Sunday, March 30, 2025

Kaingu suspended from Parliament , wont receive pay for two weeks


Michael Kaingu

Opposition MMD member Michael Kaingu has been suspended from Parliament and will not receive his pay for the two-week duration of his suspension.

This follows Mr Kaingu’s action to tear-up a copy of President Michael Sata’s speech which was presented during the official opening of the current session of Parliament.

The sanction means that Dr Kaingu will not participate in any business or activities of the House and its Committees for the duration of the suspension as well as participate in activities usually taken part in, as an MP.

And Dr Kaingu, who was ordered to stand behind the Bar of the House, as Dr Matibini passed the 25 minute-verdict, unreservedly apologised for his action and pledged to conduct himself in a manner befitting an MP when he returned to the House.

Delivering the much-anticipated ruling, Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini warned that the House will not tolerate indiscipline and misconduct from MPs.

“Let me inform you, Dr Kaingu, that your conduct of tearing the President’s speech as a way of protest was unbefitting the conduct of a Member of Parliament.

“The Committee resolved to suspend you from the services of the National Assembly for a period of two weeks in accordance with the provisions of Section 28 (1) of the National Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act, Cap. 12 of the Laws of Zambia.

“In this regard, your behaviour cannot be protected by Parliamentary immunity because to do so would not only be a failure to understand the intent of Parliamentary immunity, but also be a perpetuation of conduct that is likely to dilute or undermine the dignity of the House,” Dr Matibini said.

Section 28 (1) of the National Assembly Act stipulates that “where any member commits any contempt of the Assembly, whether specified in Section 19 or otherwise, the Assembly may, by resolution, either direct the Speaker to reprimand such a Member or suspend him from the services of the Assembly for such period as it may determine.

Provided that such period shall not extend beyond the last day of meeting next following that in which the resolution is passed, or of the session in which the resolution is passed, whichever shall first occur.”

Dr Matibini said Dr Kaingu had, by tearing the Presidential speech, breached Parliamentary etiquette and rules of debate provided under rule 18 of the National Assembly Members’ Handbook of 2006.

The erring Parliamentarian went ahead to appear on a discussion programme on Muvi Television on September 30, 2012, entitled: ‘The Assignment: Kaingu tears Sata’s speech’, to justify his unParliamentary action. This has been viewed as a further breach of Parliamentary Privileges and contemptuous to the House, as the Speaker had banned running comments on the matter as the case was at the time, being examined by the Committee on Privileges, Absences and Support Services.

The Committee examined the Muvi TV footage and in line with Parliamentary Practice and Procedure, did accord Dr Kaingu an opportunity to be heard.

Reprimanding Dr Kaingu, Dr Matibini said he abused his immunity.

“It is therefore, unwarranted, for a member who has been accorded an opportunity to debate and, thus, express their pleasure or displeasure over a matter, to abuse this privilege by deliberately tearing a copy of a speech delivered by the Head of State in the manner that you did.

“Further, your conduct of discussing a matter that had been referred to an appropriate Committee of the House for determination outside the House and particularly outside the House and particularly to the media, was uncalled for and belittled the dignity and integrity of the House and the Privileges Committee,” the Speaker said.

He added it was imprudent for any member especially a senior one, like Dr Kaingu, to reduce the integrity and status of the House by tearing a Presidential speech.

“Before I proceed with my duty of ejecting you from the House on suspension, I order you, Dr Kaingu to render your apology to the House, now. It is my unpleasant duty to order you, to leave the Chamber through the main entrance, on a two weeks suspension as resolved,” Dr Matibini said before Dr Kaingu left the Chamber.

In his apology, Dr Kaingu promised to conduct himself in compliance to the rules of the House and those befitting an MP.

“I Michael Kaingu do unreservedly apologise to the House and the Nation for tearing the President’s speech and I further apologise for appearing on Muvi TV and justifying my act. I’ve listened to the guidance you have given me that in future I should protect the House and act in a manner befitting an MP.”


  1. It looks like victor’s justice yet the only sin Kaingu committed was to speak up for the zambian people.Mmhhh,makes you wonder if the Germans had won wwll.

  2. hahahahahahah behind bars of the house and suspension wat a shame on this dr, job well done mr speaker Sir ,by helping this guy so that nxt time he will have some manners ,

  3. Now you look like a big f o o l . After ukuipompa nokusabaila sana pa Media, you end up apologising.. Lets move now.

  4. Thank that he hav accept that he his conduct was of a foolish i wonder wat the mr mumba the presidant of MMD will say wen the person he was supportng has accept his behaviour as silly.think he should also apologe for supporting foolishness not so?.

  5. Some BLOGGERS characteristic of not thinking. Kaingu’s APOLOGY is not GENUINE his living to FIGHT another DAY. Sometimes APOLOGIZE to look like a LOSER, its the only way to survive especially when you dealing with FOOLS cause they will think they’ve WON the WAR when its just a BATTLE. the real time waster was SATA for dissipating dry jokes from his MOUTH full of rotten teeth to PARLIAMENT.

  6. An indisciplined character: at his home, in his party, against the National Assembly, against the Nation’s Presidency. What a character!

  7. Unfortunately for him the PF Cadres will continue to try and lynch him. Be Careful who you pick your fights with!

  8. This shows how MMD as a Party has sunk down, how can you have a vice president of a party behaving like this. This Kaingu guy deserves a 6 month suspension and not 2 weeks. I wonder where are the PF members of Parliament, why didn’t you object and appeal the sentence. PF members of Parliament you are not measuring up, you even allow the opposition to table motions in Parliament, why are you allowing the opposition to steal the limelight from you. It’s your time as ruling Party representatives to show up and carry the day. Such motions should be tabled by you especially the front bench. Where are our Ministers, and why are they not thinking beyond and bring motions to the house, I mean well researched motions to uplift our rural areas.  

  9. Atase this is useless, only 2 days suspension. What a joke for such a criminal act. Parliament as well is useless no wonder Kaingu behaved like that coz he knew that nothing will happen to him. Really a very useless parliament indeed. Kaingu needed to be slapped with a 1 year suspension and not this nonsense from Matibin. Useless parliament really….Shaaaa. 

  10. PF controlled Parliament is in reverse. They the PF want to adapt Masumba,a fraudster, a cheat. atase. Kaingu has not apologized genuinely. He has survived to fight another day. Those linking Kaingu to the Daughters act. well what of Ukwa who Bonked Tresphore Mpundus sister kum,u dya live whilst Christine Kaseba was busy snooring and cold at HOME?????

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