Monday, January 20, 2025

Updated:Police raid houses and detain journalists suspected of publishing Zambian Watchdog


A trainee police woman helps her colleague to fasten the helmet during the Kabwata violence

Police have detained three journalists they suspect of running the Zambian Watchdog.Police said they were looking for drugs and seditious material in the 02 hours operation.

Thomas Zgambo, a former reporter for Zambia Daily Mail, was picked up at his house around 02 hours Tuesday morning.

Another team of eight police officers from Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), OP and regular police also raided Clayson Hamasaka’s house in Woodlands around 02: 30. By 06 hours this morning, the police were still searching Hamasaka’s house.

They had by then confiscated all phones from him and family members in the house. They grabbed his laptops, computers and were collecting all sorts of documents from the house while the family was held incommunicado.The police are said to have trashed the home.

The police said they have a search warrant for drugs but were also looking for seditious material. Hamasaka is a former journalism lecturer at Evelyn Hone College.

When the police went to Hamasaka’s house, he refused to open the gate for them saying he needed to have a lawyer while they conduct the search. After one hour and before the lawyer Jack Mwimbu arrived, the police had broken the gate and forced their way in.

At Zgambo’ s house, the police simply pushed their way in and grabbed his computers and whatever documents they could lay their hands on.

Zgambo is currently detained at some unknown location.

Another journalist whose identity is yet to be verified has been picked up and locked in the same operation.

The PF government two weeks ago is alleged to have blocked the Zambian Watchdog from inside Zambia but this has since been rendered ineffective as the Zambian Watchdog technical team has found a way to have the site accessible in Zambia.

Source: [Zambian watchdog,QFM]


Clayson Hamasaka and Thomas Zyambo are being interogated at the Zambia Police Service Headquarters in connection with the Zambian Watchdog.Thomas Zyambo and Hamasaka have been seperated in two interviewing rooms.

According to an eye witness, Hamasaka was taken to Four Pillars Lodge near ZNBC mass media area where the security agents claimed that the former Evelyn Hone lecturer was using the wireless internet facility to update stories on the Zambian Watchdog.

Human Rights activist Brebner Changala who followed the police, DEC and OP officers to Four Pillars Lodge and Police headquarters said Hamasaka, his wfe and children were ambushed and their phones confiscated to cut their communication with the outside world.Their human rights were suspended briefly,” Changala said.
By press time, Clayson Hamasaka and Thomas Zyambo were being grilled by the police.


  1. Last time I checked Zambia was a democracy that allows for freedom of expression.Can the PF please clarify.Not Sakeni or Chellah can Sata please come out of State House and speak to the people who voted for him.

    • I magine the ghosts in this picture waking you up at 2am, claining to have a search warrant which they don’t show or read to you, and don’t even ask you if you want to have your lawyer present to witness the search! Yes, it’s the LOO OF LAW folks, and there’s more coming… 2016 where asre you?

    • Freedom of expression and not stupidity…Snowdon is locked up in a Russian airport…why? because he mistook freedom of expression for stupidity.

    • hhahahahah…. its funny how some people can be so stu.pidly blind in support of evil…. People need information, knowledge,…. Snowdom is a hero to the masses,,, ONLY GMO FED FO.OLS ..hate snowdom

    • How can Sata come out of State House when he can hardly stand. From his recent rantings, I am convinced his illness has even affected his brain.

    • Be serious,,,you call that crap freedom of whatever,,,come on think before you off load you nonsense,muleisebanya .Abobakapoli ninsamba fye…..

  2. Now seek to close their foreign and local financial sources… The Danish and Swedish NGOs are heavily financing the ZWD and the upnd in Zambia.

    • Arrest them. They are such arrogant bas.tar/ds with not respect for anyone. They are not even journalists just a bunch of jealous vindictive people.

    • @Nubian Princess do you have a brain???? i highly doubt…. we fought this kind of governance in 1990 please don’t take us back.

  3. You don’t need a hammer to kill a fly. ZWD has no sway in the country.You give them too much credit.How many bye elections have they swayed-nill- they failed to get HH into state house and no miner on the c/belt reads the blog-so don’t canonize them through victimisation

  4. RB never blocked the post newspaper in 2011,how come this satan wants to block zambian watch dog??

    • …and you know the Post is a registered company in Lusaka, Zambia. You know who to sue when you are defamed by the Post. But who do you sue when you are defamed by an online newspaper that is not registered in Zambia? That is why the ZWD is insulting, insinuating and planting suspicions into everyone’s mind that read the ZWD. It is alright for them to exercise their freedom of speech, but they should do so in a civil manner. Not the way they are doing it – very angry, vengeful etc.

