Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Burkina Faso Coach Slams Dodgy Ref


Burkina Faso coach Paul Put slams referee Slim Jdidi of Tunisia for trying to deny his team the place in the 2013 Africa Cup final.

The Stallions qualified in dramatic style under a cloud of controversy winning 3-2 on post-match penalties following a 1-1 result against Ghana at the end of extra time at Mbombela Stadium.

The Tunisia referee denied Burkina Faso a penalty in the first half and disallowed an extra time goal before sending off star man Jonathan Petroipa for a second bookable offence in the 117th minute instead of awarding a penalty in his favour.

“I think the referee was the biggest star on the field,” Put said.

“I told the players at half time that we don’t need referees to win this game lets go out there and do it ourselves.

“We deserve to win and to qualify.”

Burkina Faso will play Nigeria in the final on Sunday at Soccer City in Soweto.

The final will be a repeat of the two team’s preliminary stage meeting in Group C that ended 1-1 at Mbombela.


  1. This AFCON final should have been between Nigeria and Zambia but as usual, our *****s were told to pray in tongues and believe Jesus can score for them. They are licking their wounds now. The game with Ethipia killed everything. I hope lessons were learnt this time around. Go and work hard and u will win.

    • Boss, you can say anything but don’t undermine the influence of Jesus Christ. Every living and non-living thing exists by him and if a soccer pundit or enthusiast is drawn to give all the credit to him, it is only due. After all, every good gift comes from above. For the first time since 1993, we have stopped mourning about “the team which – could have won the Africa cup, or the team which could have taken us to the world cup”. Now, we have the team. We just needed a break because we were now almost worshiping the game. Our time is not up yet. I hope we can get a world cup. Don’t get me wrong, The Lord blesses our efforts so the 2012 win was no fluke. We just did not score and no team outplayed us. Zambia left the tournament unbeaten. A statement in it’s own right.

    • the match against Ethiopia spoiled everything, we should have been in the final, we should have done this and that, we should use this method or that, sembe tinachita so, sembe tinachita vija, etc……….!!!!!!!!!! sembe, sembe sembe,sembe!!!

    • Unfortunately my brother Zambians sports men and administrators don’t learn and they will never learn. You will see them repeating the same mistakes.

    • I agree with you that it should have been us on that part only, which tears me to piecies though, otherwise, Burkinafaso worked hard for it and we didnt so i say they deserve it and am giving them my support, i also think Nigeria fought for it so both teams deserve to be there at this time, may the best team win, as for Ghana and Ivory coast, i hope we can all three move on, no more fighting as to whose the best, which team has more players in Europe, that doesnt count any more, chasing the ball does and putting it at the back of the net, aside with all that crap, it’s football we all love lets be all mature. By the way Mamadou whatever, go hang yourself!

    • Reply to LUSANGU ABOVE Pliz don’t bring in religion in sporting matters. U say “influence of Jesus Christ” ; u think Jesus can support one team over another? Trivial! . U say “every good gift comes from above”; don’t misapply scripture. Zambia had a bad gift in RSA so were did it come from? U say “The Lord blesses our efforts so the 2012 win was no fluke”; why didn’t The Lord bless the efforts of Ivory Cost. Use reason rather than emotion. No wonder you are enriching others by paying 10% of earnings per month!!

    • @ Pablo Escobar

      How is Medeline and you drug cartel posthumously?

      I support Burkinabes for the obvious reason that I oppose Nigeria to the hilt. Nothing good comes out of that country as far as I am concern. The Nigerians should not win because the bonobos will be more loud and corruption will go up.

      Viva Burkina Faso, land of honest people!

    • Pablo what you’re saying is true but Iam with Uko. Zambians believe Jesus should be involved in sorting out floods in Kanyama, stopping divorces in Lusaka widening the goals in Mbombela in short they dont want to act. They just want to pray for a miracle. As long as you are on earth its your effort that matters. If you are given lemons make the lemonade. If you are given brains…

    • When Zambia exited the competition I said that we would have defended the cup if we had good strikers. I am truly vindicated by the recent results. We outplayed both Nigeria and Burkina Faso. They are now in the finals. What we are lacking now is the strikers. I have no doubt we will qualify for the World Cup. Mr coach your only job now is to identify good strikers who can score. The team is playing well. We have good ball possession just like Barcelona but what we need now is strikers with hunger to score goals.

