Former Community Development Minister Michael Kaingu’s daughter Iris has been fined K10 million after she was convicted of making an obscene materials.
Lusaka Resident Magistrate Prince Mwiinga in passing sentence ordered Iris to pay the fine or serve nine months simple imprisonment.
By time of publishing, Iris’s legal team was processing payment.
It is alleged that on dates unknown but between December 1, 2010 and November 23, 2011 in Lusaka, Ms. Kaingu jointly and whilst acting together with another unknown person, Ms. Kaingu did make obscene cinematography films that were likely to corrupt morals.
In his judgement, Magistrate Mwiinga stated that after having watched the sex video himself, there is proof beyond reasonable doubt that the video is likely to corrupt morals of individuals that may get their hands on it.
He further stated that it was established that the duo where aware of the laptop webcam recording the entire scene.
If it was me I would not have done it with that man
I have morals I would refuse
Shame, she has brought the name of the country into shame
I do not like her anymore
Get lost Mushota.
Ba mushota
dont pretend to be an Angel could you have done more evil
So which man would you have done it with?
@mushota. How many times have you been bonked? You are lucky that there was no camera, and worse some people who were jelosy of you did not come in touch of your laptop or phone here you kept the secret. Iris has even taught the judge,and indeed the whole country how to hands a penis
Mushota lair
More money into some pockets
She looks like a man, she should be jailed really
No sympathy from me
i.d.i.o.t… so all along you knew what she did and you were asking me….grow up…..
Good morning Cycle, I asked because I did not know i have since read and I am so upset at what she did, don’t you agree she should have known better?
You are a retard. She looks like a man?? You honestly look like a monkey jumping from branch to branch in a maize field. Leave Iris alone!
I think you are one of the zcas students who was jelousy of her.be careful when,where and to him you will make sex. You could be the next. Sex tapes in the western world make gals rise to stardom. Ask Paris Hilton, Kim kardashian.its only among religious pretenders like in northern Rhodesia where everyone pretend they don’t make wild kinky sex.
To be honest, there is no need to condemn Iris. I don’t see any reason.
1. All of us in this World came into being because of sex.
2. Are you telling me that you have never had any sexual activity in your life?
3. Why are you bitter? Where you aiming at the same guy and my sister was a competitor?
My friend swallow your pride and acknowledge you poor thinking capacity. I can imagine if at once we could watch all those filthy things that some of you guys do in darkness, one would not look twice. Iris is a woman and has morals and a dignified person. For me I would say we shall see on judgement day, who will face hell. You guys that pretend to be saints and Iris who you condemn. Please I beg you leave her alone ok.
Much…much better!! Am sure she has learnt something out of that and all of us (as human)we have leanrt one or two things.IRIS congatulations……i hope to meet you so i can encourage you to forge foward.Its not the end of the world Life has to continue my sister.
He who has began a good work in you he is able to complete. Stop the nonsence you have leant the lesson, never trust anyone only God.
@ Son of the Soli. Schizophrenia is a mental disoder characterised by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness . it most commonly features hallucinations, paranoid or bizare delusions or disorganised thinking, and it is accompanied by signifiacant social disfunction. this is what some of you Lozi and Tonga brothers suffer from.
I hear you Son of the Soil,
Sounds like you were there… Dont be subject
Finally. Someone with sense speaks up. I also wondered at her lawyers. Most lawyers are just moronic *****s that cant think for themselves. This was a clear case: She took part, yes. But did she ditribute it? was it her laptop? what has happened to the “boyfriend” and his pal? It’s a pity. This girl is an innocent victim who trused her boyfriend but all we hear is how bad she is. Where are the women’s groups? Instead of supporting her they are all screaming senslessly
“hule, hule, hule.”
The prosecution convinced the Magistrate that Iris was aware that the laptop was recording the sexual act. So even me I would have convicted her
Women ve really been a let down 2 the country if not drugs then its o forms of illigal acts hear Iris used 2 sell thoz videos she was making!
@ 7….Havent you wondered what leads women to doing such????most of them are hooked up with Irresposible men!just like in this case a real man (whoever )was with her should have stood up to defend her,but upto now it is said the man is unknown….lol…why pretend,he should have been responsible for his action as well instead he lives the girl to suffer alone!damn!
