Monday, March 3, 2025

Plans for new Ndola City Centre underway


Millennium shopping mall - Ndola, Zambia - Constructions works of Emman Enterprise farming and Millennium shopping mall on the Copperbelt.

Ndola Mayor Davies Chiwela has said plans are underway to design and build a new Ndola City Centre near the Levy Mwanawasa stadium.

And Mr. Chiwela has indicated that his council will embark on rehabilitating all stadiums in the city and upgrading them to the level of the Levy Mwanawasa stadium.

Mr. Chiwela told ZANIS in an interview in Ndola at the weekend that the project of building a new Ndola city Centre will be established through the Private Public Partnership (PPP).

He said the site for the new town centre has already been identified on the Ndola and Mufulira road.

He said the new town centre will have modern shopping malls, hotels, intercity bus terminus and other social facilities.

Mr. Chiwela, who also said the civic centre will also shift to the new town centre, explained that this development follows the construction of the ultra modern Levy Mwanawasa stadium which he said has added beauty to Ndola.

And Mr. Chiwela has said his council will embark on rehabilitating all stadiums in the city to the standard of Levy Mwanawasa stadium.

He said Musa Kasonka stadium will be rehabilitated while Dag Hammarskjold will be reconstructed following President Michael Sata’s directive.

The Dag Hammarskjold stadium has not been rebuilt for more than a decade after it was destroyed for reconstruction.



    • Agree. This is a pipe dream. Anyone can dream of having this or having that.

      Unless the so-called mayor provides specifics of milestone dates, costs, list of partners that have agreed to commit financial resources with specific amounts to this project, then it’s just the usual rhetoric we are used to hearing from PF

    • Its a soothing pipe dream. The Sandtons, Cape towns, J’burg, New Yorks (New Amsterdam) etc you see today, were built out of a dream. Nothing wrong about that really. Are you a pessimist? Go on Mr Mayor. You are on the right track.

  1. In terms of security, I don’t think this would be a good idea as the area is closer to the border with unstable Congo Dr. Other factors are the plantations and the farming area of near by Kaniki.

    • What? How close is Ndola to the Congo border that it can’t have a modern town centre?

      Proximity to Congo has nothing to do with it

    • a town centre should be just that..located in a central place for better accessibility. ku Metengo is not the idea place in my opinion. Why build the city around a stadium?

    • What has this got to do with building a new city centre. Does proximity to a neighbouring country poses a security risk to a city centre?? A huge stadium has already been built in the same area and attracts a large population of football fans. When this was initiated nobody cried for a security risk. Now that further developments are planned in the same area, its now a risk. My friend you sound to be a prophet of doom always focusing on the negatives. For a change support the plans and leave it to the investors local and foreign, town planners and politicians to accomplish this noble idea.

    • But the exist city centre is not far from Mitengo area, we don’t hear of any Congolese causing trouble. Am sure the choice of area is determined by available space. I’d love to see the new town in my generation.

  2. Looks like the trend is to build new things at the expense of rehabilitating old ones. Surely there is a case to be made for some form of urban regeneration. And why focus the new city centre around the stadium? I think the urban planners have missed something here. Is there room for public comment on what is being planned or have we given up our senses to the corruption and substandard facilities that are synonimous with public private partnerships? What economic activity is spurring the development of “modern shopping malls, hotels, intercity bus terminus and other social facilities”.

  3. Alelota uyu mayor. They should create modern shoping malls like what they are doing in lusala. Mufulira/Ndola road should just have a modern township with a shoping mall and other social anemities like parks,clubs,swimming pools and drive in cinema places. Not fogeting nice resturants

  4. I cant wait to see the new Ndola city centre! Time frame? And what are doing about the incomplete building oposite the Central Police Station?

  5. talking of expanding the city when you cant maintain the little infrastructure that you have. This is a joke definitely.

    NEXT PLSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Way to go. Let us compete with Kitwe. Instead of turning the boating club and the whole stream to the golf club into a beach leisure place, they are dreaming of building another city. Let us dream on and I will come and buy the civic centre and turn the boating club and kafubu into a paradise on earth.

  8. i was like, this is great, i thought they have already started and just to read through and discover that they basically still have no partner yet …………..

  9. Mayor Davies Chiwela, it is impossible to move the town centre of Ndola just because of a beautiful Mwanawasa Stadium on the Kitwe road.

    The way forward is simply to add new and morden infrastructure in the area you have identified, clean up the old side of the city and rebuild or clean up the civic centre in its present historical position.

    London looks have changed but not the city centre. You can’t move history ‘baba’!!!

