Agriculture and Livestock Minister Emmanuel Chenda yesterday told parliament that civil servants will no longer benefit from the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) as it is meant for vulnerable but resourceful farmers.
Responding to a question by Mapatizya MP Clive Miyanda (UPND), Mr Chenda said though some civil servants had in the past benefited, the programme was for the vulnerable farmers.
He said that civil servants belonging to co-operatives could participate in other activities they could not benefit from FISP because they were in gainful employment.
He said that the government would this year spend more than K865 billion on the FISP and that it was looking at ways of decentralizing the issuance of certificates to co-operatives in order to reduce the cost.
Earlier Agriculture and Livestock deputy minister Rodgers Mwewa said the government had made improvements to the FISP by including sorghum, groundnuts and cotton seeds.
Responding to Mwembeshi MP Austin Milambo (UPND), Mr Mwewa said farmers would have a choice of what crops they wanted to grow. He said only farmers from established co-operatives existing for more than one year and without any outstanding payments would benefit from the FISP.
Another deputy minister in the same ministry Luckson Kazabu said the government intended to buy one million tonnes of maize at a cost of K1.3 trillion in the current crop marketing season. He said farmers were supposed to be paid for the supplied maize within 30 days after supplying.
He said from next week the FRA would start paying farmers that had not yet been paid adding the delay was partly because the agency was unable to borrow extra money due to problems encountered in the past.
From the Shamenda stupidy to Chenda;s foolishness. what the hell is Going on in PF? Cicil servants ask what has happened to Kambwili who told u that u had won 100% salary increament only to recieve 4%. ha ha ha ha…. Zambians very docile.. that is why Politicians lie to us.
Eeh, mwe bantu nga myeba ifishinka tamufwaya, kamo ifya bufi. we told you the PF is telling you lies, and you never wanted to listen. Everything now is going wrong, what sort of people are these in PF kanshi mwe Lesa?
Eeh, mwe bantu nga ba myeba ifishinka tamufwaya, kamo ifya bufi. we told you that the PF is telling you lies, and you never wanted to listen. Everything now is going wrong, what sort of people are these in PF kanshi mwe Lesa?
what was the rationale of giving civil servants when we all know that FISP is a targeted at poor resource farmers to improve food production. Its this twisted way of doing things that has contributed and continue to contribute to poverty in this Country. Nobody thinks a little beyond their desires. Giving Civil servants fertilizer was meant to increase support for the previous regime. What they did not know was that the political land scape had changed and that they were no longer popular. Lets do the right thing for once and avoid these pitfalls.
Can’t believe this man is now a minister. A very dull chap. Failed to run the Ndola City Council as town clerk and was bankrupt and only relieved after joining the government as MP/Minister. Now I wonder what development such a person will bring to the nation. Clearly he has no capacity to think and you wonder why Zambia never develops. Our country is classified as one of the 50 LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRY not DEVELOPING!
# 1 & 2 strange that you cant see sense in his statement.Yu dont seem ton understand what this programme is all about..Any you are entilted to your shallow opinion.
@ mpangula mputyu you are the one who is foolish, try to apply some constructive criticism (FISP) is meant for vulnerable but resourceful farmers not civil servants. @mulondwe muzungu be a man grow up you are the one who is behaving like a very dull chap i think you just have a personal hatred for the man.
#4.May I ask you how much do some civil servants get per month? Negigeble.Therefore fertilizer from the government was helpful as it increased the annual income after selling the farm produce.I
This is very stupid by the kaponyas..they are not sure of what to do in terms of governance..,2016 tepatali ukutumpaa!
@ man-mule. Were you a beneficiary of the FISP for you to be against such a positive action? Good work GRZ! Let the resources trickle down to those they are intended for and not those that are in gainful employment. Am sure these civil servants were just reselling the inputs for extra cash to the same farmers who should have had them for free.Â
Imwe ba PF finshi bamichita ama civil servants, all the benefits we had mu MMD yonse namupoka.
1. No transport for civil servants from GSS 4 and above and these are the majority mind u!
2. U have removed retention and recruitment allowances to all degree holders and other allowances
3. A salary increment was just a mockery
4. Now mulebosa ati no Fertilizer support for civil servants u told u that civil servants are not peasant farmers.
Just a remainder dont expect a vote from a suffering cavil servant
Minister has spoken sense, most of the fertiliser was sold to other pipo 4 profit. Kwena bamunshilumbulwa ba lisha basha nga imbeu iibi sana. From my understanding this was meant for vunerable productive folks, not a full time monthly paid civil servant. Most of the civil servants are in the middle class now. Pipo complain and yet are driving mule kwatako no luse bane. What is HH saying.
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