Ok we can now make videos sell them and just make sure that we keep K10 million aside , just in case we are caught. Nice one Judge. K10 million will just be the cost of doing business for these morally bankrupt chaps like Iris, I guess, right?
I think she should have gone in for 9 months and this is a very bad precedence set by this Judgement and Iris Kaingu Vs Sate will be used over and over for many years to come by the other judges to perpetuate this evil in our Christian nation and that is just how law work.
Sad day indeed for moralists like myself. K10 million is pocket change for anyone trading in porn business
Talk to your pastor who impregnated 10 women in his church and denied but agreed to having an affair with an elderly lady in the same church. Do not judge this young lady she just made a one time mistake like we all do.
I think you are just a fool pretending to be a saint. Why cant you assholes leave this gal alone. How many pipo in this so called christian nationa having sex ncluding you jungle bunny.
How come Magistrate Mwinga’s morals have not been corrupted after watching the video??
shud we throw the courts away? such a thinking by #9 is detrimental to society. only dimwits will give you accolades for such a warped thought.
l think the judge was so honey after watching that movie.
The magistrate also felt sex after watching the videos especially after again seeing her in court and he had no option but to adj an the matter so that he regains himself and now a 10 million fine.Ok. I think he is right because Iris was not alone in the video performing sex but then highly published and brought before him without the other character. All the magistrate has done is what Jesus did when a woman was brought alone before him that he was caught performing adultery.After all many of us have been having unprotected sex so many times since this case started and because we have not been caught then we are not sinners. BIG NO. free the girl some of us we are interested in her skills.
Ba Mushota
Stop bragging, what does the book of life says”for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
@ son of the soil aka Cave Man .Schizophrenia is a mental disoder characterised by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness . it most commonly features hallucinations, paranoid or bizare delusions or disorganised thinking, and it is accompanied by signifiacant social disfunction. this is what some of you Lozi and Tonga brothers suffer from.
Iwe @zemuntu, schizophrenia is a serious mental illness found in all races and ethnic groups. Be quiet, you don’t know what you are talking about, just tribal nonsense. For those of us who know someone who has suffered from this, it is painful to watch, and to make foolish comments just stigmatizes the illness.
Lovely ! Elyashi ili bane.
Iris go to the Red Light Districts of Europe. Thats were you belong. There no one will harass you for following your destiny.:d
if the judge say’s he watched the sex video and say’s it can corupt his morals..one wonder if pastors must patronise the night spots to seee the level of moral degradation so the can preach with a right perspective…… what has happened to the young man….??? Can the women groups be as fevent as they do is petty issue to help us get the young man in line also
I assume by now if she has prayed for forgiveness God has already forgiven her. For whoever, is reading this just ask God to forgive you for that sin you are doing now or yesterday. Do not sound holier, its just your sins are not seen. Please help her to become stronger and help to build Zambia.
If anyone of you say you have never sinned before any sin, continue commenting negatively.
Finally leave this gal alone..She has gone thru severe mental torture.Hope she gain her confidence and dignity back sooner than later
At least the chapter is now closed. She has walked to freedom.
Freedom? she still remains a convict thats the sad part of it.
Now the question for Iris is will you ever trust a soul..? I doubt if she will be taking anymore pictures or even get bonked..Eish wish u the best of luck and a quick recovery
Dont blame the judge.The law states so.If she had pleaded guity this case would have closed long time.I blame her laywer.
This is the fairest outcome of this. Since the guy was fined K10m its only just that the girl gets the same instead of rotting in a prison while the guy walks freely.
Ka Mushota, what morals do you have you dildo pleaser? Can you for once learn to zip it up and work on your bicthism PHD.
Please be nice, there is no need to use profanity
this is a copy cut of Mushota, she not the original Mushota who used to get on you cases. check her flag.
The judge was afraid that Kaingu was going to tear his judgment.Iam sure Sata is bitter.
