Saturday, January 18, 2025

Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda responds to Hon Kapeya’s statement


Heritage Party leader Godfrey Miyanda
Heritage Party leader Godfrey Miyanda

Honourable Deputy Minister,

I have become aware of your comment on my Statement of 9th April 2013 but I refuse to engage in any polemics with you, sir. I feel that you did not read my statement or if you did you did not understand it.

But I accept your challenge for me to justify my statement. However to avoid me going on a country-wide debate I have a counter challenge and I ask for “further and better particulars” from you or your Government to enable me prepare a focused response:

I shall be contending that the President DID NOT AND HAS NEVER invoked powers under Articles 33 and 44 when he established the Committee of Experts (or is it the Technical Committee); if you insist that he did so please indicate the date of promulgation and the specific instrument thereof.

[pullquote]Further, I urge you to encourage our President to address the nation live then we might find that it is not necessary to criticise the Government.He was able to address foreigners again; let him address us, his own people.[/pullquote]

I hope that there is no cover up of the President’s omission. Is your statement the official position of the Government? I have perused Article 33, and I notice that this refers to the establishment of the Office of President.

Further Article 44 is referring to the functions of the President: both are general powers. Do you or your Government still maintain that the President relied on these provisions?

I welcome your joining this debate and I shall await your response for at least 24 hours before responding. But please avoid personalising the debate and instruct your Government Gazettes to fully cover me when I begin to copy to them since they had been ignoring my statements.

Further, I urge you to encourage our President to address the nation live then we might find that it is not necessary to criticise the Government.

He was able to address foreigners again; let him address us, his own people.

[12th April 2013]


  1. When this guy was asked before 2001 elections whether he will commit to a constitution review his answer -THE CONSTITUTION IS NOT THE BIGGEST PROBLEM ZAMBIA IS FACING.H e expected to win the 2001 elections so to him the mwanakatwe constitution was perfect now all of a sudden he has had an epiphany and he is the champion and advocate of constitutional reform

  2. Why is it that every news-reader-turned-politician seems to be an obvious disaster? Could it be due to the dogmatic work culture of ZNBC?

  3. ” .. instruct your Government Gazettes to fully cover me when I begin to copy to them since they had been ignoring my statements.”

    I see the General has some sense of humour. LOL. Iam sure the gazettes are POST Newspaper, Times of Zambia , Daily mail and ZNBC,. Nice one General.

    Anyway back to the topic, I just don’t know if this Govt is worth reasoning with. They don’t play by the rules, they break the law with impunity and yet they pretend to be zealous in enforcing the law that is broken against them. I really hope the Judiciary wakes up and stand up to this because this government thinks it is a law unto itself.

    Clearly rule of law is out of the window. You can see even from PF Kaponya bloggers on this site. Sad indeed

  4. Stop this nonsense!!! PF is concerned with political and economical fundamentals. That is how governance operates in real time. Opposition must learn to utilize experts to address burning issues. Legal challenges need to be addressed to relevant Ministry. Presidential candidates will stand on 50% plus 1. Let us wait and see.

  5. Mwansa Kapeya has a characteristic that can never inspire any sane Zambian, perhaps that reflects his level of general intelligence. This is a man who went on reciting ‘Fyaukaya’ tales and took it as intake of wisdom. As a young man listening to his talk, immediately concluded he was a dull person except ‘vinkansa talk’.
    Clearly, over Gen Miyanda’s opinion he has nothing to offer or substantiate his rantings with evidence and if ever he quotes law, its shameful to hear deputy minister expess such ignorance with laws of the land which seems to be typical of his govermnet.

  6. There is no Presidential legal immunity against breaking the constitution. If Parliament does not impeach Sata, we the people will arrest him and try him when he leaves office, dead or alive. If he is doing things illegally, it will mean that every bill that he has signed into law is invalid. So PF, if you want your legacy to remain, before we expunge the record that we ever had a 5th President, advise your boss correctly. There are some Popes, who are not on history books. Similarly, if you are baptised and confirmed by a priest who is lost, your orders are invalid.


