Monday, March 17, 2025

CAF sends referee home for awarding Zambia a penalty against Nigeria


Ghead Grisha

The Egyptian match official who refereed Nigeria’s Group C game against Zambia last Friday at the Mbombela Stadium in Nelspruit, Gehad Grisha will take no further part at the 2013 Afcon in South Africa.

Grisha awarded a highly controversial penalty to Zambia late on in the game leading to an angry reaction from the Nigerian camp.

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) subsequently dispatched a strongly-warded protest to the Confederation of African Football (CAF).

CAF has ostensibly ruled in favour of the NFF and Grisha has been sent home from the Afcon.

An official of CAF confirmed the news on Sunday.

“He (Grsha) has been sent home. He will have no further action at this Nations Cup. His decisions did not tally with best practices of the refereeing profession and we would not allow anyone to start re-writing the rules of the game here,” said the official.
Nigeria needs a win on Tuesday in Rustenburg against Ethiopia to confirm its place in the quarter finals of the Afcon.



    • It means we are still in my dear friend…BUTONDO you no doubt was supporting the same team barely a year ago…today makula…

    • i spoke to Nick about, see our conversation below:

      Nick You watched the match on Sunday , check LT and see about an official sent home?, Let me know so I comment on LT
      …Yes your country has been diabolical the penalty should have never have been, and I have never seen a defending champion without a spine like your country

    • Guys, go to Ghana soccernet and read a feature about Mamadou. am telling you am even so shocked that Ghana whom we have been fighting with, can be on the same page with us over this guy and Caf. Am starting to believe that football is becoming dirty like politics, it’s about time african funs joined together and kick dirty people out of football!Go chipolopolo go Zambia.

  1. It depends on were the referee was positioned. It was on the line and if viewed from certain angles, it would be a 50-50 which means its up to how the ref thinks also considering that the defender in question had been harrassing mayuka for sometime.

    • You’re very right. Am also not particularly impressed that it’s the loudest mouth that gets a hearing in this competition. They’ve been more terrible refereeing mistakes such as the ones that have resulted in Algeria being the first team to be eliminated from the competition.

  2. Whether they chase the referee from AFCON does not matter. What matters is that we drew. Referee’s decision is final. After all, CAF is west african headed by a west african who wants the cup to be in west africa. We will show CAF what we are made of.

    • The controversial penalty aside, our game has been crappy with nothing to show as defending champions.
      Our team looks like a last minute random assembly of players under a non-descript coach with no idea what football is about.
      Can any sane person believe we are the defending champions when they look at our game? Is this what 12 months can do to players that won the cup? Unbelievable!!

    • Issa Hayatou (Cameroun
      Mohamed Raouraoua (Algeria
      Suketu Patel (Seychelles
      Magdi Shams El Din (Sudan
      Kalusha Bwalya (Zambia
      Nyantakyi Kwesi (Ghana
      Leodegar Tenga (Tanzania

      Jacques Anouma (Cote d’Ivoire
      Celestin Musabymana (Rwanda
      Moses Baransananiye (Burundi
      Placide Engandzas (Gabon
      Hussein Fadoul (Djibouti
      Khaled Sancho (Tunisia
      Mario Semede Mendes (Cap-Vert
      Mohamed Ould Boukhreiss (Mauritania
      Nyamilandu-Manda Walter (Malawi
      Feizal Sidat (Mozambique
      Mohamed Hatimi (Kenya
      Salah Eddin Al Arabi (Libya
      Tesfaye Gebreyesus (Eritrea
      Maigari Aminu Mohamed (Nigeria
      Osama Atamanan…

  3. Good decision by CAF, in future such results should be reversed as well. We didn’t deserve that penalty in all fairness but hey lets soldier on and face B/Faso with full force. We need a right team for this game and I would suggest Jacob and Mayuka start upfront while Sakuwaha and Felix start on the flanks. We need big boys in this game coz the west African have big built bodies. Only that we have an average coach whose techniques have left us wondering whether it was him or the spirits that won us that cup. I rest my case lest am labelled as….

  4. Do we all remember Diramba, the Gabonese referee??? And how amny times have we Zambians suffered such unfairness? Had he ruled against Zambians, he would still be there. Ciwamina galu, ciwamina mbuzi.

  5. Do we all remember Diramba, the Gabonese referee??? And how many times have we Zambians suffered such unfairness? Had he ruled against Zambians, he would still be there. Ciwamina galu, ciwamina mbuzi.

  6. The referee awarded a fake corner after mweene dived in the right direction without touching a ball, had nigerians scored from that corner kick what would be the reaction from zambia? n short the decision by CAF was too harsh on the MORSI referee , revoke the deportation ,like we did on that ruandese father.

  7. Its no suprise at all for CAF to do that especially that Zambia was involved. CAF has always been against Zambia in most of their ruling. Think of the recent Nsunzu issue or old memories of Diramba.

  8. That was a 50\50 situation. I was at that game. I have seen such circumstances leading to a penalty even in the EPL. We have seen top Referees play on some obvious infringements in the box even in the EPL. E.G Chelsea had their penalty call ignored yesterday when one of the players from the opposition clearly handled the ball in the dying minutes of yesterdays FA match.The West Africans are just bullies who always want things there way. We missed our chances but Nigeria is not good enough this time around.

  9. Let them go hang. They were also given a fake penalty which Mweene saved. They again scored after a foul. To them those two incidences were fine . What a useless CAF headed by a bunch of west africans. Let them go hang.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • Yes, and that is what made the Referee also award a penalty to Zambia. First, the corner awarded after Nigeria completely missed the goal, and then failure to blow for a foul on a bad tackle on our defender. Meaning the Nigerian goal was after all illegal.