Come to Ndola Iris, Im waiting forb you! Just let me knw when u r around, In will probably propose
even our wives can learn from her excuisite performance in bed, fimbi filala fye kwati chimuti. Learn from that great Video!!
she was not anything i ws doing it u didnt see that we only did two styles..kekkekekekekekk
at least she will just pay the fine and not going to jail the young girl has already been punished by comments form the society it has not been easy for her. Am sure she has leant a lesson
the person to blame is her lawyer he wanted money ,he did nt advise his client correctly,he was after mula
Thank God for the end of this story, am sure all our children have learnt their lesson. Kaingu send this child to school somewhere in Namibia under the watchful eye of some counsellors. She needs to move on though she had made a grave mistake, we are all guilty in someway or another. She has been tortured for a long time over a small issue, that cannot be compared to the immoral things that our Ministers do in this country.
The girl can rest now.
She has gone through a lot mwandi mwe i feel for her. She was ignorant about the impact of the secret video
I am happy for Iris and her family. The judge is correct. Iris, you are free but as the the Lord Jesus said, I also say ”Go your way and sin no more or something worse will happen to you’. from now on, live for Jesus my dear daughter
the hole just next to the anus is the big problem and the reason for all this. Seal it up with super glue or come to me i do the welding
You are a fool and should be ashamed to write such nonsense
never insult the place you came from
Why always referring to her as ‘Former Community Development Minister Michael Kaingu’s daughter Iris’ this is what our President was against when each time Edward Mumbi was being called Former, former, former ( former party secretary general) She now has her own name. Its good news hope now she repents. “Pardon Iris Kaingu face book fan”
@ Mushota, u jus jealousy! shes got great looks….
You need glasses, besides I am not available, I got a man
I don’t blacks as well I am afraid
was a great vid. Are my morals now corrupted??? Ooops wonder how billions of ppl arrived on the planet. Corrupted morals.
This is really sad for a young life like hers. Where is the so called “unknown” partner? Has he got a concious? Iris we pray for your recovery.
Her lawyer knew all this time it would play like this but she too wanted to make some money.If she pleaded guity the first time this case could have been long forgoten in the archives!
Me and my white educated boyfriend did it on a train.
OMG finally my sweetie walks to freedom, ya.
We all do nasty things in our closets. Why should this girl be punished simply because she expressed herself with her guy in their privacy. I think the person that stole the video should be the one to receive severe punishment.
Finally a sensible Zambian!!
The law is black and white. She wasnt punished for the acts in private but for putting them on video. You have to respect the law of the land
Who has ha details? she seeme she is good in styles to even cofuse the judge i need ha fo marriage
Nainuka ndeya mukuchita Iris. Am sure pakokola apo bamuliilepo pa mulandu wa iyi ine turbulence…but camera nsha sende. Twalapila!
She is not the biggest criminal, besides she did not produce the video for sale or distribution, it just leaked to the public by accident. There are bigger criminals out there who deserve punishments, there millions of phonocators out there and most of the writers on this blog do have some kind of secrets that deserve jail time, so lets not be hipocritical because we have not been caught of our sins. We are all sinners, and were is the boy, the co-staring in the video.
More manure tainted crass emanating from the “PhD studying, white man engaged” Mushota!! Do us all a favour: Before you take to typing, write what you want to contribute on a piece of paper, read it back, nicely punctuate it, pick a dictionary and see what the right construction of your sentences should be, ask your white “fiance'” to proof read it, THEN comment here!! Otherwise, SHUT UP!!!
You are Bemba like me, I suggest you be nice
I am very impressed with Mushota , she has really grown into a very nice woman …. i wish i had her contact address then i was going to write her personally . Whatever happened with all that bitterness she used to exhibit …
Zambian society ! at its best . Tell me women how did u loose your virginity ? On camera like Iris or in woods or back of car , did even go to your marriages pure ?
I act like this because I left Zambia for a better life. Now all I have is a white guy with a small #%$^@. Meanwhile, my friends back in Zambia have developed. It hurts me so bad that I turn to making ill-conceived comments. My PhD is in Arts and Drama and won’t get me anywhere in Zambia. At least I use it to sing on a ship in Spain where my fiance will work as a bus driver.
Love the way you are fighting back…THANK YOU
This is not Mushota.
okay its over for now
Grow up people – it is just sex.
He without sin cast the first stone.
Are you telling me Iris is the only fornicator in this country.
it’s not ‘just sex’…the problem is we treat it so lightly
Iris has suffered injustice because of her father’s stand.
good that the case has come to an end but very bad for her that she will have a criminal record on her file.
