Sunday, October 6, 2024

PF condemns group asking Southern Province PS, Dr Chileshe Mulenga, to leave


Southern Province Permanent Secretary Dr Chileshe Mulenga
Southern Province Permanent Secretary Dr Chileshe Mulenga

Southern province PF political secretary Brian Hapunda says the continued clandestine activities and wild demands by a group calling itself Tongas Under Oath is very unfortunate .

Mr Hapunda has also warned in a statement to ZANIS in Livingstone that if left unchecked the group could bring about tribal hegemony in Zambia.

He said that the PF condemn the Letters being written by this Clandestine group calling upon all Bembas to leave Southern Province with immediate effect or else they be killed.

Mr Hapunda urged all well meaning Citizens and Political Parties Players who believe in the One Zambia One Nation philosophy to condemn the clandestine activities of the group.

“As a party in southern province that is in government, we will not get intimidated by clandestine groups that want to brew tribal hegemony as our focus is to deliver real developmental to the people because the PF government is for all Zambians’’, he said.

Mr. Hapunda’s remarks follows last Thursday’s incidence where southern province permanent secretary Dr Chileshe Mulenga received a letter and made available to ZANIS ordering him to leave the province.

The letter signed by a Mr. H.Mweemba and had a postal address of Mazabuka municipal council read that Mr. Miles Sampa was asked to leave he left on time because Mr. Michael Sata did not want his nephew to die in the conflict.

It further read that this is the last time the Tongas on oath was dealing with the matter adding that the government was aware of the position on the alignment on chirundu and Itezhi-tezi.

“This group has written a letter to new Southern Province Permanent Secretary Dr Leonard Chileshe Mulenga ordering him to vacate Southern Province with immediate effect or else they will kill him.

As the PF we describe such letters from this Group and their demands as cowardice, unzambian and a tribal hate speech, “he said.



  1. pa zambia napo, why so many trivial issues when people are dying of malaria. kwempeni ifyani noti sichopeti letters like bulls under oath. we have one zambia and if you think you will run to a neighbouring country for safety after you have lit a fire, you will be shocked and when you end up at chimbokaila with no bail, dont say you were not warned. ONE WORD FOR A WISE MAN IS ENOUGH

  2. the so called tongas under oath are known by mr sata, gbm, ed lungu and the police, why up to now they have not yet arrested them none knows. i believe the so called tongas under oath group does not exist, it is just an idea that those who hate tongas are perpetrating. police are quick at stopping rallies and arresting oppositions why don’t they do the same if this group; all lies period. u   

  3. Tongas under Oath is a myth. There is NO real truth in it. the PF govt should not freek out and start pursuing imaginary enemies. It is their own creation to deny HH a platform to campagn throughout Zambia.

  4. Tongas can also be stupid when they want to. Brian you are one such a Tonga. Just for your own bread and butter you can reduce yourself to such levels. where has your intellectuality gone to. You now think the kaponya way. shame on you. Things change and you must be aware and therefore act like an educated person who knows that things can change tomorow so. Don’t put all your eggs in Sata’s basket.

  5. The PF wants to derail us from real issues. If we concentrate on tribal matters which were not there then they keep on stealing and people will think HH is bad. But wait a minute, we are coming 2016, MMD, UPND are working hard.

  6. Devolve power to the regions in order to promote more democratic dispensation. Democracy is about equitable representation and fully recognises minoriries and special groups. Concentration of power in the hands of a few breeds dissent by the marginaled strata of the population. Decentralise and cede power to the locals and regional communities and the difference will manifest as a matter of course!

  7. At Clandestine Group. This is a fiction of PF deviants who think they could afford to deviate Zambian’s unflinching resolve for tangible national development and democracy. It is the myopic dead theories of  5 wives terminally man Kennedy Sekeni sold to GBM just because he did it during his black mamba circus, he thinks it can work this time again.

    Hapunda you are too young and clueless to be used in this PF kitchen sink steer. Your father Fredrick Hapunda now in the Zambian foreign mission must be shaking his head on your protruding ignorance. 

  8. Simplistic analysis. A crimal or operative can write a letter in Russia and put an address for Mpulungu and then post it in Chipata. Very dangerous expediency games by evil people. This nonsense should stop because it will backfire on everyone involved in the entire political expendiency value chain. Learn from the Balkans, Luanda etc. Reverse psychology is at play here.