    • Hey, for your information, the president of CAF is not a West African. He is from Cameroun. Cameroun is not in West Africa. It is in central Africa. The penalty awarded to Zambia was very unfair and undeserved. As far as I am concerned, Zambia did not deserve a draw in thst match. Let’s admit the truth even though the truth is bitter. Zambia lost thst match against Nigeria.

  10. I dont have any doubt that it was not a penalty . The defender,s body leaned on Mayuka and prevented him from turning or making any movement. When Mayuka suddenly knelt down the defender almost fell on top of Mayuka. That was body contact. The defender did not follow the ball but the body of a player and did that in a penalty area. Nigeria are big headed even their government. Remember their government’s reaction to South Africa’s yellow fever vaccination. While other governments were reacting diplomatically them punished South Africans who were in Nigeria that time by making them do yellow fever vaccinations as well.

    • u guys don’t need to hate on d w.africans this much… just think abt it for a 2nd, dt penalty was a very bad call. it was outside the 18 yard and it was a 50/50 infringement. And Nigeria didn’t lodge a complaint about the Zambians whatsoever, they only complained about the coach. I expect u guys to only exhibit hates this much if Nigeria have attempted requesting CAF to withdraw the goal from Zambia. At least goals have been revoked before but they didnt do that which means they are not as unreasonable as u ppl would like to believe… and with the vaccine case, u’d better re-examine the scenario with an unbiased mind and ask urself if S.A was diplomatic in their approach in the 1st place? If Nigeria was wrong, why then did S.A tender a formal apology after all?

  11. If this is really true, then you can see how this continent is corrupt. Football in Africa will not go far coz they want to politicize everything. Im sure CAF is controlled by the DEVIL.

    • Let nigeria and the CAF go hung! The ref was fair. Our boy was pulled back and deserved a penalty to finnish what he was gona do! The goal nigeria scored was becoz of a mid field foul on our boy. We didn’t open our big mouths! Let them shut their big mouths too! we played better than them actually. We will meet them in the semi finals and we will beat them fair and square that’s after we wallop the bukinabes! Bukinabe my foot!

  12. Why is the Zambian Referee error blown out of proportion?The refereeing at AFCON is shockingly poor.We need to hire referees from Europe to help us.What about video evidence,needs to be implemented.Good luck Zambia.As usual divine intervention.

  13. Whatever the decision by CAF its of no use to us besides those have fat beef against usso ichilipo apa ifwe kubombesha noku kwapula Burkina faso that’s all. Most of the instances in African Football we get dis-favoured besides that was 50-50 when viewed from different angles. All in all Chipolopolo for life.

  14. Its like other countries are not happy about us being the defending champions and wants us out at all costs,but hey,we are here to stay no matter what!

  15. Iye, so pa Tuesday referee who will be in charge will ensure that zambia is penalised at all cost. Kabili he will be impressing Hayatou. Atase Hayatou has overstayed as CAF president. I also want to stand as CAF president, what is the criteria people?

  16. CAF has just been unnecessarily harsh on the referee, he ruled according to what he saw, ad certainly there was infringement on Mayuka, a lot tugging on his shirt and shoving and as a striker he understands the rules and he took advantage and went down!

    A Burkinabe goal keeper was red carded for handling the ball outside the box, while the Ghanian one only received a yellow card for the same offence! Which is the correct punishment and what has CAF done about the inconsisitency???

    The only lesson here is for our boys to fight so that we win clear games not counting on some favourable officiating. The technical bench should also counsel players that referees are now likely to be reluctant to rule in Zambia’s favour in 50/50 situations!!

    We beating Burkinabes hands down!!!

  17. That was a penalty.Why cant they send home the referees who did not send off the Ghana goalkeeper when he handled the ball outside the box?The one who denied Algeria three penalties?Last nights ref who denied Morocco a penalty?What about the horrible pitch at Mbombela?Caf is offside and must level the playing field.Nigerians are the blue eyed kids for they own Dstv,supersportand since t.v controls football coffers.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  18. 1. Mayuka was not in a scoring position.
    2. It was a 50/50 ball
    3. Both players were holding each other
    4. It was on the line.
    That was not a penalty and the decision would even cost Nigeria a place in the 1/4 finals. Is this the same Zambia that was given 3 points by CAF/FIFA for the Sudan game?

    • @the real coach, you are the only fair minded Zambian. The referees decision to award that penalty is a shame on football officiating. The result stands, but we do not want that calibre of refereeing in Africa’s premier competitition. CAF has done the proper thing to serve as a deterrent to other referees, many of whom have been making many controversial decisions. If allowed to continue, this kind of decision may affect Zambia tomorrow and rob it of qualification for the quarters………. What will people on this forum then say? That CAF is against Zambia???

    • well the statistics cant be wrong, out of 99 biased folks you are bet on finding one fair descent person..even in this africa!!

    • But the Nigerian penalty was equally dubious, the Zambian defender kicked the ball not the player (look at the pic closely and you will note that the striker simply collapsed on the ground by himself). The Zambian player in question, of course, did protest. It appears, however, that you have to come from a country of multi-million pipo for CAF to see sense in one’s protest. Perhaps Caf is a western african organisation afterall, as people have intimated on this website. Let’s see how many more refs will be sent home when super westen african teams protest. This was a foolish decision caf ever made; they will regret.

    • ok we hear now go and sleep or drink you your beer… so what was caf doing when egypt was busy winning and beating their beloved west african teams…i have egyptian friends who even tell me that refree is as corrupt as they come..

  19. @ number 22.
    Nigerians own DSTV? and SuperSport? Some people are so uninformed. Where did u get that information from boss? Please just google DSTV or Supersport and equiped yourself.Ta

  20. ….I guess this means the ref will be against us on Tuesday. It also means that Zambian taxi drivers, drunkards, youth and compound dwellers will have to go back to “supporting” their Manchester United.

