Friday, March 7, 2025

The nation should forget about a bumper harvest under PF-HH


Hakainde Hichilema
Hakainde Hichilema

Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema has charged that the country should forget about recording a bumper harvest under the Patriotic Front government.

Mr. Hichilema said that the late delivery of farming input coupled with the effects of the army worms will contribute to a poor harvest this year.

Speaking to QFM news, Mr. Hichilema said that unless the PF government changes its agricultural policy, the country will never record bumper harvests as was the case in the previous regime.

He said that it is time President Michael Sata started acting on all the promises made during the campaigns stating that time is already running out and that citizens cannot wait any more.

Mr. Hichilema said that it is very unfortunate that the PF government is proving to the people of Zambia in a very wrong way of running away from its responsibilities.



  1. CNP does not even have a chicken run not even a small potion of land to plough. he had only declared 7 guns.

    he is a bandit.

    • Though MMD said Sata will never be President, what they (MMD) sadly overlooked was that Sata was a proletariat, a grassroots leader and organizer and he had the plan of how we was going to win the vote of the people that eventually propelled him and his PF party into power.

      Conversely, HH and his UPND have nothing to show in that direction. All we see is a steady and definitive dwindling and deteriorating of his political fortunes and propagation of violence as a means to win support!!

      We need a strong, focused and resolute opposition but there is none at the moment.

      The UPND leadership must be bold enough and cut off the rotten head to try and position themselves for political renewal.

      In their current muddled state, they only qualify for political history.

    • HH is saying the truth. Shortage of meal mealie and you are saying he is bitter. Guess you just like to be lied or you don’t to hear the truth.

    • no one was born a president and you are not God to tell some that you will not be a president, only God who knows.Pray to God that he can show the vision of who will be the president.The bembas say eko usulile ekopa noko. It means that the whom you think is useless will mary your mother.

  2. Yes we never had land for part time farming like LMP and RB even you HH .My hubby specializes in lies and deceit to make quick money from government resources .We have no time to wait for three months,FRA to pay etc.We just make a trip anywhere within or outside the country we are smiling with dollars .So katwishi this year with maize hope they won’t be food riots like in KK’s time .Things will be tough this year mwandi HH.

  3. HH if God has anointed you, your time will come to rule Zambia and we shall judge you by your acts and leadership kills, Right now you still have a lot to do politically to make your self a best candidate in future elections.

  4. I heard the “Sata will never rule Zambia” insinuation before, look what happened. One thing we should all know is no one has monopoly over people’s decisions. Ask RB he tell you how you can lose power with a big-head mentality that cropping up in PF especially it’s tribal leanings.

  5. HH could learn a bit from Elias Chipimo’s way of telling government where they are going wrong and what sort of alternatives they could consider. Secondly, to say Sata won the elections despite people saying he wouldnt, and therefore assume the same could happen to HH is to read the signs and the times very wrong. PF was recording an uphill progress until they got into office, whereas, with UPND, since Mazoka’s demise (MHSRIP), they’ve been recording a downward spiral… It is arrogant and political suicide to refuse to see this trend, and to refuse to associate it with the style of leadership.

    • You are wrong statistically. Look at the number of MPs. You change yo mind after Mpongwe and Livingstone

      in 2001 40plus
      1996 21
      2011 30

    • Thanks Pola… Gud Zambian, thanks for presenting your case statisticwise… Still, I would say that from 40 plus to 30 does not suggest a rise… He lost 19 and gained 9. I concede that anything can happen, and I dont rule out the possibility of being taken by surprise, but I still think that the comparison between HH’s momentum and Sata’s momentum before the elections that saw PF into power is not comparable. I also insist that to say because it worked for Sata it will therefore work for HH is to use the wrong premise. The fact of the matter is that HH will have to work very hard if he is to get there, and so far his only strategy is to shoot down the PF government, imitating what PF did to MMD. He needs to get original.

