Friday, September 6, 2024

GBM is not my enemy-Kabimba


Winter Kabimba
Winter Kabimba

PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has insisted that there is no power struggles within the ruling party.

Mr. Kabimba who described Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba as a colleague in the party and not an enemy said the reported power struggle in the PF is imaginary.

“There is no such a thing as power struggle in our party, what we have is a mere difference of opinion which is healthy in any given organisation,” Mr. Kabimba said.

Mr. Kabimba who is also Justice Minister said the perceived differences with Mr. Mwamba are purely based on principle.

“The only difference I see here is that some people are in government for different reasons. For us the PF is a vehicle we used to get into government to serve the poor Zambians but some of our friends want to use the same vehicle to enrich themselves. That is the difference we see,” said Mr. Kabimba.

Mr. Kabimba was speaking yesterday when he featured on a live radio programme on Radio Mano in Kasama.

He was in Kasama to officially open a one day PF regional indaba which was called to chart the development path for the province.

He there is no member of the PF who is more important than the other as every member of the party is equally important.

“Nobody should be allowed to think they played a bigger role than any other person, even Villager in Kaputa who supported PF, a youth in Chimbamilonga who spent a night at a polling station on the voting so that the MMD does not steal our votes played the same role as I did myself as Secretary General.”

“I don’t subscribe to the theory that there is this relativity in terms of played a bigger role and who played a lessor role in the revolution, the aggregate of what we played in what gave us the results, these are not shares in a company, it was a revolution,” he said.

“We are all important, there is no member who is bigger than the party, maybe in Kg’s yes,” he said.


  1. So this ka Chap is determined to Kick GBM’s He has now started compaigning in his Backyards. GBM its donchi kubeba for you…Kabimba go ahead and kick the Monster, we dont need the concentration of one tribe at the helm of Power…. VIVA Kabimba……

  2. Who cares anywhere on earth about whatever you people do there anyway apart from the cheated and you the vilans? I do not give it a damn. Just see to it that you remove all the unnecessary red tape and reduce excessive beauraucracy so that our goods can reach their destinations especially in the DRC (Congo). You can squable as much as you want for crying out loudly I do not care, just lick your wounds and add salt that will be fine for you.

  3. that too harsh of kabimba, GBM am sure he never meant that he want to exploite the poor kabimba being lawyer knows how to manupulate isues

  4. Let profitable business meet Sata, GBM and Kabimba  on the way .
    No devourer shall destroy the fruit of labour for  Sata, GBM and Kabimba .
    You devourers and wasters of fortune, I command you to depart from Sata, GBM and Kabimba   
    I command the devil to take off his legs from any money that belongs Sata, GBM and Kabimba.
    Let the rod of iron fall on any strange money passed to Sata, GBM and Kabimba

  5. “maybe in KGs” lol. That’s a big one Mr. Kabimba. Please do not take us for fools, we can see the cracks. You dodge a question yet you answer it indirectly!




  7. I hope GBM does not hear this coz it will add salt to his wound what Kabimba has clearly said is that he is there to serve people as for GBM he is there to enrich his pockets uh uh there is a big difference hear one of them will be fired since Sata doesnt know how to resolve issues apart from firing people

  8. Its time Zambian begun working with independent members of Parliament. They do not need to relinquish their seat in order to work with any Government in developing our communities. That will reduce of conflicts in the nation as well and stop the unnecessarily By- Elections

  9. Winter, you are so annoying and taking us Zambians as dormant, who cannot make a difference between what you say and what you are up to.You are conniving with M’membe to destroy GBM and pave the way for yourself to occupy the top postion when chance prevails.A word of caution watch your steps.Those Bembas up there won’t sit ideal and let you destroy their own, even Sata himself he owes GBM quite a lot to let go.Kabimba as Nkoya from Itehzitehzi chill down, otherwise you are digging your own grave.

  10. It is Sata to blame for all this nonsense going around. He should have fired the two chaps ages back but everyone is amused that he has failed to summon enough courage to do so-shame!!

  11. Solve your differences soon before you see the other side of us. We people want to remain united, and not to be divided as we see the above comments.Such rubbish must come to an end.

  12. Good morning people
    Had a lovely weekend yours?
    Managed to buy some presents for people in Zambia and Nick bought some chocolates for people home?

    I hope there are worthy restaurants and entertainment (TV) 
    to fill the void left from Scotland


  13. Here is the story people, Wynter Kabimba proposes GBM but GBM turns him down. Kabimba goes to Mmembe and asks him to try and convince GBM but GBM still says no. Now both kabimba and Mmembe get upset and go for GBM with their POST propaganda newspaper blackmailing GBM not to let the nation know that these guys Mmembe and Kabimba are Gay.

  14. Kabimba is going to provide continuity in power for pf. All those aligning with GBM or ignoring Wynter the man of the moment do so at their own pearl.

    Watch and learn, sata was a mere conduit to oust mmd misrule 

  15. kabimba please… why dont you let this issue go away? its like you are the one fuelling it. what are your motives? enough is enough.

  16. which continuity are you talking about because if i add up both sata’s and kabimba’s life span they still cant add up to 4 years. PF is a transitional Government never again to test the corridors of power except in the Tribalist Muchinga, PF will disappear after 2016 worse if sata happens to kick the bucket before 2016 then it will self destruct with power wrangles aided by the Gay in Bwinjifumu.

  17. A few days ago a blogger said Sata is behind Kabimba’s outbursts in Kasama with a plan to finish off GBM KILOGRAMS. This line of thought seems to make sense otherwise how would Kabimba be so courageous to unleash his rants at GBM in own constituency and why is the president turning a deaf ear to all this infighting?

  18. UPND used the ‘DON’T KUBEBA’ theory on their friends. “GUYS not ukubafwako ka campaign ba MMD.sssssshi ni dont kubeba” Kano ngamu Tonga munabo. Aba bafyatile. Don’t trust these cockroaches again.

  19. You dwarf do insult our intelligence, who doesnt know that you are fighting GBM using you position as SG? You insecurity is there for every one to see. look at this midget

  20. Ba Mushota, you are very backward, Zambia has all the chocolate you can buy.
    do not waste your energy on on the chocolate, we have quality things home. No one is intrested in your going home. Keep it your self and your family period.

  21. Politics as usual nothing intresting or different about this post. We want real stories, like…as one mentioned, where is Dr. Kaseba? My zed very reliable source has confirmed that, the first lady is not at state fimo fimo…inapya munzi. Apparently, there was an argument between her self and the big boss. Stay tuned!

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