Friday, March 7, 2025

Former BOZ Deputy Director Kalyalya elected as World Bank board member


File: Former Deputy Denny Kalyalya (R) with Bank of Zambia of Zambia Former Governor Caleb fundanga (right ) during the centrals bank's quarterly briefing in Lusaka.
File: Former Deputy Denny Kalyalya (Left) with Bank of Zambia of Zambia Former Governor Caleb fundanga (Right ) during the centrals bank’s quarterly briefing in Lusaka.

ALTERNATE executive director of the Africa Group one constituency at the World Bank Denny Kalyalya has been elected as a board member of Bank for the next four years.

Dr Kalyalya, who is former Bank of Zambia (BOZ) deputy governor in charge of operations, was elected in Tokyo yesterday at the ongoing International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group annual meetings.

Finance Deputy Minister Miles Sampa and BOZ governor Michael Gondwe, who are also currently attending the IMF and World Bank annual meetings in Tokyo, confirmed the development in an interview yesterday.

Mr Sampa said all the 21 member countries of the Africa Group one constituency of the World Bank elected Dr Kalyalya to be a board member of the World Bank.

He said the election of Dr Kalyalya as World Bank board member was a good development for Zambia and the rest of Africa.

“This is a very good achievement for Zambia and Africa as Dr Kalyalya will now be involved directly in the decision making of the World Bank Group,” he said.

Africa is represented by two executive directors in the World Bank board from English and French speaking countries.

And Dr Gondwe said Dr Kalyalya had made Zambia proud as he would be influencing the decision making process in the World Bank.

“As you may be aware, Zambia is already put in high esteem by the international community so Dr Kalyalya has made us more proud,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mr Sampa said three Zambians would be interviewed on Sunday for a position of a board member at IMF.

He said the results of the Sunday interviews would be announced at the IMF and World Bank annual meetings here in Tokyo.

Mr Sampa said it would be good for Zambians to be in both boards of the World Bank and IMF.

“It is also our turn to float someone as a board member of IMF to represent the English speaking countries,” he said.

He said most people worldwide were impressed with Zambia following the country’s recent successful insurance of the US$ 750 million Eurobond.


  1. Zambia has a lot educated people but unfortunately we are being ruled by the uneducated, cadres and kaponyas have take up leadership and the world is now tapping in the potential of the educated Zambians being sidelined by our shallow minded leaders in government.

    Congratulations Dr Kalyalya,
    Deep down his heart, Sampa is not happy. 

    • Chembo, there is no guarantee that educated rulers will deliver the desired results. What is required in leaders is are wisdom and humility. A wise leader whether educated or not will know where to strategically place technocrats. Your comment certainly displays more shallow mindedness than the leaders in government.

  2. Congratulations sir! You are the quality that is Zambia. During your time at Boz, with Dr Fundanga you did well for the country

  3. WTF you have already displayed your shallow mind, why link a World Bank elected board member to political appointments. Every tribe in Zambia is special and equal.Stop the nonsense!!! This is inferiority complex at its highest level.

  4. Very cheap perspectives I observe here: Tribal grasping, retrospective longing – looking back (Lotti’s wife turned into salt), attaching credentials to possible performance… the list of mediocrity goes on. People!!!! Lets learn to move on and move forward. Some of us have profited out of seemingly negative situations to forge satisfying and profitable futures for ourselves. If you dwell on mediocrity you will stand still too long and the weight on the ground will swallow you up!!!!!! KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Kalyalya, Congratulations!

  5. Ridiculous, how did the world bank know about him?
    Zambia is a third world country and somehow a deputy has made it to be a member . There are 2 schools of though here people
    1) Either this story is non starter and its not quiet the world bank that you and i know. remember there are a lot of bogus colleges in Africa that produce degrees that are affiliated with even Oxford Univ, Manchester Univ etc and they have led these people to believe they are acquiring a degree from a prestigious Univ when not the case. Any parallels here?
    2.) Used pawn, and as some people like to put it, ‘to make up the numbers; remember in SA Black people have been known to reach the top when they don’t deserve it, so the company is seen as not segregating’
    Make uo your minds people


    • As usual, am sure you actually think we live in trees dont you miss independent? But you are a great thinker for your class and…

    • Now thats a real zambian with proper qualification my dear,making zambia proud.Not you with your poor grammar always bragging about stuff you don’t posses.You need mental help.Chainama mental hospital needs you my dear.If you doubt,google it.

