Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Last Week/ Wkend in Pictures



BANK of Zambia Governor Gondwe with Standard Chartered Bank managing director Mizinga Melu and Finance building society deputy chief executive Abha Chaturvedi sharing a light moment during a cocktail part at India house in Kabulonga


INDO African chamber of commerce and Industry President Kishan Daga with secretary general Sunanda Rajendran watching the Nyau dance during a cocktail part at Indian house in Kabulonga


INDO Zambia Bank managing director Shankardas Gupta (left), greeting Indo African chamber of commerce and Industry President Kishan Daga (right) this was during a breakfast meeting In Lusaka


MMD leader Nevers Mumba addressing the media in Mufumbwe


THE Patriotic Front (PF) in Mufumbwe staged a 20 kilometer walk dubbed walk to parliament aimed drumming up support Mufumbwe by election parliamentary candidate Steven Masumba. Defense minister Geoffrey Mwamba and finance deputy minister Miles Sampa lead the walk through Mutanda Chavuma road


Some kids playing by the banks of the Zambezi river in Kazungula


A truck on the pontoon carrying maize bran for export to Botswana from Zambia was turned away at Botswana’s Kasane border


Trader at kazungula border at the customs port repacking their maize bran after failing to properly package and label their products


A truck that was carrying maize bran for export to Botswana from Zambia was turned away at Botswana’s Kasane border after failing to properly package and label their products


Rain season is here and Mtendere residents are preparing for it in order to reduce the water borne diseases that have rocked the compound in the past. The Disaster Management Unit has empowered the residents to dig the drainage and reduce the outbreaks. Above the residents working on the drainage near Mahatma Ghandi school.


President Sata when he paid a courtesy call on chief Chizela


President Sata cuts a ribbon during the official opening of the newly constructed Livingstone ZAF Banquet Hall while ZAF Commander, Lieutenant General Eric Chimense and Defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba look on


President Sata ,Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces inspects the parade during the Zambia Air Force pass out at Livingstone Air base


President Michael Sata, Zambia Air Force Commander Lt General Eric Chimese, Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba and Southern Province Minister John Kufuna walk together after the photo session, this was during the Zambia Air Force pass out at Livingstone Air base


Warrant Officer Cadet C Kademaunga salutes President Sata after being awarded a sword of honour. This was during the Zambia Air Force pass out at Livingstone Air base last week


President Michael Sata, Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba, Southern Province Minister John Kufuna and Senior Chief Mukuni during the Zambia Air Force pass out at Livingstone Air base


Part of the cadet officers who graduated during the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) pass out at Livingstone Air base


The Vice President’s wife Dr Charlotte Scott and Cabinet Minister’s wives undergoing counselling before they were screened for cervical and breast cancer at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka


Ms. Kanni Wignaraja, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Zambia, hugs and presents a farewell present to UNHCR Representative, Ms Joyce Mends-Cole, during the UN Staff Day held at Suwilanji Gardens in Lusaka


The Out-going UNHCR Representative, Ms. Joyce Mends-Cole, stressing a point to journalists during a media breakfast at Lusaka’s Intercontinental Hotel.


One of the flat burning in Kabwe. Residents almost beat up men from the fire department for arriving at the scene without water
Fire broke out at Kabwe’s Railways Quarters Compound destroying 8 apartments. Residents almost beat up men from the fire department for arriving at the scene without water.


Fire men putting out the fire in Kabwe.Residents almost beat up the fire men for arriving at the scene without water.They later managed to find some water


Fire men putting out the fire in Kabwe.Residents almost beat up the fire men for arriving at the scene without water.They later managed to find some water


One of the burnt apartments at Kabwe Railwats Quarters compound


  1. # 15 nomba without socks or muli ama tights. Brown jacket ulwiso: typical Zambian man.
    Zambian fire does not go out using water. omg!

  2. Has there ever been fire in Zambia that has been put by our firemen? how appalling is it when a fire engine arrives without water! Glad to see the commander in chief’s sash was finally fastened and not left hanging pic12-15

  3. My hosepipe is bigger than what those firebrigade are using
    The structures of buildings in Zambia are abysmal

    In UK we have Victorian house, Georgian House etc’ and I have also noticed those Houses and maybe statehouse don’t not use slates as roof tiles but rather asbestos, why?

    I am sorry I have no intention of being subjected to such structure and you wonder why the lifespan is no more than 33 years ?
    By coming to the UK I have doubled my life span (If you go statistics) and it doesn’t taken rocket science for someone to know the place to be 


  4. how can our fire men arrive with out water , honestly they shud put better structures and more funding into the fire debarments otherwise they just be spectators 

  5. Yeeeessss, Pic#1 Mzinga is HOT. I met her in person, very nice woman…you should see her back side. Ni soup!!!
    Ok. Fellow bloggers, please add your own captions to Pic# 13…seems our presido is saying…”ba fi.ka.la amazimude ala kwena mwatoba, am very impressed” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, I love that pciture. I can imagine what else is going on in that head of his.
    Pic# 17, ZAF women ni zee, looking very juiscy and polished. Kuti waupwako ka zaf lday mwe.

