Thursday, December 26, 2024

Emerging Authoritarian regime under PF: Democracy at cross roads in Zambia


File:President Michael Sata in ceremonial ZAF Uniform at KK international airport before he flew into Livingstone to commission ZAF Officers.Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza Presidential photographer

By Chitapankwa

Recent events demonstrate that Zambia is emerging into an authoritarian regime under PF. This does not only pose a challenge for our young democracy but it puts democracy at cross roads in Zambia.

I write with a heavy heart to observe that the PF government is quickly sliding back on the very democratic tents that brought them in power in the first place. I wish to underline here that democracy provides an environment for the protection and effective realization of human rights. These values are embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and further developed in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which enshrines a host of political rights and civil liberties underpinning meaningful democracies.

The strong message I want to send to the PF government, make no mistake, we the people of Zambia chose democracy as a model of governance, we fought for it and we shall defend it. Democracy is about our own individual liberties and freedoms as enshrined in our constitutions; freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of assembly. The current authoritative tendencies exhibited by Sata and his minion cannot be allowed to continue.

Political opposition under authoritarian rule

In politics, an authoritarian government is one in which political authority is concentrated in a small group of politicians. I have observed political intolerance since PF came into power. Mahatma Gandhi famously argued, “intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit”. Sata should realise that opposition political parties as much as civil society and the media are the bedrock of democracy. This is so, because opposition political parties play an increasingly important role in shaping policy agendas, conducting civic education, and fighting corruption. Opposition parties are free to criticize the ruling party’s policies, ideas and programs and offer alternatives.

[pullquote]“intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit”[/pullquote]

However, whenever, the PF government is criticised, they turn to use outdated laws left behind by the colonial British government, whose objective then, was to stop the locals to express their view through peaceful demonstration and assembly. We know authoritarianism emphasizes arbitrary law rather than the rule of law. The public Order Act and Statutory Instrument No.33 simply put are outdated laws. The continued harassment of key political figures in the name of maintaining peace and order is tantamount to abuse of state power and authority.

Political tolerance is a key critical ingredient to good governance and democracy. The police and our legal systems should act in a more professional and sane manner as they discharge their duties and not to be used as tools of oppression. It follows, therefore, that the culture of democracy rests on the principle of majority rule, coupled with tolerance of dissenting views. Democracy also calls for the zealous protection of the fundamental rights of individuals, disadvantaged groups and minorities, even when they disagree with the ideology, policies and programs of the ruling party.

Political Governance: Corruption and by-elections

How else can one explain Sata’s demand of Anti-Corruption Commission of Zambia that every time they want to investigate senior government and party officials they have to get permission from him? What has happened to accountability? Wynter is accountable to the Zambia people, because political accountability is the accountability of the government, civil servants and politicians to the public and to legislative bodies such as a ACC or parliament.

[pullquote]Democracy also calls for the zealous protection of the fundamental rights of individuals, disadvantaged groups and minorities, even when they disagree with the ideology, policies and programs of the ruling party.[/pullquote]

Obviously authoritarians support their rule by a mixture of instilling fear and granting rewards to loyal collaborators. Corruption is corruption regardless of who commits it, whether it is committed by a poor person or senior person. When did Sata rewrite the rule book? This is the government that won the election on the promise of stamping out corruption and ensuring zero tolerance to corruption.

Political rhetoric on the fight against corruption should come to an end if Sata is genuine about it. The two PF ministers under investigation ought to step down on moral grounds and pave way for thorough and smooth investigation and not the nonsense exhibited by Wynter Kabimba.

Finally, whose interest is Gabriel Namulambe serving? Only few months ago, this country spent colossal sums of money on one by-election and the PF government have allowed another selfish disgruntled politician to rob the people of Mpongwe development. The budget allocation towards holding by-election of one selfish person should have gone towards providing farmers of Mpongwe access to finance or better still improve the schools and health posts in rural Mpongwe. This is very retrogressive!


