Monday, March 10, 2025

You will go to jail if you abuse public funds, Kambwili tells recipients of loans and grants


Minister of Youth, Sports and Child Development Chishimba Kambwili presents a cheque to Musaka Mumba of MS Catering and Events Management during the Youth development fund cheque's presentation held at the Olympic Youth Development center in Lusaka
Minister of Youth, Sports and Child Development Chishimba Kambwili presents a cheque to Musaka Mumba of MS Catering and Events Management during the Youth development fund cheque’s presentation held at the Olympic Youth Development center in Lusaka

Minister of Youth and Sports, Chishimba Kambwili has warned recipients of loans and grants to use resources that have been allocated to them into serious business ventures.

Speaking during the Handover Ceremony of Cheques to the beneficiaries at the Olympic Youth Development Centre in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Kambwili said that government allocated K11.8 billion for loans, grants and administrative costs towards the Youth Development Fund (YDF).

“If you think that you can use public money and get away with it, you will end up in jail. You should not take advantage of the loans and grants given to you, utilize these funds wisely,” he said.

He appealed to the recipients to use the funds prudently and as prescribed in their proposals to ensure that the intended results are yielded.

[pullquote]“If you think that you can use public money and get away with it, you will end up in jail. You should not take advantage of the loans and grants given to you, utilize these funds wisely,” he said.[/pullquote]

“We had to take a serious review of the past funds which in our view were a total failure because majority of those who got the loans only one quarter have paid back the Youth Development Fund,” he said.

He said his Ministry has used the lessons learnt from the past resources to come up new measures and strategies in form of a sustainable road map that they have started implementing.

He emphasized that he shall not tolerate anyone who is participating in Zambia’s development through this money misappropriate the loans and fail to repay the pledge will be brought to book.

And Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Emeldah Chola said Lusaka had experienced a number of youth challenges such as unemployment and that the Government allocated K1.3 billion for loans and K181 million for grants to the youth in Lusaka.

Brigadier General Chola urged the youths that received money to utilize the cash for their intended purposes in order to enable them grow their businesses and employ other youths in the Province.

Meanwhile a protest erupted when suspected PF cadres fumed over the allocation of funds accusing the Minister of sidelining with the recipients of the loans.

But responding to the accusation, Mr Kambwili said the PF has nothing to do with the selection of people being given loans.

Mr Kambwili said the loans and grants given to applicants go through a process of scrutiny and that the applicants were not chosen on political grounds.


  1. Who has ever gone to jail for abusing public funds, TOADFACE? kapoko,aaron chungu,saviour chungu, katele etc are all free people.Mwandini ba youth use the money however you like, afterall it is your money(tax).Dont let Toady intimidate you.

  2. Musaka Mumba won’t go to jail for abusing, stealing or non repayment of loans. Her colleagues like Katele, Kapoko, Nchito, Mmembe, Chungu etc are all free. Thieves with the right names never go to jail in Zambia.

    • You are an ***** for real. Do you even think before you speak or its just every shiki polomya that comes in your mouth, fed to you by your under 5 hakaivotela humwine? *****.

  3. #5, you are very right! May be I can add that thieves thieves from three particular Zambian provinces never go to jail in Zambia.

  4. I have never seen anyone in this Country go to Jail for abusing public funds. The likes of Dora, RB, Kapoko are still free. You go to jail in this country for traffiking in 1 gramm of cannabis, stealing a TV. Even difilers have found a way of being aquited.

  5. Kambwili says “utilise these funds wisely” otherwise you will be arrested if you don’t pay back the loan just like Fred M’membe and Mutembo Nchito but if you intend not to pay back become a PF funder then you safe look at Kapoko.

  6. these youths had to be relatives of one in the family forest or an associate criminal or they were used for them to receive a penny. Kambwlili is even ashamed failing to look her in the eyes she made him cry.

  7. Why is it the Minister giving out cheques? Where is the ministry cashier, or accounts clerk, or accountant of director of finance or PS? Didn’t he have other pressing issues to attend to? PRIORITY.

  8. Very beautiful girl recieving a loan, does anyone have her contact? I HAVE ALOT OF MONEY , I CAN MARRY HER SHE DOESNT NEED TO GO FOR PF loans.

  9. GRZ being involved directly in micro-finance is just a recipe for disaster…buffoon Kambwili is using this for a photo opp. busy handing out cheques like certificates and how does he give such advise to people who have already been vetted!!

  10. Sometimes we look down upon ourselves or/and our people in our countries where even defaulting of loans does not happen on a higher note!! Here in the developed countries they have a name for it “bad credit rating”. Students here are heavily indebted because of their student loans, which when given to them, they blow on the latest hitech gadgets on the market, year after year forgetting that its a loan, which would need to be repaid. Sometimes they even opt out of school, gobbling about 60K, under or more. When it comes to paying back the loans, I remember a classmate saying that she will pay a bit and go on a disability period. My point, Zambia is not worse off after all. Give people a chance please, not everybody living in Zambia fails like you failed and you decided to leave!

  11. Secondly, people here live on credit cards. If you have never owned a credit card then you don’t have a good credit rating. You fail to pay your credit card, your home -phone+ cell, internet, hydro, water, an endless list of bills you get low credit rating(bad credit). Many people here have problems monitoring their credit lines, because they have more credit than people in Zambia can imagine. Kambwili is right, by telling people to use money wisely, becuz sometimes people consider loans to be free money until repaying period comes. My issue is with bloggers like # 1, who think people in Zambia are irresponsible and will not pay back. Even here abroad many people fail to pay back loans. Zambians are even better in this case. I don’t know which Zambia you are talking about!

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