  21. It looks like the goal by Nigeria came from a blatant foul on Lungu and some how the referee must have felt the needed to do Zambia some favour before the end of the match.

  22. Agony is Cerebrating a Draw, Zambia did not deserve to share the point with mighty eagles as they were very poor. no game plan, useless wingers and goal shy strikers and blind supporters are saying, Zambia will beat the bokinabe, bornabe scored four past a team you failed to beat when they were man down.

    • You seem to have a mental problem and clearly has no knowledge of soccer.The game is not an exact science.In football A=B=C does not imply that A=C if you know what I mean.Sorry I confused you with that example.Let me bring it to your level.It does not mean that a team like Man United can not loose or draw to say QPR who are at the base of the league table.In football how well or poor you play depends so much on many factors including on how you pitch up that day.

    • “Also the ref would have been sent home for his safety” What safety? The game is in RSA, not west Africa. What is the work of the RSA police, then?

      I hope he won’t be the only ref to be kicked out of the afcon. We expect other teams to protest and more refs to be thrown out; otherwise it will be scandalous. (They cooked this decision and they will live to eat at some point.)

  23. CAF are biased dogs.
    If it was a west African team awarded that penalty nothing would have happened to the ref. Equally, if it was awarded against a non west African team, nothing would have happened too.

    Our memories are still fresh how they robbed Sunzu of his African Footballer if the year award.

    Since when did refs stop making humanly possible errors? This is the first time in the history of the AFCON. There have been so many errors and the answer you get from CAF is that the ref’s decision is final. And they continue officiating.


  24. If only Zambia would play like Champions and win convincinly, we would not be talking like this now, the game is highly technical now and requires brains, it’s no longer CHIPANTE-PANTE with the wild Collins Mbesuma shots that would send even an elephant into a coma if struck, it’s more of skill than stregnth!

  25. And because the Egyptian referee had sacrificed his job just to make sure the champions remain in contention, it now calls for Zambia to win their next match in honour of that Ref. He chose to die for mother Zambia and the only way we can thank him is by winning against Burkin Faso and going all the way.

    Zambia will go all the way to the final and if my memory serves well, this kind of scenario happened at the World cup 2006, when France after having a drawn the first two games, found the winning formula in their final group game against Togo and went all the way to the final after beating the likes of Spain and Brazil along the way…..

    But ukutumpa teko, if they continue ukutumpa the way they have done in the past two matches, kubalopola ifikoti mu Levy Mwanawasa stadium. Go…

  26. Am not gonna feel bad or sad about this, it’s about time we got favour from atleast one guy, we have suffered for so long! I bet they check their history and see how many they can fire! if it was south africa or ivory coast no one could have heard about this, because Zambia got the point it’s a problem. CAF can hang for all i care! If Zambia come home anytime soon without the cup, it wont matter to me anymore cos the ones in charge seems have already decided who should have it!
    Am proud of the guys and Caf can lick my, you know what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Chi Lon ****** we, why is it always about the head of state. Just shows that you have sleepless nights about HEMCS that is why you dream about him all the time when you are sleeping. Are you able to function properly in bed? I doubt it.

    • You 3 retards, ka gelo, gill and kantashi i know you dont have any brains to think independently. So Ukwa is your head of state? I wouldnt envy a dying man. Stop talking trash, crawl back into your caves and relax

    • But why are you guys annoyed? I thought Ukwa was a Nigerian character……anyway I clearly see the similarities that may have made you suspect HEMCS is the subject of discussion

  27. Kalusha u need 2 do something, because its out of line, why CAF is against Zambia? Zambia was playing with Nigeria & on parnnel u put an Nigerian presenter, why?

  28. CAF is West Africa and vice versa West Africa is CAF.You cant get a favourable ruling from those bloody suckers,the cherishers of wars.Hayatoo is a son of a real Devil with a mammi Water.

    • Tsk tsk! Such language. By the way, Hayatou is from the Central African country of Cameroun, which did not even qualify for AFCON. If he is a cheat, he would have cheated Cameroun into the competition.

    • Just as Tanzania, which is next door to Zambia, an East African country! Next door does not mean they are in West Africa!

  29. Life will never be fair because even during Jesus Christ’s time on earth it was never fair.Remember Dilamba when Zambia just needed a draw against Morocco in Casablanca for 1994 world cup qualifiers,Mbesuma’s yellow card after he was fouled by Ethiopians in the penalty area.Nigeria’s corner after there was no contact in the missed penalty by Mikel Obi,the forcibly dispossessed Chisamba leading to the goal.The problem with referees is that they have a tendency of making amends when they realise they have erred and the decision of awarding a penalty to Zambia was not an exception.Infact if that decision was in favour of Nigeria,the referee could not have suffered the same fate.Remember Pierluigi Collina,that no nonsense but highly fair Italian referee who could allow the game to flow…

  30. Nigeria, the United States of Africa … what gives CAF the correct perspective on the incident? That event was a 50/50 situation.

  31. We surely have not performed well to expectations: Ethiopia vs Zambia was not up to high level team performance we know of ourselves; Nigeria vs Zambia was also not the best we can play. Its good we have gone that far but we need to raise the performance level or we shall deserve a booting out early. It stems from the build up where we lost so many games and it would be surprising to just raise standard after a string of low level performance. We have experienced players and coach as well as management team. There is just something wrong with the combination of talents among players.

  32. Lets be honest, the team has not performed to our expectations since being crowned champions in 2012. Its possible the players have decided they have nothing more to prove to the world. After fulfilling the pledge to honour the fallen heroes of 1993, there seems no other motivation to conquer Africa again. Maybe we are demanding too much from the players and coach. After all they are only ordinary folks, like you and me. Meanwhile lets cheer them on, and hope for the best, come Tuesday.