  8. Kwekwe your reasoning is just like your Mwansa Kapeye – address the issues raised not irrational rantings

  9. Will the Brig. General ever be a Republican President? He surely has ambitions no wonder his Heritage Party. But his popularity is ever dwindling! What else can he do to rekindle his political spirits? Working with other politicians, Yes. Do not only go for specs in other people’s eyes, but see how you can work with them and through that togetherness you can advise and change things. You lost the plot with KK, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Banda and now Sata. But who can you really work with? You seem to be too righteous at the expense of your own glory. It will never be a perfect world you think. I promise you that whichever govt will ever be formed it will have opposition views to it and you will remain in opposition forever. or you need some degrees of change, do not be rigid. Good luck.

  10. When good people do nothing evil flourishes.It’s good to have you back General!We need leaders like you in the fore front.Please help groom the younger generation.Zambia has issues now but we can not allow these issues and poor leadership material to continue in the next generation.





  12. @Floyd Chitalu you are just bitter and too dull to intelligently engage with the General! Just respond to the issue at hand you dull monkey! The General is entitled to criticise and has criticised but Kapeya’s response was personal and based on wrong quotations of the law – does that not worry you about the minister Kapeya who doesnt even know the correct law to invoke? Anyway, you are all monkeys bent on stealing public funds AND promoting lawlessness – no brains at all

  13. @Floyd Chitalu you are just bitter and too dull to intelligently engage with the General! Just respond to the issue at hand you dull monkey! Kapeya’s response was personal and based on wrong quotations of the law – does that not worry you about the minister Kapeya who doesnt even know the correct law to invoke?

  14. General Miyanda true patriot!…During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. How can a minister lie &display such DANGEROUS IGNORANCE about article 33 and article 44 in the context of constitutional review??
    General Miyanda , your critical mind and reasoning are inspiring! You add value to Zambian politics. Yo defense of our constitution is our admiration! Zambia is too below your standard &caliber. It’s too deep in mediocrity ,dogma and lies…From DDP Nchito to SATA ,Pure liars,demagogues and shameless liabilities to the Zambian people

    Indeed,Forces can not continue to conspire against justice and the poor,turning Justice from a cherished ideal into an abused commodity,
    We await this GOVT OF LIARS & CORRUPT to respond to yo challenge Art,33&44

  15. GENERAL,Why are you raising this issue now? All we are interested in is the progressive constitution that will take Zambia forward! We are not interested in technicalities and academic arguments! LET THE PROCESS FINISH.Are you afraid of 50+1?

  16. @3 Al, I wonder whether the situation and your views in 2001 are the same today, more than a decade later (the situation and your views I mean)? BGGM asks: ‘Is your statement the official position of the Government?’ Answer?

  17. Actually those that are wise don’t go to a mountaintop and scream that they were intelligent.Only their actions will tell This is the case with that are blagging here. Pf work and don’t listen to these little foxes.Sometimes don’t even respond .

  18. Brig you are inteligent but you are lazy. you could have been the 5th President, but after every election you go under and sleep. When you form a party you have to recruit new members. but you when those who are leaders in provinces call you. you phone is switched off. One time you had a problem even to enter for elections. I hope you will read this. The Junior army Officers say “Idle” if some one is lazy.

  19. General Miyanda! I remember you had a tough time years back when you faced Umberto on ZNBC live interview he put you under pressure, you lost you temper instead of responding to his challenges. Yes, we may need a press conference but don’t behave as though you are too intelligent than anyone else. Why can’t you also organize a live ZNBC program so the we can quiz you, I mean you a President I would like know what plans you have for Zambia? I would love that. You have just become a aimless lone critic I wonder if this is helpful.

  20. Why is it that every time someone mentions this chap’s eh sorry the General’s name ‘impotency’ is the first word that comes to my mind?

  21. What is that mmd bootlicker doing is MMD not gone? leave space for progresive party like PF to work iwme bakamba,your face looks like you are unemployed. Coming to you ba miyanda i have respect for you pantu tamulanda landa,manje osati ukuyumfwa pantu fye ati Basata hasn’t been to UNZA or CBU but he is blessed as well in other ways.