  5. Just leave these ZWD magots they are no factor, its like Guy Scott and Shikulu are so scared of the ZWD for now apparent reason.

  6. The government must practice restraint in their action and must allow a platform for criticism. However, it is also good to note that ZWD has issued some articles that are inherently untrue and scathing. It appears that Government lacks intelligence in that it is evidently unaware of where ZWD is stationed, laughable indeed!

  7. Am in support of this move ZWD doesn’t report stories in good faith. Their reporting is meant to alarm situations & usually don’t have facts. Its also biased in the sense that it only reports negatives towards the government & other opposition parties apart from UPNDead.
    To hell with ZWD.

    • Dear Mr. Aubrey Musonda, You seem to be biased against UPND who you call UPNDEad. Freedoms are not given just to those that yo like and it is even more important to give freedoms to those you do not like. I believe you are too small to think that way.

    • @CERIATIC…
      know that Sata and PF are not going to be in power forever,,,PF can act big now but when the give way to others, their sins will follow them… MMD is now crying about the Public order act which they dearly loved when they were in power…..

      this crackdown on opposing voices can used against PF when they are out of power and it wont be good!!..

  8. LT since when did you start publishing news without substantial evidence.Funny how you lifted this story from Zwd.Wait for the police confirmation before you publish something in this nature.And accusing the pf of hacking into zwd ? Lets be serious.

    • Iwe Chellah,we are still waiting for a statement from the police on the Kampasa killings, we are still waiting for a statement about the black Friday beatings. We are still waiting for Sata to condemn the violence of his cadres. Since you are on payroll you can wait but the people shan’t wait. Police are PF cadres. Maybe we need the Egyptian army?

  9. I have warned before that if this ka “Comic” type online tabloid is not checked, could cause turmoil in the country. Well done ba PF, lock out these guys before they plunge the country into more troubles.

    I keep repeating myself that, the pipo behind this ka Newspaper have elsewhere to run to when Zambia burns. Where then shall we run to ourselves and our children? In the bush like Congolese, Rwandans and/or Angolans? Don’t say I never warned you…..

    • If the tabloid you are talking about is a problem, where is the solution? How can arresting people be a solution? Post Newspaper editors were worse than the Zambian Watchdog. The ZW have not insulted anybody. Calling Sata sick is not an insult, it is a fact. But the Post called Chiluba a thief, Mwanawasa a Cabbage. Chiluba was acquitted but to justify their insults, they keep on insisting that it was Banda who acquitted him. Talk about TRIPLE satndards!

    • Who is going to burn our country? No please, dont incite people. Encourage people to talk and exhaust their brains.

  10. What a stupid gvt. This is wat they condemned during mmd rule, and now they ar doing worse than it was. If we let this gvt continue with this madness. Soon we shal be like egypt / syria!

    • Just get signatures of seven million eligible voters or more..that will be enough to demand for early elections and resignation of the president failure to which the 7 m zambians will withdraw pf mandate and take command of the zambian Armed forces…

  11. This has Xavier Chuungus fingerprints all over it. Watchdog journalists if you have to work on computers make sure your hard drives are encrypted. Work independently, you shouldn’t know your co workers. Don’t use your personal email addresses. PF is going to self implode eventually- no system built on intimidation and hatred lasts forever, in the meantime be one step ahead of them.

  12. You are pf useful ***** who can not see beyond your nose. Mmd allowed freedom of speech, assembly, association you name it freedoms that pf is trying day and night to take away From Zambian.

  13. At least now the gullible Zambians who were busy registering their SIM cards and ignorantly supporting that scheme will now wake up.


    • jay jay, crime prevention necessitated sim registration. criminals were buying a sim for 5 pin, use it to coordinate crime and throw it away. let’s not mix freedom of expression and national security. can you buy a sim in SA for example without identification & proof of residence abena jay jay?

