Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Gary Nkombo and others walk to freedom as PF cadre is charged with the murder of his colleague


UNITED Party for National  Development  (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema waves at by standers (not in picture) after Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo and seven others were set free by the magistrate court in Livingstone
UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) leader Hakainde Hichilema waves at by standers (not in picture) after Mazabuka Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo and seven others were set free by the magistrate court in Livingstone

Mazabuka Central UPND member of parliament Garry Nkombo and seven others who were facing a murder charge have walked to freedom after the Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito discontinued the case against them.

The eight appeared in the magistrates courts in Livingstone this morning and were informed that the DPP had written to discontinue the case against them and were there by set free.

The murder charge arose from the death of PF cadre Harrison Chanda who was allegedly hacked by suspected UPND carders about two weeks ago.

Meanwhile, a PF cadre Henry Harry Lungu 26, unemployed of B2 30 Libuyu compound in Livingstone has been formerly charged with the murder of Harrison Chanda.

When asked if he understood the charge by Magistrate Chola Musonda Lungu affirmed and he will appear in the magistrate court for mention on March 25, 2013.

A case of murder in the Zambian statutes is a non- bail able offence and carries a death penalty when found guilty.

It is alleged that on February 25, 2015 in Livingstone of Southern Province in the republic of Zambia, Lungu did murder one Harrison Chanda contrary to section 200 of the Penal Code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

The matter would come up on March 25 this year for a mention while awaiting instructions from the DPP.

And Mr Lungu asked the court to facilitate his CD4 count check at the Hospital as police had allegedly denied him access to his medical check-up.

He also said there was need for the police to bring his medicine from his home because he was unwell.

Earlier when he arrived at the court, Mr Lungu resisted going into court cells and police officers had a tough time taking him into the cells.

The court premises were surrounded by several police officers.

Earlier after their release from court, the eight UPND members took to the streets of Livingstone with their supporters in celebration over the discontinuation of the case and walk to freedom.

The celebration caused congestion on the road and many people stopped doing their usual business to catch a glimpse of the released UPND members while others ran alongside the moving vehicles to show their support while waving the UPND party symbol.

MAZABUKA Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo (with arm band) and seven others took to the streets with UPND supporters in celebration over the discontinuation of the case and walk to freedom in Livingstone
MAZABUKA Central Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo (with arm band) and seven others took to the streets with UPND supporters in celebration over the discontinuation of the case and walk to freedom in Livingstone

And United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakinde Hichilema has advised the police to make proper investigations before accusing and arresting people of serious offences like murder.

He described the treatment received by the seven members of UPND in jail as inhuman.

Mr Hichilema claimed that the ruling PF party was just trying to tarnish the image of the UPND to the public.

Mr. Hichilema further claimed that the police knew who the alleged killers of Chanda were but tried to frame the UPND for a crime they did not commit.

“Under PF you are guilty before you are tired. This is the brutality we talk about concerning the rule of the PF “, he said.

He said the party will consult their lawyers on the way forward now that the case has been discontinued.

He said the people of Livingstone now know UPND is not a violent party and the people of Zambia know that UPND is a victim of a state sponsored scheme by the ruling party to frame it for crimes they have not committed.

He said there is no comfort for the people involved; state needs to explain why the arrested innocent people and some people need to be brought to book like western province minister Obvious Mwaliteta whom he accused of assaulting Mazabuka Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo at the police station which left him with a fractured arm.

The defense team made it known to the court that the medical report of the victim has gone missing and has made a request to the court to help provide them with a medical report signed by a certified medical doctor.

The magistrate granted the request which he asked the Public Prosecutor to avail it to him.



    • Dear your excellence President Sata, I may not be happy of your few mistakes such as your open tribalism appointments of BEMBAS in most GRZ position,but I still find you to be a honest and genuine open minded person, I pray sakeni,George challah and shushuzy will rely to u my messege. Let us serve the world soulfully. The pay we will receive for our service will be in the currency of gratitude. God’sgratitude. Am proud that you kept your word by keeping his honour the vice president Guy scot as vice president, this shows how accommodative us Zambians are.I pray for your good health and that of our beloved vice president

    • I got my british passport and naturalisation as british citizen 5 years ago. I had hope RB a sensible and normal president would succeed to introduce Dual citizenship but then bad omen fell on mother zambia we accidentally elected a president who doesn’t understand anything about Global village after that embarrassing press briefing in uk where he said you can’t be a catholic and an Anglican at the same time convinced me to now renounce my Zambian citizenship. Every time I come to Zambia I would hide my other passport down in my suitcase. Can someone guide me on how I can renounce my Zambian nationality. Where can I dump this chi green passport and NRC?