  6. A a prophet is honored everywhere but NOT in his own country and in his own home. Jesus spoke these words to show that those who had only recently heard believed, while those who knew him since he was a child did not. The modern day equivalent is that those who don’t know you that well will treat you with respect, while often times your fcontry men and women treats you with contempt. Mark 6:4 Congrats Dr Kalyalya.

  7. # 6 Dr. kalyalya is lenje not tonga but why the tribe in this issue? Cant we just look at him as a Zambian and African for that matter. Anyway congratulations big man.

  8. # 14 you are a fool. what is the connection between what you are discussing and Dr. Kalyalya’s election? Is it bitter sweets?

  9. Mushota you are paranoid !. being in the thrid world does not mean you can not be recognised??? I am Zambian living in SA but I do have colleagues who work for bigger foundations that’s fund huge research activities in SADC and West Africa, and Central and East Africa and the Caribbean Islands, and they do come to consult me from here so what are you saying??? If you have what it takes, the search for your global skills, they will track and follow you.
    So just shut your small brains in a closet ! I just wrote a bible verse Mark 6:4

  10. I hope I am wrong, and somehow he is a member of the World Bank
    It is just that, I can’t help but believe this news, with a pinch of salt if you ask me
    I have all the qualifications that money can buy and have been exposed to among some
    Top University here I Scotland Thames valley university UK, BPP colleges when doing my ACCA
    CIMA and I know this is a leap too far, for a minority, being a member at World Bank

    I hope I am wrong, but It doesn’t sit well with me, and perhaps I am bitter but refuse to be conned
    There is just too many things that don’t up!

    • Just FYI – Dr Kalyalya has worked for the World Bank before as an Advisor to the African Anglophone Executive Director so he is already aware of how the Bank operates. Conversely, the World Bank knows him already and so they know who they are getting – a sharp mind. Congrats to him….

  11. Denny was the right man to be BOZ governor. We instead chose to bring Gondwe who has failed to control the exchange rate. Bwalya Ngandu was fired by Mwanawasa for incompetence, but we make him deputy governor. Bwalya Ngandu ran a Microfin which was closed by BOZ, yet we promote him to run BOZ! What are the chances that Gondwe/Ngandu can do better that Kalyaya? Pls lets bring Kalyaya to run BOZ!!!

  12. I wish to add my voice to those congratulating Denny Kalyalya for making Zambia proud. All the resources that went into your education where well spent. Congrats!

  13. Future President, you will probably make a useless president because you can’t even comprehend simple things. why bring in issues contrary to the topic. What has Bwalya Ng’andu done or Gondwe? Dull character!!! If you were in school that is, did you pass an exam.Simple minds.

  14. Mushota, you are obviously out of touch with Zambia, which has developed immensely since you went to the UK to become an illegal immigrant and hooker. We have A LOT of intellectuals out here. You will be surprised when you bring your so-called fiancé here. It will be good for him to visit because by the sound of you constant negative comments, you given him the impression that we all live in huts….except your ‘precious’ family. Make sure you bring him coz when he returns to the uk , he will have another fiancé on his arm. So you live in Scotland? Remember that deep down inside, your in laws will always see you as a n…er, no matter how much you bleach yourself, pillock!!!

  15. I was.priviledged talking with this man, very humble anddown to earth. Like someone put. Why can’t we use people likehim to move this country

  16. Kalyalya, Fundanga deserve to be Zambian presidents, Finance ministers unfortunately we have those FAZ ex-commitee members in the name Miles Sampa, so pompous chap.
    I almost slapped Miles in New York, when I saw him shopping like a prostitute

  17. Mushota let me tell you that I know Danny personally. He is a good hard working man. Whatever you say will not change a thing but expose your ignorance. Today is Friday so just prepare your mouth to give that old white man of yours a blow job, maybe your a-s-s too. Kabwa iwe.

  18. I have no confidence in Sampa and our BOZ governor…Sata shouldn’t have fired Fundanga,that man has brain.i am sure Zambia would have been doing with fundanga at the helm.

  19. Ka Mushota am very happy to let you know you are dead wrong. This is a well deserved appointment. Dr Kalyalya is a very brilliant man with top degrees from US universties and deserves this appointment. Ka Mushota you are shameless and its very obvious you can not have intelligent conversations or comments.

  20. That’s what I am talking about … Doc, you make the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise proud. What A Sweet Life!!!

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