Sunday, September 8, 2024

Namulambe ditches MMD for PF


Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Chairperson for Elections, Gabriel Namulambe
Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Chairperson for Elections, Gabriel Namulambe

MMD Mpongwe MP Gabriel Namulambe has defected to the ruling PF with immediate effect. Mr. Namulambe was also until now MMD Chairman for Elections.

He told a media briefing Thursday morning held at the PF Secretariat that he has joined the PF in order to foster development of the Lamba land.

He said the people of Lamba land have never operated in the opposition adding that his continued stay in the opposition was going to delay development in the area.

“From the UNIP days through to the MMD days, the people of Mpongwe have always moved with the party in government. Why should they change now?”

Mr. Namulambe said MMD leader Nevers Mumba’s alleged anti-democratic style of running the party also made him quit the former ruling party.

He said Dr. Mumba has abrogated the party constitution over the manner in which he dealt with expelled National Secretary Major Richard Kachingwe.

“The manner in which Major Kachingwe was hounded out was not proper. They went on to hold a kangaroo NEC meeting to appoint an outsider (Mr. Simbao) as National Secretary contrary to party constitution,” Mr. Namulambe said.

Mr. Namulambe further said the current MMD leadership is not taking the party anywhere adding that the over K4 billion debt allegedly owed to the Bank of Zambia is a fact and should not be disputed.

“I was surprised to see a Dr. (Dr. Kaingu) disputing those facts. I remember when the late Mwanawasa was President, there was an attempt to settle that debt except Mwanawasa wanted to know who had benefitted from the money first before settling the debt.”

He said Dr. Mumba should take the matter of the debt seriously before the MMD is declared bankrupt.

“I foresee a situation where the MMD is declared bankrupt if they fail to settle this debt,” he warned.

He said the happenings in the MMD are causing a lot of embarrassment to genuine members of the party such as Situmbeko Musokotwane, Brian Chituwo and Felix Mutati.

“Dr. Mumba is not taking the MMD anywhere. He promised that he will undertake countrywide tours to resuscitate the party but up to now, nothing has happened.”

Mr. Namulambe also revealed that the MMD does not know the source of the money used to pay rentals for Dr. Mumba’s residence in Kabulonga.

“What we know is that the Pastor is not in a position to pay for that beautiful house. We don’t know who is paying those rentals especially that there is no declaration of the source of party funds coming into the party.”

In welcoming Mr. Namulambe, PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba said all MMD MP’s are welcome to join the PF before it is too late.

Mr. Kabimba said the MMD is dead today because it allowed outsiders to hijack the party.
He advised PF members to guard against infiltration by selfish and double faced members if the party is to continue growing strong.

“It’s not the PF that is killing the opposition. It’s the Zambian people that want the opposition to work with the ruling party,” he said.

“We have no desire to kill the opposition but we would be happy to see the opposition die,” Mr. Kabimba said.
Mr. Namulambe joined the PF along with other Mpongwe District MMD officials including former Mpongwe District Commissioner Ashford Bulaya.

Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Chairperson for Elections, Gabriel Namulambe
Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Chairperson for Elections, Gabriel Namulambe


  1. namulambe you are a sell out and not a trusted person to run the affairs of the nation. what kind of a leader are you? all what was happening in MMD you were part of the system that is y you are appearing the courts of law. dont denounce MMD like that you dont PF ask mangani,he will tell you. and do you think the current structure of PF will honestly and truthfully give you a job?you should play your cards correct.otherwise you will live to regrate your move

  2. Yakosa manje, the truth about MMD misdeeds are now coming out, supporters for major Kachingwe are now coming out and leaving the party just like Kachingwe projected after he was harassed and embarrassed by Nevers Mumba. yap Mumba should have seen that his treatment of Kachingwe would one day cause this confusion in his party. So far today MMD 3 down to PF, from Jazzman Chikwakwa, Christopher to Namulambe defecting to PF.These are serious defections. Nevers Mumba its time to sitdown and reflect on what else is forthcoming in MMD down the road.

  3. Time we came up with a law that prohibits these defectors from re-contesting. This is blatant disregard for the little resources we have. To me this can be considered corruption. 

  4. I wonder why people are getting excited, this is an expense to the tax payers. There has been so much waste of public resources this year on by-elections. Money that could have been spent on building roads, schools or hospitals. The law needs to be amended to keep by-elections for situations where someone dies in power. This is too much waste of public resources. 