  1. The article does not inspire but call real reflection and thoughts about those who are not willing to observe the rule of law. Chitapakwa it’s not the first you written articles on Sata in this manner during the campaign period you wrote similar article that you thought will make your paymaster MMD happy and switch the mind set of Zambians to vote for Ruphia. How many times Sata was put in prison or denied to hold rallies in eastern province? Where were the opposition leaders to challenger Ruphia for brutality ? Propaganda,blackmailing Sata as dictator is unwell thought approach. No wonder Sata is miles ahead

    • “How many times Sata was put in prison or denied to hold rallies in eastern province? Where were the opposition leaders to challenger Ruphia for brutality?”….We kicked RB out for precisely this behavior. This misconception you seem to have of PF vs The rest will be your downfall, even some of us that voted for them are having major doubts.  

  2. well written, but why bother? I believe we are beyond talking now. Its so bad that even your phone calls are being monitored and recorded (Gestapho or KK style!), Even by just the tuma smaller operatives with personal issues to settle! This is chaos and uncouthness combined, a real disaster!!


  4. Well written and thanks for opening these blind zambians. we really need upright people to serve in govt. Satan was a big mistake that zambians made to put him in govt. hold come 2016 we will not be cheated by the old guard!! Viva opposition! Viva Democracy! VIva HH!! 

  5. There sure is no need to look further – I have always asked a simple question; “Where was Sata when his peers were fighting for independence”? Whose camp did he serve – Freedom Fighters or the Colonial Masters? Once you answer this, you will know why Sata rules the way he does. Zambia twachula – 2016 nayo ili apatali; We need to be saved from this madness and get straight once again. Wynter or Summer Kabimba and BGM should have resigned for real – and also we should come together and have them impinched – pass a vote of no confidence in them!

  6. Some bloger @ ZWD has writen, “i would rather vote for my dog than vote for HH”. I hope he didnt vote for his dog in the 2011 elections that is why Zambian are suffering.

  7. [-x my understanding of democracy is that it only works well where the majority are enlightened. In a country like ours where the majority are mentally challenged, this system is only fair but will never give us a good government as long as there is no corrective factor to the the one person one vote concept. Clearly, one of the facts every sane person should accept is that an illiterate person cannot lead a country as a head of state. sata may be sleeping in State House because he got more votes, but the man is not heading anyone in reality and therefore not a head of state.

  8. You just sent us a good Christmas greeting, immediately you through Barabbas on us? His bodyguard looks like Idi Amin.

  9. Good observation #12. This one could be a relative to DADA IDI AMIN, and since UKWA only employs relatives, that establishes the link to our dictator.

  10. PF please tighten the screws further and make sure that people who author such articles are sent to the gas chambers.These people thought and still think HH is tribal and so they decided to vote for you who has proved to be more deeply tribal.

  11. A very very biased article indeed! You have left out the role that opposition parties played in the scenario. You have painted the Sata and PF so negatively despite so many positives! What good and bad has the opposition done. Point out specifically what good the opposition had done in the last one year three months. You will find that they have just been ranting and panting but going nowhere though fast and furious. All they have in their heads is to kick out Sata from day one even wishing him dead! They cant even think about the 5 years term of office. They done a lot of gymnastic including sessesions even though Sata reliesed those detained by Banda. Opposition has criticirsed utterly anything! What do you expect in return. He has to teach the underfives how to do politics. POAly.

  12. Democracy is the peoples cry, well this president is not stealing from the poor no one is perfect if our money is safe it is good, how ever encourage him to oppen up if he is closed up, you know he has a mandate to the people not politicians he has to deliver if he doesnt

  13. Kayombo if he is then you are insulting the marjority of zambians because in him they saw their hope , just imagine you call all zambians such what kind of a person are you

  14. Sata is a Ruler not a Leader. He creates districts by decrees and orders and then he commands that this is development.

  15. From the time I started reading on-line news I have observed that the educated are our biggest problem in Zambia. Even when they are confronted by facts, they decide to deny the facts and go on ranting like kids. From 1991 to 2011 we had a government of the educated; the same period we had the highest level of corruption and systematic pilfering. We have read about £5bln that has been externalised from Zed; guess what, with the help of the educated; not the poor, not the Kaponya; but the thief accounts that have helped international firms evade tax. Using a similar analogy, you will realise that the so called opposition are educated, but they cannot follow the law; neither can they accept that Kaponya’s out number the educated. Anyway, i hear your cries Chitapankwa; tapalati though!

    • Its sad with our educated people. Imagine, they steal money from mother Zed which is poor and the they take that money to developed countries and stuff it in bank accounts there. That money will continue helping the developed ones whilst the poor citizens continue to suffer for ever more. Our educated ones basically never get it right. All embezzled cash from poor countries end up supporting developed economies, what the thinking of our educated ones, its a shame.

