Times of Zambia has issued an apology to Former First Lady Thandiwe Banda over a story which they alleged that the State had seized properties worth billions of Kwacha, including a hotel in neighbouring Malawi and some apartments in Tanzania allegedly belonging to former First Lady Ms Thandiwe Banda.
Below is the full apology
In the Times of Zambia edition of December 20th 2011, issue number 15, 244 under the banner headline, “State Seizes Thandiwe’s Properties,” and quoting impeccable sources, it was stated that:
“The State had seized properties worth billions of Kwacha, including a hotel in neighbouring Malawi and some apartments in Tanzania allegedly belonging to former First Lady Ms Thandiwe Banda.”
It was further stated that,
“Government investigative wings were working in liaison with authorities in the host governments for properties suspected to have been plundered and were outside Zambia’s jurisdiction.”
The Times of Zambia is now satisfied that the above statements were wholly unfounded and desires to express its regret to Ms Thandiwe Banda and to unreservedly apologise to her and any other third parties for any embarrassment and inconvenience which the said article may have caused.
Accordingly the said article is withdrawn forthwith.
RB 6 Ukwa 0!!! Muleke ubufi ba Pa-Fyamba. Next in line is the printing of fake kwacha story by Bob Sichinga.
Mulenashako ubufi???
They shud pay her first. this is good money. Our journalists shud go back to school or even night school can help
What is does TZ mean by -withdrawing” the story? The story is in the public domain. How can it be withdrawn? Just tuck your tails between your legs, TZ.
Sue them. Very unproffessional.
SAKI congratulations SAKI SC.
They need to pay, if she does not need the money she can donate it to a charity of her choice.
More money in Thandiwe’s handy bag.Times of PF why sinking so low to victimize such a humble first lady.?
Pls dont accept such trash of an apology-Times of Sata MUST pay you thru the nose.The minimum u should demand is $14Billion so tat we settle DBZ loan by Mnembe
Indeed! Donate the money to the broken DBZ!
Sue the overzealos lot? who were they trying to please? And the issue of undelivered Lexus vehicles the motormouth alleged that RB bought dubiously?
this is riduculous.There was so much noise and slander against RB and his family when PF came into people with their cadres forever claiming RB stole this and that. It was very irresponsible to slander the Banda family like that.At least day by day they- the Bandas are being vindicated.Let PF focus on developing Zambia and not being jealous of RB and the wonderful things he did for Zambia in 3 years
The same Lexuses are used by first lady Christine Kaseba… So was RB wasteful?????
Its sad it took times of sata dis long to know dat it ran a false story was it a way of making her look bad? Hope u pay for ur sins
THats CNP P.I.G for you
Its like watching a never ending circus, daily drama, comedy, action, horror, reality what next? Thandiwe sue them, no retracting the story, damage has already been done. Kachepa kind of journalism should be curtailed.
This is what you call a professional media company when have you seen those keyboard tapping clowns at that virtual media bogue site Zambian Watchpig apologising? Yet they are churning out lies for their feeble minded readers everyday…
thanx maxwell for that. and those feeble minded readers are all over this blog as well.
The worst clown is you who takes time to read what you suppose to know are lies, its either you hypocrite or just stupid
Professional? Where’s your head at Fat Albert? Too far up your a$$?
It’s not called professional when they didn’t even bother to double check their so called ‘impeccable’ source. Apologising is admission of their stupidity in the first place.
Who is suing ZWD? No one and nowadays Mmembe’s K14bn Post always verifies their stories. Too bad that the post is way behind. Don’t visit the ZWD if you think they lie; you are making them more popular. Big fart Maxwell!
In the same vein Thandiwe Sue the Post for the story of you stealing $36,000 from your husband’s bedroom when you were not in the country.
It is a trap for RB and family ? or the president avoiding a future issue for his wife as well. Thinking aloud
That boy is RB copy cat looks like dad no DNA needed to prove like Murry show where they say ” you are the father”. Good they have apologized that is professional.
Stupid Godfrey Malama, you have cost us tax payers heavily. Fool, what did you expect when you cant verify the ‘truth’ you are told by your so-called impeccable sources? *****, you should have remained in retirement and let younger journalists run that insolvent newspaper! You have absolutely no idea about what to do to earn money for that newspaper. Now because of your mediocrity, The Zambian taxpayer had to suffer for your idiocy! Fool…
Those of you advocating for her compansation, don’t you know that the money will come from your tax? Who will pay Chanda Chimbwi’s bill to ZNBC? Please enlighten me.
You think if Chanda Chimbwi owed ZNBC the *****ic cadre Chibamba would have been sitting tight? The chap, Chimbwi, is understood to have been paying ZNBC cash! He owes them nothing (i understand)
@ 19 truth, well said.
@ maxwell.the WD dont lie,its your LT who are the biggest liers mouth piece for the pf.the pf through there ignorance tried to dent the image of RB but they have been caught napping and they must pay.tandiwe sue the *****s
Yet this Ala Bee chap can to retain the services of the vile international blood sucking lawyer Mr Amsterdam!!
All liars are from the Devil, as the Devil is the father of all lies….i hope PF are not liars
Politics of poverty should come to an end.
you were given 48 hours to apologise. you have taken four months. no ways just pay her
Watch this space…. More Lawsuits from the Banda’s to follow. Thats the problem when journalists forget their journalistic integrity for the sake of licking a@$ and buying favours.
Good move, when you are wrong an apology makes things right. This is a spirit which HH should also adopt and not being pompous for nothing. When you tell a lie and you find out that it is really a lie , make an apology…but those without morals will never say sorry. Learn to say sorry to the people you have wronged. well done Times of Zambia.
Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.
silly TZ ,mama Banda thank you for been humble despite all the insults from the devil and his gang of thugs.Let them pay and use the money for the future of those little children.We love you all and we miss you.
They thought they were pleasing MCS and wanted to make people hate RB more by telling lies. Now things back firing. CNP indeed. So people can now see who is lying, who has stolen and who has no plan.
Amateurish reporting.No investigative journalism in Zambia.
Sue them and thank you Sakwiba Sikota, the true Lawyer who wins cases. Times of Sata is apologising before you even say a word. Not ba Kabimba SC, NEVER won any case in court. You are in trouble you Kolwestans. Me I have moved even if I bear a Kolwestan name, I do not belong to thieves. I am pro HH.
RB i need monwy mukwasu. Kindlyu sue the Times ya Paya Farmer (PF). They concocted a lot of lies about RB to make him look a thief.
Now is the time to sue them, Sata used to sue he even sued the Post and won once.
If RB you do not have use for the Money, I need a Luxus for my wife. Kindly take them on. Ni Vipuba.
Zambian Journalism will never recover from the effects of bootlicking unless a new mediaowner comes on the scene
I have always known Godfrey Mulenga Malama to be a C U oN Tuesday (C.U.N.T) who thinks with his d.i.c.k. Go for his a.r.s.e malume RB. There are too many clowns at ToZ.