Friday, September 6, 2024

ZNBC Footage of suspected PF cadres attack on BIGOCA



  1. Is the president back from Japan?Haven’t heard from him and wondering when he plans to condemn these attacks as proof that he does not condone them.Is the I.G still holding her job? Wondering when she will be fired for incompetence and lack of professionalism.Is there still an army in Zambia? Wondering when they shall come and rescue innocent Zambians from the PF militia,the police obviously ceased to function in 2011.

    • @Hakayobe, those are truly excellent questions that need to be looked at by these people who are still supporting this leadership. Unfortunately it seems to me that Sata’s leadership style has become one of, “just ignore the issue and it will die a natural death.” Look at what happened in Livingstone, UNZA, and all other places where violence was displayed, did Sata come out in the open to condemn and distance himself from the Violence? NO. Ka Chiluba (MHSRIP) was a thief but when the National team perished and the nation was morning he came up with one of the most moving speaches (the “we thank you father speach”) can you imagine “king cobra” doing that? NO. Even that nickname has become laughable.

  2. Well well, were are we heading to? This is becoming unbecoming we need to have the rule of law installed immediately

  3. so that is a ZNBC news? i miss those old days in Zambia watch ZNBC hope they have improved i can see that is a news caster there where is Doreen mukanzo?

    PF Government don’t allow those cadres to destroy your reputation if there is any.

  4. The Police, Army, other security wings and the Judiciary only become active when the perceived offenders are the Lozis in Barotseland. This is when innocent people are shot at and maimed or killed and those arrested are denied police bond or bail. If bail is given it comes with very harsh conditions such as Kr 5, 000 in cash with two working sureties heading large national organisations or high ranking government officers. This is done to ensure that the culprits “sweat blood”.

  5. I am surprised to listen and watch our Zambia news, but those thugs are military trained by winter.
    where is Luchembes solo, Christone etc Do we have captains nowadays? We wants tunnels to work and also some chaps to scarper from direction to another.

  6. Sad noting that our illiterate cadres have started taking the law into their own hands.This does not reflect the true position and image of our party.We will try to remove the bad eggs from within our midst.Few bad individuals can`t project the actual image of the mighty Patriotic front.Its like seeing a black man kill a white couple and conclude that all blacks are savages.There is no organization without bad characters.Aluta continua !!!

    • It’s free for all. How many acting presidents and GRZ spokespersons have we had so far? Contradictions and inconsistencies are the order of the day. Banana Republic!

    • @Oscar 9milli – I am Bipartisan but if kissing feet is going to put me on the next level in life, I will do it, otherwise I have no loyalty to anyone.

  7. We have the most useless police. I don’t think we can trust our police officers anymore . If our police can’t catch criminals who are clearly identifiable on camera, it’s better they are all retired immediately before they finish our tax payers money!


  8. As much as I distaste violence of any sort and we should not allow such behaviour. I don’t see any ponoks in this footage. Surely how can a handful of chaps overpower you? Next time respect the house of the Lord and do not take your dirty politics there!

  9. Bembas! I here by denounce these people as our traditional cousins. Maybe you Ngonis these are your bululus from chitemene land.

  10. These animals should be caged and the key thrown away for good. But thats not going happen because they must have acted on orders coming from above. Its a shame that these people can do what they like without regard to other peoples safety and privacy. The country is now under an autocratic regime and will do everything possible to suppress anyone with a dissenting view. I have become very pessimistic as I don’t see anyone among the political animals who will change for the better. The opposition needs to be more organized in order to successfully challenge the current mess we find ourselves in.

  11. The footage is useless, it cannot even be used in court! It does not show anyone getting beaten by anyone, this group of people could be anywhere in any Lusaka shanty compounds.

  12. What do you expect when Bembs thieves rules? Now they are beating each other. Even Bemba fools on this site can’t even talk now. Monkeys in a maizefield.

  13. The problem is bigger than those few cadres. Its the people of Zambia who are the problem. Failure of seriousness during elections on who is voted into power. First UNIP is kicked out of power in 1991 a good choice by the people because UNIP was no different from North Korean dictators and at the time, UNIP even enjoyed conferences at party level with these Koreans who are still hanging on to power even after UNIP appeared dead and buried..but is UNIP really gone???..Super Ken, Rapiah, Sata, William Banda? Name them. Mukombwe..the list is long. Then became 2 elections between Sata and Rapiah. Every voter forgot about UNIP. That was the time to vote for HH because he was somebody new not old guard. He has learnt a lot now and he cannot be trusted. VOTERS need to wait for a new face.. better

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