Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Zambia Railways to spend over K1 billion for rehabilitation


Zambia Railways (ZR) will spend over K1 billion to clean up and rehabilitate infrastructure at its headquarters in Kabwe in readiness for re-occupation.

Part of the money will also be used to transport materials and office equipment from Lusaka and within Kabwe into the headquarter offices.

Head of Human Resource and Administration, David Mukonkela told ZANIS in Kabwe today that works to clear up the premises will be over soon and by month end, operations will be fully fledged.

Mr Mukonkela who took round a ZANIS reporter and photographer, described the condition of infrastructure and the dirty in the premises as pathetic.

Several people were found busy clearing grass and over grown flowers and some were busy assembling chairs and tables in offices already worked on while others were offloading office equipment for distribution to various offices as painters were also giving a new face to the walls.

Mr Mukonkela explained that there is a lot required to bring everything to the best standards looking at the way the infrastructure has been left in almost 10 years from the time Railway Systems of Zambia (RSZ) took over.

He further explained that Zambia Railway was doing things cautiously to ensure operations were not disrupted during the transition period.



  1. Good Munkonkela! This is money just for cleaning and furniture to facilitate the relocation of HQ back to Kabwe? Twalumba ba Mukonkela.

  2. This is the difference with people who know how to run business as profit making venture. They would pump that K1 bn into operations so it can generate the K1 bn to clean up and paint offices.

    • I guess if operations start before cleaning up you will be the first one to cry that the railway is not up to standard becauses places are dirty and have no furniture. people who always think they have the monopoly of wisdom don’t think very well unfortunately

    • Lived in Kabwe till I was 13, thinking of going back for a hol, was planing to go with the railway, but it does`nt look like an option, nearly 50 years since I was last there.

  3. Tell us also about how much profit you expect after spending that much. We dont need bottomless pits that keeps sinking funds when they are supposed to rake in revenue and thereof profit.

  4. Typical GRZ civil service laid-back mindset!
    They are more interested in image and appeasing the Kabwe residents instead of directing funds to the bread and butter issues of the business….so what if the place is overgrown and looks like the Serengeti; forget the lick of paint and roll your sleeves up and get to work. The billion dollar business of today the likes of Ryan Air and South west Airlines started off in makeshift offices.
    Wake up!

    • I agree with you my friend Jay Jay — I think the infrastrusture that moves the trains (rail track) is what needs urgent maintenance (if not an overhaul!!). All these folks want is to have some posh offices and huge salary perks and altogether waste tax payers money. Next they will want cars and homes etc. Such a lack of prioritization. Being a Kabwe resident for most of my life, I have for so long seen how certain folks enjoyed their lives woking for ZR at the expense of the company. Put in money into place rehabilitating “new workshops” so that it can be used to do a whole load of foundry and other works that can bring in money!!!!

  5. If no profit, Mukonkela must be fired as soon as quickly unproductively spends the money. Don’t just be accountable for reckliess spending, but be accountable for making profits.

  6. But instead of channeling bits and bits of money to many different projects that wont really make a huge difference, why not just channel a huge sum of money to one project that will make a big impact on our economy and will be to the worlds standards and more permanent and efficient, e.g getting an all new and efficient Railway system altogether, etc. I believe it can be done. if welensky could do it why cant we?

  7. I bet the coming back of Zambia railways is a blessing to a lot of pipo in Kabwe.Now becoming a boss has been made easier after the un-ceremonial departure of ba mwisa.

  8. Good but work hard that you make profit not just sitting in posh chairs. No more staling as you did previously, we are going to fire you.

  9. The gov’t or ZRL should invest in a Jatropha curcas farm somewhere along that rail track in Southern Province so as they can produce and refine Bio Diesel, to reduce costs given that it can be used directly in any existing, unmodified diesel engine.Bio Diesel also extends the live of diesel engines.Our friends in India blend their fuel with 10-20% bio fuels and use it in their locomotives which reduces costs drastically.

  10. How can image be ruled out of business as some pipo are suggesting? Lets give PF a chance to bring back sanity to Zambia. This country has all the potential to rise above many in Africa. We need more investment in Agriculture also. Well done for bringing back hope to Kabwe.

  11. You are a pathetic thinker, get real. Am talking about you, who because u re abroad u think you know everything better than everyone that is in Zambia. Get back there and show us what a man you are by working harder than all the people you find there. Coward webo.

  12. At long, long last you Kabwe Town you will regain the Glory and Fame of Broken Hill which was a vibrant Regional Hq of Rhodesia Railways and its successor Zambia Railways in 1967. In our Railway History we had the following amongst those who served at the helms of our Njanji : Salih Sidhom (Sudan), Frank Lucarotti (Italy), Henry Fast (Canada) and our very own Hosea Soko, Anderson Mazoka, Emmanuel Hachipuka and a Mr Sindowe now at Cpperbelt Energy Corp. Rise again our once reliable bulk and passenger transport. Quoting from the Trains Working Regulations (Railway Bible)… after ensuring that the popints are correctly set for the MOVEMENT INTENDED… YOU ARE HEREBY AUTHORISED TO MOVE FROM POINT A TO B.


  14. After destroying zambia airways & zamtel now we’re on to our next national asset to be decimated.Why do you need posh offices yet the entity to be run looks like a carcass?Aren’t you putting the cart before the horse?

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