    • what! Talking of chipimo a toddler comprared to HH, utter nonsense. CNP before then was thought to have the wisdom of developing Zambia but time and his leadership style has proved it wrong. The man has taken Zambia 20 years behind. The 90 days development did it happen? Infact its the reason for accidents. People wanted decent roads and Pf promised to do that in 90 days.

  6. HH, the current agricultural policy that is in place i’m sure is same that the previous govt was using. I’m not aware if PF has changed this policy. So you calling for change of policy, and at the same time praising the previous agricultural policy is confusing. If the policy was so successful during the MMD’s time and but this time is failling, then to me what needs to change is not the policy but implemetation of it. Perhaps what you needed to say was that PF needs to emulate MMD in implementing that policy.

    • It is not for you Tribalist to tell anyone who they should vote for. Since you are bitter with the choice in state house right now, wait until 2016, after which you will proudly lift your smelly arm pits and praise God. Insulting people will not take you anywhere. Instead of campaigning, you are just busy insulting others. God is watching you cow herders and you will be shamed yet again in 2016. Maybe in 2036 and just maybe.

    • Why giving solutions to CNP who told you that he will make a difference from RB, let him starve you iddiots so that next time you use your brains to vote

  7. pity you seem to be carried away by bitterness and envy such that whatever comes out of your mouth is rubbish.hh you will never rule will die of envy and bitterness. are you God or a prophet of doom to say that we will never have bumper harvest under pf you mason,devil worshiper

    • it is not bitterness it is telling the truth on PF failures. EXCEPT the truth hates and PF is being exposed of there failure. Chipimo is not a politician he is a theroretical lecturer. those who want to be in class they can go and attend chipimo’s lectures. As for HH he is a politician on the battle field exposing PF lies and failure.

  8. The head of state is not changing anytime soon bwana tribalist,,lets live with what we have and see how we can get results using the current tools,LT block consistant insulters from this blog like tribalist,shaka and his collegue N though bitter and always againest but they dont insult and are sometimes quite constructive.

  9. I have been a staunch supporter of PF but Iam disappointed with the way they have handled this season’s distribution of inputs. I think minister Chenda has remetably failed to manage the ministry. The President if he really cares and knows the deservice this is doing to him and the party as a whole, should immediately fire the inept minister who has failed to deliver because of incompetence.

  10. Ba LT, why are you allowing these useless chaps from ZWD to destroy your site with insults? If you want us to stop visiting your site, continue abeting compound manners. Their site moderates who post and the content. You cannot criticize their man or your post will never see the light of day. Please spare us from these real Kaponyas

    • Yes please, start scrutinising the messages we post, too much insulting truly. I have tried to post my comments on ZWD, as long as it is against HH or UPND, they will not publish it. Please save us from being insulted like we are not adults.

  11. Forza HH! We are tired of having retarded Presidents whose major qualification is tribe and vile language. Kaunda, Chiluba and Sata all failed the Agriculture sector. Levy and RB suceeded. Why! Zambians dont make the same mistake! Vote for producers not takers!

    • Thank you for your advice. I will try Sata yet again after this term becuase I know he will heed your advice too. As for HH, you can continue cheating yourselves that he would ever take the mantle. Ubufumu belongs to Bemba speaking clan bwana.

    • Electorate, youre free to vote for your fellow tribalist! You lot have no shame! Lusaka is now very dirty because of having a very dirty and unproductive government! A govt of moochers and takers who thinkthat maize, beef, soya , milk etc are produced in Supermarkets!

    • I will vote for him only on one condition, if he cuts his hair and divorces his wife and promise to marry me before being sworn in. Atase, rubbish I can’t stand mabisi and cowdung. Too smelly.

  12. 90 days is not yet. let those who don’t like to hear the truth continue trusting the liar coz the truth hurts. More in the pockets means more death on the roads. Dual carriage way is just another 90 days promise which will never be done.

  13. Bembas you make me laugh, you are the most highly consumer of michopo when drinking your beers, and T.Bone but you are busy making fun of cows and sour milk. shame on you ba kawalala, get some education please!