    • “I wonder why FAZ didn’t launch a complaint too.” You need smarter people in FAz to that. Do you remember what happened to Stoppila Sunsu (african footbola o’ year)? What did Faz do? Nothing. Caf simply dribbled them.

  33. These Nigerian bonobos are full of themselves. Let them get out of SA before they damage the South African girls with their big `machine guns`. Nigeria is a country full of confusion. From a string of coup detats to Boko Haram and dirty cities. I can never set foot in that country. I don`t even know where they draw their pride.

    • Lol yet with the so called confusion and stuff its the second biggest economy in africa, set to overtake south africa in the next few years.. largest fdi in africa as well..

      I never knew how much you guys were so envious of us, to be honest am just happy for u guys.. its not everyday you see a minnow come and make it in africa.. then again how many Top african footballers care about nations cup..

      this cup was played last year as well blaaahh, lets fast foward to the worldcup already!!

      whats this ish about westafrica, the biggest, most famous, players or football teams that have graced africa was from this region.. there is no debate here..

      How does it feel to have so much hatred but yet claim these players as yours!!


    • I still can’t beleve that people whose reasoning are shallow and stupid still exist in the present civilization. I respect Kenneth Kaunda, your former leader because of his sound reasoning. Nigeria is Nigeria, and she is blessed than Zambia. That’s why you are angry and envious. If I were you, I may feel the same. Please don’t make me to think that all Zambians think like you because that will be globally sympathetic. Please go and sleep and sin no more against the most beautiful country in Africa-Nigeria

    • JJ, just remove oil from the economic equation and we see what remains of your perpetually mismanaged country which ranks second in corruption in the world. You Nigerians should just learn to humble yourselves like the rest of us. If you are a cohort of some Nigerian lovers pse tell them to bring order to that country potentially rich but full of sh*t. Where are you getting the stats that you can surpass SA. Maybe Angola. Not Nigeria.

    • @billboard Daka, i would have thought being an economic refugee in SA would have opened your eyes from pedestrian thinking, but alas you show your economic ignorance. Let me first submit that i see no relationship between the actions of CAF and your comment. About the data, read any economic analysis on African economy and you will see that Nigeria, the second largest economy in Africa is set to be the largest by 2014/15.

      Secondly, Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (Note Domestic) is at $240 billion and growing at about 7% with the Agric Sector (40%), Industry (33%) and Services (30%) being the highest contributors. Oil contributes less the 10% of GDP.

      If oil is taken out of Nigeria, it will still be the 2nd biggest economy. What will happen to Zambia without copper?

  34. For f*ck sake CAF! referee cock ups is part and parcel of the game, those of us who are old enough would remember we were once denied an appearance at world cup by one numpty called Diramba and did CAF punish him? NO they didn’t so what’s all this about. It seems some countries are too powerful for lazy corrupt dinosaurs that have camped permanently at CAF. Leave the poor referee alone you good for nothing morons. What will happen if another referee makes a mistake today, are they going to send him home as well? They are setting a very tricky precedence here, demoting him to 4th official would have been enough they didn’t need to send home.

  35. For f*ck sake CAF! referee cock ups is part and parcel of the game, those of us who are old enough would remember we were once denied an appearance at world cup by one numpty called Diramba and did CAF punish him? NO they didn’t so what’s all this about. It seems some countries are too powerful for lazy corrupt dinosaurs that have camped permanently at CAF. Leave the poor referee alone you good for nothing thieves. What will happen if another referee makes a mistake today, are they going to send him home as well? They are setting a very tricky precedence here, demoting him to 4th official would have been enough they didn’t need to send home.

  36. Chipolopolo Boys will retain the cup. It is hard for Super Eagles to look and see as Chipolopolo Boys perform wonders much to the satisfaction of many fans around the world.

  37. Well, the referee’s decision is final. He was not trying to ‘rewrite the rules,’ he was only doing what he felt was in his jurisdiction to do, as the man in-charge in that situation. We see that in the premiership every weekend. Sending him home was a wrong decision by CAF. Send Hayatou home as well for red carding this ref wrongly.

  38. Lol seriously?? who in their right minds is against zambia? infact the top players whenever they play bad say african football is improving as an excuse

    Kindly stop whinning like a lil B””””” enjoy the tournament

    You wouldnt be the first african team to spring a surprise, i think you can guess who that tittle belongs too.. point is that african teams like togo, senegal, and angola all did this in the last few years

    senegal beat france world champions in 2002 worldcup, although they beat nigeria i was proud of them.. togo went on to qualify for worldcup even thought emmanuel adebayor in a nigerian lol.. so was angola, who managed to do theirs, but today they are out

    nobody has the time to hate on zambia, i dont even think many of you are familiar with all the names in…

    • JJ are you Nigerian? What is CAF going to if another ref makes a mistake, are they going to be sending home every official that cocks up?

  39. It was another Nigerian African Magic – lines moving after the referee had seen the incident to be in the box; just to fulfil Prophet Joshua’s baseless predictions that Zambia was going to be beatten! Otherwise, the ref saw it happening in the box, and he made the right decision, according to him, not even according to the TV replays, after the fact.

  40. This is how much they don’t like Zambia being champions.Thats the reason why they even had to bring the AFCON a year earlier than usuall all in the name of avoiding it colliding with other “major competitions”.NOW WATCH DESTINY AT WORK.WE ARE RETAINING THE CUP.All the indications are there. GO Zambia.