  22. Pompous little ‘general’ rtd. He of politics of the ‘village’. He of lost appeal and influence. Without political future, without political clout.

  23. Puking Forum (PF)……… provides many avenues for us to continue puking.

    Can we debate issues please: a wrpong is a wrong whether by president or minister.

    I still see more immunities (veil of presidency) being lifted again and again in the near future…….

    …….. fili uko tuya (whatever one sows, that they shall reap).

  24. Pompous little ‘general’ rtd. He of politics of the ‘village’. He of lost appeal and influence. Without political future, without political clout. He without catchment area.

  25. it totally amazes me how PF think they are doing a good job running the country. wat equally amazes me are the educated people on this fora that actually support this *****ic party and their retrogressive way of doing things. Am not being sarcastic, i really am genuinely puzzled….

  26. You are exhibiting maturity in the way you are handling your debates. We need more of this meaningful and helpful contributions from you. Its time you came out too and re-organize your party who knows someone maybe waiting to support you just like the are supporting the Govt of the Day.

  27. I have a question for BG Miyanda, if Sata errored in appointing the committee on constitution process, then why are you a delegate.? Where are your morals.? Is it not true that you are also getting tax payers money.?

  28. I made a very viable advise to the Brig. General. I never underrated him, I have not insulted him. But some supporter have it all wrong. They think by producing the heavy weight insults thrn they have scored a point. This is how even HH supporters have behaved, writing the unprintabled and in their minds thinking they attract more supporters. Modern politics is about winning hearts and minds of people. With insults you distance those would be voters from you. Please do not insult in the names of good leaders. Otherwise you are not doing them good service. With insults your leaders will forever be in opposition. Just argue your ideas. You and I belong to the same country and we all think about how best it can be. Your insults will not lead ud anywhere. Ideas, advices, suggestions are welcom

  29. Big L, OldMan Munkombwe summed it all (they are in politics to Eat). After Ba Sata we should not allow anyone Born in Norhern Rhodesia to get to the highest office. Lets have Leaders who share our times / dreams and genuinely aspire for a better Zambia. We are fadeup of being peasants in the Land of plenty.

  30. after all has been said and done, it’s clear that Kapeya and the General are not evenly matched. they operate at different wave lengths.

  31. Miyanda is not the man for Plot 1, Zambia. I and colleagues helped form Heritage Party structures on the Copperbelt. The General is more useful when led and not as a leader in political office. There is no doubt he is gifted in other areas of life, but politics are not for our brother. He is misplaced right now.

  32. @mwine zed that’s the way to move forward,I for one don’t blame the pf we as youths we are busy being used by these politicians such as Hh and mumba who are greedy chaps. So as youths we have a serious task ahead of us let’s do what is required of us. Stay blessed

  33. I understand that the only thing this kapeya has done all his life was read the bemba news bulletins on radio and may have only gone as far as grade 7. Clearly he is not fit to take on Gen Miyanda on any given topic. The trouble is that these Kapeya’s just read statements written for them by some well known faceless men.

  34. Why is it that the only answer/response to any question/criticism is that the person asking or criticizing is ‘bitter’ or wants ‘media coverage’?

  35. Well spoken, General. To be honest, Kapeya is either very dull or he knows very well Sata is off-side on this one but he has to toll the line to keep himself in a job.

  36. The General can not work with any other political party because they are not principled , not even the late Mwanawasa would that. Time, is coming when the Zambia Army will make Brig. President for gud. That is what u need in Zambia for now , if silly and stupid politicians have to learn a lesson. But, i think PF is trying , am sure …given time will do gud.

  37. Big L and The London eye could be degree holders of some sort. the Kind of degrees you can not use to run a business or get employment. Like so many Enginers…. making nothing only speaking English, shame.

  38. Why does every Zambian politician feel the need to use superlatives when writing an article? SMH

  39. Mr Miyanda, still spotting his Zambia Army “Green Buffalo” tie after how many years in retiremen?!!!!

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