    • What makes you think that everyone sending comments is Bemba? So you are just confirming that you are Tonga heee and how much you hate Bembas tefyo. But how come you educated people have never ruled this country? Education is not about leadership my friend. Leadership comes from God and if you are a blessed tribe, Harry Mwanga would have been president but alas due to Tonga curse, he couldn’t become one and instead God chose the man who settled in Bemba soil. Kekekekeke

  14. Politicians have a way of providing sound bites that can provide campaign material for their opponents. As much as this is his honest opinion (which he is entitled to) for the sake of the nation I hope each government works though challenges to find a ‘bumper harvest’ for the people. To hope for anything less is defeatist.

  15. It is true HH. What do you expect from Sata who doesn’t have a farm. His predecessors such as RB and late Mwanawasa were retreating to their farms when on holidays. The late Mwanawasa was proud of tilling the soil and we knew his farms. Sata does not have a chicken or pigeon at his house.

    • Not all of us should be gardeners or farmers. This is a choice and normally is a regional issue. I hate farming; even if you gave me a farm for free I would reject it outright.

  16. HH provide solution to this problem the same way Chipimo Elias Jnr. is doing than criticizing with no alternative. I will vote for NAREP next time.

    • Chipimo? Youre the the jokers who gave us Sata……nist. Enough of your tribal experiements! Some zygote who cannot even win a ward election is somehow expected to takeover from his tribesmate! You lot have no shame!

    • So, you just want HH because he is your tribesman? You Tonga’s are the worst tribalists this country has ever produced. So it is not about quality but tribe in your view Concalves? You always think of leadership with tribe and cows. We will see if that will ever happen, a Tonga in plot one, can’t never.

  17. What do you suggest should be done for the poor Zambian that will suffer directly from this set back? forget about the cream of the crop in Zambia but our people in deep down choma, monze, kasama, chinsali mpulungu, rural kabwe, shanty lusaka, c/belt etc etc, tell me sir, i want to know what you and the rest of us can do to help the masses that will not be able to make nshima a three time meal per day or even once, instead of pointing fingers at those who may not even eat that stuff, only when they miss it, otherwise, i will believe what they say about you, i dont want to cause i want to give you a value of benefit of doubt, tell me as a non tribalist zambian who love every zambian, HH tell me the solution, what are you going to do about it?

  18. Why is it that all the comments posted on the UPND Dog watch are not published if they are against HH or UPND.

    Thanks to Luasaka Times. Keep it up.

  19. Again HH is going against the wind. How can a serious politician talk like that? He wants starvation to hit Zambia?

    Can’t this man clearly see that he has failed politically?

  20. Most blogers on Lt are pathetic failures who ‘re hired by a dying president to just hit at everything no matter the sense. Where will you get a bumper harvest when pf government has killed farming? There is hunger in many parts of Zambia because pf has hiked price or mealie meal which it can’t aslo make available on the market. it very true that on the ground mr. CNP and pf are so unpopular with many sane people thereby making your wishful thinking that you will rise above board to sink. HH or Nevers shall be in state house sooner than you realize. keep supporting what God has cursed and you too will partake of the curses.

  21. Most blogers on Lt are pathetic failures who ‘re hired by a dying president to just hit at everything no matter the sense. Where will you get a bumper harvest when pf government has killed farming? There is hunger in many parts of Zambia because pf has hiked price or mealie meal which it can’t also make available on the market. it very true that on the ground mr. CNP and pf are so unpopular with many sane people thereby making your wishful thinking that you will rise above board to sink. HH or Nevers shall be in state house sooner than you realize. keep supporting what God has cursed and you too will partake of the curses.

  22. I had retired from making comments on this blog and stood on the watch tower for over one and half years to observe if Zambians changed in the style of debate. Alas! nothing has changed. Still the same name calling, childish, lack of substance and partisan debates. God save us although we are unrepentant even after making major mistakes.

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