  16. Call him “Adi Amin”; Bafoon; Satana and what so ever; reality says he is the president and he is using the law to bar the opposition from holding rallies. Thats sucks; of course it does. But who says it pains the voters that your opposition are barred from holding rallies? Every Zambian is special in the eyes of God; opposition or not. Let the bafoon lead the people that voted him in power. In fact sobber up as quickly as you can because 2016 will be another victory for the bafoon. With all your education, non can help you to “re-strategise”? Aaah well, it will be a long 9 years for you guys. Bafoon, leta in’goma bika apa – lead the educated for they will believe that democracy is a game of numbers not words. Good luck bane in trying to change what you cannot change in a day.

    • Idi Amini
      1. Uneducated
      2. Sergent in the army
      3. Destroyed Uganda
      4. Womaniser
      5. Ugly

      1. Uneducated
      2. Contable in the police
      3. Will destroy Zambia
      4. Womaniser
      5. Chamba smoker
      6. Ugly

      Its not by design

  17. @The Engineer (Australia) Just because he wore a military atire does not make him equal to Idi Amin. He wears that one off. On a general observation, if we look back one year, The Austrialin Engineer reall opposes Sata and PF, quite right its your choice and no one can say thats bad, but thats about how we differently look at issues and no wonder the isms since time in memorial. However my concern with this Engineer is his printed word are most of the time foul. He likes calling others, baboons, *****s, fools, foolish supporter or leaders etc the list goes on. When I think about the thought pattern of this Engineer I don;t know how hollier than thee he is and feel. My advise is tune down on offensive language. You can still debate without insults and people can still appreciate you.

    • Idi Amini
      1. Uneducated
      2. Sergent in the army
      3. Destroyed Uganda
      4. Womaniser
      5. Ugly

      1. Uneducated
      2. Contable in the police
      3. Will destroy Zambia
      4. Womaniser
      5. Chamba smoker
      6. Ugly

  18. Isn’t this the same PC Sata? What is he doing in Air-Force Officer’s uniform? Commander in chief does not entail wearing military uniforms, that is why you don’t see Obama looking ridiculous in uniforms even if he is the commander of the most powerful military force in the world.

  19. Mmmmm….I never bothered to listen or watch any of ba Chanda Chimba III documentaries, I was too busy wishing MMD out and PF in ASAP!!
    On second thoughts…..maybe he had a point(s)???
    I can hear and smell that ugly PIG trying to re-emerge (the Party and It’s Govt!)
    But it’s a bit mis-timed (I think) to attempt political dribbling ne mingalato yakale!!

    Thanks LT for wishing us well this season, God is good to our nation!

  20. Two terms, whether you like it or not. It will chock you to whatever extent but calm down, because it will be two terms in office, at least for Sata and who knows more than two terms for PF under another leader after Sata. Just come to term with reality. Sata knows how to mobilize the masses and is damn good at it. He just unseated a dosing president! Very brainy indeed. Banda cried. We have a true number 9, the goal getter in MC Sata. He better on the political ball than the underfives. Just wait you will prove me right. If you think your favoured man will win in 2016 you are living in a bubble, it will burst. Just don’t throw srtones in you live in a glass house. Your glass house will crumble when others throw one big one.

  21. Have you asked yourself whether any law is being broken? have you also asked what the previous regime did about this archaic law? Have you also asked how PF and MCS managed with this law arround? No wonder the President calls you guys under 5.

    • Laws can be unjust you id.iot! Colonialism, Apartheid, Slavery even Kaundas One Party State were all based on Laws. But these Laws were unjust and illegitimate. Uli chikopo iwe!

  22. And Zambians were warned against voting Sata————–did they listen! By the time is done, Zambia will 30 years backward.

  23. A simple question to the PF supporters, ” Why does the President think he knows it all and that he can pass edicts on the Zambians without question?” Does voting someone into state house imply we the Zambian people have stopped thinking and questioning things? Mixing that traditional concept that only the headman has authority over his subjects is and no subject can question the headmans decisions will take Zambia back to the stone age.

