Former President of Zambia, Rupiah Banda has lauded the unique contribution being made by Africa’s premier electronic assembling company, RLG Communications towards solving the huge unemployment issue facing the continent.
He has therefore recommended RLG to replicate its initiatives in more African countries.
Ghana’s Joy FM reports that the visiting former Zambian leader was interacting with the Chief Executive of RLG Communications, Mr Roland Agambire when he paid working visit to RLG’s ultra-modern Assembly Plant at Osu in Accra.
Former president Banda is in Ghana to deliver a lecture on “Democracy and Good Governance in Africa” at the University of Ghana.
Rupiah Banda was President of Zambia between 2008 and 2011 and is currently the President-in-Residence at the African Presidential Centre, University of Boston in the United States of America.
Mr Banda toured RLG’s showroom, the mobile phone and computer assembling lines and interacted with company officials.
He commended the company’s founder and Chief Executive, Roland Agambire for “sacrificing his life for humanity”.
He said he was thrilled by interventions by RLG which have created employment for more than 30,000 people in Ghana, Nigeria and the Gambia and such initiatives were worth emulating by African governments.
The Chief Executive of RLG, Roland Agambire reiterated his commitment to ensure the youth on the continent are gainfully engaged to make meaningful contributions to the economies of various countries they live in.
Wish we Zedian can rise and follow these foot steps.
RB Malabishi, you failed to create employment iwe!!! Busy enriching yourself nefibana fyobe.
i hate people with such mindset.
This R.B is full of it; isn’t he the one who fraudulently sold off ZAMTEL??
Chi Rubbish Boy!!
this hypocrite never runs out annoying rants. just because the pf govt. got back zamtel from his libyan crooks, he comes up with this as a way of maligning the govt. by the way when is his immunity going to be lifted so that he answers for his crimes?
most zambian have terrible mindset.
2,3, and 4,its you who are rubbish.you even failed to run yo homes yet you point at a great leaderv.amambala
Alot of PHDs on this site.
The pricks on 2,3,4 have failed to appreciate RB’s message. The usual kaponya mentality. Here is an example of an enterpreneur worthy of emulation and all the pricks can do is respond negatively. We surely are a damned lot.
yes people should learn how to appreciated.
i really wonder..are some chaps so dull and gullible to fail to appreciate their own..what has RB done to deserve so much hatred..all you hear are lies from your president and membe and you see that as gospel truth..it harts me to see that the international community loves RByet we despise him and for what lies..last time we were told thandiwe had hotels in malawi were are they??its time zedians became serious zonda uzalema the guy will keep on shining
What happened to M-Tech in Lusaka. Is it dead or not. No improvement or new announcements on their website. Govt should be protecting local innovating companies. Our friends in Ghana do support their local brands. We are just consumers.
The Politician WILL NOT create jobs; they will just facilitate for you to do so as an entrepreneur. Don’t blame your RB here. Look to the facilitated story and create your own narrative! Move away from 1964 mentalities guys! PLEASE!
RB is a hero. Inspite of all the hate from “bitter” people he still has an engaging smile and charms everyone all over the world where he goes. Keep on showing a positive side of Zambia so that they know that Zambians are not all comedians.
lecturing on good governance and democracy” -Lord help us its like a poacher turning into a game guard.This guy was dragged out of office kicking and screaming by the state department thru ambasador storella
Stop attacking this great son of Africa. This Vuvuzela type of accusations on RB wont take you anywhere. If RB has any offense to explain, take him to court. I wish M`membe and his team can quickly expidte this process coz they seem to have a primafasi case against RB. The Zambian economy under RB was looking far much better than the indications we are seeing now of hiring and firing everyday. Viva RB President for all zambians
hate kills you hate you die
And just what did RB accomplish in his very short term as President?
RB offended wellmeaning zambians, but as for thieves he was a hero, thank God this guy never lasted , God hears prayers of the poor
It is the same with the current one and I do not see him lasting either. he is a pathological lair and i feel for his supporters for believing the rubbish he feed them. He is busy increasing his salaries and employing relatives and friends most of who get not even qualify as a guard
#11 good and concise writing the entrepreneurs should step in especially in the telecoms sector, that what chiluba tried to instil in us,even in Ghana its the private sector whos doing it.Let RB be ceremonal he loves publicity he does well there may be…
I like what Ghana is doing. We are so far behind in Zambia…but then again, Ghana has dual citizenship. Here we go again….
RB you can steal ,hide,corrupt and ponta all you can. God gave you an oppprtunity to rule over his people but you declared stealing and corruption on Zambians. Ghana also, how do you invite a thief for such functions. RB , God is not mocked you and your family will be made to pay. Look at Chiluba, the ending was bad. Shame on you supporting akawalala. Where is the sense of shame or at least sense of angist.
RB has no case to answer, that is why Satana can not say anything and the post is now quiet. Mmembe and the post and satana have stolen, go by their history you will find it.