Thursday, March 20, 2025

Fingers Crossed as Sunderland Look at Sunzu


Sunderland coach Martin O’Neil has indicted that Stopilla Sunzu might join in them in summer.

Sunzu is currently in England as the tale of his roller-coaster transfer saga continues to make headlines.

However, the 2012 Africa Cup winners’ trial at the club has been hit by injury and O’Neil is looking to monitor his performance when he recovers and travels for Zambia’s trip to Lesotho on March 24.

“He played a little game the other day, but he had a swollen knee before he came here and he had to come off in the game,” O’Neil told the UK The Sun newspaper today.

“That will stop him training for a week at most. And then he’ll be going away to play during the international break so we’ll monitor him during that game.

“But I haven’t seen enough of him yet to make a decision on him.”

Sunzu transfer saga from TP Mazembe to the Premiership has been headline news for the last three months.

An earlier deal to join Reading fell through after confusion over his status following reports that he was a free agent.


    • @ Ka Mushota… senseless Vagabond of a slut…the only thing you know how to pronounce is your several Men friends…….*****…Thats the only words which can come out of that Rotten Gob of yours so i say SHUT IT!!! Sunzu’s name is too precious to talked about by mouths like yours……Behave!!!

    • @Exhaust, am not sure if you have the facts. @Mushota, controversial as always, sometimes funny and mostly loose.
      Am wishing the young man all the best

  1. The biggest problem we have in Zambian football is Kalu and FAZ. Unfortunately people still hero worship Kalu and when he is not doing right they are blinded by his past glory. Players like Drogba play a major role in naturing upcoming players. Drogba is there to advise young players from his Country that is how come football is successful there. Kalu on the other hand wants to be the only hero in Zambian football and does not play any role other than getting cuts. Look at what happen to Mbola’s transfer as if we do not have any Zambian with experience in these transfers. I wish people like Charles Musonda, Emmanuel Munaile can be here to support me. Ask me why even Singuluma does not show up for Zambian duties. why the top scorrer in the local league is not in the National Team. Kalu

    • Iwe kci, you are just screaming without facts. Tell us where you got facts about those allegations. The guys you are mentioning like Charles Musonda have infact done nothing for Zambia in terms of helping other players to get into Europe. Kalu did for all those Charlies you mentioned. Whether you like it or not, Kalu has almost been the best player Zambia has ever produced, statistics are there, Stop being jealousy.

  2. kci,
    good points there….
    the only way to improve football world wide is to look at fifa’s current rotten constitution.
    seek the indulgence of powerful countries to urge these corrupt, thieving characters reform and open this closed entity to the world for all of us to see and question any time.
    as at now, and under the prevailing undemocratic idiocy obtaining in both fifa and caf, kalu will never be anything but your hero… cause he is corrupt like the rest.

  3. @ kci walasa! Mark 2 said gud music speaks 4 itself no pushing needed so is football, talent also speaks 4 itself no pushing needed, I wonder y Sunzu wants 2 force things, kalu & his minion Eric ve been a disgrace 2 zambian football, kalu of all the people should ve been at hand 2 advise Sunzu that he has a contract with TP mazembe & that 4 once he should behave like a proffessional, katumbi will just make life difficult 4 Sunzu if he doesn’t respect what he signed 4, Kalu & Eric ve taken the running of footaball in the country so personal, u canve an absentee Football Association president look at wat happened on saturday during the power game poorest organisation at its best, only 2 gates where opened imagine abandoned whatever we were doing that day only 2 go & loiter at the stadium!

    • Do you honestly think it is correct for Kalu to be chasing players about their contracts. These players have their own Agents and Kalu is not obliged to render such free service unless the player specifically asks for advice. Be fair, Kalu is not a contract specialist, what players need are people with serious contract knowledge like a lawyer. To be honest, even me would be better at the law of contract than Kalu, leave him alone to do what he knows best, not contracts.

  4. However, the 2012 Africa Cup winners’ trial at the club has been hit by injury, THIS IS RIDICULOUS REPORTING , BETTER SAY HOWEVER, THE AFCON 2013 WHIPPING BOYS, SHORT TESTED AFCON 2012 TRIAL CHAMPIONS, THE TEAM IN AFRICA WITH THE SHORTEST PLAYERS, AND THE PALYERS SUNZU WHO CANT SPEAK ENGLISH ONLY LINGALA AND DONCHI KUBEBA(BEMBA) languages will be monitored in Lesotho although he is computer illiterate we will try to send and email to FAZ president concerning our decision

  5. After reading the article I felt very sick, its just skin cringing to say the least to see this talented young man being reduced to taking utterly pathetic trials in sheer desperation something that an U17 player is normally subjected to BUT this is not just any average player. This is an INTERNATIONAL CENTRAL DEFENDER with inter’l tournament match experience, inter’l club match experience, has dozens of inter’l caps topped off with an AFCON gold metal and spot kick winning penalty at a Final to his name. Poker faced Martin O’Neil is probably pinching himself with excitement behind the scenes as none of his current ageing back four defenders can match young Sunzu’s statics except for former Man Utd player John O’Shea at club level.

  6. His greedy agent has no belief in him at all he is only interested in is his 15% cut and he is happy to move Sunzu like the mafia moves its Romanian prostitutes from motel to motel.
    Kalusha Bwalya had a flourishing football career as a player in Europe, Americas etc and had lucrative and flawless club transfers; surely does he NOT want the selfsame success for our young men as a former player now he is in an influential position? Sunzu is in this position because of greed and he will be prostituted from one club to another because the selfsame disease. He will be clubless until the British summer which is about 5 months on the football calendar months which is a long time for a player.

  7. FAZ is quiet on the issue because it is highly corrupt and compromised and I have no doubt it has proxy connections to Sunzu’s RSA based agent only a gullible naïve individual would think otherwise. We deserve better……………
    This is too revolting for me I’m off to sleep!!

  8. @Kci, you are right on the money. Ask Gibby Mbasela, Charlie cool Musonda, Johnston One man Unit commando Bwalya and the list is endless. All will attest to the fact that, the man is nothing but selfish and self centered. Innocent players like Dudley Fichite have been victims of this Kalu guy. Remember, how Msiska kept on reminding FAZ about the Musonda boys, did they ever get a call up? Isn’t amazing that you would be rushing to call a player in Italy whose parents you do not even know leaving the players of your former play mate? Ironic!!

    • You fool, how can Msiska ask FAZ to come to invite Charles Musondas’ children when we all know that those boys are Belgian and not Zambians. Your President Sata does not allow such things and you Zambians can not eat with both hands when it suits you. The Musonda boys are now at Chelsea enjoying good allowances such that their father Charlie is now rich. In future they will play for Belgium and not getting them to Zambia where they will get peanuts. That is the ‘benefit’ of Single Nationality. Well done Sata. *****s.

  9. Musiyeni mwana (Sunzu) muzamubbowola kungo “muyangana.” what is Sunderland “looking” to see that others looked at and did not find in Sunzu? This nonsense of trials should also be “looked” at. The boy has attended trials passed all of them and only administrative reasons prevented the boy from being in the EPL today! Sorry, edit and and replace “boy” with “youngman” just for the respect we should show Sunzu!

  10. Wishing good luck this time my boy, I know this time it will work out don’t worry the almighty God is there for you

  11. Kalu is FAZ president and not soccer agent, what Sunzu needs is a serious soccer agent and not Kalu leave Kalu alone from this. No matter hw much jealous one feels it won’t take away his achievements.

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