    • We had educated ones, they destroyed companies and store alot built their mansions. They were good at cheating the uneducated. What education when it only means stuffing your tammy whilst forgerting about real national development. The educated ones constructed tarred roads which started melting leaving ridges. Its not education because there can be ‘educated’ who are unable to deliver for their country. We saw it in Chiluba days. Very educated chaps, just good at bubbling and busy stealing.   

  24. I think Sata has been a very kind and wise and kind hearted President with Zambia first on his agenda. I wish he could be me more brutal with law breakers. He let some westeners get away with what is clearly treason/secession over the Barotse issue. He has had the Balls to take back Zambia Railways from conmen which not even LPM had courage to do. He has taken back Zamtel.Even the tax loopholes in the mining sector will sorted out in due course, its a complex sector and he is moving cautiously/ increased royalty already. His infrastucture/roads projects or the like last happenned in KK’s early years of Presidency in the 60s & 70s. He certainly not be perfect but his one of the better 3 Presidents Zambia has been blessed with KK, LPM and of course HE MCS.

    • Its a goal, walasa. Some folks have eyes but cant see, have ears but have chosen not to hear. They are like those predicting the end of the world which never happened. Sata there to stay and develop Zambia against their wishful thinking. The talk democracy when they actually mean demonicracy.

  25. Idi Amini

    1. Uneducated
    2. Sergent in the army
    3. Destroyed Uganda
    4. Womaniser
    5. Ugly

    1. Uneducated
    2. Contable in the police
    3. Will destroy Zambia
    4. Womaniser
    5. Chamba smoker
    6. Ugly

    Its not a coincidence…. its by design the characters of dictators 

  26. Idi Amini

    6. Low self esteem (wamted to be called Prof, Dr)


    7. Low esteem ( claimed to have trained as a pilot. Bought a degree online)

  27. Mobutu Seseseko

    1. uneducated
    2. Sergent in the army
    3  Destroyed Zaire
    4. Womaniser
    5. Very low self esteem (Wanted to be called king)

  28. Ba Theoretician, live in the real world. Who are the law breakers? Ever heard of the right to self determination? Scotland in the UK is persuing that line and have you heard of threats from the government in London? That is a mark of a mature democracy. The idea that a central government can force another entity into a relationship that is not conducieve for the other doesnt work? What happened to Yugoslavia? Its not about kindness, its about the laws. If the acquisition of ZR or ZamTel were fraudulently done, then the laws of the land must be applied to redress the injustice. The application of the POA is unlawful. Just because the misapplication suits the current powers that be, that doesnt make it right. Everything has a time of reckoning, Dont even suggest I am Lozi.

    • We are in AFrica not Scotland or Yugoslavia! Which law allows for seccession in Zambia? As for ZR and Zamtel these were popular decisions which all well meaning Zambians (with their feet on the ground) supported and will continue to support becoz it was done in their interest. Former “pastor” Nevers Mumba is now awash in luxury from the spoils of the RP Capital/Zamtel corruption spoils. And the bloodhounds like Lifwekelo/Siulapwa are clourmering to get a share of the spoils. Thats not the type of Zambia I yearn or wish to leave behind for ny children. Yes Sata is not an angel but at least he is not a greedy spoilt old brat like RB. As for HH I wonder what he has to offer other than his oversized EGO!

    • But man , the POA is law in Zambia. It has been there since 1964, and th same was used against Sata and PF by the MMD, and you never said it was a bad law. How come that now it is bad law at the time Sata and PF are in government?

  29. Us who are in Zambia cant see what you Mwenchushi in the diaspora are seing. Zambians can see a better Zambia if Sata and PF continues working as they are doing….the guys are real performers. 
    Coming to the useless Public Order Act (POA), this law is real and alive as useless as it is. MMD used it against Sata and PF and there were laughters among the MMD and UPND guys. They never said the POA was bad. How come now , coz Sata and PF are ruling, the POA has become bad?? Guys, just be real…..this is the punishment you are receiving for not throwing away the POA the all 20 years you were in power. The same with PF, the same POA will punish them when out of power if they cant amend it now.

    So stop blaming Sata and PF but blame yourselves for allowing the useless law to continue.

  30. Interest reading! But Chitapankwa, in all fairness you have blunted your arguments by painting the picture with too many “broad-strokes.” In my humble opinion, some of your assertions are simply too convenient, one-sided, unfair and ignores history. Here is what I mean:

    Quote: “In politics, an authoritarian government is one in which political authority is concentrated in a small group of politicians.”

