Friday, March 7, 2025

ERB and RTSA accused of being touch on Zambians, but lax on foreign transporters


THE Petroleum Transporters Association of Zambia (PTAZ) is concerned at the high number of foreign trucks that come into Zambia without meeting safety requirements.

PTAZ president Roberto Sabbadin said in Ndola yesterday that there was number of foreign trucks that bring finished products into the country but do not meet the safety requirements.

Mr Sabbadin has also accused the Energy Regulation Body (ERB) and the Road Transport Agency (RTSA) alleging that they had not taken any action against the foreign transporters.

“The foreign trucks bringing in the finished products do not meet Zambian safety requirements and ERB and RTSA are nowhere to be seen. PTAZ is concerned that ERB relaxes safety requirements for foreign trucks but is rigid to Zambia transporters.”

“These double standards favour foreign transporters and disadvantages the domestic companies,” he said.

Meanwhile PTAZ called on the Ministry of Energy to enforce the clause in the contract signed between government and Trafigura to allow for PTAZ members to provide up to 20 percent of the trucks in the transaction to be given to Zambians.

“PTAZ is shocked that Trafigura has ignored to hold any dialogue with the PTAZ to ensure that rates are agreed to allow Zambians transporters to be involved in the transportation of fuel,” he said.

Mr Sabbadin also appealed to government to also increase the 20 percent GRZ fuel transportation to 100 percent.
He said his organisation through its private arrangements and private financing had engaged HCL Chartered Accountants- Global Consult Division a local Accounting Firm to look for structured financing for 700 units of brand new trucks for its members.

“PTAZ is requesting government to support and facilitate this transaction because over 3000 jobs will be created directly and indirectly,” he said.


  1. I support you Mr. Sabbadin. It is high time the Zambian government did something to protect and support the local SME sector. Business from other countries such as South Africa are the ones benefiting from Zambia’s ignorance. In the meantime, a Zambian business can never enter the South African market as easily as they enter the Zambian market. The benefit should be mutual and not one-sided.

  2. I think this argument about allowing Zambian transporters is a very logical one which a government that wants to spurn development and employment in its country should be seriously enforce. Why are foreign transporters benefiting from GRZ contracts? Isnt it enough for a foreign company to have th contract to supply the fuel

    Hear these Zed transporters out and treat them as fairly as possible

  3. The issue here is local involvement in the transportation of fuel and not petty armchair remarks. Clearly indicating one is bored.

    Government, when you read this article get concerned and up the percentage to 60% local transport companies to carry the trafigura oil supplies.
    This shall work inline with creation of jobs within 90days slogan.

    Viva local business viva

  4. Can some body look into this so that real Zambians benefit than these foreign Zambian making noise. Him also is a foreigner but what we want is Zambians to benefit in the fuel transportation.

  5. Well done Mr. sabbin for raising this issue. it is very disheartening to see South African, Namibian, Botswana Tanzania and all sorts of trucks on the Zambian soil laden with all sorts luggage, but our trucks are just restricted to hauling malasha. We produce copper and it is being transported by foreign trucks. Those with Zambian registration it is either they belong to a Mr. Kluger, Dhando or ZimBulk just to appease the Zambian business men and women that we. South Africans have restricted even light vehicles which we buy through their ports to ply their roads, Tanzania if any foreign truck is found carrying any contraband after offloading the cargo, they are heavily fined and in short it is illegal. Now the question is why is Zambia so relaxed and why don’t they reciprocate?

  6. @Cat Power
    And all these LT guys have to do is just write up a heading and “cut and paste” the article from a media source. 

  7. I agree with PTAZ president Roberto Sabbadin, why should 20% of local haulage be used in this contract when it should be 100% given that the taxpayer is paying Trafigura to supply the fuel. We should always protect and empower local firms especially when it comes to government contracts.

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