Friday, September 6, 2024

Kafue DC orders milling depots to close until they reduce prices


Kafue District Commissioner (DC) Grace Ngulube has ordered milling depots in the district to close until they reduce mealie meal prices as per presidential directive.

Mrs. Ngulube, who went round town to check on the mealie meal prices, found that milling depots were still selling a 25 kilogramme bag of breakfast above K50, 000 contrary to the presidential directive.

Choma Milling depot was found selling a 25 kilogramme bag of breakfast at K54, 500 and roller meal at K47, 500 while National Milling 25 kilogramme of breakfast was selling at K52, 500 and roller meal of the same quantity was at K47, 500.

Another retail outlet was selling a 25 kilogramme bag of Kapinga Milling breakfast at K60, 000 while roller meal was going at K55, 000.

Mrs. Ngulube said it was not fair that millers were not reducing the price of mealie meal despite government offloading a lot of maize to them through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA).

She said about 70 per cent of people in Kafue district were not employed hence cannot afford to buy mealie meal at high prices.

President Michael Sata on Thursday warned millers selling a 25 kilogramme bag of mealie meal at above K50, 000 that they risk having their licences revoked.




    • You have a point. But like you said, this principle is based on gaining significant econmies of scale as in the case of TESCO (in the UK), Walmart (in USA and beyond) and the other large retail chains. In Zambia we have one problem, or perhaps more why this principle isnt applicable (specifically for the millers). This is because there are alot of “small millers” who by virtue of thier size can not attain the minimum efficient scale (pile it high) to enable them gain minimise the unit cost based on volume. If you notice, larger millers have been quick to adhere but smallers millers cant – they may be forced to sale at below production costs

    • Mind you those supermarkets that “Pile it high and sell it cheap” have not only abundant warehouse space but have so much leverage on the manufacturers that they can negotiate the price down even further down.

  2. What has got a DC has to do with Millie meal. Leave business to business people. You DC you are overzealous. just recently you were talking about you wanting to have sex with HH. Why are you not demonstrating about your picture where your private parts were on sale in picture in the rotten Post paper. Do you have you brains straight?

  3. Governmental tinkering of prices do not work, Please check the history books of Eastern Europe post WW2 and Zambia 1964-1991. If we do not learn from history, we will repeat it. It seems like we will here.

  4. This is purely political over-zealousness of the highest order on the part of Grace Ngulube. She has no legal authority whatsoever to close down depots based on her personal whims. Can someone remind this misguided cadre to ensure that she operates within the confines of the law! I think it would be a good idea for the affected millers to put Grace in her place by obtaining an injunction to restrain her from harassing or molesting them in the course of their legitimate business operations.

  5. there should be a minimum education requirement for DCs as well as any office bearer! The consequences of such heavy handedness before gvt puts its own milling plans in effect are dire! ask KK who still cant believe what 50 kwacha increase in mealiemeal prices did to him – the rest is history!

  6. So this is the logical thinking from pf cadres? Solve the maize meal shortage by reducing the number of companies engaged in the production of said product and that somehow will reduce the price? In the long-term if millers cant make a profit why in the hell will they produce mealie meal? Instead of illegally playing to the gallery, pf supporters should ask themselves why this is happening now. It is a fact that the price of mealie meal was actually DROPPING during the tenure of RB – how come it has doubled during the first year of the man of action’s rule?

  7. During LPM & RB’s tenure of office, we did not experience this madness in price increases. Where have we gone wrong. Roller meal was under 28,000 and breakfast under 38,000. Lord our God have mercy on us.

  8. Fakani speed ba King Cobra naba minion banu! Very soon we will be in Super Ken’s tunnel . Once in there we will be promised to see light at the end of the tunnel.

  9. So those of us here in Kafue will not be able to buy mealie meal today. We will have to make do with our last bag which has now reached  ‘ P O Box’ level.

  10. That is the problem of appointing grade 7 drop-outs as DCs. This lady thinks she can just wake up and order milling companies to reduce the price. There are several factors which affect prices of commodities. It seems we are about to go the Zimbabwean way. Many Zambians have a tendency of not learning from the past. We tried price controls during UNIP days and what was the result? Shortages, long queues and low production of commodities like mealie meal. Should govt decide to nationalise all milling companies the end result would be a disaster.

  11. fix the fo.ols mwandi DC .. they have have taken us for a ride for a very long time!!! mwanya,tole this is PF & the corrupt MMD!! PF is the peoples government!!

  12. This DC should be told that a Presidential directive banning certain things that affect peoples lives must by necessity be backed by a statutory instrument for it to be enforced.The DC has been unduly rushy and might end up being sued for loss of business by affected companies.The poor people she is masquerading to protect are the ones that will pay for her stupidity through increased tax.

  13. Zambians learn from this short period that mealie meal prices never increased with MMD but now we are 30 yrs back. Lets learn lessons.

  14. This is so dull to think like that DC, Mrs Ngulube, when you order to close the millers’ business the more expensive the mealie meal will be in your area because demand will be chasing little or no supply at all, check with learned people before you try your understanding, period!

