Sunday, September 8, 2024

GBM pledges loyalty to President Sata and PF


Sata with GBM in Mufumbwe
Sata with GBM in Mufumbwe

Minister of Defense Geofrey Mwamba has vowed to rally behind President Michael Sata and the Patriotic Front party.

Mr Mwamba pledged to support President Sata all his life and advised Mufumbwe residents to rally and support the president in order have meaningful development.

He said the PF government through the good leadership of President Sata has enabled the people of Muchinga Province have access to clean water, better schools, good roads and hence appealed to people of Mufumbwe to vote for Pf candidate Stephen Masumba as member of parliament for Mufumbwe constituency and district.

Mr Mwamba said he will always belong the PF government and has no intention of leaving and therefore advised people who wish to resign from the PF party to do so while he pledged to remain faithful.

And National Revolution Party President Cosmo Mumba has also pledged to support President Sata in order to bring development to the country.

He said he decided to support president because the people of Zambia voted for him and God chose him as a leader for the people of Zambia.

He further urged the people of Mufumbwe to open their eyes and see that President Sata was the driver of the country and needs the support of every citizen.


The President made Mr Masumba to kneel before hundreds of people who turned out for the rally at Matushi grounds to ask for their votes.
The President made Mr Masumba to kneel before hundreds of people who turned out for the rally at Matushi grounds to ask for their votes.

Meanwhile, President Michael Sata has urged the people of Mufumbwe in North Western Province to make wise decisions in elections if they are to see development in their area.

The President noted that power to develop Mufumbwe lies in the votes of the people themselves.

Speaking when he introduced the PF candidate for the Mufumbwe parliamentary by election in Mufumbwe today, the President said government want to use Mr Masumba to implement development in the area.

Mr Sata said the Pf government will develop areas that have Members of Parliament who are in government.

He said the entire province is in the hands of the opposition that is why it is not developed.

Mr Sata said Mr Masumba crossed to the ruling party because he wanted to develop his area which he said cannot be done if he remained in the opposition.

The President said the MMD leader failed the church and his party which he deserted hence cannot make a good leader for the country.

Mr Sata however urged Mr Masumba to be tolerant to all the people even those that are provocative.

He told him to be listening to the people who are his employers.

The President made Mr Masumba to kneel before hundreds of people who turned out for the rally at Matushi grounds to ask for their votes.

And Cosmo Mumba said the opposition do not deserve vote because they frustrate government in parliament.

He asked the people of Mufumbwe to vote for a young MP like Mr Masumba who has the capacity to implement developmental programmes in the area.

The rally was attended by several Cabinet and Deputy Ministers and two Chiefs.



  1. Hahahahahahaha,playing to the gallery !!!! After knneling he’s heading straight to some bar nearby and dance carelessly with local girls with that same chitenge wrapped around his waist !!!! :d

  2. The name of the game –Politics. Masumba kneeling for votes . 

    I just wish all the best to who ever will win the 8 november bye election.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  3. Yaba culture of kneeling, when is it going to end? Mwebantu Masumba is not MP material, Honestly for PF to ignore the diploma issue that Masumba wrongly obtained from NIPA shows how this govt has no regard for education.Adopting Masumba who is a crook as evidenced by him masquarading as an accountant in his previous job using a false paper is an issult to the many genuine graduates who are jobless. I urge every well meaning Zambia to condemn PF’s way of doing politics.

    • You seem to be the fool here, will he continue supporting Mr Sata even when Sata is dead?

      And what about when they have a difference in opinion?

      Thats Namibia bwana, you could well have some expertise in Herero not English…..

  4. What is wrong with your presidentm he cannot have his suits irned? Does he he slee with his clothes on or he is so desprate for votes, he has been whiped and his tail is betwwen his legs after practicung tribal politics whic is working against him now, waona manje, teeze oukuza.

  5. I believe masumbas NIPA case will soon be thrown out of court looking at his connectivity to presdo and Kapoko. And Boma would love to have another bye election

  6. Unconstitutional remarks by the president H.E. MCS. Development only for areas with ruling party MPs? Zambia is a multi-party democracy ba Sata please

  7. Never believe a politician when they ‘pledge their loyalty’ to the appointing authority. There is so much controversy engulfing GBM and therefore he cannot fool anyone.
    The president’s ‘casual’ outfit in top picture looks like oversize salaula, come on Dr Kaseba do something about his wardrobe.

  8. The PaFwaka Boma never ceases to amaze me. “Mumba said  the opposition do not deserve vote because they frustrate government in parliament.” and at the same time they should kneel down for the votes. This is total comedy and madness at its worst; I am just wondering where else on earth such madness can be entertained. 

  9. #9I totally I agree with you who said development can only go to areas which has MP’s who are in government? That is not the democracy we want in this country. After all even people in the opposition also pay tax to ZRA. Please give us mature politics.

