractors, bushe muli sense umo?
Guyz, jst vote 4 sam imusho one of this fine days.I Can assure u that i will finish corruption in 48hrs.Its simple,thoz who will b founding wanting will b court martiled and sentenced 2 death by firing squad.
In my experience , you only terminate a contract if you are acting in the best interest of the contract. Expecially the original intended benefits and or the beneficiaries. In which case , becuase of the cloud hanging over Flatelli Locci , alot of us who use that road should not suffer because of their poor judgement in getting the tender( soft words for corruption). I therefore join my other colleagues in saluting Mr Chiwala for terminating the contract and reappointing as quickly as possible in the best interest of the Nation. Well done Bernard. Strategic Leadership
You see the coming of PF in to power was to bring change and lower the rates of unemployment but honestly terminating the contract in my opinion has actually raised the rates of unemployment there raising activities like crime and prostitution,my advise to the RDA is that they should act wise and fast patterning to the issue at hand and make sure that all the employees jobs are safe as they are our friends and family