Former Finance Minister Dr Katele Kalumba says the appointment of automotive expert Professor Clive Chirwa as chief executive officer of Zambia Railways Limited is a wise decision by President Michael Sata.
President Sata announced the appointment of Prof Chirwa yesterday.
Dr. Kalumba has described Prof Chirwa as a man with vast knowledge in technology and various areas of economic development.
He said Prof Chirwa has worked in the diaspora for many years and specialised in the area of automotive as well as other fields relating to technology as he also lectured in Universities in the field of automotive aspects.
Dr. Kalumba stated that there is no doubt that Professor Chirwa will improve the railway system in the country which he said was in a deplorable state.
He also described Professor Chirwa as a man of credibility, discipline, sober character and that he is professionally capable of improving the railway sector which he said is vital in a developing nation like Zambia .
And former Home Affairs Minister Lameck Mangani said President Michael Sata’s decision should be supported all Zambians.
He noted that Professor Chirwa has vast knowledge in automotive aspects and urged Zambians to support the president’s choice if the railway industry in the country was to improve
President Michael Sata today appointed Professor Clive Chirwa as Zambia Railways Limited Chief Executive Officer.
Prof. Chirwa replaces Mr. Knox Karima, who has been retired in national interest.
The President said he has deemed it appropriate and opportune to appoint Prof Chirwa as Chief Executive Officer of Zambia Railways Limited for a period of five years.
The Head of State noted that the railway line has deteriorated beyond description during the concession to Railway Systems of Zambia, which the Government recently terminated.
Prof. Chirwa is a distinguished Professor of automotive and aerospace structures and also chair of automotive and aerospace engineering.
He is also Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Crashworthiness and Advisor to UK, Australia, USA, EU, Japan, Canada and Singapore government on trans -safety among many other internationally recognized credentials and achievements.
im just waiting for a comment from that one bitter character. the self proclaimed obama of zambia
Is that what you live for my guy?
what a patriot! welcome and serve the people on your home soil.
I salute clive chirwa service at its best. its satamania all the way…
I think the prof will bring maximum sanity to railway sytems of Zambia. Congrats and welcome to Zambia!
congrats pro.chirwa, but i wait to see your real actions and works on the ground. With your high level credentials as Zambians citizens we wait for your expert knowledge to show its self, how you gonna improve rail line of Zambia. May government and people of Zambia give you the support you need to excel.
I hope the govt won’t interfere in the management of this white elephant.
Critically speaking, what experience does Professor Clive Chirwa have in providing strategic direction and day-to-day over sight to business? What would be more convincing is if his heralds could highlight the practical engineering experinences the good professor has. Perhaps, they could also mention which top research institute specialised in railway systems that he managed.
you are foolish………
Can you suggest a better choice?
Thank you for sober comment Edward. To be honest, I think its extremely difficult to find a Zambian national with experience in modernising and managing a rail system refurbishment and extension of Zambia Railway’s magnitude. I really don’t know of any and as such feel that ZR would probably a require an expatriate (Swiss or American) with these two necessary experiences. In the absence of these expatriates, I think Mr. Knox Karima despite probably not having had international experience in the modernising rail systems certainly has a first hand experience of how to manage and provide strategic oversight to Zambia Railways. That essentially, is my two ngwee’s worth…
Other alternatives would be the former Technical Directors in Zambia Railways… Since, the appointment of the good Professor has already been made, we can only wish him well and hope he won’t be discharged for gross incompetence or national interest in under a year….
Socrates i dont agree with you on this one. You know what this idea of putting foreigners so called expatriates in strategic positons of our local companies has killed the vast potential of Zambian workers. What we need is someone like our Prof. to give a strategic direction so that the objectives can be achieved. I think he has the capacity to do it and as Zambians we can do it!!
Iwe Socrates, this man will build a team to work with. It takes the motivation and getting the right people to surround you. Perfomance management now comes in.
Bravo Mr. President. Pro. Clive Chiwa has saved in the diaspora for so many years. Now its time save his Country and he has given himself 3 yrs to change the face of ZR we are behind you as the people of Zambia except the bitter aspiring president of course. Hope the 3yrs wont be like the 90 days scenario. All the best Pro.
Great Appointment Clive roll up your sleeves and lets see what you are made of walk the talk
All these kudos will come to nothing, I know Chirwa very well and all these advisory roles he claims of are all nothing but lies. And as long as the govt does not provide strategic funding to the railways, Satan can appoint Jesus as CEO and I can promise you the downward trend will continue. The rot begins at stops at Zondwe CNP’s door, period!
You are one bitter a.s.s h.ole. How can you belittle Jesus? You are a typical Zambian-know it all but a failure. You are just jealous. The govt is already trying to provide funding and appointing CAPABLE citizens to assist in reviving our failed companies.
Ati “The rot begins at stops at Zondwe CNP’s door, period!”, boza baba. I thought the rot began with your favorite pompwe Little FJT Chililuba & finished off by Shrake Ala Bi when Zondwe had nothing to do with it.
Now Zondwe tries to fix what you thieves destroyed, and he his doing it by using fellow Zambians who have proved themselves on the world stage, and you still don’t like it?! Bamambala imwe, what in the hell are you looking for from this govt?