    • Go and throw it at the zambian embassy or flush it down the loo or better still burn it.

    • Okay…so Mr Chanda a PF member was killed by another PF member and the police arrested the opposition which eventually led to cancellation of elections…very professional indeed. We need to acknowledge when a wrong has been committed…this is a serious indication of grade sevens running the show…thinking within a very tiny box. Lets see what the government will say about this development! They surely must be happy with the police!!!

    • This Mutembo Nchito is really going against Sata. Anyone PF arrests, DPP is setting them free. This is really annoying to Sata & Kabimba.
      And Sata just asked same Mutembo to get some money from HH, I bet Mutembo is a prodigal son now, he will not touch HH.

    • The truth has finally come out!!! I have said on this forum before, there is ENOUGH GOOD PEOPLE in our country, let us stand up and be counted. Report all wrong doings and let us not agree to be bribed into doing evil things. This evil doing would not have seen the light of day had not been for alert citizens. Shame on DPP Nchito, shame on you!!

    • And another one by June…that will make three everything else considered! Am glad I did it…the alternative could have been…thinking like you. Since we are staying in the same country and you no doubt know me…TELL IT IN MY FACE THE NEXT TIME YOU MEET ME. BE REAL…

  1. Now is the time for UPND to look at the case and get ample legal advice. Alot of people in PF are implicated, Mwaliteta for a start for perverting the course of justice. This case will put the police force and the judicial system on trial as well. We wait with baited breath!

  2. These PF fools they are more brutal and heartless than even those UNIP vigilantes. So what that Katanga prostitute sayings now? She is nothing but a PF cadre in police uniform. She is a useless ***** who does not deserve the LLB she was awarded if that is what she learnt in her studies. What about the mad man and Summer Kabimba who wanted UPND even as late as yesterday to send message of condolence and apologies to Chanda’s family because they murdered him when the fool knew too well who the killer was. Had it not been for the ZWD exposing the conspiracy against Nkombo and UPND through some sources within the police system Gary and UPND would have been the killers. What a shame and pathetic these fools can be just to win an election.

    • Let your wife be cadre also it s free to join so that you can enjoy the brown envilop,other wise will be crying until you cry no more

  3. These PF fools they are more brutal and heartless than even those UNIP vigilantes. So what that Katanga prostitute sayings now? She is nothing but a PF cadre in police uniform. She is a useless ***** who does not deserve the LLB she was awarded if that is what she learnt in her studies. What about the mad man and Summer Kabimba who wanted UPND even as late as yesterday to send message of condolence and apologies to Chanda’s family because they murdered him when the fool knew too well who the killer was. Had it not been for the ZWD exposing the conspiracy against Nkombo and UPND through some sources within the police system Gary and UPND would have been the killers. What a shame and pathetic these fools can be just to win an election. What next?

  4. Mmmmhu! I still sense that the truth hasn’t yet been revealed…wonder who paid the poor guy to do what he did…if at all theres any truth to the story! I smell a big rat!

    • …..And they picked an AIDs guy to do the evil act because he was thought to be dead anyways. This is SAD indeed.


    • @chisenga,,, my boy you had cheap shots at me this morning! Yes my english was gramatical wrong, but better than your sata… tell me do want to know my profession`??

    • @chisenga,,, Am an artist a product of the florence academy of art italy, i draw better than i write,,, tell me what you have done,, imbwa iwe, i drew way out of poverty. At least i can read and understand english ( wrong as it may sound to your stupid ears), swedish and many other zambian languages,,,, tell me what you do and you can do iwe imbwa mwana wa muchi ngololo

    • Are you serious? How can NKombo manage that under the pf stinking nose? You are one hell of a nauseating prick.

    • How? U must be very stupid. How can Gray pay some govt officials while in cells? They wud have been the same pipo implicating him for bribing a public officer. Pliz think with you brains and not yo belly.

