Thursday, March 13, 2025

Central PS condemns Chinese assault on Zambian worker


Central Province permanent secretary Anne Mwitwa, cautioning a chines supervisor working against mistreating Zambian workers
Central Province permanent secretary Anne Mwitwa, cautioning a chines supervisor working against mistreating Zambian workers

Central Province Permanent Secretary Anna Mwitwa has warned Chinese investors in the habit of violating the laws of the land to desist from the act and ensure that they treat the Zambian people working with them as fellow human beings.

Ms. Mwitwa said government will not take kindly to investors who ill-treat and victimize indigenous Zambians for no apparent reasons.

She said this when she toured Itezhi-tezhi High School to check on the progress of the construction works going on there.

The Permanent Secretary was, however, disturbed when she heard that a Chinese national, only identified as Mr. Owang, assaulted a Zambian casual worker on Wednesday, this week.

She condemned the act, saying she had noted with sadness the suffering that the Zambian people are going through under the hands of some foreign investors.

Ms. Mwitwa said instead of assaulting workers, foreign investors should concentrate on their work and appreciate the enabling environment created by government by upholding peace and tranquility with their Zambian employees.

She added that the Chinese investors should realize that they cannot invest in the country without the full support of all Zambians, hence the need for them to desist from abusing their opportunity of investing in the country.

She further bemoaned the shoddy works done at the school by the previous contractor, saying she was reliably informed that the contract was earlier awarded to a Zambian contractor who did not deliver according to people’s expectations.

The Permanent Secretary said it was unfortunate that Zambian contractors were the ones in the habit of doing shoddy works when they should be the pioneers of quality works in the country.

And earlier, a Chinese national who declined to give his identity told the Permanent Secretary that he assaulted the Zambian worker because Zambian workers insult and steal a lot.

Mr. Owang, who struggled to communicate in English, said he did not regret his detention because some of the Zambian workers working with him were unruly and irresponsible that he could not resist the temptation of assaulting any one of them.

He, however, refuted allegations that he assaulted the victim due to delayed disbursement of wages because he is always on time to pay the workers as per requirement.

And Itezhi-tezhi Police Officer-In-Charge revealed that the worker only known as Paul had since withdrawn the case against Mr. Owang.



  1. zambian workers are lazy, thieving and conniving, i sympathize with this chinese man…. the first thing they do when they arrive at the work put some take away in their bags…. as for the local contractors, they will demand payment even before commencing work and won’t pay their works who in turn take out their frustration on the works at hand and it fuels their thieving habits. disgusting!

  2. Mushota, please stop making silly coments about our country, concetrate on your white man hushand who is busy abusing you. Fool.

    • The people’s, just stick to issue at at hand, who mushota chooses to marry or sleep with is non out our business, but the plight of our people who on one hand need to be protected from abuse, but must also be taught the value of hard work  ad honesty.

  3. madam PS, please excuse us, how many warnings are you going to issue to these so called Chinese investors, why don’t you start taking an action e.g. taking them to court and if found wanting prison. otherwise don’t blame those Zambian workers when they take the law in their hands. i don’t like the behaviour of the so called Chinese investors!   

  4. Hey, hey, hold on right there, despite our different backgrounds and nationalities, we share one skin colour. Right from the outset I unreservantly condemn the PF regime for making these racist Chinese and others, ill treat our fellow brothers and sisters in inhumane manners for a long time without taking these criminals to court. Who is running Zambia as of now? Who is collecting taxes from these greedy racist investors? Who is giving information about specific locations where to invest their money? Who is turning a blind eye when they commit these racist atrocities on our fellow Africans? Who is not convicting them when they defile minor females in Zambia? All the above questions have a common denominator and it is the PF regime.These people must be thoroughly investigated and charged

  5. Zambians you complain too much when you lazy and thieves. Almost 3 out of every 5 Zambians I know has admited having stolen something in their working lives. It is stupid. If Zambia depended entirely on Zambians it would never develop….you just know how to drink too much alcohol. Most of you are also extremely dull —- infact it is as if dullness is an illness in the Zambian population. What a bunch of thieves. THieving is even more widespread than HIV/AIDS. You should be ashamed of yourselves..