  41. But the Nigerian penalty was equally dubious, the Zambian defender kicked the ball not the player (look at the pic closely and you will note that the striker simply collapsed on the ground by himself). The Zambian player in question, of course, did protest. It appears, however, that you have to come from a country of multi-million pipo for CAF to see sense in one’s protest. Perhaps Caf is a western african organisation afterall, as people have intimated on this website. Let’s see how many more refs will be sent home when super westen african teams protest. This was a foolish decision caf ever made; they will regret.

    • Well, if u Zambians were so confident that the Nigerian penalty was dubious, why not file a complaint about it? If Nigeria did not complain, CAF would have nothing to investigate and no referee to send home. This same Nigeria got 7 yellow cards and a red card in the match against B.Faso alone. Did u hear Nigeria crying about that and reigning curses on B.Faso? No!!! the referee made the decisions and not he B.F players so we in this part of africa are grown beyond such childish behavior of yours… I am so surprised at how folks down at southern african region are so childish. U’d better grow up. Don’t u guys think it is better for u to begin to learn being as pro active as these west africans u hate so much? U r so laid back down there and u can’t blame us for ur woes!

  42. It was just a pay back, do you all remember the match official in 1993 Dirambe, the game between Morocco and Zambia. Zed was robbed, so may Nigerian too. That’s how life rolls especially in Nigeria itself. There just too much confusion in their country.

    • Tell FAZ to go and complain also. What are doing about it? Tell them: Do just carry titles in FAZ, do the actual work there!!!! Don’t sleep and pass on the sloppiness to Chipolopolo.

  43. Clear Display on how weak FAZ is?? We had the South African incident during Mandela Cup??? They just kept quiet. Now this matter??? Zambia has suffered unfair treatment in AFCON games but we never complain? In every game referees have some lessons learnt sessions so why send the Guy home?? NOT THE WAY TO RESOLVE ISSUES? TYPICAL AFRICAN NONSENSE.

  44. The Nigerian defender fouled mayuka by obstructing him deliberately. It depends where you looked angle from if you look at the reply in slow mortion at different angles you will see what the ref saw. The problem we have is Nigerians have a domineering spirit in them ..Anywhere you meet them thaey always want to lead even when they dont have the qualification to do so. they are the loudest people i have ever seem just like americans they think they are the rulers in africa. Nigeria just accept we equalised. The penalty that was given to nigeria was also suspect, zambia have not contested it , not becaase we wre stupid but we are just wise . we know referiie dont always get it right. if nigeria wanted to prove a win for them thay should have sore 2 to 3 clear goals , then all this talking

  45. Talking about refereeing, one blogger has given a very objective observation. If the referee of the game between Zambia and Nigeria has been sanctioned, then we need to review the decisions made by the referee in the game between Algeria and Ivory Coast where several clear penalty appeals by Algeria were ignored by the referee. I think I counted three possible penalty scenes in that game. What has CAF done about the ref? What I am saying is that we must be fair. One would even think that CAF has acted because they are in favour of Nigeria. Again, Zambia has not done very well at this tournament. We are meeting Burkina Faso whose fitness levels are very high as compared to Zambia. We need to be very careful and play a good game or else we will be booted out. Just my thoughts…..

    • I suggest very team should protest at any erroneous decision a ref makes, and CAF should dish out red cards immediately after such incidences. Otherwise this CAF/Nigerian decision is as good as the decision the ref whom they send off made. In fact, CAF itself should be shown a red card. We need a better CAF than this calf.

  46. Nigerians there was no need for you to complain, hmmm remember in 1994. this was a return much guys. Dilamba made every chipolopolo to cry ask rashid yakin na banakwe imwe chabashani.

  47. im sorry my fellow zambians. you do not play like champions. you didnt not deserve that penalty. just thank mayuka’s falling skills. nigeria completely out played you. you completely have no chance against burkina faso. all of you talking about the hand on of god, remember god doesnt play for you or win for you. its up to you to fight and defend the cup. may the best men win tomorrow.

  48. emenike’s goal afer dispossesing chisamba lungu was a controvesial one..that led to the refering doing a fair play by awarding Zambia the penalty. The only thing nigeria could have done was to win that match convincingly by a wide margin like 3 – 1 not to crying foul after the 1 all draw.

    • endowedt ,
      Whether NG watched TV screen or not; the fact is you eagles are making too much fuss and noise unfairly. It appears CAF is Nigeria and vice versa. How come others have protested against such decisions before but CAF closed its eyes? To hell with CAFuuu!

  49. CAF is pro west africa..whats new?!!wat about the penalty that was denied wen mbesuma went down because his shirt was held..but they saw it fit to foul him instead and gave him a yellow card!what about that referee in that game ehh? watever..if zed gets kicked out il support every team thats not west african..infact cape verde is looking pretty good…go blue sharks!!

  50. Here we go again you Zambians are all of a sudden singing your usual ‘the whole world is against us’ bla bla sob stories. It’s easy to forget you have had a penalty awarded in your favour in your last 4 CONSECUTIVE AFCON matches!!! That is unprecedented in AFCON history!! Go check

    So I’m afraid from a neutral perspective you have no sympathy on that front!

    Now let’s play the 10 facts game.

    1. Was the referee right to award Nigeria a penalty following a late tackle on Ahmed Musa? YES he was, for evidence watch the clip again and tell us if the Zambian defender actually got to the ball before the Nigerian attacker. If he didn’t then how could he have won the ball cleanly? Further not even one Zambian player appealed against the decision!
    2. Was the referee right to give a corner…

    • the truth,
      your so-call fact (1) is false. I have seen the entire game, not just the clip. Do not forget the context of the game. Decisions are always made in that manner, I must say. In fact the Chipolopolo player just kicked the ball and you super eagle was unable fly properly. Seeing he was in the box he collapsed (it is called a ‘dive’) by himself. So, it ‘ok’ for an eagle to dive, but for other party it is a sin? Then, you had it.