    • ‘a PF cadre Henry Harry Lungu 26, unemployed of B2 30 Libuyu compound in Livingstone has been formerly charged with the murder of Harrison Chanda’. Please read carefully Chisenga, that’s why you fail exams.

    • Learn to read first, we don’t do rallies to get info like PF please go learn to read, we can’t be interpreting everything for you.

  6. The so called Patriotic Front is a party of crazies! Honestly there’s no normal person who would think of framing innocent people of a murder they didn’t commit. And the PF sycophants who were defending nonsense must be ashamed of themselves , that is if they have any decency at all.

  7. sorry, HH invested in farming and real estate and only has 1 wife with a few kids. sata invested in guns and has several wives with countless number of children. between the two, who is likely to be poor?

  8. But why are you already sentencing the youngman Henry Harry Lungu, so called PF Cadre; doesn’t he deserve a fair trial before being called the “Killer”? The Police acted responsibly in arresting their suspects then, who included Hon. Nkombo, and they are right again in arresting their new suspect, Henry Harry Lungu. The DPP is also right in releasing Hon. Nkombo with colleagues after finding the alleged evidence against them was insufficient.

    where is your soberness ba LT bloggers?

  9. its not PF or UPND,its the mind set of Zambians coz today were r UNIP tomorrow MMD,next yr PF, the country is jst immature.

  10. Our president should not trust his informers before gathering full information. U know it does not auger well where the president speaks ill of other parties when actually people are fighting for positions in his own party. Killing each other.

    Our beloved president be brave and apologise to the nation over your bad remarks you made to innocent people. We love you all. If you want to rule by the Ten Commandments the bible says listen much and be slow to react. AMEN

  11. Mwaliteta and his minions ..the cow dung pf cadres should pay Garry and the rest..we are happy you are out..

    • The President should realise that for as long as his party associates with the likes of Mwaliteta, he will end up having to sweep the rubbish caused by these illiterates. He needs a team of clean literate professionals to govern affairs of his behalf. Imagine Mwaliteta thought that was a solution to the problem. Crazy really.

  12. Gerry Nkombo and team must now prepare a suit against the state for wrongful arrest, humiliation and loss of dignity for a sum of $ 100 million to be used for the 2016 campaign with Gerry as president for UPND.


    • In a nolle its difficult to sue the State because the case technically still exists. It means the Police can still re arrest if fresh evidence is adduced. So the case is in abeyance. This is the law PF will repeatedly use to humiliate, brutalize and blackmail innocent citizens and political opponents. Lock u up for 2 weeks for a bizarre and fictitious crime, scandalize your name, then enter a nolle and hold u to ransom because u can be re arrested if “fresh” evidence is found. If there is evidence this law is being abused to settle political scores and cannot be challenged locally, isn’t it high time citizens used international courts to seek redress? Nkombo was brutalized by ZP through Katanga and assaulted by Mwaliteta in presence of State police at a police Station, scandalized by…

  13. No lie can live forever…. Martin L King jr 1951

    The moral arch of the universe is long but it bends toward justice … Martin L. King Jr 1950

  14. Zambia needs serious prayers. Christians it is time to pray for Zambia without ceasing, everything happening in any nation is a reflection of the state of the Church in that nation.

  15. Leaders of Political parties need to be held responsible for their cadres violence.

    • Leaders have the authority to tame their cadres and enforce a zero tolerance for violence which should also be part of their manifestos.

  16. I believe Mwaliteta Orchestrated this whole Saga. An investigation needs to be done thoroughly. The Zambian Judicial system has continued to be the only voice of reason in the country. This Bemba Magestrate Judge in Livingstone needs to be commended for an excellent job of going above tribe. To Garry I say congrats. You now need to go to Botswana or SA for a thorough medical check up. Then you need to come back and sue Mwaliteta for assault. Sata and Kabimba need to step down.

  17. A lesson for opposition parties, do not retaliate or use self defense even when provoked greatly to ensure that you are not blamed for violence or have your party name tainted with violence, record all incidents of violence for international bodies and let the planners of violence implicate themselves.

  18. A challenge to NGO’s, CSO’s and Churches please educate Zambians not to be used for violence by selfish politicians, be proactive and do not just come up with speeches once there is violence . Prevention is better than cure.