    • You sound frustrated,my dull friend.I can easily guess your nationality.Too negative and backwards.Jealousy and envy will take you nowhere.What do you know about Zambians being extremely dull?That is exactly what YOU want Zambians to be; YOU,no one else but YOU.My exams are marked in Britain by the British;should I tell you my lowest grade?DISTINCTION, just imagine,DISTINCTION.But I’m a Zambian,and a proud Zambian for that matter.Move with time, prejudice will kill you.Don’t be backward.

  6. Hey wena, quickly assemble investigators and interview all witnesses so that their statements collaborate each other based on facts. Do not give those cases to investigators on the basis of tribalism but select competent experienced detectives. Prosecutors should also consult with witnesses extensively before court proceedings and also they should obtain extra information from victims. The Chinese must compensate those poor victims for injuries caused or loss of abilities to lead a normal life. Victims should also in addition to compensations receive restitutions for their dignity and to give them a sense of restoring justice. The PF regime puts little taxes it receives from these racists on top of people’s interests and it is wrong. Viva HH, UNPD. Go forward HH and UNPD. Viva HH.

  7. @Chitapi-meno-ngwe-mutu
    You are a fool of non-description and I wonder what your personal traits are when you debate or engage any ordinary human being in any given auditorium. You are as naive as a baby going through developmental stages. In fact you are a blank slate, with nothing written on it and lacking in any archievements whatsoever, hey, I can spot a fool miles away from me. In fact answering you back is one way of legitimising your pathetic analysis of our fellow honest brothers and sisters in Zambia. Zambians are among the most respected people in the global sphere, I wonder what is your pathetic rationale behind that stupid statement of yours. Viva Zambians, one love, one strong Zambia. Viva HH viva UNPD.

  8. @Remak Makai #11
    You must be a sort of a habitual fellow who always respond impulsively without thoroughly understanding the issue at hand. I suspect that you are always half drunk and your hangovers always take charge of your pre-mature judgements which are sometimes laced with usual lies from your mentors in the PF camp. You must understand the purpose of the argument and then define the essence of the of our arguments which can in most probable circumstances lead you to identify the problem. Following the above sequence, you can then outline the solutions to the ‘identified problem’. UNPD is an entity made out of uneducated and very educated rank and file membership. therefore respect the entire structures of UNPD. Viva comrade HH and viva UNPD. Peace to all Zambians.

  9. Sata’s chinese friend,Mr Owang beats a Zambian Casual worker Paul, and later Owang bribes Paul with a K100,000 and Paul withdraws the case.Interesting.Chinese infestors and their unique ways of doing business.By the way guys, the Chinese Ambassador says we should give Sata more time to fulfil his campaign promises.NOT THE RIGHT MAN TO TELL US WHAT TO DO.WHEN THE CORRUPT CHINESE CALL YOU ‘GOOD’, THEN THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU.PERIOD!!!

  10. Why does it always have to be the PS,Minister or President discussing such trivial matters,some issues can be dealt with administratively without blowing everything out of proportion and painting a bad picture of all chinese employers,i think some of them are more decent than some local Zambian employers except the usual stereotyping in Zambia where you generalise so to every Zambian eye,every chinese employer is bad,that’s not good at all.

  11. Sinazongwe set the standard. Kill the Chinese who mistreat u. The PF bought. they will never be on your side. Killing a Chinese will ensure u get “Justice” and make them behave. anyway Killing should be one at a time.

  12. Its a common tendancy everywhere in the world where local employees are consider or labelled to be lazy or criminals this is my experience having worked in a number of countries.

  13. Both sides should behave. Let the china man be good to his employees and employees to their employer thats the name of the game “fairness”. 

  14. Its frustrating to see that as employers try by all means to look after the employee now look what heppens and talking from personnel experiences one they busy stealing laziness and even have gone to the extent of revealing business secrets to their colleages outside its very sad per zed they is just no law and order

  15. Well it just beats me. A chines  assault a Zambian worker then its news and the PS has to come in!! How many Zambians have  assaulted their workers and just goes like that. what am saying is Zambia has enough Laws to protect every citizen and it is not for the PS to follow up such matters but the duty of every Zambian to use the law to protect ourselves. So why did he withdraw the case if he was innocent. assault

  16. The case is closed, the casual worker, Paul opted to have his case heard and sorted out side court………he was compensated!

  17. An employer has no right to assault an employee, regardless of the perceived offence. It is sheer crminality and should be treated as such

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