Traders in Kitwe have defied Kitwe City Council’s ban on the sale of liquor in markets. A check by ZANIS at Chisokone, Nakadoli and Buchi markets yesterday found some traders selling liquor within the trading premises.
Some liquor traders talked to expressed ignorance over the ban while others argued that their shops are not inside the green markets where the ban applies.
Roy Banda, one of the traders at Buchi market, said he has continued selling liquor because his shop was in the area allocated for bars despite it being within the market premises.
Last month, Kitwe Town Clerk, Bornwell Luanga, banned the sale of liquor in markets in an effort to bring sanity in markets and regulate the access of the commodity to the underage.
The ban was also in conformity with the Markets and Bus Stations Act which inhibits the practice.
The traders were given two weeks to clear their stocks after which the local authority would start prosecuting defaulters.
Meanwhile, manufactures have introduced on the market a new package of alcohol closely similar to that of the banned alcohol sachets commonly known as utujili-jili except the new ones are in small bottles.
The small spirit bottles are also as bad as the banned sachets because they can also be abused as they are also affordable.
But how were they given licenses in the first place
De containers r not situated in mkts bt on the streets near mkts and de govt has legalised street vendin so jst leave de poor traders alone and concertrate on refuse collection coz there are alot of rottin cats and dogs on our roads n no one is tokin abt dem
Simply lock them if they are breaking the law.
We need to have order in our country. Look at the filth that greets you when entering any town in Zambia. No one cares.
What kind of people are we?
The law is clear; the council must just crack its weep
leave them alone, you morons are failing to arrest ***** that steal billion from zambian and you want to make nose over people that make an honest living, get real, set your priorities right.
The people of zambia needs to understand that laws are there to regulate society other wise we can leave like animals
I will give the 1 year to life.