  19. Look him at that untruthful **** Gary in the picture, last week he was crying like a small toddler about his broken arm today he is fit as a bull. This is the last time you will ever preach about Mapatizya Formula…

  20. we are all behind u garry and upnd, whatever the case might be come 2016 we are forming government . we thank you for being strong and loyal to the party, and the president HH not these *****s who re being bought(mps) by pf.

  21. Sata needs to apologise to UPND for branding them violend murderers when its his own cadres who did the job. Mwaliteta needs to be fired for his lies.

    UPND needs to sue the state for compensation. Nkombo in particular needs compensation from the police worth billions of rebased kwaacha for sleeping in those cells for nothing, just because PF cadres have killed each other.

  22. Will Katanga still remain in her job after this embarrassing PF scandal?
    She and Mwaliteta must be investigated and charged with perversion of justice which led to the unlawful arrest, detention, torture and humiliation of innocent people.
    This case is far from over, all key players must be identified and brought to book. They all PF.

  23. This is so sooo dirty! The PF and their Post will do anything to tarnish the image of the UPND, to ensure people disappointed with their non-performance are not swayed over to the UPND, which is the Govt in waiting now. Really shame, when you consider what was said and done about/to UPND. Just how do you brutalise people like that, and hope to be forgiven!

  24. What does this mean to the PF?Well ,this can only be interpreted as a publicity stance after all the awes we have seen happen inocent people.People like HH and Mumba have had had to be banged in jail while Nchito,Mmembe,Kabimba, kapopo etc are let off because of a politically compromised justice system.We have see this irresponsible government bring in Judge Chakopa from Malawi who has now become a pain on the backside of all tax payers as if there no priorities in the country.Sakeni,Kabimba and Masebo are now the old “school prefects” of Zambia as they have smeared themselves with excess power and authourity.

  25. What does this mean to the PF?Well ,this can only be interpreted as a publicity stance after all the awes we have seen happen to inocent people.People like HH and Mumba have had had to be banged in jail while Nchito,Mmembe,Kabimba, kapopo etc are let off because of a politically compromised justice system.We have see this irresponsible government bring in Judge Chakopa from Malawi who has now become a pain on the backside of all tax payers as if there no priorities in the country.Sakeni,Kabimba and Masebo are now the old “school prefects” of Zambia as they have smeared themselves with excess power and authourity.How do they justify or what expanations have they(PF) got of putting inocent people in jail?


  27. Mwaliteta must be arrested and charged for telling lies that UPND cadres killed the thug. He made a statement that was reported in the press

  28. Why are PF behaving like this? Don’t they feel an inkling of wrong-doing? They will be shocked after 2016. For some of them, it might be the time they will pack up.

  29. The mere release of Garry and the arrest of Lungu shouldn’t satisfy an inquisitive mind. Reserve SGT Mwaliteta said it was UPND. Kabimba, Katanga, Masebo and Edgar Lungu said it was UPND. All the above are Government ministers other than Katanga. When they speak, Government has spoken, in essence it means 13 million Zambians have spoken. So how come its now a PF cadre Lungu? And what about the former Mayor of Livingstone who’s been turned into a State witness? Against who? This Government is very dangerous and is full of a bunch of confused people. If you tell me this is how Government is run, and this is orderliness, then u need your head examined. So where do we go from here?

  30. Sue the buggers for unlawful detention, false imprisonment and loss of earnings whilst in detention with no bail. They had known this all along but they just wanted you to spend some time in prison.

  31. Now you supporters of PF, tell me what is your understanding of all this. Had it not been for watchdog and Lusaka times innocent people would have charged for murder while the police new what happened very well. I feel so sad for those ministers that were shedding crocodile tears accusing the UPND of using the so called mapatizya formula to murder others while they have been killing each other within their own camp. I am sad, sad, sad, sad that Zambia has such jokers for our leaders. Sata is playing very dangerous politics. 2011, Zambia tinazigonga bad kind. Zambians open up, for how long are going to play the role of useful *****s?

  32. @Octopus Bwalya: How did you get your British citizenship given your appalling english? You can’t even express yourself in their language? Anyway, here is how to renounce your Zambian citizenship; I am will not refer you to the applicable law because you seem to be a very lazy minded guy. The next time you visit Zambia, go to the passport and citizenship office. You will be referred to an office on the first floor where you will be given some forms to complete. The forma are in English, unfortunately, and I hope you will be able to understand. If not, ask for a Zambian who understand English better than you. Don’t throw that NRC, don’t be a fool. It might be the only way for you to prove that you are Zambian.

