Wednesday, October 2, 2024

NIPA told me that Masumba’s Diploma certificate was genuine-Witness


North Western Provincial Minister Stephen Masumba
North Western Provincial Minister Stephen Masumba

Lusaka Business and Technical College (LBTC) Director Lawrence Zulu told Lusaka Magistrate Court yesterday that he also verified with National Institute for Public Administration (NIPA) that North Western Province Deputy Minister’s Diploma in Accounting Technician is a genuine Certificate.

Mr Zulu who appeared before Lusaka Magistrate Wilfred Muma told court that in 2005 when Mr Stephen Masumba first applied for a job at his college as a lecturer in Business Studies, he made effort to call National Institute for Public Administration (NIPA) to confirm the credentials that Mr Masumba had attached to his application letter.

He told court that the Registrar at NIPA confirmed with him that Mr Masumba was a qualified personnel who graduated from the Institute in 2003.

He further informed court that upon such confirmation, Management at Lusaka Business and Technical College decided to offer Mr Masumba a part time contract as a Lecturer in Business Studies.

Mr Zulu said his college went on to renew Mr Masumba’contracts in 2006 which lead to a permanent contract awarded to him in 2007 because he had proved his performance to the college.

He recounted that in 2011, officers from the Anti-Corruption Commission visited his College to find out if Mr Masumba was an employee of the college and demanded that they check his file with the college.

Meanwhile Anti-Corruption Commission Senior Investigations Officer Muyoba Sikazwe wondered why NIPA Management had not withheld or cancelled Mr Masumba’s certificate adding that the Institutes data base indicates that Mr Masumba did not qualify to be awarded a certificate.

Ms Sikazwe told court that during her preliminary investigations which she carried out from Lusaka Business and Technical College and National Institute for Public Administration it was revealed that the institute has a different record which did not allow Mr Masumba to graduate.

She said she visited LBCT and the Registrar at NIPA who both confirmed that Mr Masumbas’ qualifications where genuine but the story changed when she visited the Examinations Officer at NIPA who printed out Mr Masumba’s transcript and the names of students who sat for exams in the course he was pursuing at that time.

She told court that the Examination Officer told her that Mr Masumba had an arrear in Basic Accounting in the first level of his course but later sat for the same subject in 2002.

She further explained that Mr Masumba again in 2002 failed to clear the arrear adding that in level three, during the Accounting and Auditing exams Mr Masumba was absent in the exams a situation which discredited him from successfully graduating.

Ms Sikazwe told court that it was at this point that she called Mr Masumba to warn and caution him but remained silent at the time.

She told court that she was later informed that the Institute has written to Mr Masumba requesting him to bring his Transcript of results but Mr Masumba did not respond to the letter.

Prosecution in the matter has however come to a close today, with Magistrate Muma giving two weeks to both parties to fill in their submissions on the matter.

Ruling on the matter has since been set to February 14, 2013.



  1. If he has pending modules, NIPA must nullify his qualification and Masumba resit all outstanding modules.
    Lets close this case once and for all

  2. The thug must be jailed for presenting false documents to a public officer. He a fraudulent thug not fit for public office. Anybody entertaining such fraudulent activities is part of the problem that Zambia finds herself in. Too many deficient people in public office for the good of Zambia.

    • Mimba you are spot on. This explains our fate of misrule in the nation. All it takes is NIPA to bring records before the courts and Masumba his before the courts and deliver judgement. From what we are stuck with are semantics by our legal systems that defy common sense and have clear cases lost. Who can understand the awful Kapoko aquitals? Even the international community looks in wonder. It is this predicament that unfortunately reflect the kind of leadership we have in the nation, that of DECEIT.

  3. This whole thing is beginning to smell a rat. I hope the due process of the law will be blind to Masumba’s jacket as a Minister and treat him as any other Zambian citizen who has to face the law for his misdemeanour.

  4. Masumba can rewrite the missing papers, his current certificates withdrawn until after he has cleared the remaining papers. But the people who wrongly awarded him should be fired if they are still in the system. How many other people in our working sphere could have been wrongly awarded.

  5. My take in this matter is that Musamba is a chancer. While he understands his circumstances very well he took a chance with lapses at NIPA who may have awarded hin the certificate by mistake probably as a result of poor record management. He decided to remain mute regarding the matter…taking a silly risk. The right thing must be done…Musamba reprimated for his trickery and then he can re-sit and qualify for the certificate. Then the case can be closed.

  6. It looks to me that Masumba will win the case because all other offices shows that Mr.Masumba cleared all units apart from the Examination officer’s office. Therefore it can also be assumed that the examination officer could have been bribed by the some politicians who wish ill of Mr.Musumba. On the other hand since Mr.Masumba is in the ruling party it is likely that some dubiousness will happen to ascertain that Mr.Masumba legitimately obtained the Diploma. This is to say that when the examination officer is to be further questioned we will likely be told that that particular individual has left the institution and the only records that are showing are those that he cleared all units. Case closed Masumba wins. NOT THAT I WISH THAT, BUT THAT’S WHAT WILL LIKELY HAPPEN, HIS IN GOVERNMENT.

    • You must be an half brain. Your analysis must have been the other way round.masumba bribed the registrar to authenticate his diploma thats why the records at the examinations office were different.kafwile kaya ku jele

  7. If he is that dishonest about his Diploma qualification,what more of contracts, issues of national affairs and money.

  8. Vi accounting vi na muvuta mudala lol A certificate from NIPA and one becomes a lecturer in business studies…hmmm
    I guess i qualify to be a professor then lol

  9. How can someone who has just graduated from a Certificate in Accounts Technician Course be lecturer in business studies, honestly? Is this how low education standards have fallen in Zambia????

  10. I do not for one believe the certificate was issued by mistake, he induced someone to fraudulently issue him with a certificate. And this is the scam of the world wielding power in the corridors of state! The type that is married and yet not ashamed to scale a podium to dirty dance with a Katangese dancing queen, in front of the whole world. Sata can keep such for himself.

  11. Hear say evidence is not admissible in the courts of law…. If NIPA told you that Masumba’s certificate was genuine, was it put in writing? Otherwise, Masumba will be reliable for faking a qualification he did not work hard for…

    • Namona. Kansi, kanshi is what has made Sata come to state house by buying a degree. Deception, untrustworthy, not deserving what you acquire by cheating. Diploma is a course you qualify on after studying and succeeding on examination set for it. That is what Masumba is being challenged that records held at NIPA show he did not pass exams and yet possess a diploma certificate. He got it by dobious means of cheating, colluding and manipulating records. CHEATING and CORRUPTING the system are potential criminal cases he may face. Not kanshi kanshi you moron.

  12. Who graduates? One who has failed or passed an exam? Who gave Masumba the certificate? Who approves the certificates? What is the role of the Examinations Officer in issuing certificates? How did NIPA recommend the employment of some one who did not qualify to graduate? Who wrote the letter of recommendation? So many questions that all the bloggers have no answers! lets keep quite!! Lol

  13. may i learn somethng plz, is thre anythng like a b of studies at nipa? wht ar th qulfictions 4 1 to be mp? whre ws th exmns officer for all ths long? thx

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