Monday, March 17, 2025

I am sad says Kalusha


FAZ president and soccer icon Kalusha Bwalya says he is saddened by Zambia’s unceremonious exit from the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations.

Kalusha said Zambia were unfortunate to be eliminated in the first round.

The ex-Chipolopolo captain said Zambia have themselves to blame for their poor display at the Nations Cup being staged in South Africa.

“I am sad and disappointed. We all had great expectations for this AFCON. Unfortunately we have to leave at this stage,” Kalusha told on Wednesday.

Zambia finished third in Group C with three points,two behind pool winners Burkina Faso and Nigeria who had five points apieace while Ethiopia were bottom with a point.

“We only have ourselves to blame. I didn’t see one team that was superior to us,” he added.

“We were unlucky to exit in such a way, which can happen in football. The playing pitch (at Mbombela Stadium) didn’t help matters either.”

The vanquished Zambia squad is on Thursday expected to return from South Africa.


  1. No all is lost. Pick yourselves up and Concentrate on the next assignment. Football is dynamic and no one team can claim supremacy .

  2. The fact that we never lost a game and survived two penalties shows our defense and goal keeper where ok, strikers failed to score, we should have adopted the Man U strategy opponents can score but be sure to score more than them

  3. Chief you must have smelt the coffee with a string of bad results in our preparations. No goals. The issue of strikers in the Zambian team is a big one!

    • You see unfortunately the national team doesnt teach one to be a striker. Its the clubs that do. So are the club coaches having the skills to do this?


  4. no worries ba Kalu….let us stand strong & focus on our next target which is ‘testing’ the world cup grounds…..who knows the next penalty Mweene will save is Messi’s when Zambia plays Argentina in the world cup semis …….. tough luck Zambia!

    • Good remedy requires proper dygnosis of the problems. Hiding our heads in the sand won’t help matters. Our team needs a cure upfront and less interference in team selection. How can we even talk of playing Argentina when we fail to beat 10 man ethopia.

    • boss, didn’t you see Zambia play against Italy & Germany?? apply for the Zambia National Team Coach position so that you can help us with your ever brilliant ideas… want Zambia to be champions forever??? Good luck!!

  5. Please, Please Kalusha you must be the last person to say you are sad? Do not insult our intelligence.
    The preparations for the run up were so sloppy, inferior but you still expected team to retain the championship.
    You kept basking in the glory of winning neglecting the hard word that lay ahead with impunity
    Wipe your crocodile tears and get your butt to serious work or get out!!
    While I acknowledge your prowess as a player, you have lamentably and appalling failed as a coach and as an administrator.
    Keep such repugnant sentiments to yourself please

  6. There had been too much exitement, creless driving and noise in the komboni. I am happy we lost. Lets now move foreward on serious developmental issues. Football is now history.
    1.Fluke champions for and shortest period 11months only
    2.shortest serving president (RB)
    3.Shortest President (FTJ)

  7. Kalusha, thank you for giving us your sentiments. like a pit bull leak your wounds, stand in the sun and take the boys back to the world cup qualifiers. Kalusha you are still the best for the job. Off course you are the worst in the eyes of haters.

  8. This situation has happened because we thought we were going to up our game at the AFCON and therefore even when the team was not doing fine we were bussy sitted sipping a cup of cofee instead of rectifying the problem. We all saw this coming but people were relaxed to do anything, we kept on losing and losing and drawing and what do you expect at the end of the day?

    I hope we have learnt lessons (bitter lesson) and I hope we will learn to detect and rectify problems early enough before the competition, unlike saying we will do better when we play our first game against Ethiopia….this is the result.

    Lets put in practice what we have learned through a hard way and in future we will not be disappointed like this. We are now former champions and we need to move on. It happens……..

  9. It had to take three countries to eliminate Zambia…. All of them making sure that Zambia does not win a game…. Viva Chipolopolo forever… I love you…..

    But be prepared for Supreme court summon… because my youngest daughter (6 years) refused to eat on Tuesday after the game…. she was crying the whole night and only slept around 0300hrs in the morning and refused to go to school… So I am suing Faz for causing so much traumer to my little one…

  10. Is Zambia the only team eliminated? nope? be rest assured that between nigeria and cote de ivore, one will cry louder than zed coz elimination at quarter finals is too painful. one team just has to lose

  11. There is nothing to be sad about. You took your best players to the tournament but they were not good enough for the job. The truth is that most of them were not championship material and it was a tall order for them to defend the cup. The coach must work on the striking force with a view to sharpening it.

  12. The playing pitch (at Mbombela Stadium) didn’t help matters either.” I dont understand this statement from ba kalu is he not part of CAF why didnt he protest before playing and Burkinabes used the same pitch to there advantage and won.

  13. Don’t blame the pitch. Both teams when playing use the same pitch at the same time and get affected equally. It’s like playing football when it is raining then you say the rains have affected your team only – How is that possible???