  5. B4 the pipo who borod money from BOZ let them be caged except nevers coz he was not there..Namulambe is mist it nowander he said PF shud poch quality MPs and he thot he is quality, Patrick mwanawasa where are you? PF is now MMD and MMD is now a very clean Party

  6. I n 4 days time , I shall been in Zambia
    I cant work, and will produce a dossier on my findings when I am back
    All the good the bad and the ugly, Nick is looking forward I am just hoping he is not embarrassed

    Thank you LT for all your prayers 

  7. How I wish Zambians could wake up from their slumber and vote out all these fools misusing our tax money on bye elections By the way what happened to Mkushi North bye elections?

  8. am ready with my 30cm canon zoom lense. on monday will splash this website clear photos of Mushota and Nick. watch this space. 

  9. “From the UNIP days through to the MMD days, the people of Mpongwe have always moved with the party in government. Why should they change now?” One can cry looking at how shallow and selfish pipo we vote for are!!!!!!! I have even failed “lolesha fye” today, my heart bleeds!!!

    • In short this ***** is saying that the Lamba people are just bamusela kwakaba. What an insult to the people of Mpongwe.

  10. UNIP to MMD to PF…no substance whatsoever…Only when politicians are serious in providing services that enrich flourishing lifestyles for Zambians will governance make sense in Zed…no principles whatsoever, where the wind blows i go…pathetic. So whats next, tax payers money to hold new elections, blah blah blah…my goodness we need a political revolution in Zambia, young Turks where are you?!!!

  11. who said Chimbwii no plan. he wont go for an honourable doc chituwo but a sickly vulnerable target ..Chimbwi ni guy…

  12. Stupid *****, job seeker. Money meant for development will again go for by election. Our constitution should be changed so that such people get disqualified from standing for another election until after 3 years.

  13. namulamba is right. Surely how can a normal human being who wants to progress stick with something that is dying? come on fellas lets be real.

    • @Da Bishop,
      Your thinking is amazing. Amazing to see that you actually believe that development of a nation should be concentrated in locations that have voted for a sitting party? How primitive is this? Surely this will promote the likes of the Namulambe and more and more bye-elections. Parties in Govt that pay attention to their strongholds are not fit for democratic governance as we clearly observe from the PF. Democratic politics is not about “punishing” those that don’t vote for you or “killing” off the opposition. It’s about differences in approaches and priorities of developing a country for the better of its citizens. The choice for voters is and should be about Policies and not about the “hand with the carrot”..

  14. This is not a suprise to Dr Mumba he saw these guys its working to His advantage instead of Mumba expelling them pipo wud hv blamed him now let the wicked free tho no1 pursues according to Proverbs 28:1

    • You are and Amen to that. Dr. Mumba is not surprised, he said he would clean the MMD party, this is real re-branding, the wicked are just fleeing by themselves even when no one is pursuing them. ba Nevers Mumba we are behind you, do not be afraid man of God. These people will regret. the Bible says touch not my anointed one.

  15. The Constitution should be revised to bar defections of MP’s from one party to another , this will be helpful to avoid costly bye elections on tax payers etc The funds can be better utilized on social services such as in the health sector etc.

  16. If you can’t beat them join them, goes the saying. If you remain on the island of melting ice and you can read the situation, you will finally sink into the oceans. Reading the mood, understanding reality. No one of the under fives can beat Sata, he is due for two terms, Reality. The opposition were too fast and furious that soon after elections they started campaigning, underrating and talking down Sata as if they knew it all. They were and are too fast for nothing. They will not win the next election, a fact they fell to comprehend no wonder the tag “Under-Fives”. They don’t know political dribbling. The harder you come the harder you fall. Please be in opposition, allow the incumbant to rule. Your time may come, but not when you do politics as under-five, crying foul every time!

    • Floyd,
      Very diassapointing contribution from you and I would probably agree that the opposition “did know it all” hence they were fast and furious in campaigning after the elections. I say so because the opposition and anyone who didn’t believe in the PF, including Chanda Chimba 111, have been vindicated by the performance and brutal tactics of the incumbent. It is now an undeniable fact that this Govt is dragging Zambia backwards and those in the driving seat are in it for their own pockets. I have no doubt that PF will win the next elections – not because they deserve it but because they will deny you your vote, if it is what it takes, just to stay in power.

  17. Mushota no one is intersted in your going to Zambia, you are nothing , but a cleaner in Sctoland, do not even announce, just depart quietly. nga koswe.