  9. Nonsense!!!  Zambia is already under Bemba tribal hegemony.  Why is Hapunda afraid of the Tongas flexing their muscles for equitable treatment?  Fake Tonga.

    • @maano,we await that to be archieved under the rule of the tongas in the near 2030s. we will see what you will say. im very sure thats when you wil see real nepotism and you will want things the old you knw that tongas do that? ask how many nutrionists who aint tongas.NRDC,CHAINAMA,DENTAL SCHOOL ARE ALL RUN BY THE GUYS AND YOU SHOULD KNW THAT.demand what is realistic.tongas are more tribal.why are these sentiments and coments coming from tongas as if you are the only tribe vying for high office? u wont get our sympathy because we knw what you are capable of.

    • The Ministry of Agriculture was infested with tribalism for too long until RB did some shake up. Some tribes should realise that Zambians, even if we may not always speak out, have a long and sharp memory when it comes to tribal party politics e.g. UPND. Its not a secret that this is what has caused the down fall of UPND. To worsent the situation Kakoma recently even encourages Tongas to vote for HH with HH nodding in approval, SHAME. and MWAILASHA….

  10. The police must catch these culprits cos this will not augur well for Tonga politicians vowing for national leadership whether you like or not. It could be Tongas or enemies of Tongas doing this.But this only started with the allignment of chirundu etc so it could be some Tonga somewhere doing this.I’m a cousin of Tongas by tribe but these letters of hatred against Bembas will tarnish the Tonga image whether you like or not.The earlier the culprits are caught the better. So lets join good Tongas to isolate this evil and we should not just think its a joke cos IT IS A BAD JOKE.

    • Surely cousin how can you allow yourself to be fooled by these PF *****s. You must be intelligent enough to know that Tongas are too principled and intelligent to reduce themselves to the level suggested in this silly article.

  11. What about tongas in other provinces? what happens to them? Most tongas have invested heavely in other provinces just like bembas and other tribes in southern. What happens to all that investments, houses, shops, farms like the Chimusoro (Chilala) in Mkushi and Kapiri? Let us not dwell on such matters as most of us have invested heavly where we are which are not our provinces of origin. We must learn to live as one after all we have intermarried. What happend to a bemba man who has married a tonga woman living in southern province or else where? People we are one Zambia, let us avoid such hate speaches. When hell breaks loose all of us regardless of tribe will suffer.

  12. More than a month ago, Khatanga said ZP was closing in on the group. What has happened? Was she telling the truth? Has she failed to catch up with the group because it does not exist?

  13. This is inciting discontent. The young man Brian must be arrested by the Police and be charged under the colonial rule. He wrote the letter himself and delivered to the PS then he says Tongas under Oath. If being PF reduces people’s thinking and behaviour to these levels, then I am scared! Shame

  14. Let them kill the bugger so that we see if they are serious or not. Besides, why appoint a Bemba as PS for Southern Province? I can understand with provincial minister because these are politicians, but for the top most civil servant please give Tongas a chance too. We have not seen Sata appointing Tongas to Muchinga or Northern positions, why should Tongas then accept being ruled by these Kasais, no!

    • You are such a prick. You don’t even know your history. Since when did all Luba/Lunda decendants become Kasais and by the way most Zambians trace their roots from Congo? You ignorant *****.

  15. Sata u !can u Cage the *****s!!!!!!!!!!! We voted 4 u to protect us.Use the police to investgate and cage the *****s!

  16. Asdvice to Dr. Mulenga!
    Doc, do not get swayed away by these minions. You have a job to do! These threats are unfounded; they neither here nor there! Focus on developing Southern province


  18. I tell you, for the next four years, none will ever see even a single fight between a tonga and a bemba. During campaigns, we will require them to explain to us whether they meant the truth. So it is a disadvantage even on the part of pf.

  19. Dr Mulenga don’t listen to those dull useless coward people. They have chased 3 Permanent Secretaries in the same way. But you sir stay put so we see their evil intents whether they will work. They say Bembas are tribal, how?? Who were employing his/her clan at the Ministry of Agriculture, go to Chalimbana the same, even students were all either Tonga or Lozi. Go to the Cooperative college…it is the same etc. There so many places where these people were and are employing their own. But we thank RB that he did some good job shaking off this clan especially in the ministry of Agriculture.   

