British High Commissioner to Zambia James Thornton has advised the Zambian government to spend the recently acquired US$ 750 million Euro Bonds towards projects that will benefit all Zambians in order to reduce poverty.
And Her Royal Highness Princess Anne today took a tour of three charity projects run by the British Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) to learn and encourage efforts made by staff to better the lives of the local communities.
Answering questions from Journalists today during a visit to one of the charitable organisations, Mr. Thornton said it was imperative for the Patriotic Front (PF) government o ensure that the money was prudently used to better the lives of Zambians.
He praised the government for acquiring the Euro Bonds which he said should used to create wealth and end poverty.
“I wish to praise the government for acquiring the Euro Bonds which I feel can reduce poverty and make the country prosperous if it is prudently used for projects that will benefit all Zambians,” said Mr. Thornton.
Mr. Thornton also said the British government enjoys the good relations that exist between the two countries adding that it will continue to offer all forms of support in all sectors to help Zambia achieve tangible economic development.
Mr. Thornton said it was a great honour to serve in Zambia, a country he said had strong ties and had huge potential for economic development.
He expressed hope that the visit by the Princess Royal to Zambia will further strengthen the relationship between the two countries.
Mr. Thornton also said the British government was deeply saddened by the death of Mama Betty Kaunda whom she noted contributed greatly to the country in so many ways.
And Princess Anne was today taken on a tour of some British – Run Charities in Livingstone including Butterfly tree in Chief Mukuni, the Book Bus and Riders for Health.
During the visit to Mukuni Village, Her Royal Highness listened to a 20 year –old beneficiary and how he lost out on University education due to lack of financial support.
In a moving talk Mudenda Hachoonda said he attended Mukuni Basic School and Monze High School where he obtained 16 points and was subsequently admitted in the School of Natural Sciences at the University of Zambia but could not go to school due to lack of funds.
Mr. Hachoonda who is currently pursuing a Diploma in teaching at David Livingstone Teachers Training College and is sponsored by Butterfly Tree has now been offered a bursary by the government to proceed to UNZA for his studies.
In a message delivered to the media through Kazungula District Commissioner Pascaline Musokotwane, Southern Province Permanent Secretary who was visibly moved by Mr. Hachoonda account of his difficulties, pledged to offer him a bursary at the highest learning institution.
The Princess Royal has since left for UK via South Africa this afternoon and was seen off at Harry Mwaanga Nkunmbula Airport by British High Commissioner to Zambia James Thornton, Southern Province Permanent Secretary Chileshe Mulenga, Livingstone Mayor Aggrey Njekwa and other senior government officials.
For decades onwards always telling me how to sleep with my wife…what a friend!!!
Because he cares and his the one that actually proposed that wife for you and he knows how bad you are in bed no wonder his advising you.get the picture?
Get it…bastard has been doing my wife for years, and other people’s wives through out the world…if you look closely you will notice that the fellow is actually the waste abuser!
In my own house…
No its a rented house and someone else is paying not you.
No, its my house…
and what happens when the euro as a currency collapses? We could have negotiated for a cheaper loan from China after identifying the necessary works to make Zambia a better country instead of going for a dying currency. It is also most likely that the Euro bond will be used to acquire goods and services from europe, a place with high costs and poor manufacturing capabilities. this bond only helps the euro to stay afloat when everyone else is working their way out the US dollar and the Euro. We must start working harder into making Gold our main backbone of the Kwacha.
You are trying to squeeze water from a stone…. stick to something the can understand.
The Engineer thinks all the technocrats working for the betterment of mother zambia are dull.
The Zambian High Commissioner Lt Col Nkunika has told the British government to reduce poverty among the British people by spending their money wisely. Nkunika urged Prime Minister Cameron to aim at improving the lives o all Britons.
US$ 750 million Euro Bonds towards projects that will benefit all Zambians in order to reduce poverty. that heading should be changed to ( US$ 750 million Euro Bonds towards projects that will benefit Sata and Friends in order to increase their Wealth ) not one inch of that money will be used to improve the lives of the poor unless you part of the family forest.i assume it will be used for province creation, salaries for commissions of esquires, relocation for never ending reshuffles and settling in allowance for appointments.
What advse. just bring a calculater. how many are we in zambia and we devide the national cake.
750/13= $57.69 per Zambian.
This means that every Zambian has borrowed $57.69 from the international market. Every Zambian will payback 5% over in interest over 10 years.
@Mimba, a eurobond is a generic term for funds borrowed on the international market. So although we borrowed US$750 million (not Euros); the bond is called a 750 million dollar eurobond!! So dont worry about the collapse of the Euro, although if we had borrowed in Euros and it collapsed we would have a lot of exchange gains. But let us leave that to the accountants and those in the borse (‘dealing rooms’). Less than 10% of Zambians contribute to the fiscus and thus the debt burden is per capita principle of US$1 000 plus US$500 interest or US$1 500 for each Zed payer. Andn remember this is a bond; no HIPC and unless we go dog like Greece, we wont even blackmail the lenders to take a ‘hair cut’!
Trust me they know how terrible African governments can be with financial management. I believe he is saying it out of genuine concern.