  18. Then there’s no need to be pretending that we are a democracy with all these spineless wealth-seeking MFs in leadership positions. Its such a crying shame. And you wonder why are perpetually poor as a Nation. This is ridiculous! Where the hell are the students and their unions? Gone are the days when the student voice effected change. Oh forgot, they also have bellies to fill up.Good grief!

  19. The constitution needs to change so that seats belong to a party and not an individual MP, so that if an MP defects it does not cost the nation another bye election.This is totally irresponsible and a waste of tax payers money.

  20. Namulambe has proved to be a FOOL! The only way is to provide a clause in the constitution ‘that any memeber of parianment who ditches his party for another such a member shall not recontest the seat during that term of office”. So that political LUMPENS such as Namulambe who think with their empty stomach dwindles from political cycles.

  21. What, what is going on in MMD and oppositon? And you call upon Zambians to fight for you dull opposition??  We tell you that there is no opposition in Zambia….MMD is finished now, also UPND is just in southern province. Who is going to shake the PF kansi???  Please Zambians lets pray for the opposition so it grows wise.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia. 

  22. Elo lwanya welcome ba mwisho this is wat u meant by saying PF needed quality opposition MPs. Its not too late for big brains like Situmbeko Musokotwane,Felix Mutati and Doc Brian Chituwo to join the might PF,doors are open. Quatity Mulongoti has joined the opposition anyway i agree with mr kabimba’s words now. bravo PF

  23. Nalubambe or whever u are called, u a a disgrase to gether with 1. Masebo 2. Masumba etc…. Us Zambians will suffer because we a spending billions on bye-elections ati u a woking for the pipo hey which pipo. God will Punish You selfish characters…

  24. Namulambe, from now own this is your foolish legacy that we will remeber you for. I thought you were one of the sensible young leaders we have ALAS to the contrary. Politics of pocketing is not the kind of politics we want to see from the youthful politicians! If all of you DIMWITS join the rulling party who will be there to offer checks and balances?? Your aim to finish opposition will mean getting back to the Zambia we had from 1991 – 2001 and we know what happened during that period.

  25. This man will be our ticket in our mission to penetrate Lambaland.If we get lambaland and northwestern completely in the boat ,then it will be Seleni tubombeko reloaded.Yaba this day has started on a good note mwe.Wish all the best to the haters too and those not rational enough to insult die hard Pf supporters like me, all in the name of a different political opinion.Pa bwato bane !!!!

  26. The writing was on the wall! How much more should the tax payers be asked to pay, in bye elections? If the president is really serious about reversing the adverse economic situation in the country, he needs to think twice before encouraging these defectors. Killing the opposition is not the answer, an entente cordiale with all the opposition parties in the country is the only positive way forward. Besides, Namulambe’s reason(s) for leaving the MMD sounds rather dodgy. If the MMD have been in confused as to who the whistle blowers in the party were, now they at least know. 

  27. God save us from these selfish and disgraced human beings we have in the name of 1. Stephen Masumba, 2. Silvia Masewo, 3. Gabriel Namulambe etc. I think we deserve better roads, good health care, quality education and not compromised BY- ELECTIONS!

  28. Is there any former MMD parliamentarian joining UPND mwebantu? Awe ba opposition mwapwililika. I am yet to see a UPND MP defecting to PF. Oh sorry, they cannot since they are a regional party. Welcome Namulambe! Bloggers, don’t blame PF for receiving these people. PF is not inviting them but rather exercising their democratic right to joint THE PARTY of their choice. Namulambe is free to choose any party of his choice. Did you want him to join up and down? Politics is about numbers.


  30. I now understand why RB humiliated this clown called Namulambe. Mwanawasa must be turning in his grave for having trusted this spineless boy from Mpongwe. So next time around when PF is not in power he will jump to the ruling party. President Sata should be careful with some of these turncoats.

  31. Its better for Gabriel Namulambe to go quit MMD for PF without throwing mud. Its a well known fact that the man is not principled he chances the wind. During RB’s time the man had to ask for the Lamba chief’s hand to prevent RB from sacking him. Even in PF he is not going to add any value coz a snake will always remain a snake no matter what.You can serve the country evebnn as an opposition lawmaker. We are yet to see many the likes of Gabriel.

  32. Rubbish politics of his dirty belly. These fools in PF are miss using our money on foolish bye elections. Namulambe is a political prostitute, why does he not join any other party? 