  20. Infact, this ficticious group should be called ‘Bembas Under Oath’ because it was created by Sata, Sekani and GMB. They are trying to copy the Kenyan formular of creating tribal hatred as a way of clinging on to power. They are just trying to find an excuse to create a one party state. No wonder Sata was bragging that there is no opposition in Zambia. Unfortunately for them Zambians are not foolish and they will not buy such trash. It’s sad that young intelligent upcoming politicians like Hapunda are betraying their brethren for pieces of silver by allowing themselves to be used in such schemes.

    • Man it will not help you by lying. You with your Dog watch have been promoting hatred against Bembas. How many times have we told you with your Dog Watch to behave yourselves but to no avail? You behave as if there are no marriages existing between Tongas and Bembas, your resolve is to always insult and lie against Bembas. I personally believe you can do it guys given the hatred Dog Watch has exhibited against the Bembas. 

    • I think you i.diot calling yourself ‘@Truth hates’ you are better off calling yourself Apostle of hate. If I were the editor of this online publication I would ban you from posting blogs. All you do is just blog negative sadistic comments about HH and Tongas. You seem like some ‘chainama case’. Find something better to do bro., blogging is just riuning your head and increasing your hatred for others.

    • Thank you so much for this. I’ve been following and Natalie has been so stnorg and inspirational. I wholeheartedly believe that Gavin did not die in vain. This has touched me so much, words are not enough to explain it. Unfortunately I couldn’t come because I live so far away, but this article is the best I’ve found. Again-thank you.From Kimberly(West Indies)

  21. Just a thought. each time I hear a Permanent Secretary’s name, it is always a name from Northern/Luapula. Can someone please assist me with the names of all the Permanent Secretaries?

  22. PF please DON’T and STOP wasting our time with these pity issues of none existence group as we all know these are just figments of your poor idle imaginations from the sorts of one kind called GBM. This tribalist approach to Governance of trying to divide and conquer installing fear in the minds of the people so that you can ARREST INNOCENT PEOPLE deemed to be your enemies by force pretense just like the George Bush following 9/11 wont work come up with another strategy. shame on you GBM.

  23. This PF government ought to be serious about running the affairs of the country. The people of Zambia want development NOT this nonsense of imaginary Tonga and Lozi enemies. The PF have delivered nothing in their first year which they spent promoting their kith and kin. All we have seen are swearing ceremonies, hiring and firing and intimidation and harassment of the opposition using the police. Come on PF, get down to work!

  24. All Tongas must leave, Northern, Luapula, Copperbelt and Muchinga provinces immediately. How about that? and where is Homosexual Hyna ( HH ), what is he saying about this nonsense people from his province? IF he is a leader for all zambians HH must come out clean and condemn these stupid threats.

    • You belong to the stone age and very behind in current affairs. HH was the first to condemn this group. The problem is you close your ears when HH speaks, save yourself from ignorance.

  25. Dr Mulenga please stay put. They think they will be chasing who ever comes to southern province. So far they have chased 3 PSs if you run away then they will be 4 PSs being chased by those cowards. They think they have rights to misbehaving and insulting, useless people they are. Just ignore them and if possible dare them to do it quickly so that we can catch them. 

  26. @15 iNkhosi Mzilikazi DiniZulu:
    Are you saying everyone who trace their ancestry to the Luba/Lunda kingdon is a Kasai? Do you even know your history you ignorant prick?

  27. Tongas under Aoth, Bantu Batotwe, Bantustans, Mbala Mafia, Barotse separationism, etc are all just ways of making the govt on toes. All they want is development in their areas. Just provide development for all parts of the country. But make no mistake of taking development only to area where they talk the loudest. They may be shouting their lungs out so that they compel you to take more resources  to their areas at the expense of others areas. Watch them on this as you bring development everywhere.

  28. why is the PF trying to divert our attention..this Brian hapunda boy is not are losing the minor grip of Southern province ba out..!

  29. People of Southern province to not promote tribalism God forbids.Why do you complain when we have a lot of Tongas in all the nine provinces some running big undertakings you putting your tribes mate in danger.At UNZA it was a fact you Tongas were favoured in terms of accommodation.You are reaping what you sow. 

  30. If Brian wrote this trash without his conscious troubling him them politics makes people to be retards.

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