    • @AccuGrade
      Like I said gullible people (like you), in all honesty its laughable to believe that a criminal who is hell bent on committing crime would be deterred by a simple SIM registration. You have absolutely no idea how valuable that data you gave the authorities is to them. This is the selfsame reason they are hell bent in blocking some websites as they now know the age group visiting them and from where.
      Wake up from your docility now!!

  14. The clock is ticking for the ZWD….Tik tak..tik tak tik tak. You cannot hide behind the internet forever. Facebook will soon delete their account as its not good business. Scandalising and defaming others is not what facebook was created for. MTN, Airtel, and other ISP companies in Zambia have to chose whether to remain in business or continue provide access to a forum that supports a worthless cause and in return lose their licence. BRAVO BOMA

    • Do you know how the Arab spring started? do you know what medium of communication they used ? These days face book supports any cause that promotes social justice and fair play. I wish most Zambians had fb, that way people would be informed about the true picture of how democracy is been eroded day by day. What’s happening now in Zambia is going to backfire on the ruling party

  15. In french Satan is is pronounced as sata. Sata n his angel are in full swing. They will inflick pain with the help of catholics and Membe at the axis. What Sata does not know is that journalist from Post, Daily Mail and times of Zambia and op staff are the ones sendin online articles in there individual capacity.

  16. Only those who are the enemy of the State can support ZWD online Media.Its operation is illigal its not a registered undertaking.It has an evil agenda well done Police.Why are they hiding why not telling us where they operate

    • That’s what happens when the gov’t of the day is neither accountable nor transparent and treats its citizens like school kids, when has Sata ever reassured the nation on live TV at a press conference? Independent online news websites like ZWD will always flourish under these conditions. Moreover when you remove the biased language out of the equation ZWD is always spot on 75-80% of the time…that’s far much better than being clueless and in the dark. Do your own research and you will find that this fact is true.

  17. Only tyrants need fear the publics right to freedom of speech. As for those of you supporting this government madness, well – even Hitler had his supporters, until he came after them, of course! Today we arrest journalists. Tomorrow it will be you, for simply disagreeing with the government.

  18. Job well-done! I call ’em Ukutambaimbwa unprofessional disgruntled elements trying to destroy Zambia! Go get ’em! ZP and your people we will get you!

    • I see you are sitting here in the US where you enjoy the freedom of the press. Hypocrite!

    • Why do you ask? Because you’ve come to the US, married some useless person for katupa and adopted a European-sounding name and no longer recognize Zambian names? Southern province names start with H. They are common, totally Zambian, and great-sounding.

      Take your inferiority complex and stick it where the sun don’t shine. I.D.I.O.T.

  19. And they will erroneously think they are “freedom fighters!” Go get ’em GRZ they are trying to bite the finger that fed them. Online pressure groups hiding behind the keyboard. It is better to remove cancer cells when in situ than wait for them to spread and cause more harm. Well done guys!

    • The Internet is a vehicle through which everyone is given a voice. You yourself are anonymously posting.

      The “finger” (which by the way should be “hand”) that is supposed to feed them is not doing so. Why the hell would anyone be against checks and balances provided by online publications?

      If they are false, ignore them.

    • They look lean and hungry to me. Not buffed up like the cops I see here. Are you really in the US?

  20. For those of you who have ‘first hand’ data;
    1) Have there been investigations to determine the legality of ZWD? In other words, does its existence break any Zambian laws?
    2) I would also have thought anyone who is aggrieved about its publications would take recourse to the law (bankrupt it through multiple defamation suits?)
    3) Is the ZWD identifiable as an entity operating under the auspices of any Zambian regulations?
    4) The process (breaking down someone’s gate, confiscating phones e.t.c.) has to be backed by proper authority/law. Otherwise this action smacks of a worrying trend that is setting itself in Zambia – rule of the jungle.
    5) If the ZWD survives, this action will now make more people want to read it, out of curiosity.

  21. PF politicians , most will run away after 2016. This is dictatorship at its worst. People like storella and father bwalya must be really feeling bad to have supported such a party to climb to the peak. No one is above zambia , we shall prevail, God is on our side and in support of ZWD. Sata is ruling zambia like he rules his homes.

  22. lol!!!!!!!! uzakamba kusongolo. You can run but you cant hide. There is time for everything. Big up Zp and Dec.