  2. This referee is a disgrace and should never be allowed anywhere near the game of football. I hope CAF can overturn the red card for their Bukinabe star and allow him to play in the finals. The ref was seriously compromised and makes Webb Howard’s decisions at Old Traffold look like nursery stuff.

  3. The ref was terrible. I am glad BF managed to win on penalties. It could have been great travesity for them to lose after a such a galant performace.
    As for Zambia, I think we had good chances to go all the way had we not thrown our game against Ethiopia. Both Nigeria & BF where on the back foot when we played against them. Teams normaly get better as they climb the ladder. I think we could have shown the true Chipolopolo fire had we gone past group stage.
    On the upside, I am very sure we are going to Brazil for the WC. I will be very shocked if we fail to go all out to prove all the skeptics that we still have substance after our last victory. GO Chipolopolo

    • When is it going to sink in your heads that we were just not good enough from the start….for crying out loud move on!!

    • Jay Jay, it is not wrong to say we still have substance. It is also clear that we were not good enough. I mean, that is why we watch from the TV. The team just need a revival of hunger. We lost it in this afcon and the early exit has added a notch to our mental attitudes. We can go very far from now on and may even record better rankings than we even did when we reigned…. with time.

  4. Frankly the refereeing at this tournament has been an utter disgrace….I highly doubt if these guys are making use of comms. kits and communicating with their linesmen or are they all compromised.

  5. So Zambia are the 3rd, since its group C in finals. Group C was the group of death. Congratulations the uncastrated male horses = Stallions.

  6. Tunisian ref ought not go scott free. He should be red-carded too. First he awarded Ghana a controversial pernalty, then denied Burkina Faso a clear penalty and disallowed a clear goal that should have been Burkina Faso’s winning goal. Talk about the red card to Burkina Faso’s star player! Is it coincidental that it’s the referees from North Africa who seem to be making these kinds of headlines at Afcon 2013?

  7. Where is the crap mama whatever who was predicting the final to be between Ghana vs Nigeria ? It’s interesting to note that the finalists and eventually the champions are coming from the same Group C?


  9. I suspect that what they wanted was what was described as a dream final-Ghana vs Nigeria(board decision). The Stallions had something different and that is to make someone’s dream doesnt come to pass. Poetic justice prevailed and so I give it to Burkinabes on Sunday in 90 minutes

    • Ever heard of the famous Bobo-Dioulasso and Ouagadougou?
      If you were at UNZA in the 90’s you will certainly remember these names.

  10. Ethopia nechiwa chobe zooonna u spoiled zambia ‘s afcon dreams.nigeria cudnt beat zambia the way the wired mali,it al goes to show chipolopolo ‘s character.Ghana wafwa ne mpolompolo world cup tawakaimyange this time ni zambia ku brazil

  11. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all that recognize Him and He is God of all including those that recognize Him. The Nigerian and Burkinabe teams have Christians in their teams too. Jesus’ job in His word is to encourage u to work hard and work as a team with a lot of discipline. The rest is up to u. If u don’t win, don’t blame it on lack of prayer, blame it on lack of practice and tactics. Its written all over the new testament on how Jesus rewards hard and honest work. The BF and Nigerians are being rewarded by hard work, that’s all. Zambians must stop thinking Jesus is a national souvenir. He is LORD and GOD of ALL!

    • Jesus does not encourage competition.There is no love in competion.Remember God is love.Forget about God answering comnpetition prayers.Actually,the devil enjoys competition because it breeds enermity.Look at Mamadou Gaye and Kalusha/Zambia now.pure enermity.Those who pray for the other team to loose don,t know God,they have no love for the brother/sr.

    • Sekeleti seek help, you spoil such a wonderful morning sure, how do you do that really?!!!!!! YOu are the same chaps who still steal from poor church goers and do unbelievable sins under the cover of darkness, you disgust me, leave God or Jesus out of this, shame on you!

  12. Ever heard of the famous Bobo-Dioulasso and Ouagadougou?
    If you were at UNZA in the 90’s you will certainly remember these names.

  13. Ever heard of the famous Bobo-Dioulasso and Ouagadougou?
    If you were at UNZA in the 90’s you will certainly remember these names.