Mushota I can beat you at my looks and my bed skills, don’t even try to disagree..at least my man is young ..yours is a grandpa, frail and smell$ like polony!!!!!
If you are super jealous, you know what, am kind… i can show you one or two things….For Free!!!!
I’m not a specialist law person but why was this girl locked up for a whole two days only to be fined?
And also regardless of the moral issues sorrounding this, I do not think this girl deserved even one second behind bars. Can the judge please tell us that it was proved that this girl had the intention of distributing the video when she and her boyfriend filmed it? And has it been proved that she herself distributed it? Shes just been used as a sacrificial lamb which is just pathetic. Most of us have done worse and got away with it
When convicted most jurisdiction will place you in custody even though you were previously on bail. The idea behind this is to avoid a convict from jumping bail or being a flight risk before a sentence is handed down. This is common practice almost everywhere. There are a few exceptions to that rule and in this case it didn’t apply.
Thanks kaopolyo for that legal lessons. Well it makes sense though maybe the sentence should have been handed down at the same time. but again I bet there was reson for that too which I might not understand…..
Into which account does this loose money go? Ministry of finance or justice, or etc? Just asking.
Its the queens language, why bother,
Okay at least she will not need to go to Jail, 10m is not big money for her father. But young people must from Irish that being careless in life can lead to big embarrassment and trouble. I guess Iris has learnt a lesson though the hard way! Next story please!
Schizophrenia is a mental disoder characterised by a breakdown of thought processes and by poor emotional responsiveness . it most commonly features hallucinations, paranoid or bizare delusions or disorganised thinking, and it is accompanied by signifiacant social disfunction. this is what some of our Lozi and Tonga brothers suffer from. They still think they still leaving in caves
f u c k you. What does Tonga and lozi got to do this this? Wabe tole
I knew, Honourable Mwiinga cannot let such stupidity unpunished. Bravo comrade Mwiinga!!! You taught them here in Chingola, teach them there also!!!!!!!!!!!
i wonder where this world is going if we have people who can disgrace the whole creation of humanity. may God deliver such people in Jesus name.
yes fined
Ok. All dogs eat feaces. The only bad dog, is the one that has been cought eating feaces. Other dogs that are never caught are clean! If any of you have not sinned, be the first ones to lift your hand against this girl. This is growing up, but a good lesson to all of us.
no comment
Mpampi I also dont understand. It looks like someone just wanted to see her locked up for a while. This is not criminal mwebantu Stop intimidating people with silly laws!
leave the girl alone. we have more pressing issues to worry about, like those old recycled corrupt politicians who steal right in front of our faces, we ignore and cheer them. nanga imwe simumanyenga?
I hope the magistrates morals were not corrupted when he watched the video!!!
mandela mandela the walk to freedom viva iris
#43 Tumbo, You are right, all dogs eat feaces. I found mine eating amafi at the farm. At least my sweetie is free at last and I am sure she has learnt a lesson. I saw that she was wearing a chitenge (wrapper) from one of the churches. For those pointing a finger at her and others including myself, married or not, how many of you have found that your wife/girlfriend is a virgin? Imagine what they were doing to lose their virginity. Worse things than Iris. Iris, you will remain my sweetheart.
Fyobe ifyo.
@Mushota #3#1\
Just look at yourself and compare your challenged reflection to the beautiful Iris Kaingu. That urgly photo of yours which is ever displayed next to your trash on internet is nothing but a disgrace to say the least. Mushota how would you rate yourself out of ten? Frankly speaking, I will give you 4 out of ten and this is a biasing rating in favour of you. The panel of judges would disqualify me for favouritism. Mushota you are dark in complexion and like I said, your facial features are challenged. Oops, this is not meant to marginalise our darker sisters but only to show Miss Mushota that she must beautify herself before she castigates Iris Kaingu (the beautiful lady).
Careful next time. at elast hse has learnt something out of this and should be careful next. we move on from here.
Your sins are forgiven, Go and sin no more dear Iris. Remember to proclaim the greatness of God and His grace be upon you!!
