Friday, March 7, 2025

PF meeting to deal with Given Lubinda’s case postponed as the President has gone to AFCON opening ceremony


President Sata on arrival in South Africa for the AFCON Openning ceremony at Waterkloof-Picture by Presidential Photographer  THOMAS NSAMA
President Sata on arrival in South Africa for the AFCON Openning ceremony at Waterkloof-Picture by Presidential Photographer THOMAS NSAMA

The Patriotic Front has postponed its central committee meeting which was scheduled to determine the fate of members facing disciplinary charges.

The Central committee was expected to meet tomorrow to determine the matter which involves foreign affairs minister GIVEN LUBINDA, suspended eastern province PF chairperson LUCAS PHIRI and six others.

PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba has confirmed the postponement in a telephone interview with ZNBC news in Lusaka today.

Mr. Kabimba said that the meeting will instead take place next week on Wednesday.

He said that the deferment has come about because the Chairman of the central committee President Michael Sata is out of the country.

Meanwhile, President Michael Sata has left for South Africa to attend the official opening of the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations.

President Sata who is accompanied by First Lady Christine kaseba left at 10:20 hours on Saturday aboard the Presidential challenger plane.
Vice President Guy Scott and Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda were on hand to see off the President.

Others who saw off the President are defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba, Home Affairs minister Edgar Lungu and service chiefs.

The President is expected back home on Sunday.



    • True. Unless Lubinda has other information to the contrary he should just soften his exit by resigning and explain exactly what the truth is. Waiting to be expelled will be painful for him and the consequences are hard to predict.

    • I urge Hon. Lubinda not to resign. If need be, let them expel him. If he resigns they will say he was guilt and left on his own. But this is a man who has done nothing wrong. Why resign? Instead it is Wynter Kabimba & GBM who should be advised to resign cause they have very serious corruption allegations.

  1. Sata’s presence at AFCON is bad karma to the Chipolopolo. Sata should have let the crowd pullers Guys Scott & RB represent him. The all opening ceremony atmosphere has been ruined.

  2. Why are the Aide-de- Camps shorter than their principals? It is evident they are struggling in the execution of their duties.

  3. Don’t these people have diaries; everybody including my 7 year nephew knew that there will be an AFCON opening ceremony today.

  4. This postponement of Lubinda’s case is deliberate, Kabimba wants to inflict maximum psychological torture on him. How cruel and barbaric a human being can be on a fellow human being!
    Jay Jay @ 7 has posed a simple and logical question, ‘Don’t these PF have diaries’?
    Finally, I do not agree with those that say Lubinda should resign. Why resign, let the conspirators carry out their intentions and celebrate their ‘victory’.

    • Distant Drums continue beating the drum am dancing to ur tune, Given should not and I repeat should not resign. Let them fire him if that is what they want. Given do not fall prey to these diabolical intentions by Hon Kabimba and his cronies to torture you pyschologically with antispation. In life you should have been through worse. It is not a matter of life and death. Stay on until they expel you

    • Given is smarter and stronger than Kabimba. Cobra is hesitant to spit because he knows he is not dealing with a simple mind. If the allegations leveled against him are true, the president does not want the full story to come out just now.

  5. Lubinda will be fired definitely. He was caught using phone-taping technology and that’s why he didn’t challenge the allegations leveled against him.

    • Phone tapping on a minister? Who was listening? Why is the intelligence agency in Zambia reduced to spying for PF? This means all ministers are tapped and there is no longer privacy in the nation. Shame.

    • I know man. In other countries it’s a serious crime. But that’s why Lubinda is quiet, they have overwhelming evidence and God knows what else they overheard that’s keeping him mute. It’s a shame that Kabimba is only a heartbeat from the presidency.