  10. Its actually SALAULA the president is wearing, he is doing a good job to dress like the common people he is meeting.

  11. Mushota, Please
    You never indicated to anyone that you are not a British national. And yet, you always brag that you are a citizen of G. Britain. Hahahaha, hohohohoo I think you are very sick , no wonder you talk too much nonsense about Zambia because you want the Home Office in the UK to grant you citizenship. Brainless shrimp.

  12. Ba State House please get some fit OP officers; can those sleepy eyed pot bullied fellas take a bullet for the head of state?

  13. Mushota
    Come on please, licking someone ‘s anus or ass for the possibility of becoming a British citizen is not good and you are reflected in a deaming manner by those racists there. Even a sewer rat is better than you because it hides in the sewers without anyone reminding it of its socially constructed deaming identity based on unequal relations. You are very disgusting and on top of that you are stigimatising other members of your race.

  14. its like watchin two pre school kids fighting over a cryon. iwe BOOM grow up and get a life. leave Mushota alone. You really disgustin to say the least. are you a gramner teacher.

    • @ Ama light moments, Boom and Mushota are our new Mr nad Mrs Smirth, Now am waiting for mushota to react, she will fire back hard, wait for her.

  15. Well its african politics but its not wise that masumba moves to the ruling party,its the opposition that needs strengthening but because of the oppositions shooting down of even important issues in pariament the ruling party is forced to accept opposition mp.Shem zambia

  16. @BOOM & WHATEVER#16
    Oops, some incorrect spelling in my above post due to some typing errors. The correct spelling is demeaning not ‘deaming’
    By the way, may I please be given an email by the contraversial lady known as Miss Mushota. My dear jelly we can both contribute towards your air ticket from Heathrow to Cape Town International or if you are comfortable with my next proposal I would rather pay for everything from my own pocket and please do not come with your ‘Nick’. Provide me with your email address or I do not mind giving you mine that is if you indicate that you want it.
    Enjoy your studies, remember examinations are very difficult.

  17. History has it that those who kneel for votes do not get them. Ask Livingstone. you are just embarrassing the young man further.

  18. What is the population of Mufumbwe, and how far is it from civilization? I just wonder they can come up with that guy kneeling, as if a constituency is in a game-park sure.

  19. Sata need to promote his former PF-time Body guard, the tall one in glasses. That thug has being very loyal to Dr. Sata, he deserves even post as Home Affairs minister, or inspector general of the police.

  20. OMG,so this dictator is threatening to act contrary to the law and to natural justice by cutting off development to tax paying zambians if they vote opposition?Whats with making the guy kneel? When a presido can arrogate himself powers like allowing street vending & ignoring tax payers just to make political ends meet then you’re living in a dictatorship.It shows zed is not governed thru institutional framework but by personalities who are more important than the law,than zambia itself and their political interests supersede zambia’s interests.


  22. There is a complex matrix of deception by politicians purporting to support Sata. Lameck Mangani and his wife sang the same songs of praises to RB, but later defected to PF after Sata promised him mana from hell.. Recently, it is known that Mulongoti was a strong supporter of Sata, but he is forming a Lamba-based party with George Mpombo being groomed to join forces as soon as the storm of uncertainty clears around his refugee habitat within the PF temporary camp. GBM is being cautious with his money so that the PF wolves do not divert it to secret off-shore accounts.

  23. @eagles eyes its true the president was wrong 2 say”he will only take development only were PF has MPs”.I think the prblm lies in the voter he/she is only interested in being tld lies.Why dont we walk away if sum1 starts laying?root cause nifwe fwe bantu.For christ sake we applaud a person telling lies and even start laughing.nise chabe vipuba.

  24. How does this president expect his MP to be tolerant of others when he himself is not tolerant of the opposition? Sata’s politics is outdated. He has no substance and has surrounded himself with his tribesmen and women showing how backward he is. He is setting extremely dangerous precedents by his leadership style. I would urge the people of Mufumbwe to tell the president to sholve his development down his gut.

  25. why blackmail people with votes for development, if you do your job properly then these no need to trade development for votes as the people would know that you are already delivering but this low calidre campaigns only demonstrate how out of reality and out of depth this man is. we are tired of your promises mr sata all we want you to do is for you to do your job which you are over paid for.

  26. What were the Chief doing at a rally. If we insult them, they should blame themselves by putting themselves within firing range.



  29. It was a thunderous welcome for the presido in mufumbwe and am sure the opposition are pissing in their pants.Kiss mufumbwe seat bye bye

  30. ba BOOM.  Ba english teacher. Towns like Cape town that you brag about developed using Mathmatics and Science and not English grammer. Mushota must have hit you so hard you cant sleep. 

