Monday, March 17, 2025

Guy Scott defends the Gabon Disaster Heroes National Stadium name


Vice President Guy Scott
Vice President Guy Scott

Vice President Guy Scott has this morning defended the naming of Lusaka stadium as Gabon Disaster Heroes National Stadium.

During the vice president’s question time in Parliament this morning, Dr Scott said that it was up to those not happy with the long name to chose to break it down.

Dr Scott pointed out that the demolished Dag Hammarskjold stadium in Ndola had its full name as Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Stadium but that people chose to ignore the Memorial part of the name.

The Vice President further stated that people are at liberty to take a private members motion to Parliament to seek a name change for the stadium.

Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili on Tuesday said Cabinet has finally approved the name of Lusaka stadium, which will be called ‘Gabon Disaster Heroes National Stadium’

“Cabinet has finally approved the name of Lusaka stadium, which will be called Gabon Disaster Heroes National Stadium. This is in honour of our national football team that perished in 1993 while on national duty,” Kambwili said.

Government’s decision to name the stadium Gabon Disaster Heroes National Stadium has not been received well by a majority soccer fans who prefer Heroes National Stadium.


  1. What a shame that such should be justified in parliament. Its so sad to see such a beautiful country being run by a government that is arrogant, cheap in its politics and so detached from its people and world at large. We shall claim our country back soon.

    • Thank your Vice president Dr Guy Scot,,, nothing wrong with that name… , people should just learn just pronounce it silently,,
      Those who donot like the name of the stadium are ALL BITTER people..big ups..

      Am waiting for press statement from the president Sata or acting president Lungu to officially seal the deal..

      gabon disaster national stadium… dont write in capital letters and dont say it out loudly… its great name,,, follow those steps you will love the name!!!!!

    • It absurdity and an utter scandal, that this is being proposed.

      The demeanour of Mr Kambwili is one that seems more confused than he

      The stadium is not for the ministers it is for the people that watch adore and support this team. They should request a say on the naming of the stadium.

      Why is FAZ quiet about this scandal?


    • FAZ was never quiet on the staduim name issue.. didnt you see those opposing tweets from kalusha??

      But who is mervin??,, why did you sign out as mervin?? kekekekekeke

    • SPOT ON: how can we win in such a stadium.

      #Phone Conversation#

      Me: Boi are you at the Gabon Disaster Stadium,has the game started?”

      Friend: “Man the game is disaster,Zambia is down 2 goals, Namibia has just scored their second goal”.

      Me: “Yaba, what more!!!”.

      To be continued……..

      [The Name Was A Joke]

  2. Listening to these PF bluffs, is like watching the movie Titanic and only hoping this time it wont sink! The truth is that have an incompetent crop of people in cabinet and public institutions and for this reason, the only direction of this boat is down!!!!

    • And Sata is like an unguided missile which you have to painfully watch not knowing where it’ll land.Too bad that missiles have no recall buttons coz this misnamed missile has landed badly on the zambian populace.

  3. There is nothing to defend here.We just have to go for heroes coz we all know which heroes are being referred to in the name.Hope that online petition circulation on social media reaches the required number of signatures.

    • Ndobo my brother i get your sarcasim but lets start protesting thats the only way, bachilamo ba aba, am so upset, i thought today i would wake up to an apology, kanshi i was just making myself feel better, we can do it if we want, we just stand together as Zambians, the fans, footballers, football organisations and see where this Disaster cabinet will end up, what a bunch of Disaster for lack of a better insulting word!

    • I have just read that government has changed the name to just Heroes national stadium.This is one of fastest moves from government i guess.The peoples cries have been heard by the listening government.Lol

  4. ….says Guy Scott while secretly laughing at the name. ” wouldn’t happen in Scotland “

  5. Foolish government, always defending wrong things. They can not for once say sorry, we will change. Too arrogant, we will change you, come 2016.

  6. Hey Mr Vice President sir, i am sure even you you were surprised to learn of that Long boring name of ”Disaster something” say it again Mr Vice President… Garbon Whaa…t?