  6. First of all I agree with people who say that SATA SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE TO SOUTH AFRICA, WE WILL LOSE EARLY IN THE TOURNAMENT. Secondly, how can you have a president facing a leadership crisis among his top 5 Ministers and opts to go and watch a football tournament outside his own country???? Is that a serious president? What has Zambia gotten to, honestly! Are these the standards we should expect in this modern competitive world??? Watch rising stars like Ghana, Angola, Mozambique, Kenya, the entire league we belong to on the continent has a by far better leadership than ours. We are a deabeat nation. Our president thinks football is far better than sorti8ng out his leadership mess. Try that on Obama in America. We are a cursed people! Excluding me and my family!!!

    • Its you who is cursed not zambians. you chitapi meno do you really think before making a comment? there is no crisis in zambia and what picture are you trying to paint to the world about zambia and the president. football should not be associated with lubinda’s case. Bitterness ba bantustan yalimiminika amano.

  7. Ba Kaseba you cant hold your own umbrella sure ,what has changed,and that girl is shorter than you uluse. Is that Andeleki’s wife being mistreated like that.

  8. Kwena Lubinda ailetelelafye. Bushe kuti balikyaika icifulo cabu Foreign Minister elo wantampa na bunakantebele ku ba kuyaika? Awe cakana. And UPND will be squarely held responsible for terminating his political career should it come to pass that he is expelled from PF. How can he retain his Kabwata seat on UPND or independent ticket when the entire Lusaka urban is profusely PF?

    • All Lusaka urban is profusely PF? Dream on! That was September 2011. People have moved on….they now know the kind of person Sata is. Sata’s popularity is now confined to people of his ethnicity.

  9. Jury by the press..kaibmba is trying to drag his opponents names through dirt so that they dont contest the presidence after Satan. Lubinda should stay put and all zambians are watching…..last laugh

  10. The question you should ask yourselves is that if Lubinda is guilty caught red-handed via phone tapping because he foolishly registered his phone; Is how safe is your privacy if a minister’s phone can be tapped?? Like I said before this mobile phone registering is unnecessarily especially with this gov’t and Wynter hell bent in incriminating anybody.
    Wake up!!

    • i really miss the freedom we enjoyed under FTJ,MWANAWASA and RB..people cud freely condemn govt wether on the street on a bus anywhere and nuthin would happen manje we cant even use our fons ..I had a PF MP friend who once confided in me that when mwanawasa died a group of them secretely backed RB cos he was a better person and for the sake of unity..i really condemned i see his point..funny enuff hes still an MP Lol! so maybe i shud sell my story to kabimba.

  11. chimbwi no plan SATA shud not have gone to South Africa to grace the AFCON 2013 opening ceremony.This guy is failing to govern and discipline his juniors like kabimba who seemingly seems to have amased power to start bullying his friends. CNP shud have sent popular pipo like RB a seasoned soccer fan to boost morale in the camp.i dont think zambia is that motivated to defend the championship. this CNP has failed zambia lamentably in almost all aspects in the last 12 months he has presided as leader.

  12. I repeat: The entire Lusaka urban is profusely PF. UPND is entertaining a wild dream thinking they can win Kabwata through Lubinda. In fact Lubinda’s political career would have ended in 2006 had he not jumped on the life saving boat of PF. Lubinda has been cheated by UPND of a respectable portifolio in government.

    • Keeping up appearances! For some reason the man’s face always looks haggard and ‘not present’! Something is amiss!

  13. Yu r in 2011 to still think PF is still popular in Lusaka. My brother winter hz done more harm to the party that the Prezo is even scared that state house is in LSK. Pipo that voted n campaigned hv realised tat we were used n cannot be used anymore. Xpel Kabimba pliz. The man is making the Party unpopular. Yu confess kam 2016.

  14. Let him stay in RSA for 3 months if he wants nobody will notice his absence Wynter and Chellah will take care of business!!

  15. This evil satanist autocratic Dictator Sata is a not good news for Zambia. For goodness sake what wrong has Given Lubinda done more than his relative Defence Minister Mwamba & incompetent Agriculture minister has done before?