    Very true statement indeed! But I wonder where this small group PF has constituted, above and beyond what the Zambian Constitution allows, to syphon off political power lives. You have to realize that Presidents everywhere in the world tend to have a few close colleagues they trust and confide in. But that is miles away from the true meaning of being “authoritarian”!

  31. Continued from 40:

    Quote: “Opposition parties are free to criticize the ruling party’s policies, ideas and programs and offer alternatives.”

    True again, but you forget to mention that the Party in govt (in this case the PF and its president) also has the same rights and freedoms to talk back at their critics, in equal measure, to defend their policies. But that does not mean PF/Sata is being “Dictatorial”, far from it!

    By the way, what policies, ideas, and program alternatives are on offer from the Opposition? Maybe if they spent more time selling such to the electorate, they will have less time holding useless press briefings and trying to find fault in everything Sata and PF does!

  32. continue from 41:

    Quote: “…they turn to use outdated laws left behind by the colonial British government, whose objective then, was to stop the locals to express their view through peaceful demonstration and assembly.”

    There is a bit of exaggeration here and I think even yourself knows it, Sir! Nonetheless, we have to appreciate the fact that PF being the party in power has the added responsibility to keep peace and order in the country. If our legislatures too their responsibilities seriously, they would have given the executive branch alternative laws in this regard. It is the legislature’s responsibility to enact and amend laws. However, in the absence of an alternative govt has to rely on what is law at the moment.

  33. Continued from 43

    “The public Order Act and Statutory Instrument No.33 simply put are outdated laws…”

    True, but you can hardly blame PF for this. Where were the “Democratic” UNIP and MMD to have left such outdated laws on the books for future leaders you now think are “Dictators” to use? If these laws are so retrogressive, what is the opposition in the legislature (Parliament) doing about it? Let us not just cry foul about things when you have the ability to put things right—UPND, MMD, independents, and others in Parliament, wakeup!
    In the meantime, govt cannot allow a situation whereby Opposition parties are left to do whatever it is they wish in the fear that PF will be accused of being intolerant—this would be the height of irresponsibility by any govt!

  34. Continued from 43:

    “Wynter is accountable to the Zambia people, because political accountability is the accountability of the government, civil servants and politicians to the public and to legislative bodies such as a ACC or parliament.”

    But whose fault is it if constitutionally mandated bodies such us ACC are being weakened by one branch of the govt? Isn’t it the duty of the other two branches to guard against this? The question we should be asking is whether the ACC and similar bodies have been provided with adequate autonomy, by law, to act independently. If this is not the case, can we then blame the executive for taking advantage of such loopholes? And in all fairness, some opposition figures haven’t respected bodies such as the ACC either!

  35. The article is one sided focussing only on Sata’s percieved acts. The opposition parties have not conducted them selves well. They prefare to protesting to the international community on matters that can discussed thru interparty dialogue eg the POA. The MMD left that act and what have they got to do attacking Sata? Barotse issue, all they say is Sata promissed them. So when they are in power one day what are they going to do?. People want an opposition that can offer solutions to their problems not a cry baby. Thats why some of these parties cant grow into other parts of the country and some are crumbling and beating their seniors.They should organise themselves the way PF did to win support both locally and internationally.

  36. #35 The Engineer (Australia),

    You are right man!

    It is worrying seeing and hearing them clapping at what Sata is doing to them. Zambians seem to be freeing and freezing to Sata’s dictatorship at the moment as if it is in the 1960 and 1970s time of ignorance and African illiterate village headmen type of Idi Amin Dada torturous and murderous acts.

    Sata does not mean well, he is here to destroy Zambia at any cost. Even Mmembe of the Post has seen this but he has failed to admit it and hopes that Sata may change course, the next time after Sata finishes all his evil work, he will go even for Mmembe because he is a man of LOW SELF ESTEEM. A an evil Psychopath and selfish man who does not have any emotions for Zambians

    Look at how he increased his 100% pay rise

  37. #35 The Engineer (Australia),

    You are right man!

    It is worrying seeing and hearing Zambians clapping at what Sata is doing to them. Zambians seem to be freeing and freezing to Sata’s dictatorship at the moment as if it is in the 1960 and 1970s time of ignorance and African illiterate village headmen type of Idi Amin Dada torturous and murderous acts.

