Monday, March 17, 2025

Mamadou Gaye Talks, Zambia, Drogba and Who Will be In the 2013 Final


Controversial African football expert Mamadou Gaye says a brand new Africa king will be crowned this weekend but stuck to his guns that Zambia were lucky winners and that he is happy Didier Drogba is gone.

Gaye told Tuesday’s edition of 083 sports With Robert Marawa on Metro FM that it will be an all-Sahel final between Mali and Burkina Faso on February 10 at Soccer City.

“A Zambian journalist he told me Herve Renard, that is his opinion, I will not reveal his name, was just a lucky man,” Gaye said.

“Because the team he took there you remember very well the Italian coach before he came did all the job prepared the team put everything in place.

“He qualified Zambia just to be kicked out before the Nation’s Cup. Herve Renard came and took over that is how he won the cup.

“He was telling me that Herve Renard had a full year to prepare his own plan, to prepare his own team for 2013 what is the result champions kicked out in the first round.

“Of course they are still the champions but at they have brought the cup to South Africa it is no longer in the coffers in Lusaka at the moment it is here in Jozi.”

And Gaye blamed Didier Drogba for Cote d’Ivoire’s failure to win the Africa Cup saying a team, not stars win the tournament.

“It is not about players announcing retirement for me it is about the coach, it is about the 23 players,” Gaye said.

Gaye went on to allege that Cote d’Ivoire coach Sabri Lamouchi was brought in by Drogba.

“I still remember what Drogba says I remember it was last year saying he will carry on until after Brazil 2014 I said who are you to say that I will be there until Brazil 2014 what about if the coach don’t pick you?” Gaye said.

“This is the kind of influence that Drogba has in the team in general the coach that is there you have just talked about the profile of the coach he never coached in his entire life.

“He got his coaching license two months later everybody was shocked seeing him being the head coach of Cote d’Ivoire even as assistant coach he never coached any where even a third or fourth division now that coach can be bought by the players especially Drogba and I said it now it has become a club of friends if Drogba is there (Salomon) Kalou must be there, Siaka Tiene who never played the whole season sitting on the bench of PSG .

“He did not kick a single ball but because he is part of the club of Drogba and friends they decide and say coach we have brought you a player and you must bring him. It backfires that game against Nigeria Drogba had no business there.”


  1. This is what happening here in Zambia.FAZ decides who to play not that muzungu.Its all business as usual-he who pays plays

  2. Good observation about HR, he was also brought by Kalu and he decides who is going to play.So Drogba is doing the same, no wonder.Renard go back to your sidelined Clifford and used useless Katongo.

    • Mwe bantu, what new element can Clifford bring to the national team? Like Google says, Mulenga is finished, let him concentrate on rebuilding his image after those sexual scandals in RSA!

  3. Spot on on HR he is overrated, he is just an average coach could not inspire the team in the second game; where on earth can you draw against 10 men… where??
    As for Ivory Coast they will only win it when they stop picking names like Nigeria!!

  4. Who is this turd called Mamadou Gaye?……LT you got isssues ,you are letting a player-hater ruin Zambia and you call him football expert .We know where you live you goofy looking little prick and you might just vanish some night.KAAAABOOOOOOOM !!!!

  5. Indeed Drogba is powerfull! Even at Chelsea he was untouchable. For a black guy to make it at that level and be respected and feared one needs to be a strong personality. Remeber George Weah? That’s what I am talking about. And you know all about the great Kalu. So, as long as Kalu is in charge, what he likes is what will happen. Renard will only leave when Kalu says so period!

    • Indeed only a thickheaded couch potato would flay Drogba. He is a great player whom any coach would want to be in his team. And here comes this attention seeking empty head to try and belittle Drogba’s driving force!

  6. ROGER THIS SOCCER FANATICS“A Zambian journalist he told me Herve Renard, that is his opinion, I will not reveal his name, was just a lucky man,” Gaye said.

    • i think the dude has his own shortfalls but he is spot on on renard, he had the whole year to organise the team which he made to qualify. boneti did agreat job prior to our victory. this new coach has failed us. lets wait and see the world cup qualifiers

  7. The only thing admirable about marmadou is his passion and love for his country,how many Zambians can exhibit the same passion for mother Zambia?We busy belittling,insulting and scording out team at every turn,some Zambian so called analysts were actually praying that Zambia is booted out,what kind of morons are we.