    He is just a stupid embecile looking for continued plunder. God deal with these oppressors in Jesus’ name

  33. On a point of correction Mr.Namulambe.MMD does not owe BoZ and the other Banks mentioned any Ngwee.MOPED which was linked to MMD was and still is a Limited Liability company and its debts cannot be transferred to a club like MMD.The BoZ must merely check the last registered Directors of the company with PACRA including those who signed the for the Loans.Nevers Mumba or Michael Sata cannot be blamed for this debt.Fortunately B.Y Mwila who was Treasurer then can give answers to this debt amounting to K4bn.MMD cannot therefore be declared bankrupt for a debt it did not contract.

  34. This is the reason why this country cannot move forward. We keep on spending more money on the same things. We already had an election last year and now we are having another one. If these people really knew who the taxpayers are (the working poor), they won’t be doing this nonesense. Imagine if this money was channelled to UTH or the provision of clean water to people in rural areas or building a grain-silo so that the maize which the FRA is failing to store does not rot. Imagine,if we had leaders that think big… That think of moving Zambia forward.

  35. This is why we need a better constitution that will protect the tax payers money against the unnecessary by-elections. Such people need a close in the constitution that once you resign, you cannot contest a by-election. Foolish Namulambe Muselela Kwakaba.

  36. Things like this happen everywhere. In the USA people resign from the Democratic Party to join the Republican Party and vice-versa, and so it is in Britain with regard to the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Even in Russia the phenomenon is common place. People are free to exercise their democractic rights to belong to a party of choice. So please, no hard bones about it!


  38. Things like this happen everywhere. In the USA people resign from the Democratic Party to join the Republican Party and vice-versa, and so it is in Britain with regard to the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Even in Russia the phenomenon is common place. People are free to exercise their democractic right to belong to a party of choice. So please, no hard bones about it!

    • @Narrant
      You got your thinking twisted! I have only one recollection of a politician defecting to another political party in the UK in nearly 20years that I have lived here. And that wasn’t to get a Job but a “growing change in ideology. However voters have every right to belong to a party and if they choose to switch camp, then that is fine too. it is their choice and the potential impact being on polling days. However it is slightly different for politicians, they have to have to be principled and be of some credible integrity in society. In the UK ministers are fired in cabinet etc but never do they walk away on a party. That is because their ideology is not compatible with other parties but the one the serve.

    • @Its a worry: Thanks for that truth.Even here(USA) politicians just don’t abandon their party as what binds them is much more than a job.Its their ideas (ideology)that bind them and they’ll never sell out for a job bcoz they are principled.

  39. As Zambians we are to blame for this nonsense. Namulambe will be adopted under PF and the idio.t will win. we needed to teach these traitors a lesson by ensuring that they lose the bi-election 

  40. HYPOCRICY!HYPOCRICY! Mmd and upnd you are condemning Namulambe,ke,ke,is it not de democracy u say u want? Is it not Mulambe’s birth right 2 belong 2 any association? Watch the space.l would like hh and Mumba 2 b democratic in their parties first.


  42. Kabimba says those who joined pf are treated as foreigners! U namulambe equally a foreigner in pf! Kabimba hates them he doesnt respect such at the same time he wants to grow membership by default. Now C Lubinda being harrassed by boastful n very arrogant Minister n Pf SG.

  43. I feel so strongly about these defections and how it reflects a senario of day light robbery against the impoverished Zambians. I have to strongly agree with all suggestions, on this blog, that we include, in the proposed constitution, a clause that confirms that a constituency seat belongs to the party that wins for the term of that parliament. This will limit costly defections soon after parliamentary and general elections and equally expose those self serving MP’s who are lack principles as they would queue to jump ship when the pasture look greener on the other side just before elections… Do we have access to contribute to the ongoing constitutional debate?

  44. zambian politicians FIKO! where are your principles, your motto is “tulye nabo” nothing about serving zambians, not too long ago, you were insulting the then opposition and MCS, ni nsala?, fyabupuba sana, no wonder we can’t develope.

  45. When the going gets tough bane… is only the likes of Hon.Mukanga,Musenge,Lubinda,Kambwili,Kapata,Mumbi Phiri and many others that have not mentioned who are true politicians and not job seekers.Namulambe and that chap Bulaya,katwishi nga ni “England” are just simple,small,tiny finished liers.Are they going back to that Lamba land and use the same tongue they used to discredit the PF and praise it now.Wherever Hon. Mpombo is ,I know he is laughing to himself short of words to describe the chap Namulambe the job seeker.