  7. PF , listen please. This name issue can make you lose the 2016 elections. I for one if you stick to this pathetic name, I will not vote for you but will vote for a person who will promise to change the name from Gabon Disaster to Heroes stadium. I am warning you in advance. Almost all Zambians are saying No no no to this rubbish name.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • your name sounds bitter..“truth hates“… you need deliverence!…
      When you are delivered of bitterness by PF prayers,, then you will love that name… the name is just cool bananas

    • How are you going to vote sir? Absentee ballot in Zed? Please enlighten us so we can all make our voices count in 2016!

  8. THESE PF guys are really dull such that they cant even come up with proper naming of state facilities. It was “90 Days Legacy Swimming Pool” and now its Gabon Disaster Heroes National Stadium”, come on you PF chaps, you mean there is no sensible person in PF to advise people like muzungu opusa and Kambwili?

  9. Don’t waste time debating,PF is not a listening Government,” Its a party of *****s by *****s!”

  10. This name will forever bring bad memories. Not naming this name won’t mean we don’t remember the heroes. Please try naming it something else maybe KK 11 Heroes stadium if we really want to name it after the fallen heroes otherwise this long name will always bring bad memories. We can use names like Godfrey Ucah Chitalu stadium or Chitalu Chola stadium after some of the greatest players we ever had that is Godfrey Chitalu and Alex Chola. I personally never watched these men because I was too young during their pick years but all the stories I have heard about them are great stories. The government can go ahead and name the Stadium what they feel is the right name but I think we need to think positive and use positive names without disrespecting the deceased.

  11. Are you PF numskulls serious? It’s just laughable that anything that Sata says appears to be taken as policy regardless how senseless it is. Does this guy have anyone to offer him sound advice? May FAZ write an official statement condemning the name! Who can win a game in a stadium called ‘Disaster’?

  12. ironically Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Stadium had memorial in it for the remembrance of the UN dead dignitary and not disaster.Hope you get the hint!

  13. This VP, like always, is just being sarcastic !!! He wouldn’t defend this “Disaster” name if a stadium in his home country was involved !! If I was near that guy I would give him TWO really HOT CLAP, and he would deserve it too !!!
    This CHAP is simply pretends to be on SATA’s side, he is actually setting him & the PF up for a people’s revolution !!

  14. Am officially calling all zambians to protest against this shameful descion by our Government, if i was in ZED i would definately behave like an Arab, baya sana ba mbuli aba, now you making me insult, am almost there,
    What’s wrong with you kanshi? mwaya sana, I ask zedians not to attend any football match to be organised in that field if they dont change the name, lets stand together people they dont want to listen to us we should make them, Zero fans as long as that name goes!

  15. Pretest protest protest.
    No show for any matches held at Disaster stadium, no show including FAZ am sure they are also not happy, Kalusha organise your people make sure no show, players no show please twapapata, no show, protest mwebantu this comedy has gone too far let Chimbili fellow disaster friends responsible for such go and play their soccer in their disaster stadium!

  16. The VP is not even a sports person. I have hardly seen him participate in sports the way KK did in golf and soccer. People who have NO interest in what the majority feel will always bull doze their way through. This same stadium will be a venue not only for soccer enthusiastic but other sporting events like running etc. hence “Gabon” and “Disaster” will not fit well. We should be thinking about producing Heroes and not Disaster legends.

  17. Basically the PamaFi(PF) Government wanted to be remembered as a PF Disaster as a memorial of their Disaster Governance and having messed up the Country.But they should name the House they’re constructing for Sata as SATA NATIONAL DISASTER HOUSE.

  18. Heep, Heep, Hooray, they have changed it to Heroes National Stadium. Mwamona, PF is a listening government.

  19. It is a truly a sad reflection of our country that a FULL CABINET meeting can come up with and endorse such a pathetic name….one cannot help but wonder what other useless policies such a cabinet has endorsed without our knowledge!

