Opposition MMD national treasurer Mwansa Mbulakulima has described the 2013 nation budget as an elitist budget.
Mr. Mbulakulima who is also MMD Chembe Member of Parliament says there is nothing tangible in the budget for the poor people of Zambia.
He says it is unfortunate that the PF have completely shifted from addressing the challenges affecting the poor Zambians as promised prior to forming government.
Mr. Mbulakulima says the adjustments that have been made in the 2013 budget such as the removal of duty on carbonated drinks, mineral water, tax, and removal of interest rates on bank savings are all favoring people in the urban areas.
Meanwhile, Southern Province Patriotic Front Political Secretary Brian Hapunda says the PF in the province has received the national budget wholeheartedly describing it as a pro-poor budget which gives hope to the majority poor in the country.
In a statement released to Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Lusaka, Mr Hapunda said his party in Southern province is convinced that the 2013 national budget under the PF government is a progressive and pro-poor budget that gives hope to many poor Zambians.
Mr Hapunda said his party in the province is happy to note that the government has prioritised the Agriculture, Education and Social Security sectors as some of the areas the government wants to improve in the 2013 national budget which has seen a favourable increase in funding to the sectors.
The Provincial Political Secretary says it is this approach by the government which gives his party hope and confidence that the 2013 national budget will uplift the living standard of the majority poor people.
Mr Hapunda also said the attentiveness and non passing of running comments by the opposition members of parliament during the presentation of the national budget in the house by the Finance Minister on Friday is a clear testimony that the budget is sober, progressive and well calculated to address many challenges faced by the majority poor Zambians.
you give a headline to hon mbulakulima but what yo talk about is hapunda pf sec for sp, please! even a child can read between lines. u mean that is all hon mbulakulima said?
Looks like Mbulakulima is your uncle!
Mwansa iwe, don’t you see employment prospects for the unemployed youth. Don’t you go around bandying banal words all over the place. Imwe paalitalala, calipwa!
some politicians are useless did MMD produce any pro-poor budget? MMD has just mutated into PF. the two are homogenous both in policy and stupidity. MMD had worst corrupt government. how can they start condemning their identical twin today?
Iwe Bwalya Chiselema, don’t you see serious issues? The issue here is that only the elite have a lion’s share. We were promised 15 bags of fertilizer free and 15 bags on loan. What has happened? That’s what you should be talking about.
This budget has no youth empowerment or youth employment creation and those taxes removed from car hire vehicles and lodges goods has no bearing poor infact those is to benefit CHIKWANDA’S companies and GBM to order vehicles for next year WORLD TOURISM CONFERENCE no poor will benefit from this, even payee it does not make any sense what is 200, 000 PF THOT it is just soo easy last year they increased from 800,000 to 2,000,000 why did they not increase with the same percetage if they mean giving people more money. This budget is full of campaign gimmicks which will not benefit any poor. PF in 0ne year is more corrupt what more in 5 years
Bwalya Chiselema is a tonga and a supporter of UPND (the tonga party) who thinks only a tonga can make a good president. That’s the kind of thinking among tongas that works against them.He wants to deceive people that he is bemba, how foolish. Since only tongas should vote for a tonga get busy and reproduce as many children as possible maybe in 50 years the population of Southern province will be bigger than the rest of Zambia. That way a tonga will become president.
mulichipuba tata imwe. that is the stupidity we talk about. who told you that all people who support HH are tongas? ubututu. i support on merit i don’t think with a tribe as you do. one zambia one nation i will never support people blindly just because they are my tribesmen “it cant never” but my children are half tonga half bemba so your assertions are purely baseless
You are the villager my friend, you know deep down that your support is not merit. And you know that you are bitter because a tribe you hate is in power that’s the reason why everything you say is against your perceived enemies. That hatred you carry around will kill you. Keep breeding maybe your half tonga half bemba children will make your dream come true. We don’t want tribalists to split our nation
For the record I m neither tonga no bemba so this tribal war is not something that I enjoy seeing. Why should people with serious inferiority complexes bring confusion to our country.
#Yelebwebwe am sure you are lost am from northern province not southern province . so tell me which party am i supposed to support by default?. its you who is tribalist because you find it strange for a bemba to support a tonga. and that is foolishness of highest order
Ba bwalya namufwika insele ati you are are a boiling pot. You always call others ‘fools’ and ‘abatutu’, umukashi wenu alimishjindaula, no wonder your thinking is not straight.
MmD was in power for 20 years, had 20 chances to come up with the so called a budget for the poor according to their standard. We are talking about poverty today because of them and they turn around to condemn their friends. Tell us what exactly should be in the budget that will make it a ‘budget for the poor’.
You are right Yelebwebwe
How did he even manage to retain his Chembe seat? He’s just shooting aimlessly in the dark, i doubt if he’s even read the budget. Honestly Is removing tax on Coca cola and mineral water pro-rich mwe bantu sure? `
Iwe Mwansa Mbui, what isn a pro poor budget??? Give examples of a pro poor budget that MMD produced and we will listen to you.
Otherwise its sour grapes iwe!!