    Imagine if Westminister had to be moved because of the new Eastend Olympic Stadium and village? Haa!! Ba Mayor Chiwela, what are you talking about?

    Those of us who grew up in Ndola cannot imagine your dreams. They are wild.

    • You may indeed find the long term vision is to move London east, hence the regeneration of Stratford and that’s why the London to Paris line starts there. Note Canary Wharf is east and the city in true terms is not really central. It is hard for them to improve upon the access roads etc. so I may be wrong but the long term developmental plans certainly looked like even the West end will one day move east 🙂

    • Agree with you totally. This is the same village mentality where when someone dies, we want to demolish even their house forgetting the historical aspects and refurbish the old, like you said happens to great modern cities. I guess you have town planners and architects at Ndola Town hall. Its one thing if Ndola can not grow outwards because existing residential areas have boxed the city in, but then use that land for residential and move the illegal structures to create room for Ndola city to grow outwards and consolidate on what currently is Ndola City Centre

  10. “Ndola Mayor Davies Chiwela has said plans are underway to design and build a new Ndola City Centre near the Levy Mwanawasa stadium”
    Poor planning again. Have you thought about congestion and parking places before and after matches at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium? Same mentality of concentrating everything in one place – it does not work!

  11. Ndola city center is the best in Zambia,Kitwe definitely need a new city center. Chisokone mkt should move to Kandabwe,junior police houses should be demolished to create space for expansion.

    • Agreed, Ndola is probably the best planned city in the country, these new plans will make little sense. This mayor is only looking at beauty of the stadium and not accessibility.

  12. Dreams are free. continue dreaming and dream on and on and on…. Dont wake up bwana mayor plse until your term is over.


  14. By the way Ba Mayor Davies Chiwela, you could do well with some consultation. The first Zambian Mayor of Ndola Alderman Tom M’tine is still alive at almost 93 and so is the first Zambian Town Clerk Mr Justice Dr Julius Sakala at about 80.

    The two people mentioned have a long history with the city of Ndola. Born and brought up in Ndola (went to school and played football and other sports in Ndola). Out of respect for them, please Mr Mayor Chiwela, consult them about your dreams to change Ndola city centre. Nearer your age, your can also consult Mr Stanford M’sichili who is about 69 years of age and has similar credentials with the honourables above in relation to Ndola (former T/C and City Tresurer).

  15. its been close to 15 months of Bliss under PF. All anyone can see is nothing but Progress. Wynter Kabimba, has been instrumental in all this development and at the pace things are going, Zambia will be better than Jo-Burg before the mammoth re-election on H.E. Michael Chilufya Sata in 2016. The Sata family has brought us financial liberation; the family has bought us Joy. This is wonderful Bo Sata. Keep it Up!!!

  16. I wont even spend sleeplessnights to question myself as to when that dream will be achieved. Bakalamba we spent 3 yrs to build Levy Mwanawasa Stadium. We are currently strugling to build and complete Lusaka stadium. Bkafumya kwisa isho indalama mwebo to shift the town center.

    These people are dreamers indeed…………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. The age of the stadium. Preoccupy the people with sports and blind them to daily corruption. Sounds like ancient Rome… blood and gore at the coloseum, opulence at the palaces, poverty at home.
    Please start with a school, a hospital, a bus / train and police station. Even sports fields in our neighbourhoods to keep us from vice, then maybe a new stadium

    • Lol. Aw. Spoil sport 🙂 The gladiators are happy that it is their time to rock new threads and treads 🙂

  18. If the people commenting have been to the current civic centre and seen the aged & dilapidated buildings, you would be in support of the proposed plans. Everything has to metamorphosise at the right time. It is good to have forward thinking people. Instead of rehabilitation the very old Ndola civic centre build a new one, including police H/Q, modern shopping malls, hotels, intercity bus terminus and other social facilities. It is high time Zambian cities started metamorphosising!

    • Don’t you think it would be cheaper and more convenient to rehabilitate the current structures..the civic centre is where it is for a reason, central location, not because of a beautiful stadium.

  19. where is dag stadium going to be constructed because there are residential plots being developed where the stadium was.

  20. Sort out the roads first you nincompoops,how can you build a new city centre when you can’t even maintain to acceptable standards what you already have.

  21. History is full of people who dreamed and their dreams became reality, am therefore dismayed to see people so negative at anything progressive or it is just pf they do not like? guys at times lets think as Zambians and not always as mmd ,upnd or pf. The bemba says APALI UMUNWE EPALI I BALA! in Japan they pay you for thinking.

  22. Lets hope this mr mayor is not a promise of the many that have not been achieved.we shall follow the proceedings as they unfold.But he never mentioned timeframe…90 or 180 days.which is which Mr Mayor?