  14. The referee who officiated the game between Zambia and Nigeria only made one blunder by awarding Zambia the so called “soft penalty” . CAF did not hesitate but sent him home immediately. Yesterdays referee made many blunders (1) gave Ghana “soft penalty” (2) denied the Bukinabes a clear penalty (3) denied the Bukinabes a clear goal etc. If CAF does nothing about this referee then i will agree to what many claims as CAF being BIASED against other southern African teams more against Zambia.

    • Unfortunately, there is no more home to send them; they are all going home soon, anyway! Burkinabes clearly deserved better treatment. North African refs had a bad tournament, generally – don’t understand why.

  15. some of these referees are trying to meet what the bookmakers have predicted. most predicted Nigeria and Ghana to be in the final, so CAF should keep an eye on match fixing. Do you know that most people/organisations have poured scorn on Zambia because the victory last year could have upset the bookmakers-they may have lost money. CAF should keep an eye on match fixing.

  16. Now will see if CAF is transparent, they had sent Egyptian ref for 1 purpoted mistake, now yesterday’s referee made 5 blunders (1) Denied Bukfso a penalty (2) gave Ghana “soft penalty” (3) denied the Bukinabes a clear goal (4) denied the Bukinabes a clear penalty (5) Removed Bukfso’s key player so that he does play the next game. Srely football should not be like that. If CAF does nothing about this referee then i will agree to what many claims that CAF has some favored teams such as Nigeria,Ivory coast & ghana being BIASED against other African teams more against southern. It time to think of withdrawing frm this schemed & planned games. Lets wait for the 2013 final on sunday.

  17. The Referee for Ghana vs. Burkina Faso game was a joke who brings shame to AFCON. If CAF let him go free, then African football is dead. His decisions were unheard of. Free Penalties, disallowing goals?? God was with Burkina hence the win. He will see them thru to win the cup for the 1st time. The boys are determined and fighters. Congruts to Burkina Faso.

  18. @Uko,

    I agree with you entirely, we need to separate religious beliefs and views from certain aspects of our lives, competing in a game of soccer is so mundane that you dont need to involve God and claim you are the only one who will be favoured because you are blessed!!! Infact, we should disband that Chipolopolo cell groups, Renhard was being polite when he asked for prayers but also demanded for those who could make it to be in the stadium to give support.

    As supprters, we also failed in travelling in numbers to provide support to our groups, but the speaking in tongues and waiting for miraculous victories is not only misguided but counter-productive, in my view!!

    We could have taken care of Ghana last night, and they would have been scared out of their skins as we beat them…


  20. It time we put things straight.I still believe that there was some match fixing in the way the referee handled the game.We need an overhaul of the CAF administration as it is being run in a biased way.

  21. Match fixing in africa is now a hot issue Ghana had 12 players on the pitch the twelfth being the ref what a shame they still couldnt win.

  22. So from day one 19th February 2013, God knew that the reigning Champions were in group C, the would be Champions were in group C and the run-up the the Champions also in Group C.

  23. The intimidating looks of Bance.I liked the commentator on SS when he called Bance, the vicious blond terrorizing Ghana defense. The man is a stud.


  25. Wel done Burkinafaso u deserve to be in de final. On Zambia is not good enough becoz of many passengers in the team who feel they are stars… Rainford Kalaba, C.Katongo, Mbola ‘re some of the culprits that contributed to downfall of chipolopolo at de AFCON.
    Kalaba was not helpful to the team when is off the ball, de guy can’t mark or tackle, Katongo can’t create and pass de ball or deliver crosses to the two front strikes and the same applies to Mbola, full of breakdowns when the guy overlaps couldn’t deliver a proper cross in the final third… Zambia should learn to use the players dat have the hunger …..

  26. Did you people on here see the reaction of Kone B the most humble player at the AFCON when the referee awarded Ghana a spot kick ?

  27. burkinanabe bance truely reflects as a natural son of africa. I really like his stature which is intimidating to the defenders.

  28. zambia won the cup by fluke that’s why you where running up and down in the streets lying yourselves that you have been awarded 3 points, learn to work hard you will never win again AFCON tukamona. mamadou is the best analyst in the continent pliz basupersport bring him back he always say the truth, he said zambia won by fluke there it is zambia was eliminated in group stages his statement was true.