    Surely Sata is an evil petty tribalist & Tin Pot Dictator who does not deserve to be President of Zambia as the Prophet Chanda Chimba III prophesied in the run up to the 2011 elections!

    Can Sata’s Presidential Challenger plan fall from the sky as he is flying from South Africa or whenever he is flying as the late Somora Machel did in October 1986.
    No one will shade any tear for this sadist evil man called Sata.

    This childish Sata is tormenting Given Lubinda for no reason apart from petty difference eminenting from petty difference between him, Kabimba…

  16. Lubinda should not be coerced into resigning. Let the PF be given enough rope to effect a self-inflicted political suicide. PF will be expected to reveal reasons for Lubinda’s expulsion. Thereafter, then Lubinda can open a can of army-worms which are swarming around State House pastures, The rest of the World diplomats who have interacted with Hon. Given Lubinda will know the extent to which dictatorship and misrule of law is evolving in Zambia. For God’s sake, just image the calibre of persons (including Andeleki too) that Sata has assembled to run a terrosist Govt. None of them is worth walking around the grounds of Christian Churches. God Hear Our Prayers.

  17. The bitterness you are chocking with is a repeat of what you did in 2011 prior to elections. You rated yourselves highly, you demonised Sata in all manners. You even prayed that Sata should not come anywhere near the State House. We also prayed that Sata becomes the present of Zambia. Whose prayer was genuine? Ours. I pit you for myopic perspective of Zambian issues. Lubinda’s sorrows are self inflicted. How can he be collaborating with UPND secretly, undermining the PF the party that has kept him afloat politically? Foreign Affairs Minister is a very senior portfolio which you can not trade so cheaply with provincial party like UPND.

    • #29 Ngai

      This is the problem with you evil Roman Catholic Organisation members, no wonder you supported the Hutus in Rwanda when they were killing innocent Tutsis who had sought protection in Roman Catholic organisation buildings.

      You can not even feel ashamed of yourself that under Dictator Sata people are being killed by satanists in ritual killings unheard of in Zambia apart from during Kenneth Kaunda’s UNIP dictatorship period. When his Indian ritual killers killed for business!

      Are you a satanist who were praying for Sata to be elected so that innocent people are killed?


    • Dossier under Satanist Dictator Sata who does not know what democracy is?

      Sata has resuscitated the UNIP dictatorship rule where Zambians were traumatised with threats from KK even when he was ranting on the radio!

  19. #29 Ngai

    This is the problem with you evil Roman Catholic Organisation members, no wonder you supported the Hutus in Rwanda when they were killing innocent Tutsis who had sought protection in Roman Catholic organisation buildings.

    You can not even feel ashamed of yourself that under Dictator Sata people are being killed by satanists in ritual killings unheard of in Zambia apart from during Kenneth Kaunda’s UNIP dictatorship period. When his Indian ritual killers killed for business!

    Are you a satanist who were praying for Sata to be elected so that innocent people are killed?

  20. Do not underestimate the instruments of power. If Masebo can lose Chongwe, Lubinda can lose Kabwata. Campaigns need money and Lubinda is not willing to risk his own money. It’s still a shame that Kabimba stands a realistic chance at being President, I hope he doesn’t!

  21. Is this the man who was saying he could not eat the food given to him when he visited Botswana because many people were starving? Now he is wasting tax payer money flying around with his concubine to go and attend AFCON opening ceremony when children at Aurther Davison hospital are being nursed in corridors.

  22. Shaka OZ

    Why so much hate. Don’t you think it’s detrimental to your health? Cool down. I wonder why you are dragging the Holy Catholic Church into your unbridled bitterness. Sata is president of Zambia whether you wish him dead or not. You are calling Roman Catholic Church members evil! I know where you belong. Yours is a cult specialising in Satanic rituals.

  23. Can you be factual in your reporting, kindly confirm if the meeting took place or not. secondly confirm if the postponement was because of mixed feelings by NEC members or the presidents absence.

    concerned Zambian

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