Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Reports of Emirates plane crash landing in Lusaka false


Reports that the Emirates flight bound for Dubai crash landed at the Kenneth Kaunda international airport last night, shortly after take off are false.

This is according to a letter released by Bryony Gammon the Emirates airlines PR Manager (The Americas & Africa. Mr Gammon said the Emirates flight EK714 bound for Dubai returned to Lusaka airport Sunday 21 October 2012 shortly after take off, due to a technical issue.

The aircraft landed normally, taxied to the stand and passengers disembarked in the usual way.Passengers were then accommodated in hotels and have now been re-booked on alternative flights with Emirates or other airlines.

President Micheal Sata recently used the same airline on his trip to the far East


  1. This is what you get for reading the ZWD. They are quick to report on anything that will discredit the gorvernment. Now they have two stories runing on their site contradicting themselves. Ba Dog Watch, take time to verify facts and do not be malicious on your report. In Aviation terms crash landing does not mean the same as in media terms.

    • Iwe, i have spoken to a passenger on that flight and FACT is they heard a loud bang from one of the engines and had a rough and traumatic flight back to safety. My passenger is traumatised to say the least and it’s *****ic for you and Emirates to try and downplay a serious issue like this.

  2. PR machine in effect: We landed with a bump, which is perfectly normal… 
    Passenger: That landing rattled my jaw…
    Pilot: Gulp… Everything is fine. My hands were as steady as a surgeon.
    Mechanic: Holy cr*p!
    Kidding. Good that no one was harmed. Just keep us informed, Some industries will make us search for black boxes when they know the answers. Just sayin…

  3. Word of advise to his excellence HEMS, Please dont ever use Emirates again. This airline can kill you. 2 days after you use it, it crash lands or rather engine explodes in mid air. I think its not safe.

    • Dear RAS, where do you get such bullcrap? Emirates has an outstanding safety record, ZERO crashes and ZERO loss of life. Get your facts straight before posting crap your silly brain makes up.

  4. Me and my white husband here in Europe with our degrees and education would have flown the plane. We live in Europe and see planes everyday.


    • @9, kulibonesha ta! Even myself I see planes flying over my residence in Kaunda Square!. So what? Mushota, uzisunge!!

    • I live in the USA in Atlanta 15 minutes from one of the busiest international airports in the world. You guys let this kid Mushota rattle you too much and she does that with intention. Once you start ignoring most of her comments, you will see the child in her.

    • when you say ‘me and my white husband’ you are exposing your ignorance, are you trying to say whites are ‘superior’. I feel sorry for you, you are another victim of inferiority complex.

  5. Very rare to hear such for Emirates. They are the Best Middle East Airline, with n crush Record. They put safety First. So Zambians, relax, it was one of those unusual / unfortunate circumstances. GOOD that everyone is safe.

  6. You can only get a balanced account of how the landing was if some passengers had been interviewed. In many countries where reporters do their jobs this would have happened.


  8. I dont see the fuss here. It is very normal for a plane to have a fault and fly back. The good thing is we did not have any crash and no-one was hurt. As for Mushota, I dont get what she is saying!!!

  9. hahaha…..Mushota !!! we missed you …nice to know that you are alive and kicking and still very rich and educated …..any colored babies yet ? 

  10. Ba Zambianwatchdog are better than some bootliking papers who could notbeven report the misharp. If there wasn’t anything to worry about in Dubai wouldn’t have responded so swiftly. The story is true. LT do your own investigation, than to refute what you did not report. This bootliking thing will not make better. Atase.

  11. Ba Zambianwatchdog are better than some bootliking papers who could not even report the misharp. If there wasn’t anything to worry about, that guy in Dubai wouldn’t have responded so swiftly. The story is true. LT do your own investigation, than to refute what you did not report. This bootliking thing will not make better. Atase.

  12. Mushota………kikikiki………… have made my day. Please lets know when you and your white husband will be visiting Zambia

  13. I was a passenger on that flight. About half an hour into the flight there was an explosion in the portside engine, resulting in a fire in as well as loss of power from that engine. THe airplane returned to Lusaka on the remaing engine, and landed smoothly.
    Fire engines were at the ready after landing, but disembarkment happened following normal procedures.

  14. Viva ZWD, So there was an emergency crash landing kanshi? Mr. Gammon, if you have no details to give us just shut the f”k up.

  15. If there was no crash landing then why the panic…this is amateurish PR handling by Emirates…lesson No.1 there is nothing like Bad publicity take a leaf off Ryan Air’s CEO Michael O’leary and milk every drop off this FREE publicity and spin it to your advantage.
    WAKE UP!

  16. Ba Dog watch please try not to report from one side all the time. Get a story from both sides and report both statements in one story. It is called proffessionalism. Not all the time it is “according to our reliable sources”. You should also interview people are say “some passengers interviewed” not always your unreliable sources. I am posting this here because the UPND lying mouth of dog watch will censor this comment.

  17. Higher Taller @16 true there was no crash landing but an emergency landing. These are two different things. Planes do an emergency landing when a fault has been discovered and they have to fly back. A crash-landing is when the plane has a fault that wont allow it to land normally like when the wheels fail to comeout at landing

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