Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Government committed to reducing hunger and poverty by 2015-Wina


Gender minister Inonge Wina
Gender minister Inonge Wina

Government says it committed to ending hunger and poverty by the year 2015.

Speaking during the Heifer Passing- On- Gifts Ceremony of 40 dairy heifers and 4 bulls to 40 families of Balaka and Masengo women groups in Kabwe district today, Gender and Child Development Minister Inonge Wina said government prioritizes the agriculture sector as an engine for the country’s development.

Ms. Wina observed that proper management of small holder dairy farming has the capacity to provide steady income.

She commended Heifer International for the initiative to empower women adding that the cooperation between the Balaka and Masengo cooperatives which own a milk collection centre and a dairy processing plant for cheese, yoghurt and packaged milk is an indicator that only with hard work and focus, rural communities can overcome some of the challenges they encounter.

Ms. Wina appealed to the families receiving the dairy cattle to be more assertive in taking care of the animals in order to enhance productivity.

And Heifer International Chief Operating Officer Steve Deene stated that Heifer has remained committed to promoting sustainable livelihoods and empowerment of women through the Pass-On-the-Gift project which was launched sometime in February in 2011.

Mr. Deene explained that the project was aimed at empowering women in agriculture specifically women farmers through the promotion of integration of livestock and crop production to generate sufficient food and income security for vulnerable families.

He disclosed that the project is aimed at reaching 2000 families in Kabwe and Kapiri Mposhi districts using a sustainable approach to community development through the promotion of livestock agricultural input and training in agricultural production as well gender equity.

The Passing-On-Gift project is a programme where families that receive livestock have to pass on the First offspring and training to other vulnerable groups and families.



  1. Oh please we are tired of hearing this song. If you are really commited then take half of your salaries and GRZ wealth and donate it to the wellbieng of the hungry. Other than tha, just shut up!!

  2. hoping that the cows will not be sold off due to massive poverty and is there amechanism of over seeing the development of this project? hoping it will not collapse before 2015;other wise nice innitiative. pliz Zambians support the project to fight poverty.INONGE oyeeeeeee…………………….

  3. Bo Mma Wina, even you among the cabinet members you have the courage to through mud at Zambians,shame on you, Musali Muhulu.What have you so far achieved in your area.those mud building we saw some two weeks ago in pictures.Shame on you Mme.You and your Sata promised us canals,refrigirated trucks for our fish not to mention a thorn issue of Barotseland Agreement. Mwakona kululamba sileze kwa meto, kon nako yataha yeo muta kutula mufuka. Bulimpece bu maswe.

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