  29. Pwa ha ha ha kekekekekekekekekek
    Yes,yes yes I said it much much earlier, the Ghanaian team was taught a lesson by what seemingly was a game between 1 Bance of Burkina Faso and the entire team of the uncircumcised dark stars. I said it before the match that we were yet to witness the circumcising of the little stars of Ghana by the Burkinabes.
    Ghana team was tortured, mitilated, humbled, butchered, wired, whipped, wedged, masarcered, split apart, humiliated, disengaged, deformed, demolished, disaggregated by the stallions of Burkina faso. Even with the help of the stupid referee, the uncircumcised boys of Ghana failed lamentably to carry the day. Against all odds, Burkina Faso rode on the backs of the self proclaimed best African footballers. I can imagine the high levels of adrenali

  30. …….and you say Ghana can represent Africa. Go to sleep my friend for you do not what you are talking about. Am sure streets in Accra and other municipals are damn mute.
    You quacks were awarded a fake penalty, demanded another penalty through your captain, Gyan. A clear goal was denied to my colleagues, the burkinabes (that referee must indeed be dismissed). You bought the referee to red-card Pitroipa (Pitroipa should and must appeal to be allowed to play the final, I love the guy.)
    After your boys were circumcised by Bance, they were in pain and developed rickets, and kicked penalties while spreading their legs, thereby missing the goal post. Ha ha ha ha ha ha k eke k eke ke. That was really good to see.

  31. What a shame on that Ref! Where is CAF and what is going on in this bunch of crooks? Surely, the whole world should be laughing at us. In the history of AFCON, I think this is the waste kind of officiating I have ever seen. Where did CAF pick these refs from? Teams spend time and money training to go and win tournaments, only to be stopped by useless refs. Congrats the Stallions, you deserved it and looking forward to your lifting the cup on Sunday. Ghana and Mali are used to play for 3rd and 4th places.

  32. CAF must be cuffed for applying double standards. Otherwise the Tunisian ref must be reprimanded and reprimanded more severely than was the Egyptian ref. Poor refereeing is destroying the standard of football in Africa. And the North African refs are the more vulnerable to game fixing schemes. Glad Ghana were compelled to eat a humble pie by resilient Burkina Faso despite the shameless twelfth player.

  33. Well done Burkina Faso!

    I am fully behind you. I declared after Zambia’s exit that I would support you all the way!

    Shame on Slim.

    As for my Chipolopolo, the boys did not really want this. If they have seen how Bukinabe have outplayed all opposition, they should learn something. Last year our boys put up a fight. They wanted the cup then. This year, even though they did not lose a game, they failed to score meaningful goals.

    We look to a goal scoring performance in our quest to turn up at the World Cup…

  34. The apparent corruption has declined Soccer in Africa due to CAF allowing one man to remain president from 1988 to date. He even chooses which team should win whenever Cameroon is absent, and which region should reach finals. Abash Hayatou, Kalusha and anyone who supports the present CAF. There should be no Third Terms in Soccer Administration except for professionals like players, coaches and referees. Everyone in CAF and FAZ have out-lived their usefulness. Thanks for over-staying around, now it is time to over-haul the whole lot of you. Congrats humble and hard working Burkinabes. I wish for you every success. All the proud national teams ought to be humbled, even by God Himself through humiliating loses. Just as it was last year,so it is going be this year.

  35. Guys is it ironic that the two teams in the AFCON finals came from Group C…..??? We should as chipolopolo soccer fans be proud of our team and what they did in South Africa. CAF in conjunction with South African organizers made sure that Zambia didn’t reach the finals again hence putting us in Mpumalanga playing at a sandy Mbombela stadium. Too many con men at CAF. They wanted to see a Ghana vs Ivory Coast finals. But as most of you have mentioned, the game is played on pitch and not in Hayatou’s stupid head. B/Faso and Nigeria deserve to be in the finals. Next stop for Zambia is the WC in Brazil. Remember Ghana are really scared of playing against us. All we need is two good strikers not Mbesuma. C Katongo,Mayuka still have lots to offer. As for Kalaba,we need him, the boy is…

  36. The Black Stars were a pale shadow of their former selves. Could it be they were aware of the twelfth player on the pitch who was going to be the magic player to put them through to the finals? Too sad they have to meet their traditional nemesis, Mali, for the third place play-off once more.

  37. that referee reminded me of the comical decisions made by english premier league referees. If you are stressed just watch epl matches from your laughter, stress ll disappear.
    That tunisian referee must be caged at robben island for 10 yrs for acting like a terrorist that day. By the way, was he not the guy i used to see on cnn carrying an AK47 in the streets of tunis to oust BEN ALI from the presidency.

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