    • Did the Zambian captain or the offending defender make any indication that the referee had maded an error. Even a token one?

  51. 2. Was the referee right to give a corner following Mikel’s penalty miss? NO he wasn’t, thankfully Nigeria did not benefit from this mistake.
    3. Was the referee right to allow play continue in the run up to Nigeria’s goal? Again YES he was! I urge you to watch the clip again this time without your ‘Mother Zambia tinted’ spectacles and tell us what exactly Mikel did to foul the Zambian player who dilly dallied on the ball in his danger area. Further, again there wasn’t even a hint of an appeal from ANY Zambian player to the referee claiming a foul was committed!
    4. Was the referee right to award Zambia a penalty? Hahaha!! That decision needs to be investigated further. It surely was influenced by something somewhere, this was not just down to incompetence. I won’t be surprised if betting…

    • Spot On!! Only if these blind fans were as objective and articulate as you are….our leagues would have been the best in Africa as they would tackle FAZ on issue based points instead of boot-licking and hero worshipping their RSA based president.

  52. 5. Was CAF right to suspend this referee? In my opinion yes! And a suspension is also well in order for the Ref of the Ghana v Mali game. Both have either displayed favouritism or incompetence.
    6. Does CAF ‘support’ West African teams? Please don’t make me laugh! For those of you not old enough to have seen these games live, go back and watch clips of the Nigeria v Cameroun 1988 AFCON FINAL and see the Nigerian goal that was disallowed which lead to them losing the game (it’s on youtube). It will surely make your claim sound ridiculous. While you’re there also try finding clips or news following the 2000AFCON FINAL between Nigeria and Cameroun in which during the ensuing penalty shoot out Nigeria had a penalty kick ruled as a miss when the ball quite CLEARLY crossed the line. This led…

    • Does CAF favor western African countries? But from the game between Togo and Algeria l think that was true. Algeria was supposed to be given a penalty and that was very clear. The referee ignored it. They should also send that referee home to be fair with the Egyptian referee.

  53. This led to Nigeria once again missing out on the trophy! If you have time you can also see the foul that earned Nigeria a red card in the game against Burkina Faso just last week. These are BIG BIG decisions here with the trophy at stake not a simple corner kick claim, and there are several more MAJOR wrong calls I can remember!!So yes please now tell us what you think …after watching them ofcourse!
    7. Is CAF run by West Africans? No!! The president Issa Hayatou is from Cameroun and the Secretary General Hicham El Amrani is from Morrocco!! Please read up abit more on African geography, Cameroun is certainly NOT a part of the West African bloc!
    8. Is CAF corrupt? In my opinion Yes, very!!

  54. 9. Is the Zambian team good enough to get to the later stages of this competition? Not in my opinion,playing as defending champions they have been very poor! With the AFCON in South Africa I expected Zambia to play like a home team! In terms of personnel and team work (which I think your title was forged around last year) from what i’ve seen so far there are at least 4 teams well ahead of the chipolopolo, maybe even 6 in this competition. My money is on Nigeria to beat Ethiopia and Zambia could get a result against Burkina Faso. However I think even if that happens that would be where the party ends for Zambia, i.e. in the Quarter Final at best. The game tomorrow will be very tricky though, anything can happen.
    10. And finally for the benefit of Billboard Daka, the belowa quote is from…

    • But the same thing can be said about the ‘Super nothing’. They talk ‘big’, but perform poorly. And then blame it on the super ref; and super CAF endorses that. Pathetic, miserable lot.

    • What makes you this confident of your team, what have they achieved lately? Anyone who’s never seen Nigerian would think they are world beaters. I would understand if you were talking highly Ivory Coast but am sorry not Super Eagles. If we go out that would not be the end of the world and am sure the nation will still be proud of the boys’ effort especially that we won the thing just last year but that can be said of your team of stars. It’s now almost 20 years since you last won the thing and there’s absolutely no chance you would even reach semi-finals this year with players like Mikel, so for now just keep quiet and watch as better teams advance to the finals.

  55. Zambia needs to send a strong letter of protest to CAF about the presence of Marmadou Gaye on Supersport Channel. He makes Zambians sick to the core, and that is not fair because he has a sick agenda against Zambia.

  56. If you are going to dispute the Referee’s decision, you must introduce goal line technology at AFCON 2013.

    Otherwise, this is nonsense.

    How many goals have been allowed to stand, which clearly, spectators would not have allowed? Innumerable!

  57. i case the day we had the CAF leader in a western skin. aba bashetani ninsoka.
    yesterday a south African defender pushed a morrocan striker in the 18 yard box en the referee looked on without awarding a pernalty. if that refferee is not sent home, those west african on the supersport analisis panel should hand and wrot in hell.
    for a change let them be realistic and repent. i thought TB Joshua resides in a western African Country.
    mamadou has not spoken over yesterdays pushing of a morocan striker. let that devil talk. i know it must have been engineered by that fool.
    i rest my case………..

    • …. and what has West Africa got to do with this? Is South Africa also in West Africa? Some of your comments and insults against WA are bordering on xenophobia!

  58. CAF is a WASTE AFRICAN organization. They even had to change the dates for AFCON because they could not stand us being champions for two years. If we win this tournament, then we will have it for three years total! They can not stomach it

    • Do you even know why the changed the dates? That’s your homework for today go and research instead of exposing your utter ignorance online.
      Wake up!