Forget about who has sinned and who hasn’t; even more importantly, forget about the fate that has befallen on Iris Kaingu – we can change that anymore. Rather what we should be advocating and campaigning for is the removal of this archaic, stone-age period law from our justice system. We should ensure we lobby and implore Parliament to send this barbaric law back to the 1920’s where it came from. It was drafted and written in the dark ages where there was no internet or personal video cameras or camcorders. The only people who would have access to a camera back then were national TV, ZNBC or whatever it was called then.
Hey, Mushota you are urgly and not worthy a woman of any moral values and on the other hand, the beautifull Miss Iris Kaingu is an example of a victim who was at a wrong place, with a wrong sex maniac and at a wrong time. I am sure her criminal record will be clean at some stage in the future. You, Mushota no one wants you, other than your ‘Nick’, a dish clearner in a cruise liner some near Italy. As for me I will soon marry a Zambian woman not trash like you.
Worse off films are being watched by people in Zambia on the internet everyday. The magistrate and the law on corrupting morals in our country are completely out of touch with reality. Ten million fine is unacceptable and excessive. I am not condoning Iris’s behaviour but simply asking the law to be re viewed to be in line with reality.
@ Mushota, no black man can go 4 yo dirty a$$, zambians are not homos except 4 mumembe, Iris is way beyond you, compared to you, Iris is an angel
If you followed my corcen on this issue you will agree with the setiments that @observer has posted.I alluded 2 the fact that if Iris is set free then every1 that commits a similar offence in future will also b set free.But only pipo with alot of cash 2 burn will skip jail.As 4 the poor i pity u bretheren. Iam sorry 2 tell it 2 yo face that justice is only 4 apamwamba.
# 41 Zemuntu, just ask your mother carefully who you real father is. If she is honest enough you may just realise that you have Tonga or Lozi blood in your system.
Yes Cave Man
There is a reputation which needs to be mended.She needs to appeal against the judgement so that her name is cleared.Such judgements have got greater repercussions in future.In case,she needs to be employed,employer will think of the reputation of an organisation before engaging her.Not only that,a good name is better than wine.It will be difficult for someone to propose her with such a name.
My friend you are thinking within your small minds. The Girl has got market than before check for her on Facebook. She is overloaded
Iris you may not see this but ill encourage you to humble yourself, give your life to God and let him restore you back to the plan he had for your life. You have been given a second chance at life do your best to make your parents proud and leave the rest for God. As for Mr kaingu, ask The lord for wisdom to guide your daughter in the right way its not too late. Lastly but not least this is a lesson to all who believe that money can buy freedom. Iris may be free from the physical imprisonment but this is something that will be with her for the rest of her life. Money may get you out of jail but it can never buy you peace. Look to JESUS.
Iris sure,you mean those lips gave a BLOWJOB to a dude on camera sure,i want one also mwe.
Good performance and every white guy is looking for her to get the distinguished service. She very good at it I don’t think there is any other Zambian Girl today who can do it like that. The Guy must have paid profoundly for the service and believe me the ***** will not have get satisfied from any other Girl and that is a big problem for his marriage. Divorce after divorce for not get that type of a service.
More money in the Government’s pockets.
Wow! Great news indeed. I told you guys before, she was just going to be fined. See, the reason she was remanded in jail until today was to teach her a lesson and also to show that the court system actually works in Zambia. I think it’s a fair fine failure to pay equals 9 months…which in terms of cour proceedding is equal to the amount of time the courts have spent on this case. So, for those saying it’s a waste of the courts time, well, the courts always and always get their “money” back and in this case, they have.
Now to you IRIS, I urge you to go to disappear from Lusaka or Zambia period. You’ll be foolish to EVER do anything sexual in nature ever again. Become a nun. Don’t even kiss anyone, if its not me. Lol, ok am joking ba feecarla. But am happy for her. Good luck Iris!
I really implore this girl to repent and refocus her energies in life. When you are not married you cannot be so free with sexual exploits. She may have escaped jail, but the harm is already done to her reputation and it will take her long to find a genuine suitor. The exposing of that video may have been because she grabbed the boy friend from another girl or she cheated on another boy friend and when the offended found that video, she/he decided to teach her a lesson. This is a lesson in life she will never forget and must try her level best through prayer and by Gods’ grace to reclaim her image. Iris’s parents have a role to play in rebuilding their daughters image, self confidence and values. Right now she is very attractive girl friend material, but very few men would marry her.