  15. By all means, I would not support price fixing as supply and demand market forces should determine the price at which mealie meal is sold. In this particular instance, however, it appears that the govt sold maize to these millers at subsidised prices to ensure that market prices of mealie meal will be lower. From my memory, the opposition even criticised this move. It is therefore, in the Govt’s right to ensure that price of mealie meal is fixed at a threshold, having already fixed the cost.

    • Your reasoning baba or lack of it!!! If that’s what your pf gov was thinking then it explains why they are struggling with anything they try to do! What about other production costs? Increased labour costs, energy costs? Load shedding? Ya, load shedding increases production cost!! The problem with this pf team, if one can call it a team that is or is it just a group, is that thinking and planning are allien to them, nothing works sustainably without planning!!

  16. These crooks are used to crookeredness .With pf they have it hard . Bytheway Zambians why can’t u resort to buying role maize from farmers & grind it .lt is healthier than the so called breakfast meal. That’s y these crooks are taking advantage.

  17. #6,

    The DC is just doing the right thing. This is what you expect in most cases if the area MP or the Agri. Ministers are doing nothing about it. Viva mADAM nGULUBE!

  18. PF should ask itself why the millers sold mealie meal at a low price under Ftj, Lpm, RB and have decided to make super profits under MCS. It is clear that PF has failed to manage simple things like mealie meal prices and have now resorted to threats. The loser is not the millers but the Zambians employed by the millers. This is a recipe for job losses. 

  19. # 30 Nshumfwa fimo fimo. Former govts apart from UNIP never sold mealie meal at low prices. It was obeying the rules of Supply and Demand that set prices at which mealie meal was sold. Productivity of bumper harvest and its management set the right prices. Prompensity to consume without efficient bumper harvest manegerial regime results in shortages and sky rocketimg of prices. Unfortunately, these concepts are well understood by technocrats in decision making positions. To lead a nation takes more than ‘Donchi Kubeba’ mantra. Zambia could be heading for economic problems not long from now if the crop of current leadership continues to cheats its way leading the country.

  20. The reasoning baba or lack of it by pf supporters is baffling to say the lest!!! If that’s what your pf gov was thinking when they reduced maize price then it explains why they are struggling with anything they try to do! Maize cost is not the only major production cost? What about the increase in labour and energy costs? Load shedding? Ya, load shedding increases production cost!! The problem with this pf team, if one can call it a team that is or is it just a group, is that thinking and planning are allien to them, nothing works sustainably without planning!! If we are not carefull we will end up in a worse situation than Zim was!

    • When RB tried to have a degree clause in the constitution even graduates opposed. Now we are at the messy of these dundaheads. Only a miracle will save us. Our HH needs massive support and selling by all if we have to avoid the Zimbabwe circus. 

  21. :))The economy was liberalised in the 1991 and what we know that the issue about the pice is that it is controlled by market,with this where are we heading really?

  22. Economics of a grade 7 failure. how can u increase pipo’s income (more money in the pocket), but u xpect sellers to be idle. more cash drives prices up due to high willingness and ability of the buyers to pay for goods. now this pig wants to close hammer mills in the nation, wat a dull move? you wont feed us nkhumba iwe, fosek’ unagonapo njala iwe chule?

  23. Just compare the number of sellers to the number of buyers and see who will suffer if depots close. its embarrasing to be a zambian under this government of dull pipo.
    By da way yo rebasing issue will cause mo harm than good, its loathsome.

  24. Grace the DC must be reminded that people have just got their salaries and are anxious to buy the stapple food for their families. The DC must not embark on the war-path to starve the people. Shortages of mealie meal were created by her PF Govt, not the retailers who sell the commodity to the people. The Govt must just learn to embark on long-term plans that should benefit the people beyond 2016.

  25. 70% unemployment rate!!!?? ok. listen up you americans, what are you whining about?
    I am actually so happy with these developments,,, it’s only heart breaking that so many innocent people end up paying the price for the decisions of others who still insist on voting for people just to spite others

  26. U warthog ngulube, do u know anythng on  manufacturing cost accounting? labour, power,admin costs etc need to be met for firm to run..CNP brought minimum wage so prices hav to increase to meet those wages. u r too dull.

  27. Mr President, these companies do not listen do they. The irony here is all these are former parastatals. Just grab management control and watch prices drop over night. In addition these companies were sold at dirt cheap prices by Francis Kaunda. Time to right the wrongs of the past. Which country in the world has ever sold companies that produce their staple food. Pa ZED ONLY. 
    I say Nationalize and overcome this nonesense. 

  28. all these price increases are triggered by the currency rebasement the PF govt doesnt seem to hv economists and this will cost us even minister of finance is old he is just there for a salary.. threats doesnt solve anything we shud first trace what has caused the rise in price then deal with that… i wish i was a minister so that my advice could be heard

  29. Here comes the good old days of UNIP and its government!

    You Zambians you should realise that, Sata was not meant to be a leader now but of the 1960 and 70s, he has no idea to what modern world is

    Sata just knows Northern Rhodesia and the kwacha of the the 1960 and 70s.

    The youth of today have no idea of what Northern Rhodesia was.

