Friday, March 7, 2025

We have served the people diligently- NWP MPs


Members of Parliament (MPs) from the north-western province say they have diligently fulfilled their respective mandates to meet the aspirations of Zambians.

The MPs claimed that this was contrary to President Michael Sata’s statement that they have failed to do so.

Reading a 9 paged-communiqué on behalf other parliamentarians at a press briefing held at Parliament Buildings in Lusaka today, MMD Kasempa MP Kabinga Pande said President Sata should take development to all parts of the country unlike those areas that voted for him or regional preference and interest.

Mr. Pande said the people of north-western province are aware of the lopsided development that is taking place since the ruling PF assumed power in September 2011.

Mr. Pande cited the Solwezi/Chingola road which is in a dilapidated state and yet it contributes to the economy of Zambia through the transportation of copper.

The Kasempa parliamentarian further urged President Sata to elevate Stephen Musuumba into a cabinet minister in accordance with his campaign promises in the Mufumbwe parliamentary by-elections.

Other parliamentarians who attended the press briefing are MMD Solwezi West MP Humphrey Mwanza, Elijah Muchima (Ikelenge), Ambrose Lufuman (Kapombo West) and , Sarah Sayifwanda from Zambezi East.

UPND parliamentarians however allegedly shunned the meeting and efforts to get a comment from them proved futile by press time.
But Chief Government Spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni has on several occasions dismissed assertions attributed to the Head of State suggesting that the PF government is not delivering on its promises.

Mr. Sakeni says right thinking Zambians should rally behind President Sata and the Patriotic Font government in its quest to develop the nation irrespective of regions.



    • I second that. Please people of Kasempa never give this muppet your vote again! Why didn’t his party MMD put up a good road in the 20 years they were in power? I have never heard any contribution in parliament attributed to this chap Lufuman. My Nubian Princess, have you?

    • @Chekov, No I have never even heard of this Lufuman! People in Zambia accept mediocrity and injustice that’s just the problem.

  1. PF is a tribal and regional government. The truth hurts. A parallel intelligence service has also been created to serve the same tribal and regional government. The national intelligence service is alleged to contain a lot of “ba mwisa” who cannot be trusted. So as usual only those “who can work” with the emperor in his “language” can be trusted!

  2. This is another shall waste of time and double standard at its best. Kabinga Mpande a full cabinet minister and never spoke about maintaining or working on chingola- Solwezi road because he was eating and sleeping well. Now the bitter pill of being in opposition and the failure to develop his constituency is catching up with him. Which development did can be point at in 16 yrs he has been an Mp and a minister? Mpande is a crook and a shameless liar. Which part of Zambia has been receiving more development than other parts? People like Mpande are a cancer dangerous to the nation.

    • I do not think pande has been MP for 16 years. Just a few years ago, he was Bank of Zambia spokes person. I stand to be corrected.

  3. I think “dullness’ has a difference meaning in Zambia. That word is really overused. Or is it the case of translation from Bemba to English. The job of parliamentarians is to enact laws, not to carry out development project. That is the duty of the executive. Sata is a good example of Mobutu who poured ,massive resources in his province at the expenses of other regions.

  4. They are talking about the road as if it has just fallen out the sky in the last 2 years! This road was in existence for the 20 years ago their party was in power and these chaps have used it every 5 years when they have to campaign and visit their constituencies. A road alone is not enough for a boom town like Solwezi, it needs a modern sewage system to contain pollution of the ground water due to increased population. These MP’s should be talking about problems affecting people in NW Province not worry about their posh vehicles.

    • How can you have development without proper road infrastructure? A road or railroad should always be built first. It is on this road that you will transport the construction materials for your sewer system, your hospital, your house, your school etc. A bad road just adds up to the construction costs. Besides doesn’t Northwrstern Province produce half the copper in Zambia. The 20 years of MMD were under three different administrations. The longest was Chiluba’s with Sata as his Minister and Party Secretary General for a decade. Those Northwestern Province MPs have never been there for 20 years nor 10 years. Get your facts right!


  6. Well, the job of MPs is first and foremost to make laws, repeal them, amend them, approve constitutional appointments and, to some extent, lobby for community-based projects from NGOs, friends. MPs can lobby government to timely release budgeted resources for projects in his/her area.

    Once the budget is passed into law by parliament and the President consents – it becomes law. The MP and President would be breaking the law if they force the Minister of Finance to divert funds from projects in constituencies under opposition – IS THIS WHAT THE GOVERNMENT IS ADVOCATING FOR – LAWLESSNESS?? I THINK AND HOPE NOT.

  7. our NWP copper is building Muchinga province. and the MPs are quite about it. Sata is right, the NWP MPs are too quite and seem content with the poverty of the province. NWP MPs wakeup

  8. A bunch of dull MPs job hunting in PF government. What tangible things have you done for your pipo? If its muchima we don’t even know if you exist? Dad Sata don’t employ them you are allergic to dullness and lazyness in these MPs KIKIKIKI

  9. These MP don’t think a bit, the President was just telling them if development is going to come to your area start representing your pipo. you mp go back to him and tell him that we the pipo of NW we need development.

  10. Country men and women
    The MMD of Mpande constructed The Mutanda Chavuma road,connected chavuma to electricty,opened Lumwana Mine,revamped Kanshima,constructed several clinics,and high schools in the province and started the project of connecting the province to the national grin and Kasempa is one of the districts which benefited.
    Is the president telling us that even his deputy ministers like Masumba and Chingimbu they don,t tell him anything.
    Mr.President you tell me you dont know the problems of the people of North=western province.

    Anyway the characteristic of failures is that there is always the blame syndrome.
    People of North western never be cheated this government has failed us and let us find means to protect our God given resources.
    Where there is Resistance,force must…

  11. MMD MP blaming PF for not developing roads?? How long have the attendees been MPs and why didnt they think about roads or have they just noticed, now that they no ruling? How sad.

  12. PF convinced the people of Zambia that MMD was not working and that they would do better. That is why they were put in power. These PF chaps should stop blaming the MMD for their failures, we the people know that MMD was inadequate thats why we put you chaps so that you work! Please talk this nonsense of talking about MMD you dull chaps.

  13. Only Barotse people who knows exactly what they want. No future for mother Zambia . It’s so dark at the end of the tunnel , shame!

  14. Ba Pande cili shani? Why are you asking the president to elevate Masumba? Just join PF and you will be appointed Minister.

  15. if all fails ,war will be the answer. start by increasing traffic in chavuma with angola border.

  16. Action by people of NWP is needed. Sata and his cohorts are not interested in developing the province. Look at how he has duped the retarded masumba.

  17. It is a matter of time and that province will soon be the best in all soon. All they can do is delay. Nobody stays in power forever. It is a God blessed province. Marginalizing development from The province will never help.

  18. Lets avoid rwanda repeat or what is happening in Congo now. Its takes a match stick to ignite a big flame.

  19. Daudi,
    The MMD had one manifesto, change of administration should not affect their developmental policies! For 20 years the country was ruled by MMD government and change in MP’s should not be excuse for not working on the road. These are government projects, the MP’s only lobby the govt for development projects in their provinces and the govt engages the contractors. The question you should ask your self is why the MMD members of Parliament did not lobby the govt in the 20 years their party was in power?

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