  33. The Commonwealth Team investigating the abuse of human rights by the PF President and his Govt Ministers will have a field day agonizing with disgust on how a Commonwealth State is being exposed for being the administrator of lies and torture of innocent souls in Zambia. It is a SHAME that a whole Republican President, his clique of Ministers, and the Police can thrive on a compound of blatant lies & deception bent to accuse the innocent citizens of murders arising from their own (PF) bloody hands. There is a definite pattern, now so established, on events leading to the deaths of PF cadres in Rufunsa, Kabwata and Livingstone, killed by members of the PF party. Yet life is a precious commodity.

  34. It is indeed strange that the majority of PF bloggers who air insults to UPND and MMDon this website have, surprisingly, opted to abstain from making comments over the murder of PF’s Chanda by the PF cadre. The President, Kabimba (a lawyer), Masebo, Mwaliteta, Sakeni, Mmembe etc, will have a nightmares for many days to come.

  35. PF Sata is a shame to Zambia by abusing its citizens aressiting innocent without any cause except to hide PF brutality alleging opposition is violent. PF kill their own cadres to put blame on opposition parties. Zambians need answers to such human rights abuse from this vicious vindictive govt scavenging from rejects of other parties. What is surprising from the general PF membership is lack of protest from it to their leadership that has continued to appoint people who join PF for jobs leaving many PF members unemployed. Terror of fear from PF Sata seem to be the in thing within PF or there is no independent thinking in PF party.

  36. Let us not have short memories. The same thing happened to ambassodor Bauleni. He was accused of murdering a PF cadre in a bye-election in Chongwe. Later released for luck of evidence. I know the man was in hospital at time of murder. Now Gary Nkombo and others. Same accusation. These Zambians must sue the state and be compesated for sleeping in jails for crimes they did not commit. That way govt will learn a lesson not to arrest opposition people while leaving the real criminals hiding. Now look at this Henry Lungu.

  37. A big thank you to the honest and professional police detectives in Livingstone who refused to implicate innocent people for a crime they never committed. Now that the truth has come out, my hope is that the PF will tell the nation what their cadres were doing at a UPND camp now that we know that actually Mr. Chanda was not there, he was killed in Libuyu, (UPND camp is in Helen Brittel), .

  38. PF, you exploit unemployed youths and make them drank and instigate them to do all sorts of evil things against fellow Zambians in the name of gaining political mileage. The same injustice which you were condemning MMD for, you embrace without any sense of remorse. Look at the embarrassment and what does this do to your public image? lf you are doing everything MMD were doing and people rejected them, what makes you think you are exceptional?

    • MDD never did such useless things. Name one person that was killed by fellow MMD and police arrested leaders of the opposition. It never happened, not even in UNIP. This is second person killed under the PF reign by fellow PF members. I declare more confusion in the PF camp as payment for misguiding the nation.

  39. @1.2 Octopus Paul Bwalya how are u? Its interesting to hear of your British naturalisation, however from the way u have put it, it seems u did it against your will. You shouldnt have done that. For now live with that but don’t be so bitter its unhealthy for both your soul and body.

  40. and our national broadcaster was busy confirming that upnd cadres mudered the guy, atleat if they had said suspected upnd. znbc is also being run by grade sevens mwe, they are so unprofessional, the only professional guy is franklyn tembo jr. thumbs up

  41. The fight for freedom is never easy it takes blood sweat and tears…this act is the beginning of a new age in our country and this will go down in history as the day the tide changed in our political landscape


  43. I gave this data to UPND and it has worked, I knew the injustice that is in my PF party and government and please people I will keep you posted especially that am now a back bencher. We really dont deserve to be in power we lied the people of Zambia but selfish people have hijacked this govt and my president is doing nothing about it. its sad indeed to be in such circus of events

  44. Can we have the true story please. Who is this Lungu and what caused him to kill Chanda? I wait for a full story than this half backed one.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia,

  45. It is alleged that on February 25, 2015 in Livingstone, ba LT where is the chief editor? It is 2013 and not 2015.

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