  23. Irresponsible reporting has been very alarming, belittling, insulting, sell out to outsiders, too fast going nowhere! The opposition have forced the govt to behave the way they are now doing. Remember that from day one that PF and Sata took over there has been far too much opposition with blantant hate thus bitterness and aggressive opposition as if election day is the following day. Many times it has been opposition for the sake of it! PF is now reacting. Cry less because you are the insigators of the clamp down. Opposition cadres in diaspora has been not so helpful too. Most of what they do is pour scorn on PF, they will never see any good at all. Lets wait and see where this leads us. Sometimes you deserve what you get, until you show remorse.

    • Until you show remorse – for what exactly. I’m sorry but you sound so primitive.

  24. Every time I read about whats happening with our government it makes me regret why I voted these chaps.Sata cried victim every time his freedom of expression was blocked when he was in opposition but now that he is on the other side of the gun its ok for him to pull the trigger.What a disappointment……

  25. Just leave this useless ZWD. They will never help HH win any ellection. However on the other hand, falsehood by the ZWD has gone to extremism. They just vote any thing they think of….it should not be so guys.

  26. Zim is slowly coming to Zed, what a shame. No wonder people say show them your friends and they will know what kind of a person you are.

  27. Yes,yes,yes…sort them out those thugs,pathological liars.Creptomaniacs beyond redemption .Is propelling lies another form of journalism?Rubbish,cheeky monkeys…you set very bad examples to your children with the useless writings.

    • Don’t waste your time here. You have more immediate needs like getting an education. “Creptomaniacs”??? What the hell?
      Your punctuation is also atrocious. Expecting you to have a higher level of understanding is therefore unfair to you.

  28. No wonder ZWD is scared! The President was chairing cabinet meeting yesterday at Cabinet office, ba ZWD want him to appear before them? Bloody liers and rumor mongrels, that’s why they should be closed. They are no different from the radio stations that aired hate programs against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Just inciting people to hate others and also inciting hate amongst tongas, Bembas and lozis. I don’t understand why there is so much hate from ZWD!

  29. The Boss @ 32, don’t lie, when did you vote for PF hiding in the US behind you free g-mail account? Real voters voted for PF while you were busy exercising your imaginary freedom of hate via your keyboard from the US. Come 2016, the same real voters you keep insulting every time your UPNDead loses a bye-election will again relegate you to the dustbin of history. Keep dreaming of your Zambian watchdog ever putting your under 5 into state house! It will never happen! With or without Sata, Zambian are not foolish to ever vote for tribal it’s like your HH for president. You can hire a thousand amsterdams and it still won’t happen!

    • Why do people assume that if you protest the deliberate flouting of constitutional law, then you want HH to be president.
      Sorry, not so.
      I have no knowledge of HH and so cannot endorse or condemn him as president. HOWEVER, I do know when people’s rights are not upheld and that I will condemn – whether via ZWD or not.

  30. LusakaTimes sometimes you behave so childishly! Why are you just publishing things lapdog style without establishing the truth first. And then you also withhold comments by so called “moderating” every comment you do not like! Going the Zambian watchdog way?

    • Yes. You can be carted away in the dark, with no recourse.

      How in Jesus name can anyone not see that this is wrong?

  31. @chikubabe, kleptomania…that’s how it’s spelt and has got nothing to do with what you think you vocabulary bankrupt soul and product of Kaunda regime. How can you be celebrating intimidatory governing methods only found in tyrannical countries this day and age? It really beggars belief!

    • And you are an ignorant dumbass if you think this is about cell phones.

  32. All those supporting zwd are demons.That’s not freedom of speech idi ots. lf i see u on the streets and hear u say what u say on zwd l can braw off yo dirty heads. Can u even compare the POST to zwd? Mwamashulu! Please may *****s be fixed please!

    • You would BRAW their heads off. Braw? Braw?

      The Internet is wonderful because anyone can post. The very people that obviously have a sub-standard education and would not ordinarily be selected to speak – are the ones advocating against freedom of speech/media!


  33. When pf begins to violet human rights in our country i will speak at de top of de voice but has bin so tolerant such dat dese tribalists are taking advantage . Scandalising,insults,unpatritism ,falsehood ,deformation of charector to u is journalism?

  34. Now its ZWD, next it will be ZWD bloggers.

    And I predict Zambia Union of Journalists’ reaction: “we condemn in the strongest possible terms the detention…blah blah blah”. And then back to sleep.

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