Acting Minister of Labour Chishimba Kambwili has directed officials in the ministry to print copies of the statutory instrument on the minimum wage and avail them to business houses.
Mr. Kambwili, who is Minister of Youth and Sport, said government will not relax till the business community complies with the minimum wage.
He was speaking today after he conducted a random inspection to check if shop owners were complying with the statutory instrument on the minimum wage.
He said the minimum wage has been enacted into a law and therefore, the business community should comply with the law.
Mr. Kambwili reiterated that government wants to see to it that Zambian workers are paid a decent normal wage.
He stressed that government will not hastate to deal with any business firm that would be found wanting.
Mr. Kambwili said all firms conducting business in Zambia should abide by the Zambian labour laws.
Nice one honourable. Let businesses stop flouting labour laws. I hope they can afford it though
That’s the way to go Mr. Minister. I fully support your actions because Zambians’ working culture is so poor to say the least. I used to think it was ok until I came abroad and have seen how hard working people in the Western Countries can be. Maybe its high time the Gov’t introduced some Laws where you are paid according to how many hours you put in. Starting from Doctors down to the Janitor(Cleaner) and see how people will be working hard to make more money than the fixed Salary which you are told immediately you are employed.
Brilliant idea to have an hourly/daily rate. Please extend that to the MP’s that like walking out of Parliament.
This is great, honourable. 100% in this. Go Go! and Roll it out deep in those corners where some business chaps are hiding.
Thats one thing i like about this man.He is very hardworking…
You are right. Chaume nangu chakwata sana ichongo.
Is he saying the owner of the office isnt working?
Let GBM and Winter keep quiet. Kambili is the man after ba mudala.
why the minimum wage is no be paid in the government instutions like malcolm moffat college of education they have boardworkers who the college is not fulfilled the law can someone assist please.
Keep up the hard work, honourable. You are a very committed man.
ala ulimwaume chishimba.
Don P #1, even China has stopped paying its workers slave wages and it is becoming difficult to keep mediocrity in factories alive! Yes, that is the idea – despite the fallout of job losses eventually we need to have sanity for our people to start thinking beyond chasing pamela for supper everyday!
This is mere schoolboy boffoonery… who made this buffoon acting Labour Minister in the first place…if he wants to enforce let his government invest more in relevant enforcement departments.This is rhetoric; loud noise…
Wake up people!! Â
Iwe chi @Jay Jay, uli chipuba sana wechinangwe iye ka! How’s spot-checking by anybody with the capacity to effect change, let alone the Minister (though acting) responsible for labor/laws, an act of buffoonery?!
Disgruntled people are really a danger even to themselves ka—-unfortunately, there is no cure for such stu-pi-di-ty!!
I think he would make a better president this man
But is he paying his workers that minimum wage??
It would be interesting to find out. This is were the Zambian media comes in if they are worth anything. Let them investigate the Minister!
Kambwili needs a job
please don’t reply its my opinion but this guy looks like a Jerabo or one who sniffles fuel from moving tanker trucks. this guy simply went shopping? why didn’t he go to a ka Ntemba for air time and ask if the poor sales person gets the minimum wage? pure pf comedy with a script written, edited, produced and directed by one micheal sata.
Really, and you expect no replys to this kind of childish comments?!!!!
What about a minimum wage to prostitutes? I was charged 500pin and she said ni mimimum wage is it also in the law? ADVISE
Were you going to have her solely for a month? If not she overcharged you, bro!Â
How many rounds were you served with?Any other special incentives the the prostitution’s package on that night? Alikwipikila other than ukukupungwilafye? Was it heavy Dimbwi? How long did each round last? ….was it LIVEm monga ZESCO? maybe ni maximum wage.
Abena Luanshya! Keep up the good work.
@16, malinso:
No, what is in the law is: “Thou shalt not commit adultery or fornicate yourselves, for the wages of sin is death!” Worse for you, it is the Law of God—hope you haven’t picked up aka shishi already.
Prostitution is illegal in Zambia, like in many other countries on earth, so how do expect the Zed govt to legitimize illegal activities through labor laws? GROW UP before you soon end up six feet at leopards hill cemetery!!!!
Kambwili couldn’t pay his farm workers minimum wages, and he opened gate for his goats to graze in the golf-course in Luanshya.
#2-SADAKAH. Your idea is urgently needed. Pay people according to the real hours they put in, introduce swapping/clocking in machines it would serve the govt and companies millions. It would also curb lateness and make people work harder. The current scenario promotes lateness and little input into duties but mean while a loud cry for minimum wages from employees which puts employers at a disadvantage. I once worked for a big company in Zambia were even cleaners where allowed to work from 7am to 4pm-which meant a full salary! Meanwhile, their only productive hours where the first two and for the rest of the day they sat doing nothing. Introduce minimum wage per hour and it will fast revolutionise work culture-there will be no lazing about and employers will be able to control wage costs.
Please Mr President & Please Zambians, help us we are tired of hero worshiping Hakainde Hichilema. We are made to pay him for being on the party ticket and he says without him we were not going to be MPs. We failing to take development to our people because when you want to work with govt, our lives are threatened. The levels of huliganism in our party UPND has reached arlaming levels. We shall post more information on this site so that people of Zambia can deliver us from this bondage. Thank you.
Always looking for ubwafya. ZFE has not even agreed on the silly minimum wage.
Kambwili it is not just a matter of paying minimum wages.It is about affording the wages as a small business .And besides the timing was wrong for most businesses because their budgets were already approved upto 31 Dec.So most companies will implement in the next budget starting 1 jan,2013,but even then some prices have to go up or a least some jobs will be lost.This is just reality for a sane business who has worked under a lot of govts and survived ,while overzealous ministers fade when they are out of power!!! So who is fooling who?!!!
close your business if you can not afford it and pocket your money.lets see were we will end. am sure government has created 24000 jobs .bravo!
He should also visit private homes to see how garden boys and domestiv servants are being paid!!
Kambwili for sure you are acting as you don’t mean or know what you are saying. Fackson Shamenda himself admitted that there was need to revisit the Minimum Wage Issue.
Those PF cadres ( kaponya) you employ do you give them the minimum wage?
PF / Government spokesperson must be one of the most demanding jobs in this administration, this is the only guy that’s hard working and has been working from day one as he has to support, defend and lie every utterance that his government and pf say which i can tell you is every day. this guy has to read all forms of print media and televised so his not caught unaware on the fake promises and appointments.. not forgetting George Chikala oh sori Chellah Ive spent too much time attending PF campaigns insulting is normal.