    Sata does not mean well, he is here to destroy Zambia at any cost. Even Mmembe of the Post has seen this but he has failed to admit it and hopes that Sata may change course, the next time after Sata finishes all his evil work, he will go even for Mmembe because he is a man of LOW SELF ESTEEM. A an evil Psychopath and selfish man who does not have any emotions for Zambians

    Look at how he increased his 100% pay ris

  38. Can the Western world or any one who can help us, empower Zambians in the use of Social media to organize opposition to this tin Pot dictator as the social media was used during the Arab spring?

    It will be difficult and expensive to rebuild democracy in Zambia after it is destroyed by this evil man Sata and his evil corrupt PF leaders as the Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha did to Nigeria.

    Sata is not different from Sani Abacha of Nigeria.

    It took courage to kill Sani Abacha using a prostitute

  39. Engineer Australia man you are frustrated and undervalued no wonder you can call some who has achieved much than your entire clan has tried and failed. The HH, Mumba, Mulupi and the other two with family political parties, there appetite to frustrate the govt is well known. Hoiwever, they will die without ruling this great nation. POA was there in UNIP and MMD. PF was smart enough and they never stopped campaigning using the right channels to hold their meetings/rallies. Under five, malushi, mumbwe and mukote are waiting their time failing even to inform the police the master ceremony, organiser, who to approach if there is shortcoming. all of the them are so big headed and power hungry such that they can not agree on who is leading the under fives.poor minds end up crying/accussing others

    • The truth hurts…. the reality is you president has all the character design of a dictator. Have you heard him say anything sensible apart from turning villages into districts or appointing a bemba somewhere (by the way am bemba and might be related to him)

      Even Idi Amini had blind followers like you

  40. hmmm i dont agree with most of president satas policies and way of doing things…but he deserves a bit of respect…those of us calling him uneducated-how many of us are even doing anything for Zambia?…lets not be too hypocritical..lets be issue based-dont belittle him because of his education..i think its very distasteful and is a trend that shud stop-we all have a part to play in developing our country-lets be more respectful!merry xmas to all

    • Look here..i already pointed out that i do not agree with most of the presidents policies and ways of doing things…I am just not comfortable with the nit picking-and calling him out on his level of education.I just find it absolutely distasteful it’s my opinion and I m entitled to it.And please Don’t be patronizing – directing me to go look at ‘respect’ and how its earned!!…i knew what it meant when I mentioned it.

  41. Surely zambia is doomed with this dictator at the helm.He has alot in common with Mobutu,Museveni,Moi,Mubarak,Mutharika and all the bad “M” presidents.He seems to be like Idi Amin.

  42. We are not just insulting Sata for the sake of it… infact Sata is a reflection of what Zambia is.

    The HDI (Human Development Index) index of Zambia is 0.43. Ranked 150 out of 169 countries in the world. Thats means 70 percent of Zambians have only spent 9 years in school. Its a country of illiterates

    In short 70% of Zambians voted for someone who looks like them, educated like them. Sata can never be voted as president in Kenya, Ghana or Senegal. Go look at their HDI

    • Indeed People vote for someone they identify with. The seed of mediocrity was planted at independence when people chose Kaunda. Since then every mediocre chap great Chiluba to Sata has run for the Presidency on the basis that ” if KK change could be President why can’t I”. The bar was set very low.

  43. mwa landa sana pali ba kateeka ine ndefwa fye ukubamona…na ka press conference so that ba sapa po ka journalist!!!

  44. mmd you should have amended the public order twenokane see now what is happening to you. ba pf should as well not be comfortable with the Act in its current form. lest they forget there was one ‘wamuyayayaya’ uhh alas not in Zambia.

  45. This article is fine but it is stating what we all know already. What it has neglected to mention is that we have always found ourselves in this situation due to our flawed constitution which no government has been in a hurry to replace. Neither HH nor Mumba are the solution. The solution is for a massive civil disobedience campaign by the people country-wide until we get our constitution. Obviously politicians have demonstrated that they are dishonest and insincere about the constitution. Until the president’s powers are curtailed, we will continue to be at the mercy of the sitting president. We’ve been here before during the Chiluba regime. Even Mwanawasa tried to lock up Sata for good. Mwanawasa and Banda frustrated the constitution making process and we are paying for it now.

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