Clive remember that Mazoka once held a similar position and he made it work to his political advantage you can use this to propel your personal presidential ambitions that you ve always had. It is true that Zambians and especially common Zambians are interested in seeing real development. lets see if you can come to the table and match your theories to your visibly seen development you are entering a hugely challenging area which has had plenty problems
thats a good move Mr. President
First it was Fr. Bwalya’s Appointment to ZESCO Board. People criticized: ” he has no qualifications, no ‘Electrical’ Background. Second was Willie Nsanda’s Appointment to RDA Board. People criticized: ” he is a cadre with Engineering Backgound”. Then it is Clive Chirwa, people are again criticizing: ” he has no ‘management’ experience”. Hmmmmmmmmmm!!
nice observation
Batila Umuntu chipuba.
#17 should read: ” he is a cadre with no Engineering background”
Socrates, be sensible. Learn to give credit where it is due you miserable *****:
Is Prof Chirwa the one who helped Katele to invent the “laptop”? He has really described him as he has worked with him or has he?
Lets see if HH has balls to suspend him from UPND. I am surprised he is quite as he has banned anyone in his party to work with the govt
HH chik ala should be more bitter about this
I wish he was appointed to run ZESCO or the entire water utility companies
The success of the rail system will to the larger extent depend on GRZ directing mining companies to start using the rail line when ferrying copper. But since GRZ is too soft on mining firms, I doubt if they can pass a directive. As such Prof. will have to ferry only goats, cattle and cassava
You are right on that one but the GRZ could not do that because of the state of the Railways in the country, the fleet for both TAZARA and ZRL is currently so low that the Mining coys could suffer serious delays resulting in losses. So first, the prof should rebuild ZRL and the GRZ can now make that pronouncement.
more like putting mourinho in charge of kabwe worriors abd expect to win CAF,
HH wont do jack abt ths. Prof. Chirwa is the guy that advised HH to allow Sata to lead the pact on a one-term basis n a win was guaranteed, but HH was too proud to listen n we know where he is now. Chirwa was UPND, but was able to analyse the situation and make resolute decisions. It’s proof that despite his presidential ambitions, he doesn’t let the politics get to his head. I hav confidence in this guy
Still HH is better qualified and experienecd than Professor Chirwa. He is even wealthier than him. HH has got 15,000 animals in Monze and Kabwe but the fake professor has nothing. Viva Bantu Botatwee..!!! Viva Bantustan….!!!
In terms of wealth HH mwana we sukulu sana fye …. the chap is not even in the top richest people in southern african let alone Zambia …. you will die with your bantustan bitterness …. hh will never be anywhere near the leadership of this country … this is no spirit of service unto Zambia in him that is why he refused the proposal from the Prof to be VP of MCS because he thinks about nothing but himself …. the chap is and will always be just a bantustan leader not a national leader period … if you are still better about this go hang yourself
i have faith that this man will turn things around. well done MR sata.
Presently Professor Chirwa is not a political cadre he resigned long time from upnd.
ndekela ba professor mune,mwikalaba kwamilambo ba chirwa wher u were born and educated pliz
Chirwa may have the knowledge and skill, but there must be a political will to transform the company or chirwa will be seen as a failure. Govtment must willing to infuse or inject substantial amount of funds in the company as will be laid down by chirwa. He must also formulate a code of conduct for the employees. Success will again depend on how profoundly the employees are motivated. He can never be in oblivion and hoping to succeed. We wish he all the best. Its time to work and turn knowledge into reality for mother Zambia to succeed.
Problems of Zambia Railways:
1. Outdated infrastructure, consisting of narrow gauge track that severely limits speed capability.
2. Inadequate/insufficient rolling stock.
3. Old inefficient engines with limited speed capability.
4. An inadequate human element (may be).
Will require great political will and commitment, radical infrastructural and management changes to get the system to where all people will be willing and glad to use it. The railway should not be just for heavy cargo. It should compete with road and even air transport systems to transport people across the country. (In some countries, trains regularly ferry people at speeds around 400 km/hr). Once properly configured, I suspect the railway system would be able to generate sufficient revenue to be viable.
For ZR, great appoitmnmet.. for Chirwa political career… Sata has managed to tame chirwa.. Chirwa will report to PS who reports to Deputy Min who reports to Minister who reports to VEEP who reports to Sata. Having said that this a welcome Appoitment.
Dr.Katele we also need your vast experience and knowledge At Ndola school of medicine.Please fuma kumushi uko ku chiengi and come and help train new doctors.
Katele is not a medical doctor
Oooooh, so Katele is a medical doctor and not a laptop engineer>
Chirwa has no business experience. He is a teacher. Zambia Railways is doomed. Your foolish excitement will be shortlived! Is Zambia a nation of id.iots? Is your Professor Chirwa the silver bullet you’ve been waiting for, for the last 48 years? Banana Republic…..that is what Zambia is! Shame!
On a bigger picture, the solutions to our today’s challenges are scientific and HH does not come anywhere near such an equation. An analytical mind like prof Chirwa’s is the way to go. Sata is a genius. This appointment has very serious political ramifications on UPND. Bragado!!
I wish Chirwa well. People will nitpick about his lack of Business experience but the shareholder should ensure he is surrounded by a good turn around team. Business isn’t a one man know it all undertaking.
If you know what a think tank operate you will watch and seen. If you read his acceptance remarks…
he indicated that the first step is to recruit experts both local and in diasprora to build a team…what does this meant to you???