    God save us from these anti-thinkers!

    • Goes to show you how busy and deeply committed they are to our concerns. Only geniuses can come up with such a brilliantly descriptive name. With all their might and all their brains they thought and thought hard and deep and finally, a ray from the sky tore through the clouds and the name was born!

      1993 Gaborn Aeroplane Zambia National Team Chipolopolo Disaster Stadium Ltd, SC

      What a name. And all done in less than 90 days.


  20. Names have a bearing on the character of the named. Names are composed of words and words have to be uttered or spoken to formulate or define a direction or characteristic of that name.

    Parents give names to their children that define good character and hope. Mabvuto, Masautso Mapenzi, Misozi are names that sound fantastic but do not define good hope. There are names of lamentations and do glorify suffering and despair.

    As a result God changed certain names to suit His vision and plan for the person in question. Saul became Paul, Abram became Abraham and Sarai became Sara.

    I appreciate that the loss of our national team was a DISASTER, but for God’s sake that cannot be a name!

  21. You Dr Scott, don’t betray intelligence. Your reference to Dag… Stadium in Ndola does not answer the people’s demand, and we don’t need a motion in Parliament to change name. Were there motions for the recent Airport name changes or for the name change from Independence Stadium?

    As a matter of fact, you should have built a brand new stadium somewhere in Lusaka and call it a suitable Heroes stadium name.

    You must listen to what people are saying.

  22. i can imagine how PF would have ridiculed this circus had it been done whilst they were in opposition. Politicians have very short memories indeed.

  23. Scott is merely a ceremonial veep a deadwood and empty suit wasting taxpayer’s money.
    If only Zambians were this proactive and vocal on their overall welfare as they are on this pointless issues that would put food on their table – corruption, filth in the streets would have been eradicated by now.
    Wake up people!!

    • Very true Jay Jay, It is sad but very true, we have too many useful *****s. How did we reach this level? The Zambians I grew up with were very intelligent people, something is absolutely gone wrong. Thank God we still have your kind.

  24. No one has followed the article seriously including the reporter himself. Now that it is to the pipo to chose. Dey have done so de govt has listened nd we shall ve ‘heroes national stadium’.Tho shd start with National. Stop hatred bashetani & reason!

  25. If they refuse to change the name let them watch alone at Garbon Disaster. I for one can go to a stadium with such a folish name.
    What were they thinking?

  26. If they refuse to change the name let them watch alone at Garbon Disaster. I for one can go to a stadium with such a folish name.
    What were they thinking?
    Sorry I meant CANNOT go to a stadium with such a folish name.

  27. I understand Kambwili has backed down on the Disaster part of the name.
    Where then does this leave you Mr. Scott?
    Very odd fellow you are – it seems you just support any utterances from your party members to show solidarity.
    What about your own thoughts or did you compromise those together with your intergrity?

  28. Never mind about this PhD retard called Guy Scott, he’s a failure politically ,socially misfit,womanizer, a drunkard ,name it.The chap could not impress even a former bus conductor but busy dribbling the equally retarded ,womanizer social misfit Satana ,illiterate in the name of Micheal Satana.

  29. Now Guy Scott is eating his own words and i hope they are bitter in his tummy,such is the prize of arrogance.The people have won.

  30. Tell your stupid muzungu that “memorial” and “disaster”are two different things. Memorial because of what Dag stood for, but for Zambia disaster does not stand well!!! thats what pipo are saying hullo

  31. The ” Gabon Disaster” part has been dropped.The last part “Heroes National Stadium” is the adopted name stop insults ba kolwe.I told u on ZWD that the name was a ploy to divert yo thinking from more embarrassing issues like satas inactivity,zambeef embalming lies,no money in our pockets, no fuel in our tanks,no bumper harvest this year e.t.c. Kambwili is a genius.

  32. As expected, useless chap will defend anything his boss says and then will go to Europe and say we are all fools he was going with the flow. Useless old man!

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