  59. Good call by CAF and I commend the Nigerian FA for protesting profusely about the issue unlike the sleepy “do gooders” at FAZ. The Ref was incompetent and shouldn’t have given that as a penalty if anything he should have given a yellow card to Mayuka for assimilation. I’m sure his linesman had a clear view of it and the ref. should have asked for his opinion via radio BUT that’s in the past as the ref’s penalty call is final so i don’t see why the blind fans are complaining.
    If there is an organisation to blame here its the FAZ crooks who have not lodged a single complaint about the poor awful state of the pitch. If Group C had a pitch the same as Group A’s standard we would have seen good games in that stadium. Then again we all know that compromised FAZ does 80% of dealings in…

    • Jay Jay, you know that you Nigerians are the ones who introduced crookedness to the whole of Africa. All the scams done around the world involve Nigerians and a few of your neighbours plus some Asians. So for you to claim that FAZ is compromised and does 80% of the dealing in that stadium, It is because you started it. Nigerians are always suspects wherever they travel or live because they are crooks. There is no country where a Nigerian will go without obtaining a visa and even after that, the airport will scrutinise is just in case it is fake. You Nijas are fake, thieves, crooks etc. No wonder you travel on other people’s passports so that you hid your ID.

    • I for one does not care where you come from but I am pretty sure that you have at collaborated with Nigerians somehow.

    • Jay Jay, now I know who you are and why your comments are anti-Zambia and FAZ. You are the group that wanted to topple great Kalu and failed; hence your bitterness especially that the boys brought the cup with Kalu at the helm. There is no Zambian who would be against his/her country unless he has a bone to chew with someone. So you are just jealous that Kalu would be a hero yet again if Zambia won the cup. No wonder you are on the other side of the fence. Anyway Kalu and the boys have more money in their pockets than you armchair critic who will never have a fat account until maybe after 55 years of age. So just shut up while we sing Iyeeeeeeeeeee, Chipoopoloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

  60. I emailed Nick, please our conversation below:

    Nick You watched the match on Sunday , check LT and see about an official sent home?, Let me know so I comment on LT
    …Yes your country has been diabolical the penalty should have never have been, and I have never seen a defending champion without a spine like your country

    • You are not a real Mushota, so stop pretending. Mushota’s postings have a lady in a hat. So please stop fooling us.

    • Wait, when Chipolopolo wins the cup again, you will keep on crying: they are just luck. Well, let them keep on crying (with their bad luck), while Chipolopolo keeps on winning (with good luck).

    • Mushota and Nick don’t waste your time watching Zambia when your team Scotland is doing well, concentrate on your national team or even your neighbors England. You need a slap across your face for real.

  61. “If oil is taken out of Nigeria, it will still be the 2nd biggest economy. What will happen to Zambia without copper?”

    Answer: Zambia would be the riches country in the world. In fact, it is copper that has made the country poorer. I wish I could expand on this.

    • Precisely, the natural resources are a curse to Africa. But then, the people are even a bigger curse just as some xenophobes are demonstrating on this blog. The negativity of Africans toward each other is to say the least despicable and it is no wonder Africa is at the bottom of the Human Development Index despite its abundant natural resources.

  62. zambians should be candid with their opinion, you all know that the penalty awarded you was dubious, it is visible to the blind man, stop defending what is not.

    • And that to you is a felony in refereeing? Why don’t you get yourself some brain beneath your scalp? The fact of the matter is that such human error on the part of referees is common and CAF’s reprimand of the poor Egyptian referee is the exception. The outcry on this blog is against the apparent unfairness on the part of CAF and not whether or not the penalty was dubious.

  63. Pure African nonsense thats why i watch ManU african football is for westerners they think they are so big very foolish. The only good thing is that Egypt a non western has lifted it for a record 7 times. Why take a hursh decision couldnt they have done it after the tonourment to discipline him? why did the strip off sunzus win as local african player of the year? why did they reduce the price for winning the title when zambia won? why did they allocate us such a sandy pitch? i can go on…………….

  64. Pathetic refereeing ??? Zambia Vs Ethiopia game suspended for 12 minutes,Extra time 3 min??? Ghana Goalkeeper handles ball outside 18,RULE red card given yellow card. Algeria game suspended for 13 minutes official signals 13 minutes extra time after 95 minutes. Have all these officials been sent home???? Ndeloleshafye!!!

  65. If CAF have a problem in decisions being made by referees let them introduce replay via TV and review all the calls and we shall see how the 90 minutes of play will become akin to 3 hours of American football. Chisamba Lungu was left sprawled to the ground but the same referee allowed play to continue and awarded a corner kick to Nigeria when our keeper did not even touch the ball after the missed penalty. Hey how about that Diramba guy who denied us a penalty when all we needed was a draw to qualify to our first World Cup? The whole country protested but no one listened to us. We have always been told that the decision by the referee is final but not when it is against a country full of lawlessness and a big population with bad accents. The only good thing that has come out of Nigeria…

    • Look at this dude!!! A population with bad accents..OMG! so how good is Zambian’s accent? what is wrong with the black race that they never see anything good in their fellow black folks. Just like the highest hostility I have ever experienced is usually from fellow black men like me… even ppl of other race never talked so lowly of me as ppl of my own race do… May be u think we do the same but I tell u, in this part of Africa, we dont have time crying over sh*t. Why does it bother u so much about.. Nigerians? why should AFCON that is meant to unite us be the platform to wage war? Why don’t u guys realize that the backwardness of Africa is as a result of the disunity and hate among us? It is normal to disagree with a group of ppl but very un-smart to expend so much energy in doing so.

  66. The only good thing that has come out of Nigeria is Fela Kuti but he was ahead of their time – they never listened to his good message but continued to allow the Sani Abacha’s to steal millions of dollars. This is not to say all Nigerians are bad people. I have met a few good Nigerians. Nigeria you will never have another Jay Jay Okocha, you are past your prime. For the game tomorrow let us avoid costly mistakes of always rewarding our opponents with easy penalties. Let’s attack from the first whistle. As far as qualifying to the next round, like it or not, I think we are. After this we will go into top gear and start playing our normal game and the next thing, before you know it, we will be in the final.