  8. Mamadou an expert! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Then Iam a professor of football. Besides his incoherence which I may forgive because english is his 3rd language he offers no technical knowledge of the sport. He specialises in rabble-rousing and Supersport thinks that brings in viewers!
    If Zambia were lucky then so were Ivory Coast in 1992 because they have failed to win since then. As for predicting Mali and Burkina Faso in the finals that is not based on football knowledge but on his wishes. He doesn’t want GhaNa or Nigeria to win because their record exposes Ivory Coast’s mediocrity and he has previously insulted these two giants. Yes Mali or the Burkinabes can win but not because Mamadou assessed them professionally.

    • Why don’t you prove these guys wrong by proving them wrong on the pitch which you LAMENTABLY FAILED…let’s be realistic and honest with ourselves!!

    • Jay jay remember 2012 Afcon Zambia had beaten all west African countries name them Senegal, Eguatorial Guinea, Ghana and Ivory Coast. So some how this guy Mamadou gay should atleast show respect to our Zambia national team despite being eliminated in first round as champions at 2013 Afcon. I don’t think Zambia fear any team from west Africa coz we have proved that we can beat them just like they can beat us and thus how football is, not this none sense by Mamadou gay.

    • Doomsdayer Jay Jay who revels in Zambia’s woes: the only thing for you to learn from your fellow lover of Zambia’s dooms, Mamadou is his patriotism. At least we know why he wants Zambia to lose: they killed his dream of a 4-0 victory over Zambia. You? You just hate your country or perhaps are so bigheaded you thInk ur thoughts shud prevail over all others for Zambia to go f4ward. Get a reality check mister: the guy above has answered you. How many times has I Coast beaten Zambia?

    • Fact is AFCON 2012 is in the past just as we will also be remembered by our awful performance at AFCON 2013; You can put lipstick and make-up on a pig but the sad truth is that it will still be a pig. If you can not handle the truth do not watch analysis of football games.

  9. This mamadou is just useless man , a big mouthed person with no any soccer analytic capacity. Let him go hang. Shame on him.

    • Truth hates, well said mate. Mamaduo Gaye get a life, you said ivory coast will win it did they win it you fool. Leave Zambia alone we will be back stronger than ever before , watch this space.

  10. The Journalist in reference is one disgruntled Journo masquerading in the USA under Bolayathu called Augustine Mukoka

  11. As much as Gaye is an assh@le, he is right about HR not being competent. HR failed to make crucial tactical decisions and was just cursing at players throughout. If you look at the Ethopian game, the Ethopian headmaster-coach made a few tactical changes which immediately resulted in a goal. The Zambian bench needs an infusion of skill, either by replacing HR or finding someone to assist him. FAZ must sit down and work on the lessons from these pathetic results. A similar thing may be happening to Zambia where the team has become that of friends and not one focused on results

    • the last time i called him a tactless coach.. gosh!
      i was called all sorts of names, but the fact is our coach is good at physical training than tactical and do you know the tactical coach of the team…….? guessed right.
      its kalusha himself. just look at the way he storms the dressing room at both half time and full time. look further at how he picks assistant coaches to HR….

  12. ivory coasts ll always pay the price for relaying on players who play in the english premier league coz that league’s football is not for international engagement but domestic and commercial purposes. Thats why england national team ll never win world/euro cup in the next 200yrs. Of late France pays the price for relaying on players from epl just as togo found out on adebayo.

  13. anyway mamadou gaye has always been a bafoon that deserves no one ‘s respect. Wonder what supersport ve seen in that dust raiser.

  14. he doesn’t know that football is lucky,that bonnet coach we had was brought by RB and his children,he did ve that motivation to inspire the boys,therefore,ladies and gents we shud not cry over spilled milky,if @ all clifford was brought maybe it cud ve bn disaster.we are out and let’s respect that.whoever ll win ll win by chance

  15. Useless ,when Ivory coast was winning ,you ddnt know his qualification was 2 months old,you didnt know he has never coached,now he has lost ,then you want to tell us bulllllllllllllll

  16. hate the man or love him (mammadou gay), but he has even a column where we are discussing him.

    This shows how good in rubble rousing he is.

    We need such people to stir up debate.

    mammadu go on with your style. At least u dont fear taking on the mighty Drogba your country man

  17. This is just about the most objective think Mamadou has said, very spot on. The problem Zambians like to compare likeability with competence. HR is a useless displinarian let alone coach. Look at what he did at AFcon complete foolish.

