Kabwe and Kapiri Mposhi districts in central province have been hit with Army worms that have invaded a number of farms leaving the farmers helpless.The army worms which have invaded some farms in the district are terrorizing and devouring maize crops.
District Administrative Officer, Brave Mazuba confirmed the development in Kapiri Mposhi today.He said the worms have been spotted in Chipepo, Mukonchi and Nkole chiefdoms.Mr. Mazuba said the government is taking precautionary measures to control the worms which he said were moving to new areas at a faster rate.He said the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has started distributing a spray chemical “cypermethrin” to some farmers in the area in the bid to get rid of the insects.Mr. Mazuba however urged farmers in the district to also take precautionary measures to prevent the insects from invading their fields.He said farmers can also procure the chemicals on their own and not only wait for the Ministry of Agriculture to supply them with the chemicals to spray their fields in order to get rid of the worms.The government official has urged farmers in the district to work together with Agriculture extension officers in the areas to control the worms.
“There is an outbreak of army worms in our district but government is taking preventive measures by sensitizing farmers on the issue and distributing chemicals for spraying their fields,” Mr. Mazuba said.
Kabwe research Center Entomologist Codrine Malambo said Kabwe district had recorded a number of cases of army worms attacking farms.Mr. Malambo added that in Mpima the worms have attacked and completely eaten down eight hectors of grazing grass for cattle and two hectors of maize.
He has advised the farmers in the district that have been hit with the worms to buy CyperMethrin commonly known as Guru to treat their affected maize.
Mr. Malambo also called on those farmers that are not affected to be on the lookout as the worms spread out from farm to farm.
And Kabwe District Commissioner Patrick Chishala has urged farmers to be alert and stay calm as the Government was doing everything possible to contain the outbreak.
Some affected farmers appealed to Government to help them control the pests fearing that their crops will be damaged.In a statement Loveness Chimbuleni, a Headwoman in Senior Chief Chipepo’s Chiefdom noted that most people in the district will experience food shortages next year if the insects are not controlled.Headwoman Chimbuleni, said the army worms have eaten sprouting maize in most fields and are speedily migrating to other farms in the area.
Senior Headwoman Chimbuleni also said most farms in the area are in danger unless spraying is promptly conducted against the worms.
This government is doomed…….GOD is punishing the people for Zambia for crying for a leader who was not destined to lead them……
idoit. You think God can panish his people? damn assol
At dido……u re a foolish p.f cadre…..u *****……..who invited you to comment on my comment……
Chap, no one needs to get an invite to comment on your vommit. Are you saying the recent hurricanes in America are also as a result of Obama? Very shallow thinking!!!
Bizzysunda #2, you are an *****. If you think the people of Zambia will vote for your under wizzy(sunda), you are in for a rude shock. God is punishing your father and mother for having a child like you without brains. *****.
Zambians eat these things any way. Oh My goodness, those worms just spoiled my afternoon tea meal. I almost did throw up. Zambians can eat anything for all I have heard. My fiance has a kilt, Zambians compete by eating things, embarrassing
You are very stupid! Its the same things that brought you up! Denounce your citizenship so that we stop considering you Zambian. We don’t have such types here!
These are not finkubala please, “ba some of us” ata….
@ Mushuta, Ulichinkubala!
Let the words of the government be followed by action! This is a matter of life or death for the rural people. Send officers to evaluate the situation and take concrete actions by giving free chemicals!
#2 Bizzywizzy- You are not normal to wish Zambia ill. These things happen in Zambia. Its not new.
OMG hope my farm is safe in Kapiri, let me call them rite now…
look at the girl @3 mushota she looks just like the army worms in the picture above….incredible!
pepper / Aw, I feel for the fans..everybody wants David to perform in their own vitiincy. I can understand why! A Christmas tour is very special (especially when it comes to David). I would just love to see David on this tour but will only have that chance if he comes to the pacific northwest (or to western Canada). I’m sure it’s not easy to organize a tour like this and David can’t perform everywhere on each tour (although it would be awesome)! I’m also sure that those who don’t get to see him on this tour will have another chance in future. I am thrilled and so happy for David about this Christmas tour and very happy for those who will get to experience it with him. Just be happy for David, he gives his all. I’m sure he would love to perform for everyone if he could. <3