Sports Minister Mr Chishimba Kambwili says nothing less than a win would be accepted from the Chipolopolo boys’ World Cup Qualifier against Lesotho on Saturday.
And Mr Kambwili says it is worth it for the country to bid for the hosting of the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations because of the many financial, infrastructural and social benefits this would have on the country.
Speaking shortly after he held a meeting with South African government officials and the Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the 2013 Afcon in Johannesburg on Monday, Mr Kambwili said the nation expects the Chipolopolo boys to win at all cost.
“People must be weary of the fact that what we are spending is tax-payers money. In most countries the FA (Football Association) must stand on its own to raise money for these games,” Mr Kambwili said. “In Zambia we have taken a stance that government must fund the senior national team programmes.”
Mr Kambwili said the nation would not continue accepting negative results from the national team, adding that Zambia was a big footballing nation on the Continent and no excuses would be entertained because if Lesotho were improving, so should Zambia’s be much more.
“We expect nothing but a win. In fact qualification to the World Cup is non-negotiable. It’s a do or die,” he said.
On the plans to bid for the hosting of the 2019 Afcon, Mr Kambwili said he met the LOC and government officials to compare notes on how South Africa managed to secure the 2013 Afcon bid.
He said he had learnt that it was profitable to host the tournament, saying the South African government made about US$3 million net profit from hosting the 2013 Afcon as well as the gross effect extending towards generating revenue in the tourism sector.
Mr Kambwili said he would wait for a write-up from South African officials so that he could prepare a Cabinet memo detailing issues to do with expenditure, profitability and the social impact the hosting would have on the nation.
kambili since when did u start saying these words of non negotiate.mambala.we talk too much and do less.get serious with livingstone stadium.a lot needs to be done if u want to host.where are the teams going to train from if u host.u need to upgrade some the picthes like zanaco.nkoloma and many others accross the country before u can think of hosting.
Kabwili go and visit Sakeni in UTH, of all hospitals sure? Sakeni tapusuke…
Buffoon Kambwili at it again justifying the use of taxpayers money to supplement FAZ’s wasteful budgets. And we wonder why lazy FAZ will never stand on its own feet and is ever camping abroad even after crediting its bank account with $1.5million from AFCON.
FYI Kambwili, RSA has a much more organised and independent municipal sector which had bid to host those games in their towns. Please concentrate on improving front-line services and rid yourself off this idea of hosting these costly International events. Hosting AFCON is not about just building a stadium in Mongu; its about having the 5 star training facilities for each of teams in the group; its about having 5 star accommodation for delegates, fans, press etc. Very soon the Sports ministry budget will surpass Education.
Thess PF?? You just spoiling the mood of the players, abaiche are excited you start threatening them. So Kabwili you will summon Chipolopolo to ACC for questioning?
We definitely need a win!
Ok its not a must.Just go and comment on politics if u cant see sense..Dont extent your bitterness to football.if we lose this game then our chances of qualifying to the next round will becom slim.
Well its about politics if tax payers money is being used. Please don’t just read the headline do try to at least read the whole article.
Wake up!!
Its funny how our gullible “hero worshipping” fans took this game as a “walk-over” and “a mere easy 3 points in the pocket” four months ago back in December 2012 at least now they are waking up to the fact that they are not just good enough.
Our national team will never go anywhere with the current FAZ top brass and HR in charge; these people have done the best they could do. Let’s thank them graciously and look to fresh new talented individuals with fresh ideas to take over before we are badly humiliated at the next tournament.
Wake up people!!
my friend jay jay on every article of kambwili u are negative! its so sad because even on positive things such as results for zambia u call the man a buffoon. i bet this buffooon is making far more money than you and has a far better career than yourself, your a sad nonsense blogger with no life… make your own way in life and stop insulting people because your bitter… u arent even in zambia it states your in the uk so you dont know anything about the man … foolish man
Its sad that some bloggers have decided to distort the minister’s statement with bitterness,what is wrong with him emphasizing on a positive result?Would you rather see our team continue with their 2013 AFCON kind of performance?Come on guys,this is a sport that cuts across political part lines and tribes,lets comment patriotically as Zambians not pf or upnd,mmd members.
Will Zambia play school boys???
Kambwili is eligible to play football at national level as long as HR can select him to represent the Country. He should know that in football there are three results which one should expect: loose, draw or win. So Mr Kabwili dont speak like you will be playing alone with an empty net to kick the balls in. Expect one of the three results in football. About hosting the AFCON, well why not??
Mudala Kambwili stop putting unneccessary pressure on our boys. You should pass such statements in private meetings with Herve not publicly. While for you as a politician grandstanding is part of your game but it may not help the national cause. we dont want these boys to be jittery this weekend. We want the boys to win-and by a healthy margin in Maseru
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