You are the villager my friend, you know deep down that your support is not merit. And you know that you are bitter because a tribe you hate is in power that’s the reason why everything you say is against your perceived enemies. That hatred you carry around will kill you. Keep breeding maybe your half tonga half bemba children will make your dream come true
@YELE,TRUE!these guys want to bring division at all cost to get to plot one. it wont happen and they will walk bitter pipo
Naimwe ba Mwansa, talk about something else. MMD presented nearly 20 budgets and nothing ever came close to this PF budget. You must learn to give praise where it is due. Your time in GRZ is over my dear. We sacked you because we want others to try and better our lives. Four years from now, you will know whether or not we are happy with PF govt. We will either sack or keep them, depending on their performance. Remember, we have eyes to see and will not rely on your skewed commentaries.
Mwanza Mbulakafwani you are funny with your simple politicking!
To all those bloggers who seem to be lost by what Hon. Mbulakulima is saying you need to read between the lines in a statement! Or may be am asking for too much from the PF kaponyas! MMD had never campained on the basis of lifting the poor people’s lives in 90days! MMD has always been a capitalist party! So they had no obligation to make poor people happy! It is the PF that was preaching lower taxes, free education, free quality health care, free housing, free electricity free water and the list is endless! All people are trying to remind the PF is that they campained on socialist pro-poor issues, why are they drifting away? Its probably beacuse they have learned now that that route would destroy even the foundation that MMD build in the economy or they were just blantanlty lying!!!!
Well thought contribution. Debate with a level mind. This budget was done on Mangade’s template. I don’t see anything different. Duty wavers have been done on different commodities before. Allocations to health and education sectors have been increased before…what is important therefore is not just the paper, but its implementation, let PF do what MMD failed to do effective implementation!
useless article..what did mwansa say..why bring in brian hapunda..?
MMD ransaked our economy for 20years and ramnants of it like Mwansa want to hinder the efforts the great men and women are making. Yes bearages are not only for elites .That’s why pf has done what it has done in the budget.PF, that ‘s the way to go.
Mr Mwansa you are even fearing your shadow when mouthing senseless analysis. Tell us what pro-poor budget you produced which was better than this PF has given us? Come January 2013 , I will have a motor bike which will not be taxed. Thanks PF for this. Ignore the MMD thieves and those who were born bitter, frustrated and haters while you concentrate on delivering.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
Useless budget, there is nothing better than MMDs past budgets. The international used to say something whenever MMD Finance ministers presented their budgets. Let us wait and see. This budget won’t be fulfilled
Debate with a level mind. This budget was done on Mangade’s template. I don’t see anything different. Duty wavers have been done on different commodities before. Allocations to health and education sectors have been increased before…what is important therefore is not just the paper, but its implementation, let us wait and see. I expected the money from the euro bond to cushion the tax payer awe kwena! So the last MMD budget gave workers (1000 000) in terms of tax free money and the PF has given them 200 pin (soon that will be K200.
Always Tongas All the Time Tongas…but wats special abt Tongas anyway.
I dont understand..??
the special thing about tongas is their bufoon HH
I’m yet to comment on this budget. allow time for us to digest as opposition members.
The budget is still generating more of its resources from Pay As You Earn K6bn which is wrong as the mines are paying very little at K1.9bn. We need to get more from the mines. Imagine, my money that has been taxed also has to pay VAT when purchasing goods. This is just wrong. There is need for more morney to also be attained from the informal sector which is bigger than the formal yet the formal sector is the largest contributor to the national budget. This is compounding my poverty.
The budget is still generating more of its resources from Pay As You Earn K6tn which is wrong as the mines are paying very little at K1.9tn. We need to get more from the mines. Imagine, my money that has been taxed also has to pay VAT when purchasing goods. This is just wrong. There is need for more morney to also be attained from the informal sector which is bigger than the formal yet the formal sector is the largest contributor to the national budget. This is compounding my poverty.
PF cadres you are a bunch of id.iots. This is your PF’s first budget. And there’s nothing in it for the poor. The MMD you are condemning put a lot of money in the rural economy through the Input Support Programme. This is what has made the country to be self sufficient in food production. You can’t compare this with the nonsense of fizzy drinks contained in this years PF first budget. What has junk got to do with the poor? It is a stupid budget!
When were you born dear PF sycophants? Your tribal warlord Sata was MMD Secretary General for 10 years of those 20 years. Chikwanda was Chief of Staff to Chiluba. Luo, Sakeni were Ministers under the MMD. Sata even campaigned heavily for Chiluba’s Third term. So please can sycophants stop repackaging these PF retreads as new kids on the block. They are the corrupt bunch that failed the country between 1991 and 2001. Your hero Sata even deposited Ministry of local gov’t money into his personal account!
Mukango then you are an even bigger fo.ol than Mbulakulima if you thionk any government int he world can deliver ont heir election promises in 90 days. Obama has been in office four years and he is alkready at risk of being kicked out not for not being abkle to deliver in 90 days, but in four years. It is you that is incapable of reading betweent he lines. It appears you only read between the lines of what you want to believe. Get a life.