  31. @Ama light moments#43
    Listen please my unknown friends and unidentifiable beings. I can only use your hastily constructed seemingly untrue identities. Being as it may, I find it fittingly okay to inform you that I am neither an English teacher nor someone facilitating with the English literature itself. My disciplines of specialisation are all sciences that is both natural and social sciences, I have also specialised in Law and being a long life learner I am still pursuing my post doctoral studies.

  32. @Ama light moments#42
    I am sure you do not understand yourself fully especially when you indicated in black and white that Mushota must have hit me so hard that I can hardly sleep’. Your above statement looks pretty simple, however, when an analyser breaks it into small fragements it reveals a lot of matters which are open to robust critique. Looking at your above statement in question, to ordinary people it means that Mushota overwhelmed me. The fact of the matter is that Mushota knows how to construct her new identity which she then projects it to others. The flip side of that, is I have developed a strong subjective feeling about her and I have never seen that woman before. For anyone to say that leave Mushota alone, it is over riding other people ‘s rights.

  33. a learnd person sinking that low. you dont strike me as a lawyer. just read what you have. been posting. lawyers are level headed.

  34. ok fine. True . Every morning a small bird amazes me. it sees itself on the window of my vehicle and begins to fly in circles and it hits its own image on the glass. thats what you are doing. Mushota is so real to you. she lives in the uk and shes got a fiance called Nick. cmon my friend grow up. 

  35. Ok fine. True. Every morning a small bird amazes me. It sees itself on the glass of my vehicle and flies in circles hitting its own image. Mushota is so real to you. She lives in the uk and she s got a fiance called Nick . Cmon my friend grow up. Enjoy life. Dont get bitter.

  36. I think people who are interested in Mushota should ask LT to reserve a special thread on which all things Mushota should be discussed. This Mushota id.iot is a ruse by the Bemba PF to draw attention away from the Bemba PF shenanigans! Please dear bloggers don’t be “suckered in” by this Mushota fool!

  37. MR Sata, If you cant take development to North Western Province, then don’t take money from their huge copper mines to build universities in your villages! The PF government needs the North Western Province more than the North Western Province needs PF!

  38. @Ama light moments#49
    I work on facts not insinuations, rumours, hearsay or concoctions and for anyone to ascertain facts, one has to follow where the evidence takes him/her. The simplest rule of evidence is based on researched work. There can be no practical work without research. Research thesis do not come looking for you at your university anywhere on earth and one cannot even attempt to reproduce a dissertation or research topic of a former student from any university on this planet and turn it into his/her own work because that is trangressing university rules. In short all university
    authorities have their own way of finding out where one stole such a master piece of work. To me Mushota is an excellent research topic worth a lot of money. Bye enjoy your day

  39. @Ama light moments#49
    We believe in developing our own notions and only research work in given discipline produces solutions to daily problems be it in science or legal challenges. A defence lawyer can argue and successfully attain an acquittal in a bruising criminal trial through the proper application of researched work which also involves arguments of analogy. Provided the researched work has been published and all ethics of research have been adhered to, arguments constructed along those lines either for the prosecutors’fraternity or for the defence teams are unquestionable by the presiding judge or lower courts presiding officers at regional or district levels. We here in South Africa do not believe in importing ideas from others but can only question what is taken for granted

  40. Sata had also pledged loyalty to Chiluba during the height of the third term debate when in fact he had already formed the PF using a stooge. We know these things …………..

    May the best candidate who has a heart for the people of Zambia win the elections in Mufumbwe….. and may those who habour evil for our people and seek to enrich their pockets lick not only the dust but also the wounds of electoral defeat.

  41. thanks BOOM .at one point i almost got carried with your good write up then you spoiled my day: we here in south africa do not believe in importing ideas. are you abud of southafrican system. or like Mushota disown your own in preference a good neighbour  (sic) . Strive to improve your own zambia a beautiful country where you dont move around with an ID. good day.

  42. IWE chi Ama light moments, what the heck are you upto? you are you trying to spoil my movie btwn Mushota and Boom or you squeezing yourself in for a part? Ask politely not just throwing yourself in like that, we will charge you if you try to divert from the script by asking Boom not to react to you. Ok, you are allowed for a small part, but follow the script, nowonder Mushota is silent, the two of you just fight for her manily not cho chise cho se!!

  43. @Ama light moments#61
    Brother/sister, please make no mistakes I love Zambia and hold all those who live in it in highest esteem. For your own information I did my ‘A’ levels in Zambia way back in the past. I will for ever love that country for shaping my education and probably for providing the impetus for constructing my profession albeit both the American and the South African educational systems have tried to claim my educational success as their own baby. I do not wear blinkers when it comes to tracing my rich Zambian heritage, everything about Zambia is magnetic and it sucks all those with Zambian blood to to the melting pot of Zambia. Zambia is beautiful more than any place on earth and I am saying the way things are without adding any cosmopolitan make ups.

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