Thursday, February 6, 2025

Weekend in Pictures – Luanshya



Children playing with makeshift scooters on the risky township roads because there are no play parks any more in Luanshya’s Roan Township


A man cycles along the street in Luanshya’s Roan Township


A view of the former Luanshya Mine, which is now being run by the Chinese


A view of the former Luanshya Mine, which is now being run by the Chinese.


A public transport mini bus makes its way along the street in Roan Township


A man walks along the street in Luanshya’s Roan Township


Children manning a Ka Ntemba in Roan Township of Luanshya


Motorists making their way in Luanshya’s Roan Township.


Roan Township residents buying basic goods such as tomato and vegetables from a Ka Ntemba(road side stall) in Luanshya.


Roan Township residents going about their business


Sign post leading to Kafubu stadium, the pitch where South African based Collins Mbesuma was discovered


Some Luanshya residents meet outside a beer joint in the town.


Some old mine Township houses in Luanshya’s Roan Constituency


Some old mine Township houses in Roan Constituency.


Some old mine Township houses in Roan Constituency. The houses had been sold to miners under the MMD government


The entrance A female security guard keeps vigil at the entrance to  Roan Antelope health facility in Luanshya’s Roan Township


There is rampant illegal land allocation in Luanshya. Here, some structures erected on illegally acquired plots in Roan Township


The Martrys of Uganda parish catholic Church in Roan Township


Altar boys captured outside the Martrys of Uganda Catholic Parish in Roan Township of Luanshya.


A man cycles along the street with a bag of maize in Roan Township


  1. Ah the pictures make me nostalgic.The roads in Luanshya are in great condition.Is it Kambwili who did this?Thumbs up

  2. Roads still good but surroundings dirty as usual, what is Kambwili doing, encourage tenants to keep their homes clean and give them a touch of paint every five years or so. No maintenance since they bought those houses

  3. Cry my beloved home town! Who is going to take us out of poverty? The once beautiful and clean township is now a shodow of itself, God help us.

  4. These are the best roads I’ve seen in Zambia so far – no sign of potholes.Despite the poverty I think the effort by the council in Luanshya should be recommended

  5. Hey guys lets go to BBC African football in numbers and vote for Chris Katongo for African Footballer of the year 2012. There are only 5 shortlisted names and results will be announced on Dec 13, 2012. Let us not allow our friends outvote our man! You can vote on BBC African Football page or send a text message The winner will be decided by African football fans, who have until 1830 GMT on Thursday, 13 December to vote for their choice.

    “You can either vote via this page or by sending an SMS from your phone to +44 7786 20 50 75:

    Text 1 for Demba Ba

    Text 2 for Younes Belhanda

    Text 3 for Didier Drogba

    Text 4 for Christopher Katongo

    Or Text 5 for Yaya Toure”

  6. Dull journalist, u thnk roan is Luanshya and Luanshya is roan??? No ways, u cant even show the new Pick ‘N pay building in town? Wat about Kamirenda and other Townships.Go back to school my boy coz u seem to be learning how to report. U had to hide in the bush to take the pictures of the mine buildings, no confidence no strategy!!! LT fire this boy coz this is substandard reporting. Its like watching Born ‘N Bred awards on ZNBC TV… Pathetic and heartbreaking journalists..

  7. Home sweet home! That’s where some of our journeys started from – mumayadi ya lunsonga, kotapela kulukungu, amagwava, ifisali, mango, aka-cabin (with no cabin attendants!), kumugodi nabashimaini baleyinika namajombo na kampompo etc God bless mother Zambia! nangu kwalukungu or not kumwesu ni kumwesu!

  8. I have been in LYA for over a year and whoops! i have never been to ROAN. The journalist can do better……….ndeloleshafye

  9. No 7, it should be “COMMENDED” not “recommended”. Ba MMD balionaule chalo ku chisungu. Landenifye muchibemba.

    These are the best roads I’ve seen in Zambia so far – no sign of potholes.Despite the poverty I think the effort by the council in Luanshya should be recommended

    • Ngafyawama ati ba PF. This was RB’s infrastructure development called formula one which did not segregate whether PF or MMD. The reporter should have also taken some shots in Mikomfwa, Town Centre and new town. These areas fall under a different constituency which was represented by Kachimba and now Steve Chungu who is doing a good job at Thompson Hospital. The roads were also done. Viva RB and may now the MCS continue were his friend left so that we move forward

  10. LT, You have brought us more than enough of pictures and stories from Zambia’s towns. Why concentrate only on urban areas?
    It would be useful to bring us pictures and stories about life in rural areas neglected by all successive GRZ administrations. Show us pictures of how rural dwellers share their drinking water with wild animals and how they survive (by the grace of the Lord) from day to day. Zambia is not only about Lusaka. A well known idiom says, ”Variety is the spice of life”, how true!

  11. ‘A man is seen being a man and talking to another man while selling beer to a woman.’
    Yaba! Lusaka Times Captioning, is like a grade 2 pupil’s.

  12. Mmm…….the person who posted the pic must have grown up in Roan Township. I grew up there too, but the place is now a ghost town.

  13. Direction and Display signage in our country still has a long way to go…hope the local authorities would step in as signage ie Style, Fonts, Colour etc does help in beautifying the area.

  14. Wow,every one of these pictures shows that in zambia maintenance or keeping things in top shape aesthetically is a foreign concept.Repaint,sweep,fix and realign the walls,the lawns and the curbs.Its sad that work on such things is seen as a destination.Hard work is never a destination but rather it should be treated as an unending journey.

  15. ex-Luanshya dot you know what is a good site to go to if you want to see past and present pics of Luanshya. Certainly learned more about plants from this town than any other. Chingola was the other pretty one. Would be nice to see more of those A-Z avenue concepts in small towns across Zed. Not just the plant life but maintenance, water supply, hospitals, schools, clubs etc. I heard a rumour the pies at ‘The Grill Room’ are still delicious… then another that some of the prettiest avenues have lost trees to charcoal burners. We need to step up.

  16. Last picture says “man cycles with a bag of maize.” Which bag of maize? Do you mean he was carrying Honourable GBM?

  17. Though who are complaining that things have become worse over the years just by looking at the photos are a bit detached by reality. Yes the pics show rather dirty and unkempt surroundings. But that is how most residential areas in Zambia, especially medium-to-high density areas like the mining townships have been for decades. It is a different story when you talk of the low density residential areas where the senior management used to (and still stay). In the past, unlike now, the mines used to take care of the surroundings in the past and they used to look very clean and neat. Not the case any more. The situation in Roan is not different from say Kantanshi in Mufulira or Chamboli in Kitwe and has been the same for many decades now.

  18. This reporter must be interested the houses he captured and must have trying to prove that he was in Luanshya very drunk. No sense in the pics taken

  19. A Trip down memory lane – my birth town and the mine where my dad and most of the family and friends that moved to Luanshya worked. I actually expected a bit more but perhaps one day I will return and come see for myself.

  20. We now need an update about Luanhya because the Luanshya we are seen is the new Luanshya with alot of renovations and new influstructure. For example some buildings have been renovated and they are housing big busises like Pick AND Pay, Budget Stores, Radian and many more. We should not also ignore the new buildings like the CHOVU CHOVU structure at Second Class area.The Council should not only renovate the Civic Centre but also encourage owners of old buildings to re-paint them for this will add value to the town centre,the all of Luanshya and create employment. All in all,old buildings are supposed to be reabilitated and this is what we call maintenance of infrastructure.

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