  18. As for Zambia the observation by the j’list that there could be an invisible hand in controlling the administration of football especially the couching staff could be true going by what we are seeing. Anyway i tend to differ with him were he says Zambia was just luck to have won the championship. I wish to tell him that every team that won before was just luck. Analyse the final between Zambia and Nigeria 1994. Nigeria was just luck to have won. So luck is also part of the game!

  19. our coach has declared he will go with the same team to the world cup if he is given another chance to coach the team. I have a problem here. He has not even conceded that our striking force doesnt even exist.look at mayuka, mbesuma. We may qualify with draws and flukes like other teams using unlicenced players and being awarded soft penalties but what will come out of that at the world cup stage where the referees are world class and all teams have licensed players? The coach should have conceeded we need to enforce the striking force otherwise he will sweat so much so that if we qualify the score board will jam right at our first game. We have replaced algeria as defending champions who went home after first round games, with HR strategy we are in for a world class record of losing.

  20. Typical African accusations. Full of praises when then win, but pointing fingers in the heat of the moment. Mamadou is MAD! Period.

  21. ypical African accusations. Full of praises when they win, but pointing fingers in the heat of the moment. Mamadou is MAD! Period.

  22. Ivory coast, African football kings without a crown with big stars (dinosaurs ) have been relegated to the museum of football. Soon, the next generation will be studying and analysing how a team full of stars could not win a single cup in modern times despite crowned as the top team on the continent of Africa. Soon FIFA will announce rankings for african teams and its evident if the current trend continues most of the not so fancied teams like Bukina Faso, Togo, Mali will be rising on the ladder while the likes of Ivory coast and Algeria will be going down. One thing is certain they will definately meet on their ways.

  23. Why does Supersport allow this animal called Mamadou to air his useless views to the world at large. Why give such an animal a platform of that kind. Mamadou is not a soccer analyst but a fack soccer sangoma.

    • Ever heard of democracy autonomy? That is supersport. It is only useless TV stations like ZNBC where people are censored even before they speak.

    • Democracy demands responsibility and Supersport is no exception. There are laws protecting even thieves as long as a court has not convicted them so you just dont bring a blabbermouth on tv without assessing the risk

  24. While I hate Mamadou with passion, I agree with him on HR lacking strategy and expertise. Howelse can you explain a situation where you are in precarious situation like we were against Burkina Fasso and you fail to amke changes upfront, even when your strikers have failed to score after an hours or 60 minutes of play???

    The time he made the change to brining in Jonas Sakuwaha was too short for the player to make any impact on the game. In addition, he failed to give Jacob Mulenga more chance, despite his below par performance against Ethiopia!!

    While he has been given a second chance, we need to see him make changes upfront, he needs to freshen and sharpen our attacking force!!!

  25. Gaye when are you going to accept that your team is useless? you thought it would pull through to the finals? stop talking about our zambian team we are champions and we will remain in the world football books including your books! wechisushi weee!

  26. There goes Mamadou. Now he is picking on Drogba, why did he not bring what he is saying before? This guy hates Zambia, how I wish Zambia did well at the Afcon, I don’t know what he would have said.

  27. We may not have done well this time,but that’s football for you. We may be the only African country outside west africa to defeat all western African soccer demi-gods one after another. They have all fallen at the might of Zambia. Remember we have gone nine afcon mathes unbeaten! I am very proud of chipolopolo. Soccer flows in the blood of a Zambian.

  28. people, how would you feel you average in all your courses then the teacher and the school praises you that you are still number one when there are colleagues of yours who have scored very good or excellent, they are graded number 4 or 8 respectively in the school. coted voire has not won africa cup for over 18 years they are number one in Africa; zambia beat them last year we were still number 4. things donot addup like that. as for GAYE, he is bitter and will always be as long as he does not face reality. in life not always the educated are rich, not all the skilled are poor, not all the poor are dull, not all black people are illiterate etc, that is reality. Africa ba GAYE ni Africa, not vi data ivo vamenae muchosa vilibe na backing.

  29. I look forward to Zambia beating Ghana in their backyard. These West African teams think African Football in made in West Africa only. All this is jealousy of Zambia for having beaten all West African teams on their way to lift the AFCON 2012. Its God’s hand that Zambia lifted AFCON 2012 and it God’s hand that Nigeria has reached the semis. Nigerian bench, Keshi and his team, even thanked TB Joshua for their semi-final seat.