  46. My advise to Kabimba is that he should treat this useless Namulambe the way he has treated Mangani and Phiri; just welcome them as mere members period!. Such people are opportunists who do not deserve to be entrusted with power anymore because they are the reason we are in this mess as a country. We can’t have the same people in ministerial positions who jump from one party to another. If the people of Lambaland have been with the ruling party all along, then they are better of being in the opposition because their association with the ruling party hasn’t brought them any benefits at all in terms of development.

  47. When the issue of 4 billion kwacha was brought out most bloggers were calling Sata names. Now that it has been confirmed by one of their own, no one wants to talk about it. Anyways kaponyas keep it up. Zambia yabonse!

  48. #58 Tusha, you are right. You might even find that the current president is on the list of directors for MOPED. How do you want to expose MMD like that just because you have defected? And Kabimba even says MMD has allowed “outsiders to hijack the party”! Who is MMD and who are the outsiders? Why are you blaming “outsiders” for the K4bn debt that “insiders” incurred? It doesn’t add up.

  49. Not so Honarable Namulambe, you have just shown us that you don’t stand for anything other than ( MCF) Mulyo Comes First. You have a case in court ‘abuse’ of office- corruption. You have now taken ultra corruption to PF. You were just like Mr. Mulongoti were quite arrogant to Zambians when President Levy was alive. For an intelligent young leader you have not moved Zambian any inches forward. Stop this nonsense of lamba lamba business- mutundu. One Zambia One Nation. You are one of young Zambians visionless leaders delaying our progress, Sela tubombeko iwe munangani!

  50. Time to wake up people these swingers like Gabriel Namulambe need to be taught a lesson…once you change camp do not expect to come back in Parliament…its s real shame that people in Mpongwe will believe ruling party when they go there to campaign for this man and when they say there won’t be any development when they vote for the opposition. Here is another K3 Billion that will be wasted on another by-election instead of using it on bread and butter issues affect the electorate. 

  51. Selfishness! That is the problem in Zambia and Africa in general. Just read Laura Miti’s article in the Zambian watch dog. Lost all the little respect I had for this scumbag!

  52. Despite that everyone has the right to belong where they want, it maybe not right to judge anyone. But l feel the solution is to have more Independent MP’s.

  53. Namulambe litole zoona, how I wish there will be a law in the future to restrict these imbwa defectors from re-contesting in the same constituency. There is just no sanity in the Zambian politics!

  54. Namulambe has no principles. So if MMD wnis 2016, he will move to MMD because it is in power. Very shallow way of thinking. Thats the problem with poverty, morals become compromised. This chap is an opportunust period and they are never successful in life, ask mulongoti.

  55. I have a solution that we make every Zambian happy. I urge all opposition MPs to resign from their political parties and join PF. This way everyone will rally behind the wise and non tribal leadership of Sata under the omnipotent counsel of Zambia’s earthly God Kenneth Kaunda. I am sure this will bring about the accelerated development of the country! Zambia, the eternal joke of a country!

  56. Government has released over K 7 billion for the construction of an 11kV power line from Manyinga to Kasamba in newly created Manyinga district.The power line will connect all schools and three health centres on the Kabompo-Manyinga-Kasamba road.Both Manyinga and Kabompo District Commissioners, Lawrence Kayumba and Crispin Likando, respectively, confirmed the development to ZANIS during a heads of government departments and parastal bodies meeting in Kabompo yesterday. The power line will also be extended to Chiteve, Kawanda and Kasamba rural health centres.The District Commissioners thanked government for electrification of rural areas in order to improvement the likelihood of people in such areas and also help the ministry of education deliver quality of education to pupils through the

  57. Chairman for elections for the oposition joins ruling party! Uhmmmmm. Life twikalamo.
    MMD z slowly sinking…

    Namulambe, i dont know whether u have done a gud thing or not, bit i have come
    to realise politics are just funny… LOL

  58. just speculating. may be bamwisho has seen jele smelling and would like to save his skin. remember the bicycle case. PF we ae:-)watching you. 

  59. its shameful 2 see the so called learned or schooled MP vomiting wat made him 2b wat he is today. We need strong opposition for check and balance in a democratic state. Time will catch up with all those who are not patriotic 2 their parties. Its shameful!

  60. I agree with mbinji, something has to be done in our constitution so that defectors do not stand any chance of being elected. this is because we are wasting resources 2conduct by-elections at the expense of developing. If u think u will fatten yo skin, u will be shocked yo conscience will chew u up.

  61. awee! chachilamo, does it mean we shall the same leaders? BaSata don’t give namulambe any ministrial post. they should grow up and stand on their two feet. Rupiah would say yamunyonkola njala mambala

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