    While Sata wants to impose one party participatory dictatorship, the youth of today have no idea what one party participatory dictatorship is that is why they seem confused when the rabid Dog of Sata Kabimba barks that what Zambians wants

    This is the fertile time to try and use the youth of today modern way of communication, please Zambian youth use SOCIAL MEDIA it to bring down this evil one party participatory dictatorship of SATA

  30. No Minister is being fired by this incompetent President Sata nor anyone taking responsibility for all this mess of Sata and his corupt PF family relative leaders.

    Now Sata and his family relative corrupt leaders are even becoming PARANOID, instead of seeing the artificially made Mealie Meal mess from an holistic view, they are blaming the innocent Zambian business people.

    We as Zambians we will wait for that day when Sata and his corrupt drunkard relatives will parade courts of law for their corruption and abuse.

    I enjoyed seeing former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo at the Hague during his trial in the Netherlands. Laurent Gbagbo was aloof during his Presidency.

    Am waiting to see Sata and his relatives as i have done for Laurent Gbagbo. It will be like in the 1970s.

  31. mealie meal price should be market generated,govt should be regulating through the FRAs release of maize to the market.Bwana DC stop emberassing urself let the experts deal with pricing,Madam r u sure you are not working with UNDP?

  32. I miss the price control Inspectors of our days the 1970 and 80s. I used to close the shop when they come or swap weights when they come and immediately they go off i reverted to the old ones

    During price controls, a lot of marriages broke up because women had to pay in kind to buy Mealie Meal. All the respect was taken away from Zambians

    The price controls brought a lot misery on Zambians which made us very angry against Kaunda and he was voted out eventually in 1991.

    We celebrated the 1990 Luchembe coupo against Kaunda with fanfare & even when he Kaunda was trembling with fear at the Trade Fare in Ndola. Kaunda thought he was untouchable

    It was good to see Kaunda for the first time trembling for the first time in Zambia. Gray Zulu was settling in Lusaka at that time

  33. Lets wait for Sata’s time now as the price control measures takes effect and Zambians dignity and respect is taken away from them as they line up in the queues at Shoprite stores from 03:00or 04:00 hours even workers as they did during Kaunda and UNIP and its government time.

    Production will go down as workers will be looking for mealie meal and malnutrition will go up, marriage will break up at an increasing rate and Zambia wont meet the reduction of Children mortality rate Millennium target as set in the United Nations.

    I just pray that Zambians will react as they did to Kaunda’s price control measures and his autocratic dictatorship type of government.

    Welcome to reality of incompetent and tribal President Sata and his corrupt family tree government

  34. The Evil Roman Catholic Church and its child molester priests like Bishop Tresphore Mpundu, Father Frank Bwalya, Bishop Alick Banda and ZAMBIA Episcopal Conference spokesperson Father Paul Samasumo, have now kept quiet because according to them, the poor only suffered under the MMD

    The only crime the MMD committed was to embrace evangelical and pentecostal Christians in its fold which made the evil Roman Catholic Church and its priest insecure.

    Now the incompetent and dictatorial President Sata is abusing human rights in Zambia, the Roman Catholic Church and all its evil priests like Frank Bwalya, Bishop Alick Banda and ZAMBIA Episcopal Conference spokesperson Father Paul Samasumo are no where to be heard no seen on the platform of fighting the injustice of the evil dictator Sata.

  35. All you *****s tryin to be smart n sound like economic are wastin your time,I can assure you know 1 in this world can master and economy,ask yourselves why experts in the west couldn’t detect economic meltdowns from miles away,spare us the supply and demand theory,the simple fact is the cost of production n doing business is too high in Zambia is too high,business entities should be empowered to an extent were They be bigger than The government,this will take a load off The govt shoulders,stop choking businesses with stupid legislation.

  36. All you *****s tryin to be smart n sound like economists are wastin your time,I can assure you know 1 in this world can master and economy,ask yourselves why experts in the west couldn’t detect economic meltdowns from miles away,spare us the supply and demand theory,the simple fact is the cost of production n doing business is too high in Zambia is too high,business entities should be empowered to an extent were They be bigger than The government,this will take a load off The govt shoulders,stop choking businesses with stupid legislation.

  37. The day a company makes $2 billion in revenues will be the day fdi will increase,how many foolish institutions have you created that exploit investors domicile companies are suffering 2,apapene Ati workers compensation,napsa,business levy,fire safety chakuti,corporation tax Ati 35% of profit,let’s be real when will a Zambian company go to other countries in be successful look at Mtn,airtel and Nmc you guys like money bein taken out of your economy to give shareholders in other countries

  38. 2016 – UPND and HH. This Kafue woman I know her and who her boyfriend is even though she is married. She is as irresponsible as these cocky decisions she is making. She must have made him the promise when they were sleeping in bed the day before. PF is full of rotten people, but 2016 is coming. She will regret her actions when time comes.

  39. These non economic directives got us in trouble in the first place with KK. Let the market regulate, especially maize just produce a lot and no one will fool around with the price hikes. Fi UNIP iwe chi Ngulube stop it we ulewe.

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