Monday, March 10, 2025

Kabimba graces Independence celebrations in Mongu


Justice minister Wynter Kabimba delivering his speech during the Independence celebrations in Mongu

Thousands of Mongu residents in Western Province today turned up at Mongu sports stadium to witness this year’s Independence commemorations under the theme “Celebrating 48 Independence with vision, hard work and unity.”

During his speech ,Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba said Western Province has played a unifying role and contributed immensely to Zambia’s Post-Independence National Development.

Kabimba who is also Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General said it is for this reason that government places the important role played by the Western Province at the centrepiece of its priorities.

“Throughout the history and independence of our country, the Western Province has played a unifying role and contributed immensely to Zambia’s Post-Independence National Development.” He said.

Mr. Kabimba said that government has noted that social and economic development has been slow in Western Province compared with other provinces in last two decades hence the Pf government has already made a practical statement of intent in the Province.

He revealed that government this year allocated K15 billion for various poverty reduction programmes in the Western Province out of which K14.5 billion has been disbursed so far.

Kabimba said the PF government has recorded great progress in developing Western Province in its one year of power citing the earmarking of Lukulu- Katunda- Watopa road, the Kalao- Kalongola- Sitoti road and the Kasempa – Kaoma road under the link Zambia 8000 project.

Scores of Mongu residents lined the streets to watch the marching band during the 48th independencs celebrations in Mongu

Kabimba said government intends to connect Shangombo and Lukulu District to the Nation Electricity Grid in the near future to enhance investment in the two districts.

“Moving into the near future, let me assure the people of Western Province that the PF government intends to connect Shangombo and Lukulu district to the national electricity grid so as to attract investment to the districts” he said

He further said government has started the process of tendering the rehabilitation of township roads in Mongu adding that government will also create paved bricks manufacturing plants in Kaoma and Senanga districts for the purpose of paving all townships roads in the province and turn create more jobs.

Kabimba said in the next four years the PF government will transform the agriculture system to encourage crop diversification and food security in order to tap into the potential of each province in the country.

“The Western Province and the rest of Zambia will continue benefitting from the farmer input support programme (FISP)” he assured.


  1. Well government departments had to celebrate to apease the appointing authority/ paymaster. And it was the best show in town for the children.

  2. Be it children or not a single saint attending the celebrations are to continue for its no else’s independence day but ours…Zambia is not an individual but rather us as citizens so lets love our country to the max…lets refrain from taking part in anything that discredit our nation at all cost.

  3. I thought we were told that people of Mongu would not celebrate Zambia nation independence day. What has people of Mongu can you tell us?

  4. ha ha bring out a few marching bands and the barotse people are out celebrating the indepence they vowed not to be part of.

  5. The attendance of children at rallies was justified by former President Rupiah Banda saying that the presence of children at his rallies is the way it should be so that children and adults are accorded a chance to dance and laugh together. Addressing a rally at the Boma grounds in Choma last year he said “This is how political rallies should be with adults and children laughing and dancing together,” after realizing that his rally was dominated by children. At another rally he said that children are scared to attend Sta’s rallies. It is now the PF’s turn. So MMD bloggers should be the last ones to complain on the presence of children.

  6. The future belongs to the kids, they are wise to participate. Imiti ikula empanga. After all the guys who have been mismanaging our resources from 1964 to date are getting on and will pass away.

  7. Zambia belongs to the youths so it is a good sign, for any govt which is popular with youths they are the future of zambia

  8. one cannot force another to be happy, neither can one force another not to be happy.

    celebrations are meant to be boisterous andhilarious moments and as such no impendiments of any kind can succeed either political or otherwise. am only advising nevers and hh to be sober minded over national issues. these are like football matches which unites all tribes and can never be shunned.

  9. Shame on watchdog. ZWD is stinking. “They are bitter”. Their bitterness will take them nowhere. What they should know is that by 2016 MCS will have brought development to Western province that they people will be made to vote for PF again. Continue with your bitterness.

    • You are just disappointed that WK was receivied by kids who in fact were attracted by the military brass band. Why do you prefer to burry your ugly head in the sand? I can see sorrow and bitterness in your face and eyes. Sorry my friend, but the truth hurts too.

  10. It’s good news that the majority that attended were youths because that means the future is bright and they want to participate in the development of their province. Who cares whether the old folks attended or not, they would be dead soon anyway and in the event of war break out it would be youths killing each other while the old hide in their huts.
    And for sad lives at ZWD who were saying Lozis won’t celebrate this year i say ‘eat your hearts out’. THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT FOR WESTERN PROVINCE, THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT FOR ZAMBIA. ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION.

