Minister of Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masebo has called on Mozambican investors to consider investing in Zambia’s various tourism sites dotted around the country.
Ms. Masebo said Zambia has investment sites in the Northern circuit such as the Kasaba Bay which is one of the last sites that the then late Mozambican President Samora Machel visited during his meeting with Zambia’s first President Kenneth Kaunda.
She said Zambia and Mozambique should setup a technical team to review and make adjustments to the 2010 tourism cooperation agreement which has various cooperation and mutual interest in tourism.
This is contained in a press statement released to the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Lusaka by Ministry of Tourism and Arts Regional Tourism Development Coordinator, Twaambo Muzyamba.
Mrs. Masebo was speaking when she met her Mozambican counterpart, Carvalho Muaria in Maputo yesterday.The meeting was called to discuss among many other issues, joint marketing, development of cross border tourism and harmonisation of classification and standardisation.Others are exchange of information and facilitation of tour operators among other areas of mutual interest.
Mrs. Masebo urged officers from both countries to setup a technical team that will review the agreement so that it can be signed during the forthcoming 20th session of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) general assembly to be co-hosted by Zambia and Zimbabwe in August, 2013.
She has since extended an invitation to her Mozambican counterpart, Carvalho Muaria to attend the forthcoming second Zambia International Investment Forum (ZIIF) which will be held in Zambia’s tourist capital, Livingstone on 21st and 22nd August, 2013.
Mrs. Masebo was accompanied to the meeting by Zambia High Commissioner to Mozambique, Japhen Mwakalombe and other senior embassy staff.
When are we going to learn to do things ourselves?? Are we surely asking Mozambique to invest in our Tourism industry, when there’ s is still in its infancy??
We need a 1990’s style revolution to galvanise the masses, just like the way MMD was formed. New leaders of a unified opposition. The current Opposition leaders should realise that in 1990, lots of people swallowed their pride for the benefit of the movement – those that think were born with a “presidential Spoon” in their mouths, SHOULD BE DESTINED TO HISTORY!! This should be a movement of people with like minds, coming together to change the political dispensation of our country – we need a seismic shift!
Iyo, ba Sylvia ni’ganga.
More than 115 people read that story or wanted to see Masebo naked, and none of them left a comment.
This how people are judged as rejects, I mean rejected by people.
Maasebo Masebo