    During 2012 AFCON we almost blamed the rains when playing against Libya and failed to win. What logic was there??? I choose to repeat myself that our winning team was forged by Bonetti. As a country we need to bury our pride and call Bonetti to come to Zambia and honuor him for making us win the AFCON 2012. I know why we are not willing to do that – IT IS POLITICS AS USUAL – Bonetti’s coming to Zambia was linked to Rupiah Banda and all Kaponya’s do not want to have anything to do with Money Banda whether GOOD or bad!!!! SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS.

  14. Useless Kalu. You should be ashamed of yourself. Honestly how do you sit in the CAF committee and stab your own country in the back? An intelligent person wouldn’t have accepted an arrangement in which the 2012 African won’t represent the continent at the Confederation Cup and instead the honour is given to the 2013 Champions. Kalusha, why the heck didn’t you ask for a comprise? The best compromise will have been to have a play off between Zambia and the 2013 winners to determine who represents Africa at the Confederation cup. Unfortunately Kalu, you are too dull to think logically. No wonder the West Africans overwhelmingly voted for you onto the CAF committee instead of Pallo Jordan of South Africa because they knew you’re useless!

    • Good points you Goncalves. The West Africans voted for Kalu because he is manipulable and they can continue together the trade in human footballers!

    • Kalusha is not just dull, he is also completely uneducated with no school papers at all. What can you expect. It is only in Zambia where we think education doesn’t matter. I even wonder why we have schools. Kalu is like Polio invading Zambian football, we are lame right now. All his s.t.u.p.i.d decisions over the past few years have now come to give us the wonderful reward of being embarrassed at AFCON. Kalusha looked like a homeless bum, Renart looked like a street vendor, our players looked like a bunch of headless chickens. All you who are praising him are simply doing so just because he is your tribesman, we know you. You have absolutely no interest in seeing Zambia develop – especially with another dull sick illiterate president in State House. What kind of country is Zambia?

    • What do you expect from an empty suit who is saving himself for a future CAF and FIFA post in Zurich only a gullible individual would not see this…

  15. Ok, can we now go back to the motion to impeach remove the Kalusha and his minions Executive? Only this is what will save football in Zambia. Sober pipo understand that we won on a wave of adrenalin last year, which was absent this year. So Kalusha and rest must go and then we can reorganize-bring in realist such as Kamanga and Simata.

  16. It’s Over Over kwasila ayenda, kulibe kubwela sitizakaonana futi; mulungu mwine wake pakupanga ntawii, enzo zibakuti, this time it wasnt going to be. its over over baby, watisiya tulila, baby tikumbuka last year when we won, machozi ya choka why why why why onanana, usiku nikalota chinikanga ku beliva, kuti we didnt win, mulungu ana ziba pokupanga ntawi enzo ziba kuti we wouldnt win this time.
    Am also so so sad, but Time is always not in our hands, we can try with all our mighty strength, but if it was sad not this time, how are we to change that? It’s ALRIGHT

  17. Problem 1.Won the AFCON,paid the players handsomely and told them you are tired ,rest tilll June.Meanwhile Ghana,Ivory Coast and others fired their coaches and started the rebuilding process.
    Problem 2.Our preps were pathetic,even when our strikers were not scoring and we were losing game after game,we assured ourselves that it was the same aslast year when in actual fact we had lost our momentum.
    Please lets stop blaming the pitch,we were not just good enogh,PERIOD.

  18. King Kalu.
    Please continue your hard work.
    Concentrate on reorganising Cosafa it really helps the sadc countries.
    Our coach also needs some help,this could be seen from the tactics which zambian used.For example the goal scored by Ethiopia came from the side where Musonda was supposed to be but he was substituted.
    Collins Mbesuma was our target man for this tournament he was supposed to be given a lot of playing time not unecessary subs etc.

  19. Don’t worry ba Kalu. We shall make it again. All we need is a bank of strikers. Get them from rural areas becoz the urban ones are busy painting their lips and sugging amatoloshi. I believe in you aand the team. We still remember how you brought us glory last year.

  20. The arrogance from football house has to stop henceforth, especially from your so called FAZ spokesperson or PR Manager. Its not that only people at Football House posses absolute wisdom on football matters. When people complained about lack of serious friendly matches which resulted in us tumbling down on rankings, we were dismissed as the coach knows better, he is protecting his players, he doesnt want to expose them further.

    When the friendlies finally came and a string of poor results commenced, again we were told not to believe what we were seeing, that goals will come. Now, who is proved right, people or you guys?? Retire some old boys and identify new talent, especially upfront and arrange serious games, not those who pay you your personal money!!!!

