PICK n PAY Zambia has opened its outlet in Kitwe with the Government commending the chain store for investing over K132 billion into the country.
In a speech read for him by Copperbelt Deputy permanent secretary Stephen Lindundu, Copperbelt Minister Mwenya Musenge commended the chain store for its massive investment of over K132 billion.
Mr Musenge said the chain store had worked hard to develop strong community relations through its corporate social responsibility.
“Pick n pay committed to achieving certain targets in Zambia including a total investment of K132billion in five years and it further committed itself to creating 1000 jobs in the country,” he said
Pick n Pay general manager Andy Roberts said the chain store signed an Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with the Zambian government last February.
Mr Roberts said in the agreement, Pick n Pay pledged a total investment of K132 billion and was hopeful that by March next year the amount would be exceeded.
He said the chain store also committed itself to creating 1000 jobs within five years and that the target would be exceeded after opening the Luanshya and Ndola stores.
“The opening of this new store in Kitwe is therefore not only an act of commercial expansion but an expression of confidence in the economic future of the Copperbelt Province and Zambia at large,” he said.
And Kitwe Mayor Chileshe Bweupe commended Copperhill for changing the face of the city by constructing the chain store.
Nice move for more employment.But why always shoprite,pick N pay or Kobil?? When will homegrown zambian companies spread and flourish countrywide and into neighbouring states or are we too daft and lacking business acumen to pull it off? We just know how to do senseless destructive politics.
Zambia needs people like you to invest back home, you can start small.
My friend you just talk! be the first and am sure we will all follow through yo steps
Mr. Sata wants Zambia people to be civil servants. He believes in working for the govt and retiring lol
On a serious note, investment on this scale requires a lot of money, that is impossible for most Zedians to have. This leaves international corporations (the likes of pnpay, shoprite, etc), other investor, venture capitalist, and the govt. The ordinary munthu has been priced out of this market
HH has a stake in Pick n Pay i thought he was zambian?
Zambians are locked in the box if only they can start thinking out of the box they can do great things.
Good development. This is what we want to hear. Not GBM this, Kabimba this, HH that. Let these politicians go to hell, but Zambia remains.
All Zambian, be it yourself, GBM or Kabimba. We need them all, jealous aside. GBM has already done alot for Zambia before joining politics. Give credit where it is due. Otherwise wait for foreigners, Chinese are everywhere, wait for many other more and you the zambian will be on the margins. support local people to excell. you too try if you can!
Good but I miss ZCBC which was Zambian. #1 I am with you. We’re just enriching RSA. on a positive note, this will at least force someof those who buy on the streets to go and buy from clean enviroment.
When is pick “N” Pay Mongu is going to be opened? Lozi people wants developments too.
don’t worry by 2020 you will have one.
Mushota don’t comment…
@Oga, I agree with you; let these politicians go to hell, but if they are already there, let them not come back.
@Panda, amen brother/sister. Some of them are already there indeed.
especially HH
Luanshya here we come too!
street vending is pathetic! especially this season, pick ‘n’ pay we hope the prices will remain like they have started or even lower…… there is serious value of money wen you buy from this chain store…. naimwe bambi bwesheniko imitengo so that you remain in market other wise….. naumfwa umwenso…. :)>-
Shoprite was just too congested in Kitwe … atleast people have more choices though both are South Africain
Iyo kwaliba abantu. Ati Kitwenian. Lol
good news mwebantu
Vizited the supermaket yesternoon, owesome indeed! But the opening should not have been done in such a haste az most of the other structurez at the mall are still under construction. When all iz said and done though, the place will no doubt be a marvel.
ba kitwe fi chili source fyonse ifyo tabaisale kutekanyafye.
Good move??? Where are the people getting the money to buy goods in these shops?? After all, there is rampant unemployment in Zambia. Ooogh, sorry I missed that information that the shop was built for Congolese and not Zambians. :((
Napapa sana ! When RB brought Pick N Pay he was accused of corruption by the Post. Now it is OK.
I like this they have already displayed the KR the re-based currency. Good development in terms of job creation as well.
Zambian retailers watch and learn its doable ..if you put your customers’ needs first as the Sam Walton once stated that “there is only one boss. the customer… and he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else”: sales will come and you’ll also have the leverage to bulk buy from your wholesalers so you can offer low prices.
I support very much (#3) the ZCBC shop which is in old ndeke, just wroting overthere , mind you that is Government property but MMD privatized it into church plse can Mwentambalukuta ba Sata , RESTORE back nd make it as pick n pay or shoperite nd there yu will create 500 job for CB people,.
i support you mushikile,you are 100% lite abt the ndeke former zcbc building,ndeke area is growing at a fast and clean enviroment and soon we are going to have new kitwe jst across kafue river,plse our kafinsa PF-MP this is your job,get our advise,us the pipo of ndeke need a shopping mall as well,think of the distance frm ndeke to copper hill.we want to hear frm you.and seing is believing.Act now.
A shop for us
A shop for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!