OK, Mushota. Thanks for coming out in the open. The facts are:a) You are studying PhD in Arts & Drama (ZamArts, anyone?), b) you are frustrated that your friends back in Zambia, the country you say you’ve nothing to do with, are progressing and you are hurt hence you spend time formulating rubbish to diss them, c) your white fiance is a bus driver in Spain d) your ambition, after your PhD study, is to sing in ships, e) sex with your fiance is at it’s lowest ebb because he has a small $%^&, etc. So, in a nut shell, you are an over-educated, jealous, frustrated, sex starved, wannabe singer with an inferiority complex. Correct me if I’ve something out. Oh, to Iris, happy liberty!
Some of you are really just plain stupit…not even being close to ignorant!
Mushota Iwe Mushota after wa fyala bana mubu hule ku UK you have nothing to do but denigrate the country you come from. Are you really at School or are your kerb crawling or putting cards in phone boxes for your clients ?
I am tired of sending money for lawyers to bail you out for soliciting and being caught with your kerb crawling customers just come back to Zambia but I want you to go for an AIDS test first pantu kuti waisa lwalika abalumendo mu Zambia.
I would still do her,dont care if the whole zambia has seen her doing it.Iris you are a nice girl and yes what you did is wrong.i do it all the time with my whore!!
alangizi nchito yabadwa
am glad she is free now,but where is the video so we can see it again?\:d/\:d/\:d/\:d/\:d/\:d/\:d/
Manje nyele yapakilako mufan uyu
K10million is same as being stoned. She did nothing wrong.
Be brave young lady. Zambian’s memory recall can only go back 48 hrs, you can even contest for Republican Presidency and no one will remember this issue. If i had be younger i would have proposed but that aggression i saw would probably give me a heart attack. Wishing you all the best
First of all, that law should surely be amended. One should only be charged for producing such videos for intentional sell or public viewing without authority – not for private use or possession. If Iris did not intend that the videos be published, she should never have been convicted. Secondly there was no reasonable cause for remanding her in custody before judgement. Was she a muderer or fugitive, or someone who had committed a henious crime? Legally, on the other hand, if the boyfriend pleaded guilty straight away and was fined k10m, then Iris should have got a stiffer sentence for going ahead with her defence – another misapplication of the law by the magistrate. All everyone needs to do now is produce these kind of videos, sell them for £30,000 and keep a kama K10m for the law
In 1960, penguin books were tried in the UK for publishing a steamy novel Lady Chatterly’s Lover it was a test of the new obscenity law and the verdict was “not guilty”. The prosecution was ridiculed for being out of touch with changing social norms. This resulted in a far greater degree of freedom for publishing explicit material in the UK. The novel is now a classic taught in schools. The point is morals dictated by society evolve. Zambia choses where it is in that evolution and this will gradually change.
My niece Mushota taulaleka ubu hule ku UK. Watushila abeshikulu kuno ku Zambia and you don’t send any money. We here you make a lot o money standing on street corners in London. My only wish is you send some money for these bastards you left here in Zambia.
P.S. Tukapose aya ama ARV you have left behind here in Kanyama.
lessons learnt, lets keep morals and preserve them for identity on the continent .Zambians lets cal a bad thing by its name,why screen your bed room activities.We need prayers as a nation..
Iris didn’t deserve a minute in the cell, shame
MUSHOTA,a real PHD student wont engage herself in such silly acts,having sex in train rides.more questions around PHD THING,when did u finished MBA? and which school did u attend?, if we may know please,and my last question where did u obtained YOUR BACHELOR DEGREE?
This was a stupid and petty case that did not deserve to be in courts of law. Waste of time and resources. Our judges should go thru common sense lessons.
Do not bring shame again to the family by engaging yourself in such dirty activities
poor zambia I do not see any reason for prosecuting Iris, laws should be updated.
iyo kwena musuma umwaiche! nomba ayonawila
not so bad for someone trying make an event memorable.don’t know why you guys are commenting like that? leave the lady alone. to iris concentrate on your future, pick all those remaining pieces and forge ahead. for i like you.
Him without sin, let him cast the first stone