  21. I said it at the beginning of the tournament that Zambia is going nowhere. Former coach Boneti is now laughing loudly. Kalusha knows nothing about football administration, he thinks administration means throwing your power around and firing people. After Boneti prepared our team for the previous AFCON Kalusha fired him for flimsy reasons and brought in this loser Renard who was infact fired by Angola. Kalusha has no morals to talk about disappoitnment now, he is a lower and we didn’t expect him to win this time because we know the performer Boneti is not there. Kalusha and Renart are the most embarrassed *****s in Zambia today. Since wining AFCON last time, we have been losing most if not all of our games. If Boneti was around we would have qualified to next stage. Losers!!!

    • Kudos to you for your accurate prediction, so what do you want now, a cookie? You keep on condemning everybody as being uneducated, so why won’t you, who is educated, take up these positions. Kalusha is not a coward. That’s why he stood for the post. Do the same instead of hiding in cyberspace, hurling out all sorts of absurdities.

  22. Everything that RB left behind is slowly going and finishing, including the AFCON win. Zambia is now just a shell with no substance. The whole continent was laughing at us. How can you as defending champions be knocked out from a tournament, coming back from there without even a single win????????

    • Quite honestly it is about time Kalusha considered seriously to step down and concentrate on his personal interests in RSA. He has done his bit and has completely run out of ideas if he ever had any. Football administration is serious business requiring intelligent planning and strategies, it’s not about being hero-worshiped.

  23. Pathetic bloggers you always have people to blame…..accept the loss and work on those mistakes. Bonnetti couldn’t even speak english he was arrogant to his bosses FAZ cause of RB who wanted his children to run FAZ, Kalu is intelligent and firm,RB failed to fire him with his paid sags Simmata and Kamanga. Kalu Keep Renard, we will qualify for the world cup…But pls fight those west african while in CAF,let southern Africa be strong too, find strikers, since in Zambia we dont have strikers, give some Congolese or Zimbabwean citizenship…no worries anything is possible in football.

  24. Take Hr for refresher course. He has to re-learn basics in coaching which include no substitute for experience,you don’t substitute a defender for a striker wen u are leading,don’t ignore results of preparatory matches etc. Tell HR to learn from Bonneti how to win away games. HR does not win away games and I fear that even i9n Lesotho it might b happen that hence handing over our lead w/c to Ghana. Na ma strikers alabapwisha. some1 has to convince that HR’s tactics helped win AFCON. I stil believe it is BONNETi

  25. @ 35, why give Zimbabweans citizenship? they fail to qualify for AFCON themselves. Zambian players are by far, better than Zimbos. I am not saying that Zim does not have great players, they do, but Zambia has got better players. All the best for the world cup qualifiers

  26. After an early ejection like this from the Africa cup of Nations I have seen and read knee- jerk reactions from fellow Zambian fans some crying for the blood of the coach, players or the FAZ president. What I find very apparent is that most of these critics are mere arm-chair critics who only started supporting the Zambia National Team either after the Gabonese disaster or after they won the Africa Cup last year. Before these events happened these so called fans would care less if the team was involved in an international game. All these are what we call fair weather fans who only selela kwakaba. It would help if fans would concentrate on watching local games (than still being under the colonial grip of concentrating watching European teams) so that they can make concrete suggestions…

  27. to the coach. Please don’t just say we need to go back to the drawing board or our strike force is blunt. You need to specify the name of the strikers who you have in mind whether they are in Solwezi or elsewhere so that the coach can evaluate them. The coach is not able to attend all the games taking place in our country so fans have a duty to make suggestions if they notice strikers with the caliber of our departed heroes like the late Godfrey Ucar Chitalu/Alex Chola or Kelvin Mutale. If your job is just to criticize or only interested in the team when they win you have no business of taking any interest in this team. I personally have supported the KK eleven since 1979 and have had many heartbreaks before but we have a bigger task at hand – to qualify to the World Cup for the…

    • first time and comments that do not offer concrete solutions will not help take our football to the next level. So all you so called fans knock it off!

  28. Well well look at who is saddened by our unceremonious exit the Great King himself who doesn’t take the FIFA Ranking table seriously; when Ivory Coast and Nigeria were playing quality opponents in Russia and Americas he was making side deals and playing the likes of Saudi Arabia, Malawi and other small clubs. If FAZ was a private company it would have been declared bankrupt a long tome ago with such greedy clueless short-sighted entities at the top.
    No CAF prize money is going to hide your incompetence this time; you will back to being spoon-fed by taxpayers as you had not invested those monies properly come next month…even when CAF short-changed us on the wining prize monies these crooks never complained. [cont’d]

  29. Sudan playing a non eligible player it took the general public to raise alarm before complaining to FIFA. The awful playing pitch for Group C no complaint from Football house. He was going to be happy to receive $2 million from the gov’t to pay wages and bonuses even when the team has no training facilities in Zambia…why not convince them to invest it in training facilities for all sports disciplines to benefit especially our clubs instead of the national team camping abroad. How much would you have saved in the long term?
    The one issue in the way of football development is compromised entities at Football House; we have lost leverage now on negotiating lucrative deals for the national team as we are no longer champions 12 months gone down the drain. Please Kalu step aside!!

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