  23. So the city centre will move. Add another beautiful structure some years to come and the city will move again. If you ask me, the cheap thing to do is to make the nice archtecture follow the city and not the other way round. Remember not so long ago, Ndola had attained ghost status after the FTJ rule. Now the old town will be abandoned and reach phantom status!

  24. if you can dream then you are alive. and if you are alive you can do it. the problem with some people is that if they have failed then everyone has failed. the levy mwanawasa stadium was a dream that has come true. it doesn’t matter how long it takes. may be his Lordship won’t be in office by the time his dream will be realised. i share his dream and all well-meaning Zambian should share that dream. only if we do then we can help the mayor to achieve that. with all of us envolved, that dream came be turned into reality. your worship your dream is great. improve our beloved city and may the God of our fathers guide you on this noble cause. one suggestion though: instead of rebuilding dag hamaskjeold renovate chifubu stadium. it will be cheaper and serve a bigger community.

  25. Dreams are the seedlings of reality. Meaning you reap what you dream. The reason why Zambia lack leadership is because they are very few dreamers like the Mayor. The city is just being expanded and new down town vs Old down town is a great Idea. We need consider issues like Urban Sprawling and Smart Growth.

    Many cities in Zambia are based on Urban Sprawling. We need smart growth ideas where housing, shopping malls, Banking, and social and educational facilities are interlinked to cut back on transport costs and health concerns.

  26. That area he is making reference to is occupied with plots and in no way can that happen.

    Why not demolish Civic centre, Ndola police and buy off those houses at mapanza and pack to create bigger space for shopping malls and complex and relocate those affected to the area identified?

    To set up a new town would cost you almost the entire budget for 2013(k32trillion) and might take 10yrs with almost 30 different contractors at a go.

    Who will produce that huge amount of money?
    Who will manage the tenders as the council does not have the mandate on such huge funds?

  27. Please speak to Prof. Clive Chirwa to contemplate on plans for a modern train station nearer to this Stadium to help easy road traffic accidents during major games. Trains can carry more people and if they can run between lusaka and other provinces, imagine the revenue generation during major events. Maybe one day you could even invite a premiership clubs to play some competitive games in Zambia.

  28. What a TOTALLY S.T.UP.I.D IDEA!! So what will you do with the current city centre??? Run down the current businesses that are operating there?? Increase Residents Taxes to COUNCIL TO COVER UP YOUR ROT.TEN KICKBACKS from your ROT.TEN Private partnerships!!! Why don’t you get these partners to GIVE A FACE LIFT To the current infrastructure??? We know all about PPI’s – it is about getting money-suckers to suck the suckers like you Chiwela!!


    PPI’s just like the Banks , led to GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS!!!

  29. Bo MundiaM and ba Shimpundu etc, what this mayor said about building a new city centre and moving the civic centre is not progressive thinking. Plans were already there for a shopping centre or mall and residential houses etc in the Mitengo. There were also plans for a hotel(s) before PF came into power. We are not against expanding the city. We can expand not because of a beautiful Levy stadium. We also don’t need to shift the civic centre. We can build another civic centre to cater for the civic needs of the area. Each suburb is supposed to have its own proper civic centre like what we see in the West. If the current Ndola civic centre is dilapidated, we can demolish it and rebuild it. The same goes for the police station and all the other GRZ around ministries around the area…

  30. As already mentioned by someone else, Ndola is the best designed city or town in Ndola and what we need is town planners who will think of improving every section of the city including the townships instead of closing down the current civic centre and give it to people to build their little tutemba like they have done at the once beautiful park and nearby village green.

  31. no! No! Cant believe we ve lunatic people as mayors in zambia. What is he talking about? No wonder NCC is full of people with nothing to do but inconvenience its residents with all sorts of economic slow downs gimmicks from this rotten council.

    How a mayor can come up with such a bad dream defies logic.

  32. This is a very welcome idea, but taking the city center to Mufurila road is not ideal. The best is to build a new city center on both banks of the Kafubu River. Beautiful Cities in the world have canals/rivers in their midst, Ndola can be the first in Zambia. Ask the Chinese for a plan, it will be ready in 17 days. Bravo ba Mayor, this is progressive planning, now you need to have a realistic implementation plan.

  33. Chiwale continue dreaming just incorprate your friend Kasongo the famous ndola agent. Just develop Lubuto where you come from. Why should you be talking about developing town when you yourself comes from Kabushi, were they is no single sewer line. Nice that Jere has constructed those toilets for you.

  34. This people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who changes it guys, history has proven that.

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