Minister of Sport and Youth, Chishimba Kambwili, says the creation of new districts across the country by President Michael Sata was done in good faith.
Mr Kambwili noted that it was therefore imperative that all citizens countrywide support the President’s move to create new districts in the country.
ZANIS reports that the Minister was speaking when he met Chongwe District Commissioner, (DC) Stanslous Mutale, in the newly created Rufunsa District shortly before he officiated at the first Chiyota Youth Reosurce Centre in the area yesterday.
Mr Kambwili noted that people should not condemn the creation of new districts because the idea by Mr Sata was meant to ensure that development is taken as close as possible to the people in the country.
He added that the Patriotic Front (PF) government, under the leadership of Mr Sata, wants to ensure that citizens benefit from all the development that is and would be taken to them.
And Mr Kambwili also noted that government is committed to development Rufunsa and many other parts of the country.
Meanwhile, Chongwe DC, Stanslous Mutale, noted that Rufunsa has seen a number of developmental projects taking place in the area.
Mr Mutale cited some of the development taking place as the rehabilitation of roads and building of houses among other projects.
Same old staff. Rubbish all the time.
Yes , we support the creation as new jobs are now available. Young people will be employed in those districts even development is being taken closer to the people. Good move.
nonsense..take development to those areas..
Why doesn’t President Sata have anyone from North Western Province in his cabinet? He has a number of nominated MPs and I thought he would have used that constitutional authority to balance-up the composition of his cabinet. He is the first president to leave out an entire region from his cabinet and this region (NWP) is contributing dearly to the national coffers through Kansanshi and other big mines.
A huge man KAMBWILI why not CHIMBWILI
Hahahahaha. That’s a good one. Ichipi ichaina.
Better not comment. This pig doesn’t deserve the platform, Iam
not sure he even knows what is talking about. What a swam of clueless chancers running the affairs of our country. His stuffed nose sticks in every business and territory it sniffs, familiar or unfamiliar. Everyone in this semi-literate government is a spokesman on everything, a chaotic drama never witnessed before anywhere in the history of politics.
Minister of Sport and Youth, Chishimba Kambwili, says the creation of new districts across the country by President Michael Sata was done in good faith.., which faith cause the only faith that man has is BAD not from my mouth but from his deeds… what good can come from creating new provinces PLEASE explain to us lay persons but as usual you just vomiting what your SATA told you without you evening questioning the BENEFITS. Kinder Garden Ministers Believing Everything there TEACHER/HEAD MASTER tells them.i pity you backboneless politicians.
kambwili indeed, you are very small inside that is why you are kambwili.
I do agree these new districts have created more jobs for zambians , some people are so dull that they canot see jobs in new districts , in the district you will have police post ,new office orderies, new officers ,electricity ,computers a district sec school ,you will have new roads for communication ,you will need a market , messengers alot more for the local people
@lenora i think u’ve got anger management prblm.if u think u mo knowlegable can u please put forwad yo ideas.it doesnt pay 2 castigate our leaders like u’ve done. I wld advise u 2 contest as an Mp in yo constituency so that u cld benefit 4rm yo ideas.
Sam Imusho
The new districts you are talking about they already have offices and roads and schools, police posts, electricity, computers and schools. If there is any new development that is needed, it can be done without declaring a place to be a district. All the districts have PF cadres for DCs, now those who did not have jobs and they think they worked for PF to be in power are the ones benefiting from these districts not a common zambian. You are very much behind in your analysis. You can not see the mathematics of politics.
Chishimba is a buffoon, Sata’s clueless cheerleader; who shouldn’t have been put in any ministerial building…he has still not articulated to us how he is going to implement his National Service scheme.
heaps of crap!
Rufunsa was not developed by PF, you should be ashamed of yourself ba kambwili, talking about the development you did not do. We know that all the building of homes started with Chiluba’s home empowerment, and road projects with Mwanawasa, and the people of Zambia are driving good vehicles kano fye uushilefwaya. You kambwili you are one of those Zambians who have benefited from the MMDs policies. Wika ponta noku ponta. Because hwen we come back into power I will not spare you?