Friday, March 7, 2025

MPs holding public meetings in their constituencies should notify local police-Kabimba


PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba

ACTING Home Affairs Minister Wynter Kabimba has advised Members of Parliament (MPs) who wish to hold public meetings in their constituency to give notice to Local the police command in accordance with the Public Order Act.

Mr Kabimba said this was a precautionary measure in case during the same meeting the security and safety of the MPs was compromised.

He said this in Parliament yesterday when he gave a ministerial statement arising from the Point of Order that was raised in the House last week as to why Independent Lubansenshi MP Patrick Mucheleka was harassed by the Police when he held meetings with his members in his constituency on June 5, this year.

Mr Kabimba who is Justice Minister said all MPS were free to visit their constituencies at any given time, but should give notice as a precautionary measure in case during the same meeting the security and safety is compromised.

He said it was unfortunate that Mr Mucheleka was allegedly renowned for being uncooperative with the police who have complained about his lack of courteous to them.

“In this regard we are aware of the honourable MPs complaint about Luwingu police and the Provincial command decided to use Police officer from Kasama to ensure that the MP does not use his perceived difference with the local police as a excuse for not going to his constituency,” Mr Kabimba said.

He advised the MP that he needs the local police command as well as the district administration for him to easily work in his constituency


  1. One way ticket to the sewers. There’s never been an MP who was attacked for visiting his constitutes, so why is PF coming up with a solution for a non existent problem. Very soon everyone will need police permission to travel from one to another. Anyway this is what you expect from Sata. Anyway Zambians should console themselves that no matter what happens Sata’s evil projects will fail like they have failed in other African countries where dictators spent their entire rule scheming on how best to suffocate their citizens.

    • Wynter Kabimba has no constituency. He has never been elected to a public office. Therefore it is this Kabimba maggot who needs police protection for he has no constituency of his own. I do not expect the life or safety of the Nalikwanda or Senga Hill constituency MP to be threatened by anyone. Zambia has been independent for almost 50 years and there’s nothing on record that an MP was ever harmed in his or her constituency. PF are just an evil political machine. Watch them as they lay waste to Zambia. I have never seen people who are so enthusiastically evil like Sata and his minions!

  2. Now there goes my extremely dull Minister of Justice. Oh I forgot, he’s never been elected before in his life.

    What happened to his extremely old veeboot he had in 2011. Need info on this pulper.

  3. Lusaka times, please I need a job as editor can you contact me: [give notice to local the police command]

  4. What a joke. How about just saying we need to know what the mp is going to talk about and approve it or disapprove it before he meets with his constituncies. The police should be out there patrolling neighborhoods and checking for unsafe vehicles and arresting kabwalalas instead you want them to spend resources on such gabbage. This naive thinking that you are going to be in power forever is tragic because we all know that one day you will be on the other side and these same policies will come back to bite you in the you know where.

  5. This is what you call STUPID.These Pathetic Failures(PF),are busy introducing ill-conceived systems to suit themselves.Basically they want to know and spy on every one so that the PF Police Cadres can report to their masters.There is nothing to do with security.But it’s more to do with the fear of the unknown.They want to know at every opportunity to know what the opposition is doing.

  6. Sad indeed………..Winter and Sata are from the “old school of thought”, know , this is a democratic dispensation.

  7. Sad indeed………..Winter and Sata are from the “old school of thought”, know , this is a democratic dispensation.

  8. supporters of Lubansenshi member of parliament today conducted a meeting urging Mr Mucheleka to work in hammony with the local civil servants he is accusing because he will need them during the 2016 presidential and general elections. the meeting was held at luwingu presidents park opposit the zambia police service.

  9. Gonclave and Gono possibly you do not understand why Mucheleka was stopped by the police, first Mucheleka went to inspect projects initiated by the govt in his constituency in steady of talking about these projects he started making remarks insulting the govt and in particular the president and that was when chief Shimumbi and chipalo told him off that the projects are initiated by the govt and the person is insulting wants to bring developments to their chiefdoms . Many people were unhappy with Micheleka wanting to beat him. So yapping without following the stories may make lead you look like a bush product

    • Give me a break. Your fiction has nothing to do with the article above. Why is your version different from what Kabimba is saying above?

    • Even if your story is true, so what if the Opposition MP spoke out against the govt? That is why he is in opposition – to help maintain checks and balances.

      Projects do not belong to the ruling party. They belong to you, the people. It’s the govt’s job to develop the country – using the taxpayer’s money. So no one is doing you a favour by starting projects – you paid for them.

  10. ” MPs holding public meetings in their constituents… give notice to the Local police command in accordance with the Public Order Act.”- Kabimba!
    This is worse than a joke which country in this day and age does these things. Your (PF) MPs must notify police to hold public meetings in their constituents, The opposition parties must be given a police permit to hold public meetings. There is definitely something wrong in our country, it cannot be teething problems because PF is almost two years in Govt. It is something else. What ever it is, it is a shame. If PF was treated the way they are treating their colleagues they would probably not have ascended to Governing the country. Surely Zambia is greater than this PF and any political party for that matter.

  11. There is only one Gono guys lol but it looks like LT if pre filling name and email and if you dont double check it, you will end up sending your msge under the last blogger.

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