  11. This was lovely..This shows that the people seeking division in Mongu are a small group and division should not be tolerated. 

  12. “He revealed that government this year allocated K15 billion for various poverty reduction programmes in the Western Province out of which K14.5 billion has been disbursed so far.” So, only K0.5bn is remaining to be disbursed, yet the poverty is still so high! Lord have Mercy on bamalozi! Not this budget year, maybe next. But whay – underbudget? Too much poverty to be eradicated? Theft of the disbursements? But one thing we must pat the implementers for is the speed in spending; no returns I guarantee you!

  13. I would take youths over old folks all day long and twice on Sunday because they are the future of the country and the most volatile. Conclusion: the celebrations were a success.

  14. I am suprised that the it took place. There was a lot rhetoric from foul mouthed and self fulfilling politicians and their blog supporters that it will not take place. These are the same people today saying it was the children. Shame on al of you pretenders.

  15. This just confirms that what BFM says does not represent the views of all the Lozi people. Obviously the people of Western Province are concerned with their high poverty levels, etc, but that doesn’t automatically translate into wanting to separate from Zambia. The key is for the PF Govt to focus on other provinces, not just Northern, Luapula and Muchinga. Like it or not, it is for their own survival.

  16. @kwacha, civil servants whether barotses swore to show their allegence to the state in thicase Zambia. Teachers, nurses, students,cabinet ministry officials are mandate by law to attend state functions. The only problem with kabimba is his lack of tackling the real issue. The insurgence in the province. Kabimba and his mob at the stadium were only saved by heavy military presence. Otherwisekabimba will have no eyes today.

  17. So people find lies great…masipa amina, why can’t you here what others are saying. It was govt employees who were required to attend so that a lie is once again given to you.

    As for Kabimba and his PF fellows, you always need the police for you to step there.

    Malanga a mina…

    • # 22& 24
      From the the picture i can see kabimba isn’t wearing a bullet proof nor heavily guarded by police, so what are you talking about you cowards? It’s high time all sim cards were registered and all internet cafes were required to install CCTVs so that trolls like you lot have no where to hide. Why would the whole Minister be scared of a few deluded criminals? UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

  18. I think some people here are very silly and childish. Where did you read that Mongu will not be celebrating independence, you are the people who cause confusion. The BFM said the were not celebrating independence not the people of Mongu or Shangombo. When the BFM speaks it does not speak on behalf everyone. Go back and read the story. 

  19. we need more Zambian children to identify with the nation.At least the future leaders have not been contaminated by prejudice,hate and inferiority complexes of old goons.

  20. One Zambia one nation, this slogan means alot, the Lozis have come to the party.Lets be observant and see who is being noisy in that area, thanks my cousins for being patriotic to the nation.

  21. nomba kumongu finshi bailishanya, pantu nombona ama spacio yalifika hilux iyayendelela ku right ukuli umu guyz ulya necha blue kwati ena not interested in celebrating. wat more do u need?

  22. Nice pictures of Mongu,the current Western Province has a lot of potential.

    We like the ideas that the PF are promoting in Western Province and we would like to thank H.E. President M.C. Sata for reenforcing the One Zambia One Nation slogan and for making it clear that Zambia will never be divided.

    The PF government must now work on dividing Western Province as it is too big and difficult to manage considering all the Barotseland propaganda flying all over.

    We believe that the Province should be split in two to create another Province called Kafue Province. We would like to believe that Kafue Province should be created to streamline administration, enhance democracy and localise governance for our people to contribute to Zambia.

    Happy Birthday Zambia

    One Zambia One Nation.

  23. Mongu has a nice stadium, the BRE11 have a better stadium than chipolopolo…. kikikikikiii. Anyway, Watchdog thrives on lies. Only few selfish individuals boycotted the celebration, big ups to the bama Lozi. This is our country so lets unite to develop it and avoid politics of hatred. If u follow history u will know that Litunga sold (gave concession rights) this Zambia (i dont know wat it was called then) to the BSA except Barotseland. So this country has been one way before the whites came. What Litunga didnt know then was that wat goes around comes around so it was his time to lose total control of Barotseland. ONE ZAMBIA< ONE NATION!!!!!!!

  24. This was Kabimba’s show it appears he was the only one who did everything at the rally.There was no mention of other notables at the rally, more of propaganda.Kabimba cannot attract anyone, not even in Salaland where he hails from.

  25. who in their right mind can go and attend kabimba’s rally u guys at lusaka times and post newspaper be serious,why over rate this corrupt lunatic.i don’t see sense in this lunatic.

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