Friday, March 7, 2025

UPND dismisses calls for opposition alliance


Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) says it’s not interested in forming an alliance with other opposition political parties.
MMD vice president Brian Chituwo has called for the need for the opposition in the country to form one strong party to effectively confront the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

Speaking in an interview with Qfm, UPND Deputy Secretary General Kuchunga Simusamba says such a course will mean all Members of Parliament from the opposition forfeiting their parliamentary seats and by-elections being held.

Mr. Simusamba has maintained that forming one strong opposition political party is not in the best interest of the country as it will be at a great cost to country through the holding of by-elections.

Mr. Simusamba says the UPND is instead preparing itself to form the next government by making itself more attractive and by strengthening all its party structures ahead of the 2016 general elections.


  1. Honestly speaking cant we hope for a strong opposition? how weak are yousuch that you cant stand up tp the current government on your own? When you make such sentiments , you let your opponent know that you are very weak and afraid of them.
    Too bad, it seems PF is just comfirming their utterancies of having no opposition!

  2. pride. pride. forming the next govt where on earth? the sinking MMD is even in a better position to form the next govt.

  3. The much dream aclaimd is fr UNDP!Loose aliances & pf govt ….yah loope hole fr pf to amass masive fore front atacks politicaly!Only one moto remaining fr UNDP to campaign on age yurpings! Yurp the loudest if T all the may yield votes!A dream of life!Iregional economist has an upheal batle!

  4. Put somebody with mordern and modest mind like Garry Nkombo as your leader. HH doesnt inspire anyone . He lacks the aura to draw people. HH listern . You will never rule Zambia .

  5. Dr Banda is another good option to rule UPND. The party is failin to sail because HH lacks the qualities of late Mazoka MHSRP

  6. Alliance would make opposition strong not the way they are and they will loose more seats in parliament

  7. Bt simusamba my brother i admire yo courage ma dear thats actuary true how can UPND enter an alliance with the likes of chipono,nawakwi,milupi,magande,mumbas, pipo who dont knw how to campaign i saw them in mpongwe the guyz are lazzy in this case HH is better going alone with his team ask sata he’s one of the beneficiary u cant enter in an alliance with pipo who can not perform bafikala,talking abt nkombo jst ask him he cant much da big HH even in mzka he’s useles unles da upnd & big HH favours him so tolking abt GN its like …………

  8. MMD has the foresight. That is how the opposition in Kenya managed to remove the ruling party ! They are only suggesting a Strategic Alliance (NOT forming ONE big political party) to achieve the objective of removing the PF. How can an Alliance lose each party’s parliamentary seats??
    The dream of becoming the next president may soon fade if the opposition cannot even work together to unseat PF !! It’s a shame, indeed !!

  9. You keep on dreaming you *****s if at all you may even come close to be second to PF. You are so timid with your thinking as if PF will not want to go for another term. You will keep on crying until you stop being so Tongalish.

  10. Unless u guyz who are calling for an alliance are fieces remember in 2006 unip,fdd & upnd were in an alliance bt to my suprise mama edith were not compagning so fi pf jst wait 2016 HH akamifunya fye bwino all alone….

  11. @nkonde wa nkonde ma brother wat do u want from the south pipo that u did not get to call them tonglish? U see ma bro that tribe tag have jst failed to pull UPND down pipo are tired of hearing that cant u change the stratege?

  12. Chapala kwati UPND yena tabamipele kwati fyobamipele unip na mmd bafikala fyenu HH tewakwangasha bane elo mukose fye sata knws better mpongwe,kapiri,lukulu & livingstone mwalilusa konse uku jst join them ma bro……….

  13. How does UPND think of forming government in 2016 when they have no structures in Northern, Muchinga, Luapula and Eastern provinces and their leader is not even known there. Dream on UPND! But do not cry when you fail again!

  14. hahahahaaaaa heeheeee kekekekee! UPND wining the 2016 elections ….Oh my foot.
    Continue dreaming guys for you have that right to dreaming.

    Peace and Prosperity to mother Zambia.

  15. HH was offered VP by Sata he refused. Sata is presido and HH should have been VP by that ‘marriange of convenience’. Everyone knows that HH will demand to be the leader of the Position. And that’s where the problem is. HH must state if he is prepared to serve at any level of the alliance. The bottomline is PF will easily win the 2016 polls under the currecnt circumstance.

  16. Is the UPND Deputy Secretary General Kuchunga Simusamba think through or merely reacting because he is on radio and thinks he will lose his job? Think Zambia! Forming of a strong opposition is key to the survival of Zambia.
    Simple analysis will tell the UPND Deputy Secretary General Kuchunga Simusamba that an opposition alliance can be formed without dissolving existing Parties with Members of Parliament i.e. MMD and UPND while a new Party is formed merging the various different parties Manifestos with a clear plan on how they intend to 1. get into Government in2016 2. the way they intend to run Government
    3. Mission, objectives, aims with specific directional plans once in Government
    4. translated Government plans the way they avoid CNP of running government.
    Action needed

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