  67. Referee’s decision is final no official ever disputed that.You can dispute now because you are able to see a reply in slow motion.lampard was denied a. Clear goal in SA during the last World cup was the referee sent home no

  68. Football is big business, in fact one would say it is an industry with a lot of politics in it and as such those involved in it must have ‘big hearts’ to survive. I therefore don’t blame the Nigerians for the stand they have taken. Those at the FAZ and the coach must wake up and make their presence felt, not to accept any nonsense because you are a christian nation. The body language of the Zambian coach when his team is playing seems to suggest lack of interest and involvement. Kalusha and your FAZ wake up!

    • The late Colonel Gaddafi said the only solution to resolve Nigeria’s sectarian violence was to divide the country into two i.e. north and south and he was darn right. They may pretend to be a united country at the AFCON but back home they have issues men. When you go to a country where individuals have private jets then you know it is riddled with corruption, oil kickbucks etc and that is what Nigeria is all about. Not saying there is no corruption in Zambia but their corruption makes ours look like kids playing in a kindergarten. So Nigerian’s STFU because if you want to start an internet fight with us we shall undress you to the core. I know you can type well but you cannot speak well because you have terrible accents so irritating to the ears. I still give you credit for your…

  69. I still give you credit for your prolific writer of Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe. He is one of the few good things that has come of Nigeria otherwise your history is just military coups, Biafra war, religious violence etc. Theoretically you are supposed to be a prosperous country but your politicians have abused you by buying you off to silence you. James Ibori, Delta State governor, for those who have never heard about this guy just google his name and you will see someone admitting to stealing $250 million. Had it not been for the UK government this man would still be walking free in the streets of Abuja. I feel for your President Goodluck who seems to have good intentions but your country is just ungovernable and you come to AFCON pretending all is well back home, my foot!…

    • blah blah blah,, yet despite all of these trouble and the fact we are operating at 15% efficiency we are still a force to be reckon with, whether its football, economy, anything!!!

      its funny you know so much about the country but still hate its people.. if your as smart like you think then you would understand that there are external forces behind the lack of development in resource rich african countries

      corruption is the same all around africa, the rate is the same that is.. its just because 9ja has more money to be stolen.the second richest woman in africa after a nigerian lady is angolas president daughter, now what is that?

      as a matter of fact, most of you are hypocrites, and i just laugh at your response..
      what yall dont know is that oil made nigeria poor, but a few people…

  70. Leave Zambia alone, we are a very peaceful country and gone are the days when you could just roll over us in football like school boys. Now you realize we are equals, oops actually not equals because we are still the champions!

  71. what has ANYTHING you have just typed got to do with football?

    It seems you harbour a complex…an inferior one to be specific. You need to think more about yourself and your country my friend. I normally do not respond to comments such as yours which are laced with needless hate but i chose to respond to you in order to give you the advice your ‘friends’ may not give to you. By this time tomorrow Zambia may be out of the tournament, and honestly you cant see that as a disaster as with all due respect Zambia HAVE NOT been playing like credible champions. The reason for that is a debate for another day for you and your folk.

    • Why are we having Nigerians here, what are they upto? Please fellow Zambians don’t drop your guard, before you know it they will be asking for your bank details. As they say ‘befriend a Nigerian or Romanian at your own risk’.

  72. Mushota and the guys who are sporting you, I wonder if you know how to read and process information. The CAF official said “His {referee} decisions did not tally with best practices of the refereeing profession and we would not allow anyone to start re-writing the rules of the game here,” note: Decisions plural form. Even if, the Nigerians petitioned over the penalty the official looked at the whole game. You Dunderheads. Chisamba Lungu was also fouled that is what led the Nigerians to score. That is why even our Zambian economy is going down. It is full of Dunderheads who only know how to parrot. They can’t decipher the core of a message. It is a pity.

  73. Jean-Fidele Diramba (born June 15, 1952), is a former football referee from the African state of Gabon. He is known for having officiated the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea. Diramba officiated the 1990 Africa Cup of Nations Final in Algiers between Algeria and Nigeria.[1]
    Jean-Fidele Diramba was the referee in a World Cup USA ‘1994 qualifying match between Morocco and Zambia. Morocco won the match 1-0. The officiating created a lot of controversy from the Zambian side due to a number of decisions. Being from Gabon, off whose coast the Zambian team perished, increased the tensions since the Gabonsese allegedly were impeding the progress of the investigation into the airplane crash. Protests were held in Lusaka the following day. FAZ (Football Association of Zambia) filed a…


  75. CAF has not been known to punish any referee in its history for making contraversial decisions against Zambia. For too long a time many West African referees particularly those from the French speaking countries, examples are abound, have exhibited biased unprofessional refereing against Southern African countries. CAF has never ever raised a finger. CAF and Isa Hayatou thinks AFCON should be rotating in West Africa and the North .You see how meek Hayatou pretends to be when it is time for elections. What has the man done for the Southern African Footbal Agenda. How many tournaments has he influenced to go to West Africa in his rein? I dont get it. CAF sending a referee home for awarding a penalty? Southern African Countries should propose their own Football Federation.

    • propose your own football federation lmaoo.. why not go join concacaf or even afc… what a dunce, funny thing is that issa hayatou is from a central african nation.. so this talk about protecting west africa is fools talk…

      moreover, the biggest footballers, name, history of african football is west africa…

      abedi pele
      yaya toure

      men i can go on.. its only fair that you keep your biggest boys in it, the reason africa even got an increased fifa slot from 3 after 1998 was because of the performance of nigeria and countries like cameroon and senegal after.. now we
      have 5 slots

      stop hating and join the game..

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