  30. The only correct prediction by Mamadou Gaye was the one about Zambia being booted out in the group stages. Otherwise the rest of the things he says such as about Zambia’s 2012 win being a fluke should be taken with a pinch of salt.

  31. Good observation Kwesi. As long as NIGERIA DOES NOT GET the cup I am fine. Nigerians think they are great despite the confusion in their corrupt nation. They must lose. I support Burkina Faso ( Land of upright people), Ghana or Mali. If Nigeria wins they will become more loud and big headed and our young SA girls will be in trouble with their `weapons of mass distruction`. Phew!

  32. As long as NIGERIA DOES NOT GET the cup I am fine. Nigerians think they are great despite the confusion in their corrupt nation. They must lose. I support Burkina Faso ( Land of upright people), Ghana or Mali. If Nigeria wins they will become more loud and big headed and our young SA girls will be in trouble with their `weapons of mass distruction`. Phew!

    • On the contrary, I would rather Nigeria or Mali win the cup. The reasons; Mali is at war right now and a cup would cool people’s hearts. I hate Burkinabes for their witchcraft. Nigeria, because the Man of God, TB Joshua is Nigerian.

    • Lol weapon of mass destruction… One thing for sure we are a force to reckon with at any level… you say we talk alot, but we walk the walk too…. our best team was in 1994, from then on we still carried on doing well mostly to the semis actually….

      you will just die of hatorade, because nigeria is too big and powerfull to be hating on.. while at it the richest blackman (aliko dangote)/woman (folorunsho alakija) in the entire universe are nigerians.. the richest black man in America is nigerian (kase lawal)and their fathers or mothers were not politicians lol

      let me give u something else to chew on..

      Did you know Mali gave us the victory? Ooh Yes lol.. You see we just dispensed a 1200 strong troop to fight alquada in Mali thus wasting 40 Million dollars; its only inevitable…

  33. I fail to understand why Super sport always brings this ‘gay’ guy on TV! He is very emotional, sarcastic and offers nothing new to any soccer discussion. The TV program could still be very successful without him, in fact he waters down any professional discussions from his colleagues. Surely Super sport have seen this! Gaye needs to grow up and be mature and also show some respect. If that is a sample of men from Ivory Coast, then I shudder!!!!

    • I have not seen this chap yap. Which SS channel can I find him? Perhaps because I only pay for ‘ka pamela’ Multi Choice. But I do have channels 200 and 204. Could I find this noisy character on one of these?

  34. Ivory Coast are quite a funny outfit. They remind me of Chelsea who start the season as favorites and end up fighting for fourth place.

  35. To win the Africa cup,Zambia did not play against Matero stars soccer team,they wacked big teams like Ghana,Senegal and Cote Divoire!Besides,since 1994 to last year,Zambia has always gone past the first round,which is no small achievement.In 1972,we were in the finals against Congo,1994 also,in 1996 we came out third,where was Ivory Coast and this dysnfunctional homo-sepien called Mama-dull.The issue of Mali and Burkinabees being in the finals is wishful thinking by this twiit cod Mama-dull.The buffoon is narrow and now draws in Drogba in his crazy emotional outbursts.His lips ar like a man who drinks kachasu daily.Look at his deformed head like a hyena…..Mama-dull,if you think having kidneys for a brain is the same as gray matter,sorry,u are just one over-zealous retard!!!

  36. Interesting that Mamadou today can point finger at Drogba after he has been hero for Ivory coast. was Drogba the only player that day for ivory coast? Ivory coast had many chances through alot other players but failed to break Nigerians and that was the same with the Zambia v Ivorians in 2012. Mamadou should just accept that it was not his country’s time to be champions. God is very fair such that he does not like those that are pompous and elevates the humble. He should not start pointing fingers now but should realize that he has been stealing from Super sport pretending to be an analyst yet he is just like those foolish and dull political cadres who can never be objective. everyone needs luck. even for him to be an analyst there, it was luck because there are better analysts not him.

  37. Ja ja ja ja, yeah right and am yawning right now!
    I wonder what all yo being negative could have said about HR and Kalu had Zambia been in the competition, typical, so typical of you, you dont even have your own mind just agreeing on anything just because we are out, typical!

