Monday, March 10, 2025

Shamenda elated by Court ruling on minimum wage


Minister of Labour Fackson Shamenda
Minister of Labour Fackson Shamenda

Government says it has been vindicated by the High court ruling over the issue of the minimum wage.

In August this year, the Zambia Federation of Employers had challenged the government over its decision to issue statutory instruments to increase the minimum wages for domestic and shop workers describing the move as illegal.

The Lusaka High court last week however ruled that Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda was within the law when he announced the new minimum wages.

Labour and Social Security Minister Fackson Shamenda says government has learnt a lot from the ruling of the High court on the matter.

Mr. Shamenda says the move has helped to clear a number of issues surrounding the minimum.

Speaking in Lusaka today, Mr. Shamenda says the High court ruling has also confirmed that when a minister makes a decision on behalf of government, the best that stakeholders can do is to dialogue and work in partnership with government for the interest of the majority citizens.

He says government fully welcomes the taking of the matter to court by the Zambia Federation of Employers as it has now cleared a number of issues.


  1. if you cant afford the minimum wage think smart, my maid works only on Mondays ,Wednesday and Fridays every-week of the month and i pay her ZMK 250 000 @ month-ends

  2. My gardener now works only 2 days week. And I pay him immediately he finishes the shift. That peice work is over you cannot relate it to the next.

  3. It’s funny how the court can be nice if it rules in favor of the Govt. But if it had ruled otherwise, the same Minister who is praising the court would have been saying “the Judiciary needs serious reforms.” Politicians, you are all hypocrites!

  4. my maid works from 07h00 to 13h00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. She only get breakfast no lunch. K300 pin is okay no strings attached.

  5. is this issue still alive,these always a way around crazy laws especially this one. make your employee a casual.

  6. I simply have no housegirl or gardener and depend on the ones look for piece work at weekends. They wash clothes for my family and clean the surroundings and pay them immediately. No big deal

  7. Those that cant afford the minimum wage requirement should do away with maids etc. Or better get a relative from ku muzi to help out here and there. ZFE lost the case in court and we should all follow the law and implement it.

  8. # 15, NO the above 3, 8 & 9 are not wrong to monetise the fringe benefits being enjoyed by the household employees. I have both a living in maid & a garden boy. Immediately the SI number 45, 46 & 47 were issued, we sat down and put monetary value to the accomodation, breakfast, lunch & supper. We all agreed that both are way above minimum wage receiving K350,000 while living in. The day they wish to get their minimum wage, they will simply move into their shanty compounds and I will rent out my servants quarter and pay the new household employees the minimum wage with no impact on my household income. Monetisation of fringe benefits is done even in corporate entities and government where, things like fuel, medical schemes and retirement plans are considered as part of remuneration.

  9. This is great move by the courts. I really dont understand who ZFE represent for them to be against minimum wage. Eeigh!! To me this is great for mother Zambia. We are heading in the right direction in this respect. Its also great to see already the initiative that most guys are using now, to reduce the number of hours for maids. Am already doing that. In developed countries, this is common. I dont know why it should be strange here. If we want the nation tobe developed, this is one of the ways, to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. I wonder why people should object. You guys in the disapora, u are enjoying the per hour payments because of the same minimum wage rules. Ooh Goshhhh!

  10. I still revert to my earlier stance the minimum wage should be put in bands based on the financial capability and area in which a particular person works. E.g maids and garden boys working in Kabulonga Woodlands Ibex etc 500pin Chilenje Emmasdale etc 350pin then the remaining classes of areas 250pin this case wouldn’t have been a hot issue going as far as court.

  11. But what can someone do with K350,000 in a month. Unga is K50pin and since it is the only source of carbohydrate you need 2 which is 100pin. Then cooking oil, salt, rent and vegetables everyday gobble the remaining 250pin. Oh I forgot the landlord, ba kaloba and a bit of Jaribu, cocoa butter, geza soap and some hair extensions. Iliko bad pa Zed.

    • :)>- Yes indeed Iliko bad pa Zed. I concur with the PF govt on the increase in the minimum wage. I think this is a good step in the right direction to more money in the pocket, however little.:-\”:-?

      This will make pipo think before employing. If you cant afford … dont employ and those who can should pay the correct one or else those who try to fabricate changes will soon be visited in the way I have seen for 3, 5, 9 and 10. Observe other related labour laws my friends or else you will find yourselves trapped in another piece of law..

  12. It is wrong to pay workers anything lower than the minimum wage. This is how one can end up answering questions at the Labour office. I must say that the manner in which the S.I was issued was totally wrong as not all of us were prepared for this. Furthermore, even for those that are charging the living-in maid, imagine they now start charging u by the hour for the amount of work they do? How much will u be

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