    Pic#21, OMG, am still laughing my azz off: “Fire broke out at Kabwe’s Railways Quarters Compound destroying 8 apartments. Residents almost beat up men from the fire department for arriving at the scene without water.” ONLY IN ZED IS SUCH POSSIBLE. Hilarious!

  6. But sure, IGNORANCE is a disease on its on. Honestly, in this day and age, our fire department still only uses WATER? Water to extunguish fire? What is it was an electrical fire indeed? Do they even know about other forms of fire extinguishers? So sad, no wonder the loacl almost beat them up. MALABISHI!

  7. LT, you have started with your nonsense again. See, I made two comments before the one above. Where are they? Bafi.ka.la. Akalumba, na la tampa kumituka lyonse nomba. Stanyonks!

  8. @16 Mpampi, you should see Mizinga Melu’s entire body. She’s soooooo HOOOOOOOOT. I met her personally, very pleasant lady and very welcoming….if you know what I mean. The only thing I don’t like is, ifyakusubasuba nomba, she’s starting to look kokakola fanta now like 98 percent of Zambian woman with or without money. We went to chrisma hotel for a business meal…they called it “luncheon”. For a woman her age, she has nice and firm T-Ts. But, take my advise, she’s a “hard nut” to crack.

    • You don’t kno wat you are saying, you shod work with her first. And thez nothing pretty with that big forehead of hers.

  9. Picture 18. What do those Cabinet Ministers’ wives eat? I would like to know.Can they even run for 2 minutes? Am sure Mrs Scott is older than most of them but she looks younger.

  10. After a close RE-look, fellow bloggers, please add your own captions to Pic# 13…seems our presido is saying…”ba fi.ka.la amazimude ala kwena mwatoba, am very impressed” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, I love that picture. I can only imagine what else is going on in that head of his. Ba kateka besu…kekekekeekekekeke.

  11. No 4 Kapotwe and can you imagine todate Mohan’s judgment together with that of Magwende have not been released todate.That is Zambia for you.

  12. Well, what’s so special about Mizinga Shansongo? Not so hot as you put it. We were together at nursing school then she was expelled for failing the foundation block, her bother who was in UK invited her to a diploma in finance and now she is MD for a bank, she just slept her way to the top that’s why she can’t have children. Please you men you should distinguish between class and rubbish. 

  13. #24 ba Michelle Obama, why are you mad? Limbi ni ma jealous? Whether you went to school with Mizinga today or 40 years ago has no relevance on what she has now become. If you say she slept her way to the top, well…did that not work out so well for you? I was merely speaking of my own personal experience when I first met the woman last year. She is warm and pleasant. Yes, she’s quite beautiful too. If she can’t have children, is that your problem? I mentioned her firm T-Ts, and I can assure you, they are indeed firm. Don’t be mad because, you are now wiping patients poop at UTH. I can surely distinguish between a classy woman like Mizinga and trash like yourself. Find something better to do with your time. Go shave your pubics or something, chipuba iwe!

  14. Indeed you are ichipondo, so shallow and simpleminded . Can’t waste my time on some scum like you. Go insult your own mother and shave her pubics for her. You really have a low self esteem that’s why you think other people are worthy if your praise , don’t post any  stupid nonsense. 

  15. I should’ve known you’d come back with some crap. Without an opinion that doesn’t make any sense, you end proving that you’re indeed the ignorant and bitter poop wiper that you are. You talk about self esteem? What do you know about self esteem? If I compliment any one person for either their looks or personal accomplishements, does that mean I have low self esteem? If you didn’t show just how shallow you are, maybe…just maybe you would get a wink from me. Do you really want me to school you on self estemm? Nooooo, I don’t think so!
    This should serve as a lesson for you. Cultivate some sense before you open your trap B.!.T.C.H. Yes, I am who I say I am and I don’t care if you’re a man or woman or both. I can insult you so bad, you’ll have suicidal thoughts. Am warning you.

  16. Mrs melu is a married woman , why you want to insult me over her beats me. You are clearly demon possessed, I can’t commit suicide over a deranged man like you, I bet you don’t have a wife of your own , because if you did you would learn to respect women. I doubt if mrs melu has class if she associates with foul mouthed people like you.it shows how shallow and simple minded you are. Express yourself intelligently not insults , get a life.

  17. This is my last warning to you. Just finish what you started doing (shaving) and then rinse that thing properly (in and out) making sure you’re hitting all the corners…you know that funk can be hard to get rid off. After you do all this, take a look at yourself in the mirror and tell me what you see.

  18. Umupondo you seem to have an exceptional talent and wit. Your comments to mo have made my day lol ! This is the kind of thinking and humour that i miss but freely expressed on sites like this, in our daily lives we have become too politically correct. Keep it up.

    • Even in Japan, life must be hard for you eh? To harbour this bitterness from thousands of miles away. Oh wait! You must be that retard from the embassy!

  19. pic 23 please dont call those *****s as fire men they are a butch of jokers even using a kcm worksuit turnishing the name of an innocent company .

  20. Geez those FIREMEN!!!!

  21. Number 10, Lets go back to Humanism WORK , awe bash Panji mwatufumya ukutali, Ala Mwabombeni. L
    ong live **==**==**==**==

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