  38. Simply put Mamadou Gaye is a hater! Say what u like but chipolopolo will forever be 2012 champions…I hate this guy with a passion!! He is too stupid..mxxxm lucky champions kwisa? Leave my HR alone u monkey. Mu cibebmba “chi kolwe!” Mxxxxxx

  39. What happened in South Africa? I saw t§he coach just looking at the players playing without directing them at all. He also benched most influencial players like chris katongo and jacob Mulenga. Normally these were suppose to play together then to the same position in one game. I saw his looks as if there is something going on at FAZ. My conlusion is that he gave away the tournament. Is it something to do with money? Is he being paid or what is it? Why did chris katongo come alone without the team. Something is terribly wrong in the camp. the lads all look upset but no one is saying anything. Can the ministry of sport do an inquiry? Some body should tell something.

  40. What happened in South Africa? I saw the coach just looking at the players playing without directing them at all. He also benched most influencial players like chris katongo and jacob Mulenga. Normally these were suppose to play together than to play them the same position in one game. I saw Renard’s looks as if there is something going on at FAZ. My conlusion is that he gave away the tournament. Is it something to do with money? Is he being paid or what is it? Why did chris katongo come alone without the team. Something is terribly wrong in the camp. The lads all look upset but no one is saying anything. Can the ministry of sport do an inquiry? Some body should tell me something.

  41. It is a pity that Africa as a whole and ZNBC in particular is allowing persons with agendas to form Zambian opinion.

  42. I do not think that HR is a great coach, I think he had good or even exceptional players. Give him an avarage team he tambles (Angola in mind). The biggest problem I have right now is HR and FAZ officials are paying loyolties to the individual players that won the AFCON. Next month world cup qualifiers start, can we stop this loyolty business and select players on merit. Do not dismantle the team but rather strengthen it. Show the door to the likes of Chamanga, Kasonde,Felix K, Chintu, Sakuwaha, bring in Rodger Kola, Fwayo Tembo, Criford Mulenga and look arround in the Zambian league. Lets look forward please.

  43. Given a chance to meet this asshole ‘Gaye’ I’d give two very strong upper cuts and one very strong kick to his groin.

  44. Mamadou Gaye has been removed from Supersport panels after Issa Hayatou threatened to sue Supersport because in one show Mamadou labelled him as corrupt. Supersport has apologised to Hayatou and removed Mamadou from its soccer panels.
    Kalusha is also implicated as one of the complainants in the case

  45. @44, its not only ZNBC that ganged up and formed that useless opinion about chris katongo, MUVI tv with its amateur cheap labour soccer analysts was filth at it. Even the tutemba radio stations were in full swing forming lunatic opinions.

  46. Am surprised at the out-pour by zambian on gaye, like his name suggest he could be gay.. but in all honesty i doubt he gives a two cent about zambia, to him they were lucky, hmm okay!!

    he envies nigeria and ghana to the point he tries covering his bias with ludicrous reasoning.. however he is passionate for his country, and as a nigerian i cant blame him, Thats the spirit!!

    one thing for sure he can’t boast of an anc title in the golden age of Ivory coast football which is beyond sad..

    • let me tell you what was written in that book about you nigerians…
      thats exactly what you are. thieves, crooks, destroyers…. simply put, YOU ARE EVIL!

  47. We need more people like Mwiponta Mukabwela. You are talking pure sense without fear or favour. Keep it up!

  48. Its a pity that a lot of people are being naive in their postings. If Mamadou said that Zambia was lucky to win the Africa Cup in 2012, ask him if Ivory Coast had a team which was good enough to beat Ghana in 1992. In fact it would be correct to say that Ivory Coast would not have won that tournament had Abedi Pele played in the final. Zambia beat an Ivory Coast team with all its so called stars present. Any way, what i have noticed is that a lot of people supporting this Gaye have very little knowledge about African soccer.

  49. you see mamadou you are not football expert Mali is not praying final and will never be crowned chapions of Africa until you die. Please be ashmed to yourself, If your country where you come from they did not managed to reach quart er final last year and we managed to beat them with there stars. mind your language please because Bukina faso cannot be chapions of Africa but Zambia are chmpions 2012. remember we hummered your favorites last year Drogba thing and Zambia is not the only country which has gone out in preliminaries world school

  50. @Mature

    I am a Nigerian and all I can say is that it is sad that you as an African can hate your fellow Africans so much. There are 160 million Nigerians and we are all bad? Kanu, Okocha, Emeka Anyaoku, Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Akeem Olajuwon are all thieves and cockroaches? This attitude led to the genocide in Rwanda. Big shame that Europe has united while Africans are still fighting. Anyway here in Nigeria we have got nothing but love but all our African brothers and sisters and I suggest you take up a similar attitude. Hate kills.

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